(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

so how u coping without ur hubby? has he called or anything? just spoke to my hubby just now n he say tentatively coming back on 25th. I take it that i never hear.. wait till he on the plane le then i believe..

so sad to hear about this. take time to grief and do take good care of yourself in the meantime.

happymrskoh and ah goh,
hi there ...

delfine and milkyway,
oh, so good to keep you gals guessing. i'll see how long i can keep it a secret. my cover may be blown once i decide to join jenifur's spree =) i'm not letting all my family and friends know in the meantime too, only me and husband and #1 knows. we're picking #1's brains for a bb name. but #1's vocabulary is limited to one syllabus at this moment, so we have limited choices to choose from, hahaa.

i don't even buy $300 worth of clothes for myself in one afternoon! hahaa, but i bet you must have had a good time shopping. post pictures of the stuff that you bought on your blog! and i'm curious about your husband's cross stitch. how could he have done that piece when he's 6-7 years old? i think i only knew how to hold a needle when i was in sec school (home econs class)!
Oh...I think it is because I haven't really been shopping for pleasure for a long long time. I had a really tough 1st trimester (up to 16 weeks), so I didn't got out much, and then most of my maternity clothes are given. So far all the other baby stuff we bought are neccessities. The boring stuff. So I think I was like someone set loose today when shopping for pretty things =P

Abt my husband sewing - I really don't know! But he is good with his hands. hee. He did say he took a loooong time to finish it though!

Anyway I just saw this on Amazon. For all you having little boys
It is from the Pixie Rock Collection (since a few of you seem to like the rock stuff

hey, i luv nutella too! my gals as well...actually i luv chocolate la...esp dark ones...
i'm alright...

nope, ur king didn't married the maid...he tot he married the chef. heezz...

and u really sounds like a good one...everything also know how to cook

hey, same taste...the middle set caught my eyes at 1st glance....the flowers design are so sweet, the cutting so adult like yet the white bring out the pureness in bb girls
Thanks Jenifur! You know of any BF support groups??

Pamelia – You bought the 2 electric medela pumps only? Its a reasonable price! Did u buy it on its own? Coz I see like they sell it in sets (include bottles, bag). Where did you buy from?

I’m thinking of getting either Medela 'Pump in Style' or 'Freestyle'. Which one is better ? Yea, my friends all said buy the electric one, its much faster and easier, your hands also wouldn’t be ‘suan’ after all the manual pumping.

Ling – The pigeon electric one is the new model isit? Saw it at Robinsons today.

Chewy - *hugs* Take care of yourself.
u mus be the real cook, tat y ur hubby & princess keep craving hahaa... they are so lucky..

wow Kueh Lapis.. u oso noe how to make ah..

Last tues i went Glen E for check up. Gynea was in the rush for emergency c-section. so as usually she scan scan & ask me go... no scan image. according to the nurse cuz bb now outgrow therefore no scan image to be given, isiti true? me jus 24week leh.

Btw, my bb is 800gram now..
flower - WOW ur bb seems BIG... me on 21 week scan bb only 420gm...
scan picts all subjective to gynea practice... i never had a pc of scan pict for my first child!!!

i wish my bb out on 9.9.09 leh.. can anot ah. gynea say my edd is on 28 aug09 :p...

about bb movement
my bb move nonstop from morning to nite, even after midnite keeep moving while im asleep , cuz my hubby put his hand on my tummy and feel like bb inside my tummy very bz as though my tummy is bb's garage hahahaa

at times in meeting, bb will move real hard cuz me to have loud liked "ouch" or big movement.then all pple will look at me... soooo paisay...

yalor. during my 20 weeks scan bb only weight 338 gram, now im 24weeks bb outgrow sooo fast to 800 gram hahhaa

oh ya, my hospital tour was cancel on the day tooo sooo sian....

heard there no antenatal class ah,due to swine flue ah
<font color="ff0000"><u>PIGEON BREAST PUMPS FOR SALE</u>...</font>

My fren just gave birth and have got 2 brand new pigeon breast pumps she wants to sell. She ask me if i wanted but i already got mine. I duno why she got so many in the first place la..

She has a total of got 1 maunal breast pump, 2 PIGEON SILENT ELECTRIC BREAST PUMPs and 1 PIGEON BREAST PUMP BATTERY OPERATED. So she intends to only keep 1 PIGEON SILENT ELECTRIC BREAST PUMP and the manual one which she has alr used. Details as follows:-

1. PIGEON SILENT ELECTRIC BREAST PUMP which was just bought 3 days ago. Still under warranty with receipt. Its opened but not used. She bought it without sale at $250 but willin to let go at $180 when i told her I bought mine at $199. Price still negotiable.


