(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


The leg warmers can wear till how old? My 3yo s'times complain cold when she wear skirt to shopping. Wonder if leg warmers is long enough for 3yo.

"yang oh" means very "teh".
sticky? like mus always CARRY 24/7 the moment you put him down by himself, his engine will start that kind lo.
his pattern starts 2 days ago. after a nightmare (babies got nightmare meh?????) he woke up SCREAMING. after that mus carry to sleep. and when you put him down on his cot, his eyes wide wide look at you like you have done something wrong lo. "hello, what are u doing? u must carry me."
i fed the jing feng san already. no use leh. my hands going to BREAK soon la.
ya la. and my MIL say that babies who are breastfed are like dat. always stick to mother. and "shake" her head. when she carry him and wan to pat him to sleep, he wail like he's going to b kidnapped la. even got pple wan to help me carry also no use leh. he dun wan! upset.
<font color="ff3399">cindywang</font>
Mine still ok la. As long as got ppl entertaining them, they don't really care who. Not particularly sticky just to me. (Heng arh.)

In fact, #2 also BF, but he's not sticky type (touch wood). He's quite independent, like to sit in rocker and stare at his own hands, talk to his cot mobile, etc. If carry too long he will complain!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Wifey</font>

My 4 yo gal still wears it as and when to church. She's "modeling" w her fav warmer..

I bot e toddler size so it fits her quite well though it's slightly abit long for baby but it's ok lah

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Wifey</font>

I just encourage you to spend rite.... but hor I really find leg warmers a v gd buy.. looks gd &amp; keep them warm.. if too hot den jus take out so convenient. I sometimes wear it over my arm too
Can be used when they start crawling too.

Now I feel like buying some more *haha*</font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Paige</font>

Jus re read yr posting bout yr conversation w my DH..sorry if he was harsh...

Actually hor.. I also nt much better.. I only bathe Jed like once or twice a wk. He's e one doing e bathing most of e time. Nowadays I feel giddy when I stand up so don't dare to bathe him. Think I need to go get a bathe stand so I can take over the bathing chore.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jen</font> nolah, he actually made me realised that I'm the mum I should at least try to relate to my BB

I'm really impressed that your hubby is sooooo hands on, you are so lucky :p, i don't think many hubby does and knows so much about their kids....
Thanks for the website

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> can pm me which account to transfer the $$ to for the warmer?? Thanks.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Rach</font>

yr lobang only for warmer huh? Thinking of getting training pants &amp; bibs too</font>
i'm exhausted.
today is one of those crazy days. i think my gal is on a growth spurt. demanding milk every 2 hrs! and today super alert mode, eyes big big like owl, doesn't want to nap...very most 20mins. and somehow, suddenly she learn how to escalate her crys very quickly very loud. GOD i pray tomorrow will not be like today! nearly went siao. luckily hb came home earlier then usual.
Question - How does your breast milk smell?? Mine kinda smell abit like chocolate. could it be because i've been eating chocolates???
i don't know how my breast milk smells, never tried smelling it before. keke.. but i've tasted it, like abit salty. :p
erm...anyone can advise, the leg warmers are for infants or toddlers ah? free size is it?

i just managed to saw your msg, replied u liao. will let u know which ones ya. thx.
bbq98> keke. ya. i know if buy from boutique price increases. cos alot of my bag price went up since i bought them. n alot i wanna buy but haven buy price oso went up. grrrs. thinking of buying another LV soon =p

angel> wun la. looks very cute. cos when wear with rompers it looks like his pants. anyway u juz buy those more boyish design. stripes. i even bought de rainbow pattern

keke. nxt time ask hubby carry bb in babybjorn carrier with de leggings den show u. looks so cute =p

jenn> keke. definitely not. ur boy looks very cute. =p

haha. ya. i intend to use some of de warmers on my hands too =x esp sometimes in office so cold

wifey> those i buy dey say can wear from 0-7 yrs old wor. u ask for de longer design. some design are shorter, some are longer

bbq98> keke. ok la. anyway de 15mm parklon mat not much design. so i juz get de yellow bear sch bus lo =p
did you eat a lot of chocolate? a bit should be alright but if too much, your baby may be restless from the caffeine in the chocolate. i'm just speculating.

