(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Stephanie</font>

Duno lah.. according to their letter to us hor.. is as long as baby is in car den baby has to be properly secured by an approved child restraint, doesn't matter whose car or who is the driver.

I also believe is not because DH is the driver. They didn't even take down Jed's particular... how they know tt's e son?? e TP only took down DH's particular.</font>

<font color="dc143c">jen</font>

ooh... then only cab can no car seat ah??
huh... then if fren wanna give a ride n he dun have car seat then cannot hitch???

but then i tried cereal initially ok..then last 3 days reject... yest carrot not interested...today sweet potatoes more interest but still not that keen...

wats wrong?? she dun wanna eat???
huh.. wat if u take cab?? no car seat also mah... nan dao have to carry the car seat every where we go meh?? abit no logic leh..
a couple of times, i've sat in e car at e backseat with my gal in e manduca.but got wear seatbelt la.i sling e seatbelt over my body n e straps below her feet.so e seat belt is not on her.

I tot TP dun catch ppl who dun put child in car seat cos really never heard before.

Jen - e TP must b really on! Hope ur appeal is successful!

My gal is not really keen on drinking milk.drinking lesser.she prefer cereal.i usually add heinz pear puree inside to mix.
I'm still waiting for 6months to start her on cereals but she's really gian on my food! Ytd was eating apple and carrying her and she tried to grab the apple in my hands. So I let her control my hands and the apple ended in her mouth!!!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Rach</font>

Ya.. tink only public tpt dun need car seat lor. U can hitch a ride lah.. dun get caught lor.

Is Rayanne teething? Few reason could be teething, texture of e food, distracted, slow down of growth &amp; last but not least... she's nt ready for semi-solid. Not all baby are ready for semi-solid @ 6mths old. My #2 was only ready for cereal @ bout 8 mths &amp; porridge after his 1yo birthday.

<font color="aa00aa">Milkyway</font>

Public Tpt dun need car seat... only pte car. V stupid rule lor.. imagine last time 1 saloon car can take in a big family. Now you need a MPV if you have 3 young children &amp; helper.

<font color="0000ff">bernice</font>

I didn't know TP was so ON too.. Tink we jus suay lor. Btw have a great trip ya</font>
Jen> but she was eating for the 1st 3 days?? not enough some more.. i told her no more.. (coz i only prepared 1teaspoon) and she cried...

then these 3 days she pursed her lips tight tight... i did make these more gooey, less watery...
so maybe can try to make it more watery and see if she eats??
Jennifur, huh!!!! Then for pple with say triplets, how to have 3 car seat in a normal sedan? Even if the sedan is damn big and 3 seats can be fitted behind, where will the maid sit? Doesn't make sense.

Avocado - is this suitable as the baby first food after cereal? Can we keep the unfinished one in baby cubes and in freezer?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Fitti Promo</font>

I dun mind getting some M size cos the 2 L size I bought the other time is just too big for Jaelle. Anyone ordering can slot me in? Me staying in Bedok. But I can also collect from the north. </font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

If u can slot me in I ok la.. But u need 6 packs right? i dun need so many packs wor. Me no space to store leh...Plus i just bought 1 pack pampers M 68pcs yest.

tinking of getting maybe ard 2 more M size. </font>
food allergy should be very obvious, like sudden onset of rashes, eyes or mouth can also swell.

well...i think some of the recommended easy to prepare without cooking 1st foods under 'fruits' include avocado, apple, pear, banana and papaya i think. actually i think most can freeze. the book i got said avocado not suited for freezing but jen told me can...and actually online also got different opinions, so i guess up to mommy's comfort level.

welcome. were u the eunice that wanted to join me, paige and rach that time for gelare at causeway pt? never heard from you after that.
MIL gave me some sweet red apples tdy. Shall try Sam on them 2moro. Poor boy has been eating nothing but cereal the past 2 weeks coz mummy's too lazy to buy other stuff :p
Actually.. I shd be sorting out my Babymall spree items. Oh dear, but I dun wanna do work.

Ok I shall go sleep. (Wonder if Hubs will be zidong enough to buy supper for me?)
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">jul...</font>

direct translation ah...
haha.. ur hub only went out to ghost-mix n u cant slp..
If u were me, I tink u must be zombified by now.. hurhur~</font>
Ling> u still want Tom pang me? Short of 1M also..
dun need u to take all 6 la.. Cuz after posting also got other mummies SMS me wanna get..
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

haha... okok.. i take the 1 M from u also ba.. then if jolimilk confirms.. then I got 2 Ms.. hurhur~</font>

update on how sam goes with the apple puree k? prepare for some very cute comical expressions. i wished i had someone around to take a video when my girl first tried her apple puree. but just a tip (from my experience) don't shove a big spoon (like when u feed cereal) for the 1st try. coz thats what silly me did and i think i gave my girl a shock she ended up kept spitting it out. ytd when i tried to feed her again, i sort of place the spoon and tap a wee bit puree on her lips and let her ownself stick out her tongue to 'taste' it first, and this time - successful! she ate alot eventually!

okie, i'm off to bed too. gd nite!
jenn> huh? den i latch baby how? oso cannot? -_-

n isitn't it funny? wat if we took a cab? baby oso no car seat wat

kiki> erms. solid foods is so much more troublesome.

i went to read until i fell asleep. no idea what time hubs came home. this am he din even hear sam make noise at 5am. i got up, stuffed pacifier, put milk in the warmer n went back to sleep hee. after that, i refused to wake up till he fed sam


oh.. thanks 4 the tip. if u din mention, i'll just shovel in a big mouthful
<font color="119911">berrypie, Michelle, milkway18</font>
oh! in office no need to sterilize? I thought the bottles and parts aren't "clean" when we move it around after taking it out from the sterilizer. I'm extra careful cos my boy had jaundice for a very long time, indicating a weaker liver.

