(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


oh dear.. must have gave u a bad fright. dun do so much housework lah... ask hb to do more. hehe..

now when i mop the floor, i also mop slowly and not use too much strength. when i find myself panting for breath, i'd even stop for a while then con't.

kiki> hihi... so far we've yet to decide on a date... and no one wanna suggest a date... i'm fine with any day except Thur... so... anyone else cant make it on any particular day?? else we fix on 6th April, Monday??

I don't really trust my hubs to clean the house. Ownself do is better and cleaner. But he does the tedious stuff like washing toilets. And simple things like washing dishes and laundry, now it's all his duties.
jul, delfine
<blockquote>Thanks for your advice. I took 2 paracetamol tablets at 9pm and slept. When my hubby came back at 12am and check on me, I was perspiring and my temperature was only 36.4.
Thank God!</blockquote>
Gathering: 6th April, Monday, 6.30pm
Plaza Singapura's Cafe Cartel>

rach, sheryn, kiki, .......who else??

pls add urself to the list...
Hey mummies,

I'd like to join the thread too. I've been a member of this website since my first pregnancy and it's been an immense source of info.

Introducing myself, I'm Singorean but now living in Auckland. I have a 16 month old and expecting my No. 2 in mid-Sept.

Ok, talk more soon!

yala, cuz i feel soo tired these days, so i took Chicken of essence like on monday &amp; Wed then kena giddiness...

i miss type the words, i mean over priced :p

you cramp sound very serious, oh man! re: housework closed one eye la jus for this time. for bb sake ok. once u delivered u can scrap &amp; breach the house ok, hahaa..

re: Baby fair>

i was serve by peogon Promoter, she really patiently explain everything about peogon products to me. i spend almost
S$600 on Peogon's Products:-
-Breast Pump (free bottles,Bra Pad,StretchMarkCream)
-Sterliser (can sterlizer til 6 bottles,free bottles,free food warmer,Free brushes)
-Cooler bag for breastmilk
-Nipple teats
-Baby laudry soap powder
-Baby wipes, and baby wipes casing
-Bottles Detergents
- Detergents refill

I also bot the convertable baby cots @S$359.
and bot the purchase with purchase, tat hang on cots one,merry go round at S$29.00

total demages : Almost S$1000.

I also wish to go for short vacation before EDD, do you think cruise is ok, will i get sea sick?

with my condition like this , i dun think i can walk much, so am thinking of jus cruise away and relax.
finally, i enjoy abit of food today,
Went newton circle, order chili crab,sambal sotong &amp; KaiLan..
heee.. but eat little only, the rest wop up by hubby..
but taste bit of its so wonderful..

re:baby cord blood banking
anybody consider this?
Im being quote as below :-
Thank you for your keen interest in the valuable cord blood banking service that CordLife provides. Attached are the requested materials for your reference.

Kindly find below cost after current discount given:
1) Annual Plan:
Enrolment (S$600) + Processing fee (S$400)= S$1000+GST --> Price indicated is after S$400 discount.
Annual storage starting from baby's 1st birthday: S$250+GST ---> may subject to an increase once every 5 years at no more than 10%.

2) 10 Year Plan:
Enrolment (S$600) + Processing (S$400) + 10 Years storage fees (S$2000) = S$3000 + GST ---> Price indicated is after S$400 discount plus last 2 yrs waiver.
11th Year onwards: S$250 + GST annually
Pls note this plan is for clients who wish to lock the annual storage fee at S$250 for 10 years.

3) 21 Year Plan:
Enrolment (S$600) + Processing (S$400) + 21 Years storage fees (S$4250) = S$5250 + GST ---> Price indicated is after S$400 discount plus last 4 yrs waiver.
21st Year onwards - Baby takes back the ownership of Cord Blood unit in which he or she will decide whether to continue the storage.
Pls note this plan is for clients who wish to lock the annual storage fee at S$250 for 21 years.

