(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

It's on e left side, at the chiller shelves, together w those organic veg.</font>

kiki> my boy dun like drink water leh. at most he drinks 5-10ml, den blow bubble liaos -_-" but when i let him drink apple juice, he so happy -_-" faint. de real time he dun reject water is when i feed him thru de syringe. grrs

my boy prefers milk lo. he drink 3*150ml feed while at infant care, latch once before n after infant care, dreamfeed another 160ml. but he's still so small size. only 6.8kg today n 67cm when i measured him 2wks back -_-

rusk biscuit can eat at 4mths? i tot i saw must be able to sit properly first?

jenn> erms. need to persuade my hubby to give my boy sweet potato. wonder where he get de idea of sweet potato alot of wind from. btw, how do u know which is japanese sweet potato? n can share ur sweet potato recipe? thanx
maybe i'll get avocado instead. can share recipe oso? =p btw avocado can prepare n freeze or not ah? which fruits can? prefer to make those tat can.
rusk biscuits - thats what the box says...4-6 mths.

avocado need no recipe, just scoop out and mash it. can mix with some milk too. but its not suitable for freezing, so u gotta feed fresh.
Avocado> i checked the First Foods Book.. it says more variety for 6-9mos of age leh..
but i check Top 100 it says 4-6 mos.. hahha...

whatever la...

Sweet Potatoes> its true they cause wind. my mum went to see doc before due to stomach problems..
Doc says dun eat sweet potatoes, potatoes and beans stuff (豆类)..coz they causes wind...
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Cloth Books</font></font>

gotten the contact..

hohohoho... i'll bring in myself...
$3 each with no min qty...

PM me if keen...
cloth books - i bought from the bp seller before and jacob has been playing with them since birth. now he is keen to use the teether attached to some books. i think its quite a good buy, just tt the books are made in china... so a bit skeptical of the ingredients used. but since i bot liao so still use lor, best part is can just dump in the washing machine! also since its made in china, so the books have chinese translation. good part is can teach babies chinese but hor their chinese and ours a bit different so tt is the not so good part...

sweet potatoes - yup it causes wind. my mum nags me since young wor... haha but nvm lar, babies can just fart them out. juz give them freshly made ones lor, dun freeze?

solids - hmmm.... since his breath and poo will stink, i am really gonna be patient in introducing solids! i so love his breath now!!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

I'm heading Causeway Point shortly.. will help you check if they have it.

<font color="aa00aa">Michelle</font>

Avocado just mash &amp; feed. Sweet Potato - I'll steam den use e liquid to blend

e Japanese ones are red on the outside. I will also get the Okinawan sweet potatoes which is purple in colour.

Apple/carrots/pumpkin/sweet potato/pears/butternut squash all can be forzen

Just rem.. feed everything in moderation...

I can help you ask the Chinese Physician next wk when I bring Jed in for massage. She didn't said anything when I mention on Tues. She jus said Jed's skin might appear yellowish which is caused by the beta-carotene. Baby's body will convert the beta-carotene make vitamin A, excess will be deposit to the skin thus slight yellowish. But it's harmless &amp; will fade away.</font>

Need ur advice. Once the pureer is frozen in the bb cubes, can i store them in the normal ziplock bag or can i continue to store in the bb cube until for the next use?
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">berrypie</font>

I remove &amp; store by per feed amt in ziplock bag then put in lock &amp; lock container. I think should be ok if yr bb cube has it's individual lids</font>

how to choose a ripe one?

i tried to buy once and the flesh is so hard like rock...
i choose the dark colour one which i heard is good...
<font color="dc143c">cloudme</font>
Avocado turns from green to dark green(almost like brown) when its ripe.. they should feel soft to touch.. not VERY soft.. but definitely not hard.

Even if u buy bright green ones, its okay.
Leave them on ur kitchen table and u should see it changing colors in a few days and u can use what u need when it has ripened..