She bought it quite some time back at $85. Willing to let go at $50.


Please let me know if anyone is interested. Will help to liase.
Thanks for the warm welcome, mummies

Im in my 22nd week and is tempted to shop like you. but i heard baby outgrow really fast, and also im a sahm so wanna save money for dh. some of the clothes i got from kind-hearted mummies in this forum are very cute and look BN.

im gg to sgh as subsidized patient for my check up. i dont mind c class ward. in my view, if those caucasian and older time women can give birth in like a 1 day affair (or max 2 days), i dont see why i cant..hehe. at the same time, can use the money on gaby's needs instead of it gg to hospital...

flower4, im also secretly hoping Gaby, my gal, will arrive 9.9.09.. my edd is 17.9.09. =D
wahahahah me too hoping my bb would come out on 09.09.09 my edd is 12.09.09... juz 3 days earlier but base on first child experience i doubt it can happen highly it will pop out on 38th week which is first week of Sept!
Good Saturday Afternoon Mommies,

Antenatal Class - I can call to make an appointment, But I have not applied for FBI yet. How? >.<


I bought the Medela twin express bp's @ John Little... They happened to have a sale and it was my first time at John Little's. I even signed up for their membership card for discounts! I feel so auntie. XD

I saw the set selling at 298 I think, Consists of an AVENT single electric BP, 2 pacifiers, 1 bag and 1 box of the disposable wipes for after bf I think.

But I still think twin is better to save time, and I don't intend to use the pacifiers so what for buy that AVENT set.


Just go apply when u go TMC for registration. They will give u a receipt on the spot which can be used as the FBI membership till ur card is post to u. Then use the receipt to register for the class lo..
Thanks for the warm welcome too, mummies!


no prob, you can update when you're available anytime. thanks! =)


I am going crazy over baby girl's clothes too! there are so many pretty clothes around for baby girls and i think my bank account is starting to dry up..haha.

Visited those shops at raffles city to window shop before i knew my baby's gender too.. very tempting.. may go back there to see again. =P

Not to mention the motherhood fair at expo which will be held in june..


*hugs* sorry to hear that. take care ya.

Hee, My EDD is on 29.09.2009 and I'm hoping my girl will arrive on 20.09.2009. That will be a nice date to remember..
Oh yes I heard about the fair too. For the Raffles City shops - they are all having sales now - good time to check it out.

Ooh, some people say if you can feel a lot of the baby's movements means you have a big baby
It is nice to feel the movements though, don't you think?

Looks like we have same taste in chocolates too. Haha, I also like dark ones!

Ah Goh:
Yes everyone says babies grow fast - it is so nice that you received pretty clothes that you like!

I'm also looking out to sign up for memberships at Robinsons and John Little! hahaha. I can join you in being auntie

Hope your hubby will be back soooon!

Kiddo &amp; Flower4 &amp; Ah Goh:
Wah, I never thought of date preferences. My EDD is 19.09.09. My very close friend's mum's bday. haha.

I think for the membership at Robinsons, You need to spend a minimum to get the membership. And you can use the membership at John Little. For John Little membership, It is free... But you can only use it in John Little. =)
Hi, Can i join in the chat? Would like to update my details here. I am a first time sep09 mum-to-be too. Thanks!

Mummy's Nick: fall78
Status : FTWMTB
EDD : 3 sep 09
BB# : 1
BB's Gender : Prince
BB's Name : Davier
Gynae : Dr Yvonne Chan
Hospital : TMC
Location : Buangkok
sorry, i wanted to join the overseas spree but can't seem to post my message. is it only open for members with a min. no. of posts? sorry for the qn as I am new here ;P

Welcome! will update ur details when I get home at the end of the mth..

Jenifur will post when her spree is open. Do join if u like. If Im not wrong, there is no spree open at this point of time. Walmart spree should be up next. We're all waiting too.
really big baby, hahaaa. oh no.. hope bb dun grow tat much :p..

Im jus back from Pre natal massage indian style one, not badz leh. at sgd50

ah goh,kiddo,happymrskoh,

lets us hope we get the delivery date we wish for

btw can we actually request frm gynea ah?
wah ur baby is indeed big! gynae said mine on the big side but urs even bigger lor! u been feeding him well eh? hehe...

actually u shouldnt request from gynae, u should request from baby that he comes out on the date u want! cos gynae cant do anything unless u tell him u wanna induce birth mah

finally u update ur blog! whats up with the king and his maid? my king also treat me like maid lor!
hi mummies, long time never log in...

would like to seek advice from SAHM or SAHMB... i'm considering to become SAHM for 1-2 years when #2 arrives. i'm still struggling about this decision... want to bond with the kids, yet worry about financial issue and my capability to take care of 2 small kids on my own... really hope to hear some advices from u ladies. thanks
Hello gals!