wow, you listed so many utilities for the warmers, i think more mummies will want to buy after they see the pictures you've posted.

saw the lovely photos of you and your family on FB. i have a girlfriend with 4 sisters at home. until now (all grown up and some are married) they're still very close to each other and their parents. always celebrate events together and recently even went bangkok together. i can't imagine going overseas with my brother on a leisure trip loh.
i didn't eat any chocolate today, but i did drink coffee. just those 3-in-1 kind, shouldn't be very strong rite? i drink coffee everyday leh, but its just today she's like that... or maybe i should say from time to time she's like that. damn shack when she's in her cranky crazy bb mood.
Happy Birthday Ling!

I'm now having postpartum hair loss. Everyday when I see the hair on the toilet floor after my hair wash is so scary. Any mummies having the same problem?
leg warmer i take A9 and A22 only. my hb say i siao, sg so hot use what leg warmer :p so i told him nvm lah, buy 2 pairs maybe go holiday can use. hee...
yes, me too.
i every other day ask my hb to see if i got bald spot yet or not. damn worried coz my hair to begin with is not very thick kind!
<font color="0077aa">bbq98</font>
my hubb sure object one la... increase oso no choice lo... he say if need to buy tat time then will buy... now no need.. save money for other impt stuff

leg warmers
i emailed the BP seller...
Q: is the leg warmers all with cotton materials?
A: it's not 100% cotton as to make it stretchable must add something else, but main material is still cotton, some of the design very thin,some a bit more thicker, more suitable to wear inside aircon room like when go shopping in the shopping mall, in car, in mrt. i hv adults customer buy the pure black one to wear as arm warmer when they drive car.

Q: what is the size of the leg warmers? measurements?
A: hi,for legwarms, no size, it's free size to fit from 6 months to 5 years old, most of the design length around 27cm to 30cm, A13-A16 a bit shorter at around 22cm. the width is around 8.5cm.

difficult to choose designs for boyboys/\.. arghhh!

<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
ur gal wear the leg warmer like leggings! cute n nice design :p
kiki> no la. u go shopping centre need de leg warmers liao ma. maybe i need cos most of de time my boy wears rompers
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Sandwich</font>

Think I ask the BP lady for some commission hor.. since I did advertisement for her.

Gd things mus share mah.. I personally find it v useful lor

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi,</font>

I am not sure bout the ones being sold in BP. The ones I bot comes in 2 sides, Infant &amp; Toddler. As I mentioned earlier, I always buy toddler size so my #1 can wear also.

SG weather is hot but we bring BB to shopping centre which are fully air-conditioned mah. Instead of wearing long pants, you can let Kim wear warmer.</font>
michelle, jennifur,
usually i use my receiving blankets which i used to swaddle baby with, but now nv swaddle already so use to cover my gal.

hmm..maybe at nite sleep in aircon room also can wear hor?

judging fr jess post the size looks like quite big, so shd be for toddler. nvm lah, if too big just keep it 1st lor.
kiki> haha. my boy like to kick. so how i cover blanket for him oso no use. so juz use de warmers.

bbq98> no successful attempt yet. tried to many times. turn sideways, den struggle n struggle. too tired. fall back asleep. haha =x
So tired...

Sam had his 5-in-1, pneumoccocal, &amp; rotavirus yest. Poor fellow kena 38deg C fever this afternoon but was alright after a dose of panadol &amp; a nap.

The little sumo is now 7.38kg! No wonder my arms &amp; back ache all the time!

Sam shows no tendency to flip whatsoever. I think he's too heavy to flip!