If you wish to process your baby's cord blood using an automated processor - Sepax. It will be at an additional $100 (promotional period). SEPAX processing is an automated processing technology brought into Singapore by CordLife. Please find the information at this website http://www.cordlife.com/sg/CordLifeAdvantage/SepaxProcessingSystem.php
Hi flower
I have banked my ist kid cordblood with cordlife, last time do not have so many plans to choose from, guess maybe more cost savings now
I heard can use CDA account for such

Hi Twiggy
Helo gals

Just dropped in to say thanks for ur concern &amp; that I'm better now. I guess it must have been over-exertion or womb stretching or something. But after some rest, I am better now.

But hor, my belly is really hard now. Seems to have grown suddenly over the past 3 days. Now really bib - those bottoms that I used to be able to wear are now all too tight. Jialat man.. looking at my wardrobe makes me stressed, coz there's nothing to wear!

Thank God ur fever has gone down. Tell u ah, fever cannot play play one. Coz high temp is not good for the BB. Besides, Panadol is relatively harmless, better to take then have devt probs or to burn the BB's brains lor.

Wah! Big loot hor! $1k sounds like a lot, but I guess u prob wud have bot almost everything u need for the BB liao? I think I will wait a bit. Maybe the next Isetan sale or GSS or those Rpbinsons sales to buy lah. I very lazy one hehe.
flower4 Cruise is ok, coz no walking. But I really cannot advise on the seasickness leh. Did u used to have? Coz for me, I dun have seasick prob, more of carsick when those stupid bus drivers or MRT drivers keep jamming brakes &amp; accelerating.

Ur MS over liao? I think if no more MS shd be ok lah.
Jul, Rach

I will try to be there for the gathering on 6 April, will confirm nearer the date =)

Jul > Good to know that after some rest you're feeling better.
Re : Robinsons Spring Fling

I went to survey the Robinsons Centrepoint on Friday during lunchtime. There's 20% discount &amp; up to 20% more discount for Robinsons Cardmembers up to today 29 March.

However, looking at big-ticket items like Ameda Dual Breastpump ($388) &amp; Pigeon Steriliser ($146) there, the prices are still high compared to the bundle deals that Taka Baby Fair has.

Furthermore Robinsons puts these big-ticket items as 'Special Price' (once you see Usual Price and Now Price means that's a Special Price item), hence no further 20% + 20% discounts. The price is as is.

To take advantage of their 20%+20% offers, it will be more for smaller items less than $50 I guess. Like perhaps baby bottles, breast pads etc.

I walked away disappointed and did not purchase anything there.

Thanks. Really uncomfortable on Fri man.

I went to Robinsons yest too! I looked at the breast pumps &amp; bottles etc also. In the end also din buy anything, coz only items with the 'sign" are on disc. Eg Ameda they say got 15% to 10%. If not, the BB wipes, bottles, etc are not really discounted lor.

Now I dunno when or where to buy my BB stuff liao. I think I need to get things like breast pump, bottles, BB wipes, detergent, diapers, etc.. Headache..
i went to the taka fair yesterday too cos i had to get a combi spaghetti cutter for #1. my best buys at taka was an orea cheesecake from swissbake (50% off) and two pooh bear towels that were only $5 each (yellow one for #1 and pink one for #2, even though i dunno the gender yet) ... heheehee. i also saw some cute okiedog diaperbags at the fair. they're the lightest diaperbags that i've seen. yesterday was also the first time that i've seen them. will get one for #2, but no hurry to get at the moment. might wait for GSS to see if it's cheaper then.

welcome! are you/husband on attachment to auckland now? NZ is very beautiful =)
Jul, Rach

Ya I heard the next Taka Baby Fair likely to be in Aug. Hope this info is true. But since Jul &amp; I have EDD in early Sep, we may just pop by late Aug (especially my case, I think by late Aug). Hope the Taka Baby Fair will be in early/mid Aug and we can still walk and have energy to shop there by then *haha*

Jul, all the things you mentioned... so scary sooo many things to buy. Even detergent, diapers all we must get ready before baby is born right. Wow, when is a good time to buy... maybe in June during GSS?