OOh.. flower, ur BB is even bigger than mine. Mine 712g at 23 weeks 5 days, gynae asked me to go for gest diabetes test at my next mth's appt. Sian...

U're in the same situation as me. I am considering to become a SAHM after I deliver. A few reasons... Push mainly b/c my work is not gog well, &amp; I think I shd take a break to recharge &amp; re-assess my options.

But it can be called escapism, which is why I hesitate. Dun wanna use Babylet as an excuse, &amp; I am aware that staying at home is not shaking leg! Besides, I also worry abt financial aspect, &amp; also whether I can re-enter the workforce after a couple of yrs break.

Pull factor is of course, I wanna stay home &amp; bring up my kid myself. So.. I am also still thinking hard abt this...
when is your diabetes test? i'm asked to go for one this time round cos of family diabetes history. my test is on 2 jul (think i'll be 27 weeks then)
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Princess,

Dun worry so much. Anything not sure, call yr gynae, irregardless how late it is. Tt's wat he's here for. Yr gynae shld hv an emergency no which u can reach him right?

Mamato6Js went thru all her labour w/o painkiller too if I'm not wrong. I think scare &amp; worry is the biggest hinderance lor. For my #2, I was doing well w/o painkiller thru my contraction till I started to panic when e midwife didn't believe I'm fully dilated. In e end, I needed a few puff of laughing gas while I wait for them to call my gyane. This time round, I'm gng to pray hard tt I dun need any pain relief @ all</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Purpleclouds,

Call BMSG at 6337 0508 or email [email protected] to fix appt for the pump trial.

You can also refer to BMSG for their breastfeeing class/workshop schedule.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Flower4,

Wow, yr BB is big leh. Huh.. where got such thing as BB outgrown, no image one. Pls lor I still get my scan image even when BB is @ wk 36. As long as I do scan, my gynae will print out e images for me &amp; usually I'll get @ least 3 pix.

U're still w Lisa Chin... tink Corsage also seeing her.

Dun tink u can get 09.09.09 since yr EDD is 28.08.09. U will be almost 2 wks overdue which is quite dangerous to BB.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">happymrskoh/ah goh/babyfall,


<font color="0000ff">Jul_04/Wai Wai,

Hv u considered working part-time for a start? I find it was much easier for me to adjust into the role of SAHM this way. I still get my time away from the kids while @ work to regain my sanity &amp; I get to spend more time with them too. My DH was suggesting I shld either work P/T or start a little biz or do some volunteer work to stay in touch w e society after delivery. My gf tinks tis is better too... in case I bcome grouchy 黃臉婆

I wld said it's really not easy being a SAHM. Mus learn to "close eyes" to hse chore etc. I'm blessed to hv a helper so it helps alot too. I guess financial wise, we jus hv to forgo those luxury items which are deem unnecessary. No amt of money can buy e smile u see on yr BB's face e moment they wake up in e morn

Tink girly will be able to advise more on this since she has been a SAHM for yrs.</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="aa00aa">Robinson is having weekend special sale, up to 70% discount. I know this news is abit too late but still have a few more hours to go so whoever read this can chiong to Robinson NOW!!!!</font></font>
Hi flower,

My back is starting to ache &amp; I'm thinking of going for pre-natal massage too. What's the difference between indian and those conventional massages? Is it convenient to ask where you went for your massage? SGD 50 sounds reasonable. Thanks!

Waiwai &amp; jul,
I have considered being a SAHM too. But likewise, I am concerned about financial stability and whether I'm able to cope with the housework &amp; looking after baby, and also the possibility of returning to workforce after a few years. Really got to weigh the pros and cons. sigh.

Maybe like what jenifur advised, we could consider doing part-time or start some home based business to keep ourselves connected to the society. In this way, we can earn some allowances to cope with the finances too.

I think I will probably see if I can cope during the maternity leave period before deciding to be a SAHM or not. Cos I heard from my sis in law that she wanted to be a SAHM inititally but changed her mind when she realised how stressed it was to look after 2 kids by herself during her maternity leave period.


GAP is having a 30% storewide sale! Additional 20% off if you buy 5 pieces and above and additional 10% off if you buy 3 pieces. Quick, grab some babygap clothes if you are interested!
hi all
M&amp;S is also having a sale, including the kids/baby stuff
In case anyone is interested.