I used to make alot of avocado juice when i was preggy..and before that.. hehee.. :p

Blend it with milk and mixed in pure cocoa or gula melaka.. heavenly!! :p
Dun forget to put in ice as well.. :p
I need advice.

For now, we start off feeding baby with cereal, then we proceed to puree of single veg/fruit, then we can feed them combinations of cereal, veg and fruit... when do we start feeding porridge?

My granny told me to grind Ikan bilis to powder and make porridge for Ian. I understand it's a good source of calcium but is this advisable for bb? Is Ikan Bilis "clean" cos of the drying process and how it's sold.

my boy having diahorea since 13feb, everyday bout 4-6times. seen doc 4 times. thomson 24hr, kidslink, dr keoy 2 times. today i buay tahan liao, i bring the stools and show PD =P he say is indigestion.. and it might last another 2 weeks =/ the wipes veri siong leh..
i got a question abt avocado. can i like make the puree of the whole avocado and keep in the fridge (not freeze) for a few days? coz baby can't possibly finish the whole avocado in 1 day rite? is that ok? say...keep for 5 days?

my aunty also advise me to grind ikan bilis! she said to fry it first without oil. but i'm wondering can it be fried without oil??? won't chao tar? i think those days ppl don't feed puree one. my MIL looked shocked when i said i gonna make puree and freeze for 1wk. she said i crazy give 'frozen' kept food to baby. needless to say, i think i'm gonna kanna nag when she comes my place and see frozen baby food in my freezer!

oh dear...how come your boy kanna diahorea? what did he eat? indigestion of what?
i also dunno y got diahorea. he onli drink milk leh. also dunno indigestion of wat. dunno izzit diahorea becos got one fly stay on his tie on 13feb.. after he fly away my boy go suck his tie =/ from then he diahorea until now.
sigh...now rather sleepy from Boy's waking up in wee hours in the middle of the night. How nice if there's a bed next to me now.

<font color="0000ff">co-sleeping</font>
Aiyo...looks like different Drs have their own prognosiso. Which to follow now...
<font color="119911">rach</font> ya la, same same. I latch him and I just fall asleep. That's why I say co-sleep is very convenient, only that he's taking up too much space now when he spreads his arms open.
<font color="119911">Michelle</font>, thanks for the advice. I don't store anymore already, no time, but still have to pump in office. Do you have 2 sterilizers and flange, etc too? So trouble to have to carry them home every weekend.

<font color="119911">Gerald</font>, could it be coliq if he's crying the same time everyday? I read that coliq can happen till about 7mths old...?

<font color="119911">Jul</font>, oh dear...is Sam netter now? You must have gotten a shock too. Don't blame yourself, your boy needs you to be strong for him, and he'll probably need lots of comforting these few days.

r u supplementing with FM?
pls do not give cow milk(FM) if ur bbs have diahorea...

let ur bb try soy milk...
cos my #1 got diahorea on 17feb night and it last 4days sia...

once i give soy milk it is better liao...
from every 2hr output drop to 5 or 6 hr output once...
for my #1 after i intro soy milk for 2 days the diarrhoea clear up automatic...

maybe ur bb is teething...???

oldies often mention that teething also will cause diarrhoea...
How much to feed? What is the portion to the BM if I want to feed bb?

Y use a lot of wipes? CAn start washing bb whenever they poo ba. I started it when she is 4 mth. Now I still left wif 3-4 packs of wipes.
yup, he bottom 2 pop out liao. up 2 like going to too.
teething really will diahorea meh?? my mum say tat too. but i ask PD he say no. hahah

diahorrea so use alot of wipes lor. i nv wash leh cos i scare the stool kanna the floor then i must clean =/
hullo everyone

thanks so much for ur concern. sam SEEMS alright.

pd told me to watch out for listlessness, irritability, drowsiness n vomitting.