Oh I got ur PM abt the playmats. Ok I'll go shead &amp; order myself. Thanks.
mine can't yet. can yours? so far, my gal is just VERY active kicking and sometimes lift her butt a bit when changing diapers. i think neck muscle must be strong then can flip. my gal's neck still wobble wobble... lol.
<font color="0000ff">dogs and babies</font>
Hey guys, for those with doggies in their house, I was wondering whether you guys put baby in rocker on the floor? Does your doggie lick your baby? Want to get a rocket for my baby but afraid my dog will lick and disturb baby
is this sam's 2nd dose of 5-in-1? how old is he now? i have yet to bring kim for her pneumoccocal. also thinking of skipping the rotavirus.

any mummies skip rotavirus for their baby?
my dog doesn't go near bb at all...in fact, she's not too interested. my dog only interested in who is able to throw ball and play ball ball with her. i have a swing and its also low low on the floor juz like a rocker. but i think it depends leh, different dogs may have different behaviour. coz for mine, since day 1, i will tell my gal "no...not so near" so most of the time she just tries to sniff my baby from a distance. :p the only time she (the dog) attempts to come near to bb is when i or my hb is carrying bb sitting down on the sofa, but thats because she wants to come near us, not my bb.
Gerald, if 50%, then many pple will bang wall!! The suppliers know they sort of monopolise the market so they are quite firm on their pricing. Rach, no harm trying. I can treat u to ice cream buffet if you succeed!!

Kiki, I thought pple usually skip pneumoccocal and take rota first?

Jul, you really have a sumo! He is HEAVY!!

Babies flipping
Mine still can't but my friend, whose baby is one week older has already flipped!! I wonder when they will.
how to skip pneumoccocal, its made compulsory now. but rotavirus is not compulsory, so i'm thinking of skipping it.

how old is your friend's bb? well, different babies different milestones i guess
eventually they'd get there!

whoa! inside sarong so snuggled up also will attempt to flip? lol.
oh u too? ok... actually i and hb decided that its not too necessary to take this rota thingy. its not that we're trying to save money but more on whether really necessary or not. but seems like my PD sort of 'pushing' for it leh. think she said something along the lines like, by 1 yrs old, almost 90% kids will kana rotavirus. hear already abit worried. but my hb still say no need. so i guess we're skipping it. may i ask how come u guys decided not to do it too?
jul> wow. 7.38, gees. i wonder if i can still carry my boy when he reaches tat weight

bbq98> saw tat u r trying to order Yellow Bear School Bus(Parklon), size : 1900 x 1300mm, thickness : 12mm at $138? y not order de same design size 2100mm X 1400mm n thickness 15mm at 151 without de carrier instead? only 13bucks diff for a bigger n thicker mat wor =p

gerald, bbq98> u all really think rach is wat? lol =x but if she really can than i first to bang wall. cos i juz ordered mine.

myfavchoco> wah. 3wks ago can flip. power. still waitin for de day mine learns to flip. but flip oso got its problem
<font color="#6600ff"> Kiki</font>

Yes... She flips till her body is totally sideways!

My HB was just messing with her... He kept saying "Boing" And she kept turning her head left and right with every "Boing"

This a sign her neck is getting stronger?
ohh.. becos we find it not necessary lor. since is a optional jab then should be not so important ba. If Really important, then they will make it a compulsory one ba. hahaaa
Eh... I'm just one hopeful dreamer can?

I'll hold out on my order till he's of the age to run and play!

The silly breast pump also like that. Price will drop and with the newer improved versions too!
my favchoco,
your boy can flip 3 wks ago? wow, thats very early. u mean can flip as in from his back to his tummy? u must have done lots of tummy time! i actually do very little tummy time. the only tummy time my gal is happy to do without pounding her fist angrily on the bed is tummytime on my tummy. of which, after less then 5-10mins, she will doze off.

yes, i think so! once their neck firm, which is usually by 3rd mth, u shd keep a closer look as they should be able to flip already. *stress* as much as i would be happy to see mine flip, i think its gonna make me more boh eng and tired!
aiyoo.. i so afraid he flip and fall on to the floor lor cos he is sleeping on bed.

he sleep on tummy, maybe tat y he learn to flip earier??? i dunno also.. hahaa

kiki> haha. ya. my boy oso no tummy time. he will scream like mad n bury his head in de matress n pretend to be suffocated if i try tummy time on him -_-

myfavchoco> ya lo. tat y i say learn to flip is not such a good thing. when dey can flip, must really be careful of them liao. cannot put them on high surfaces without keeping ur eyes on them