Jenifur &amp; Flower:
Yup! I am with Dr Chin too! I really like her. I'm not yet 24 weeks though, will likely go early June - just realised I need to change my appt coz I can't make it the day I previously set.

All mummies:
Would anyone know what is considered "standard" cot mattress size? I've ordered my cot and mattress but haven't got them delivered yet. Now I see lots of bedding I want to get but I don't know what is "standard size"? Any idea?
Sorry - Marks &amp; Spencers
I bought some onesies/rompers from them today. Worked out to be about S$5 per piece! Quality not bad.
Hi mummies out there,

Its my first post here and hope someone out there can advise.

- I am 22wk pregnant now but still cant feel my baby movement.Had detail scan last week and was told baby is abt 430g thus consider normal size. So cannot be my baby too small that I cant feel right? I read that most ppl can feel at abt 20th wk...

- I read post here and was shocked that most of you only put on max abt 7kg in abt 21wk. I already put on 10kg! I am quite small size, only 1.54m and weight 45kg initially. So scary think better control my diet.....
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">happymrskoh,

Think it will be difficult to judge based on yr maternity period. Tt will b e most stressful period as both yr 1st born &amp; yrself are learning to adjust &amp; cope w e newborn baby. Usually during tis initial period, yr 1st born will start to hv lots of tantrum as he/she wan extra attention.

Since we r on this topic, mummy w older child, pls do rem to get a present for yr child &amp; said it's from e new sibling. Tis is supposed to help avoid sibling rivalry woh.

I bot a gift for my DD &amp; gave it to her when she came to visit me in e hospital. U know wat, tt toy is her most treasured among all e other toys. She will keep telling us tt is from her Di Di

<font color="aa00aa">Ling,

U very fast leh... I've got yr order for e walmart spree</font>

<font color="0000ff">itsy,

I was thinking we can organized another meet-up, perhaps in town to do distribution of e loot. My DH said I'll be like Santarina tt day *hee*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Corsage,

U really shopping queen leh. Hmm.. mayb will ask my DH to accompany shopping tmr *hee* But now hor I cannot walk for long leh...my back aches after bout 30mins of shopping

<font color="0000ff">acneery_galz,


Did you voice out yr concern to gynae? Perhaps yr BB isn't tt active? I've read cases of 1st time mummy only feeling BB's movement @ wk 26 plus it's actually quite difficult to recognize first fetal movements, since early movements are not usually experienced as distinct jabs or kicks. Talk to yr gynae bout this &amp; see wat he/she said ya.</font></font>
*mama to 6Js*
the king and the maid story? long story...
anyway ok oredi...we don't get angry with ea other for long...when both not talking, the king will be the 1st to strike up a conversation 1st then the maid will 'soften' and reply loh...then ok liao...

hey, we are exactly the same ht and having the same pre-pregnanct wt! bt i lose 2/3kg during the 1st trimester and at 20wks+, i managed to gain back the lost wt. so at 20wks+, i was 45kg. nw at 23wks+, haven't weigh myself but guess didn't put on much coz appetite nt gd. in fact eat lesser than i used to be...bt i guessed every individual is different, although u have put on 10kg le, bt u are not over wt to begin with, if ur gynae didn't say anything, shld be ok???
since u juz had ur detailed scan last week, bb shld be fine...anyway maybe coz u are a 1st time mommy? so uterine muscle is tight unlike mommies who has 2 or more kids oredi, the uterine muscle is more laxed so able to feel bb's movement easily....and u may also not be able to recognise bb's movement?? or when expecting mothers are busy, they wld be less likely to notice or feel bb's movement. fetal movement is usually more noticeable when expecting mothers are in resting mood like watching tv, before turning in...
bt like what jenifur has said, talk to ur gynae...it will put ur mind at ease...
Santarina Jenifur
haha ok we'll do a meet up then

I read that if your stomach skin is thick, u might not be able to feel the movements so soon. I'm also 22nd week, bb is 530g, Doc said it's avg size, but looking at your bb weight, mine seems heavy. Very worried that he'll be to big to be delivered naturally, I dun want to have c-sect.
Morning gals! It's Monday again *sianz*


I'm gog for GD test in mid-Jun, 4 weeks later appt lor (I shd be ard 27-28 weeks too). Really not looking forward to it

U din have to go for it the last time? How come ur gynae suddenly asked for it? My gynae said b/c of family histiry &amp; b/c Babylet is big, that's why she's sending me for the GD test.