I didn't think of sterilizing at home and put in fridge to continue keeping it sterile is alright.

Thx for sharing. Aiya...but my office fridge not enough space to put my plastic container leh...sigh...
<font color="0000ff">Belting Up</font>
<font color="119911">jen and all</font>, I'm surprised to know that Singapore also enforces this law. I also thought that the TP here is easy on this. I know in Australia, they are very strict about child safety.

Found this info:
If my friend has a kid who is below 8 years old and they want to hitch a ride in my car and my car has no child seats, will I be penalized if I were stopped by TP?
All private vehicles that come with seat belts will have to abide by the seat belt rules so if you have a child below 8 years old travelling with you, you will need to have a child seat for him. Generally, our officers will exercise flexibility if such rides are infrequent and on ad-hoc basis. However, if the rides are frequent or regular, it is advised that you discuss with your friend on investing in a child seat.


Even more surprised your appeal din get thru since they are supposed to exercise flexibilty. I also always feed baby in the car. How not to right?
<font color="119911">Ling,</font> yes, yes, available. Thanks for being our missing piece
I replied your PM. Can't wait to place order! Has been difficult...

<font color="119911">tlisa</font>, thanks for informing Ling
<font color="119911">Fitti 360 Diaper at Sengkang</font>
Anyone ordering in Sengkang? I wanna tompang 5 packs of L.
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">bbq</font>

That's why lor.. I rem last time my dad's saloon car can squeeze 4 adults &amp; 5 children hor.. Now a family of 5 might need to invest in a MPV.

<font color="aa00aa">michelle</font>

Can latch.. dun get caught.. Or let bb cry all e way lor, tape it down den post on youtube.

Public Tpt dun need car seat... just pte cars.

<font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

Kim didn't like apples puree?? Tt's Jed's fav leh so far. Maybe it's bcuz I always mix it w cereal for him. His fav is apple puree, follow by sweet potato, avocado, banana &amp; his least fav so far is pumpkin (takes smaller mouth).

I finally finish e oatmeal cereal so Jed will start on brown rice today w his apple puree *hee*

<font color="aa00aa">Jul</font>

nvm.. Aunite Jen to e rescue.. next wk Sam will hv avocado to eat

<font color="0000ff">jolimilk</font>

Ya, I read bout e <font size="+1">exrcise flexibilty</font> part, tt's why ask my DH to go appeal. But so much for their flexibility, even appeal thru our MP also get rejected *sigh*

<font color="aa00aa">Rach</font>

Then you have to trial &amp; error till you get the rite texture for Rayanne... She will nv starve herself so e best thing you can do is to jus continue to offer food &amp; relax about how much is eaten. Our baby actually don't really pick food till they bcome toddler.</font>
er.. tried to make apple puree with my munchkin grinder but it doesn't work! i cut the apples into small cubes, put it into the grinder. but no matter how hard i push down n turn the grinder, i only get juice n no puree! why ah? issit coz i din steam the apple?


i am so idiotic! dunno how to make puree!

how do i process avocado? just mash right? no need to grind or blend or whatever right? so frustrated!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul</font>

U must steam e apple to make it soft... if nt how you grind. I find e munchkin grinder abit tiring to use.

Avocado just cut e desire size &amp; mash w fork will do</font>
Jennifur, your mp not power enough. Go to the constituency whereby the mp is also the transport minister. Or you can write to ST forum.
oh still got xmasc side to collate..lets wait for her to reply how much she needs.
Itsy, would u mind if you order again when the orders are collated?
bbq> yup.. its velcro.. not drypers kind...
and the tape abit short..cant wear for too fat waist babies. unless huggies very long tape...
yes, initially kim didn't like the apple puree, u should have seen her face! but now seems ok...still got cute funny expressions but at least she's eating.

jul, jen
oh...when making apple puree we have to steam first? :p i didn't know that, i thought just cut up into cubes and throw into blender then can already! jul, didn't u buy a braun handheld blender? why so xinku use the munchkin grinder? use your blender and 1 shot make more apples lor! hehe...

avocado must be green then ripe is it? its also suppose to feel soft on the outside is it? i bought my avocado but its still hard hard like rock although its already green! don't dare to cut it to try yet.
kiki> Green is NOT ripe!!
it has to be very brown then ripe... mine still not ripe enough so i yet to make for Rayanne..
when its ripe.. u hold in ur palm and press will be soft to touch de..
oh..brown the ripe? oh no... i thought green then ripe! went to buy the green ones. but the brown one were also hard. i couldn't remember which was which so got the green ones. silly me!

are you gals still having prenatal hair loss? my hair still dropping a lot! it will keep dropping like this till when ah?