the silly boy is irritable when he wants to sleep. he din nap long this am so he slept v long n was quiet after his bath. he puked coz he kept flipping n moving violently. how????
puree> so troublesome. stressed -_-"

jolimilk> keke. no wor. i dun haf 2sets of anything. so i carry them to n fro wk everyday =p
Hullo fellow sept 2009 mommys! Im new to this forum(if im in the wrong thread just move my post) so i thought ill just introduce myself and my baby girl. I'm rachel and i had my daugher (sophia rory ziyi begbie) on the 16/09/09 which is somehow quite special to me as its one day before my bday. Shes a Big girl weighs 9kg now and about 68cm tall. We have moved to australia to live but im in town for a holiday and cny. Ive got friends who use this forum quite regularly and im quite attracted to the BP this forum had to offer. Nice to meet all of yous Yummy mommys! I havent figured out how to upload images when i do ill put a pic of sophia up.
<font color="#6600ff">Kiki</font>

You referring to Farley's Rusks by Heinz? I bought that too. I gave that to Kairi for fun sometimes. I do not know if I should be giving her water after that because after taking 1/4 of it. She screams bloody murder. Anyone knows what should be done?
<font color="#6600ff">Avocado</font>

I tried looking for Avocado in NTUC TPY. And I found NOTHING. >.<

<font color="#6600ff">Baby drinking water</font>

Should our baby be fed water after cereals or purees? My MIL says the cereal is "Dry" so must give her milk/water immediately.
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

Kairi rolled onto the floor 2 nights ago IN HER SLEEP. Made me get insomnia after hearing a THUD. But thank good ness I took precautions and had "Cushions" all over. I guess our kids in the "Falling Season"

Glad to hear Sam's alright. =)
<font color="#6600ff">Gerald</font>

Ha... I can't really contribute to the thread now due to my hectic schedules though I try to... The LEAST I could do was to wish Mommies here Happy Birthday. =)
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Avocado...</font>

I just saw some at Cold Storage Northpoint this evening. $2.10 per fruit.</font>
glad to hear sam's ok. if its his usual irritablity then i guess shd be fine. my girl also gets mangzhang when she's tired and wants to sleep, will keep pulling her ears and rub eyes.

u 1 time make a batch over the wkend to feeze lah, then should be quite easy already, after that all u need to do is reheat it in a warmer.

welcome midnightblue!

uploading pics is easy but they can't be too big in size. just click on the upload attachment button beside the preview/post message button.

ya, farley rusks by heinz.
so kairi likes? why does kairi screams? u think thirsty or what? i think can give a bit of water bah...maybe its too dry. so she normally doesn't finish the whole biscuit?

lol. u too had trouble finding your avocado.

i feed some water after feeding cereal and sometimes inbetween. used to feed by the spoon, but now lazy so feed thru bottle. the water sort of 'washes' away the residue cereal, else can see cereal like stuck on the tongue.
Midnightblue> I phone cannot upload pic or attachment..

Avocado> I just bought one at Causeway point Cold Storage for $2.10.

Pam> I used to buy frm Yishun MRT NTUC..
sometimes it's sold out.. :p
Myfavchoco, my babies had diarrhoea too and was okay after i switched them to lactose free formular. Doc said BM is good but they on BM also lao sai.

Cookiezz, the color on the cloth books will run when u wash them using soap powder?
<font color="#6600ff">Avocado</font>

Who's gonna shop for Avocado? Anyone wants to help me buy? XD

<font color="#6600ff">Kiki</font>

She takes like 1/4 of it then starts wailing already.. Maybe too dry... Next time I try giving abit of water.

It's okay to give abit of water now right? Someone enlighten me please?
so have u prepared the avocado puree for rayanne already? she likes or not?

i think 10-20ml of water should be fine. i think my girl takes about that amt each time after cereal or abt 3-4 baby spoons of water.

midnightblue - welcome!!! wow, I thought my boy's name is long, ur girl's name is longer... heheh I always joked that by the time he finished writing his names on the exam paper, time will be up.. heheh