Dinno u have a babymall spree until I came back from hols &amp; checked the forum. So many posts, that I din even read back the archives hahaha. Anyway, walmart one looks interesting. I saw this Winnie the Pooh bedset (sheet, bumper, quilt, dust ruffle) for US$48. Looks cute but I'm worried abt the shipping. Will it be very bulky &amp; expensive?

And btw what's a "dust ruffle"???

jenifur, happymrskoh

Hmm.. actually I can get unpaid leave from my co for a while to "try out" SAHM lifestyle. So I dun really need to explore the option of working PT for the time being. Actually, I think my biggest concerns are really being not able to afford it (HB doesn't earn that much), being unable to get a job after a few yrs, &amp; also becoming a huang lian po!

Anyway I still have some time to think abt it. 4 mths of maternity to slowly think &amp; get used to life being at home. But HB says he thinks I will like being a SAHM. He says I'm so happy whenever I'm on leave. Please lor, leave is when I take a one day's break from 5 long hard days at work, how to compare? Men are so simplistic sometimes :p

happy mrs koh

The Gap sale is local stores ah, not online right?

acneeery gal

I think u shd check with ur gynae if u're feeling a bit insecure. But I also started to feel Babylet's movts only a bit here &amp; there ard 22weeks+. In fact, now that I'm abt 24 weeks, then I can really feel him moving. So it's hard to say. Every individual is diff, some feel earlier, some dun. When I asked my gynae, she was also not very concenred abt feeling movts at earlier stage, esp since I'm also first-time mummy.
MORN gals!!

i just realised that the dora stuffs i wanna buy is from target lor not wallmart! haha... nvm i go see if there r similar stuffs there.

u also dora fanatic? haha.. i dun like leh so i dunno why my gal will like so much! she also loves anything that r pink n princessy! please lor i also never teach her she should only like pinky stuffs. now she choose her wardrobe. those that r darker in colour and not girly enuf for her she will refuse to wear.

ur family has history of diabetes? the test v troublesome right. must fast for hours. my frd has GD for both preg and her babies both came out abt 4.3kg!!

regd SAHM, i feel if ur family can afford it, its good for a mother to stay home during a child developmental yrs. at most forego some luxuries and lead a simpler lifestyle. but the benefits of a child hvg a stay home mom is really beneficial for the child's total well being.

as for me, after being sahm since day 1, i can never imagine gg back to work. i cant imagine leavg my kids to other ppl, not even my mom or mil! im that paranoid and protective. mothers know their own children best. and there r just so many things to worry abt them during the different stages of their lives i dun think i can cope being a working mom. thats why i salute working moms! its really not easy job handling work and office politics and then coming home still gotta look after children. more tiring than sahm leh i find!! i know of many moms who wish they can be sahm, and also know of many who feel they will go crazy being sahm and facing kids 24 hrs. yet i also have frds who integrate back into workforce when their kids r in pri school. i think it depends on urself and what ur calling is. try it out for few mths at least cos the first few mths of confinement is actually nt enuf to weigh ur options. like what jennifur said, first few mths is really caring for baby 24 hrs, stressful!

Hmm.. I dun understand this Dora thing either. Not very cute, to me, haha.

Think only grandpa had diabetes, FIL nearly had, but more like high sugar? Maybe it's the big BB + grandpa + FIL reason lor. I cannot even drink water from midnite till I finish the test at 11+am!!!! Think I will die from thirst!

Yup, am taking into consideration all the factors u listed too. But I do think abt what happens in future. U know, when the kids are, say, in higher Pri sch, &amp; they will start to need more &amp; more money for education etc, whilst they will be less depenedent on me &amp; wanna be with their own peers. I do think I will need to go back to work in future b/c of the financial reason &amp; the huanglianpo reason.

Nvm I will take the maternity leave period as a test of my endurance &amp; abilities. If I am totally sick of abylet's face, or I love being at home with him so much, that shd kind of settle my issues liao.
the gyn who happened to see me last week wanted me to go for the test mainly because of the history of diabetes in my family. 75% of my grandparents have diabetes. i estimate about 60-70% of my uncles/aunties (including my father) has diabetes. that's why i'm recommended to undergo the GD test. i see different gyns at every visit cos my appointments are with the O&amp;G clinic at NUH. just so happened that the gyns who saw me for the first pregnancy all didn't think it was necessary for me to take the test.

yah, very troublesome, involves fasting.


Oic. In that case, it's gd for u to go lah.

Btw what happens if the mummy does get GD huh? What harm will happen?

GD is only during preg, &amp; will go off after delivery, so I presume the harm is to the BB?