My hubby now bugging me to clear my 'ironing room' (ie. piles of clothes in that room) cos he wanna start planning for nursery already. Me very stressed... soo many clothes where to store man. Need to make room for loads of storage.
Does anyone know if clothes will deteriorate or grow mould when we store them for abt 6 months or so in vacuum bag?

I have tonnes of clothes (my hubby keeps complaining abt my shopping habits) and I am keeping them in those huge vacuum bags to make way for my maternity clothes.

I hope my normal-sized clothes dun end up mouldy or what after the long storage =(

Welcome! You're so lucky...NZ. I'm sure you get to breathe fresh morning air daily and get to be surrounded by beautiful greenery.

I visited the South Islands last April and am so in love with NZ!
i mean the maternity clothing are overpriced.material very thin leh.

i guess i forget to get :
-Baby Bath
-Baby tower
-baby powder
-baby powder container which come with puffy kind
-baby bathing/changing mate
and what else ah..

am feeling better now, so i will faster chop chop chop before my worst pregnancy sickness appear again, very scary.

now i got two white lines stretch marks on each side of tummy, i guess next shopping will get clarins stretch marks cream &amp; tonic oil. argh..another demages.broke!

aiya, i lazy to shop around later liao, since taka babyfair is one stop see all.

u really can shop too
. toys &amp; cute towel &amp; bags ya. i din see those yet or else more damages :p..

my hubby say, all blue color for baby boy like very boring, can wear pink occassionally lar. hahaaaa..

robinson say small items cheaper ah?
any small items for baby?

how much are you paying for your baby cord blood banking ?

the more i see about these days children health problem, the more i feel like banking baby cord blood.. soo poor thing u noe

kids these day so young already got diabetes can u imagine tat.

Aiyah, cannot clean after give birth lah! If my experience with #1 was anything to go by, I will be so tired and busy lor! My house went without cleaning for almost 2 mths after #1 arrived!!

Later with #1 AND #2, sure won't be able to clean house one.

I think cruise should be ok? Large ships won't really seasick one lor. Cos it doesn't rock along with the waves mah.


I continue to keep those clothes that I can wear (like gauchos, elastic banded skirts, etc) in my wardrobe. But my wardrobe is like... super damn huge lah. We converted 1 bedrm into a walk-in wardrobe for my ridiculous amt of clothes...

As for clothes that confirm cannot wear, like denim mini skirts, fitted tubes and other non-stretchy or short/sexy clothes, I pack them into those plastic containers with wheels and store away lor.

I bought 1 box last time to keep my maternity wear, cos I knew we'll be having more babies. Basically I just took out my maternity wear, and put some of my non-maternity wear inside.

If you throw in a few mothballs, won't turn mouldy lah. Provided you wash it clean before putting into storage.

Otherwise you can also choose to give away or sell your clothes at a flea mart. I cleared out almost half of my clothes that way. After all, God knows if I'll be fat or skinny after this baby. I'd probably end up buying alot of new clothes after giving birth anyway cos fashion trends (and my body shape) all changed already.
hahaha.. me too.. i cleared out my clothes last week... (finally..)
And i had 1 BIG plastic bag of... dun-think-i'm-gonna-wear-them-again clothes.. which have been rotting in my wardrobe for years.. always thinking.. some day i may wear it.. but i always don't... hahaha...

And i've got only a small little box of clothes left..... and i've chunk in all my hand-me-downs maternity wear from my frens.. hahaha... now my wardrobe has only maternity wear... woohooo... hahaha...

And i'm wondering what I'm gonna be wearing after #1 comes out.. hahahaha.. :p

Sigh.. lazy Sunday... home alone.. so sianz....
Hi all

happy sunday... i'm home alone now too... so sianz...

wow u gals started shopping already.. i've bought nothing yet... think i need maternity wear first... my skirts are too tight for me now feeling so uncomfortable wearing them... shall get them soon! as for bb stuff, think i'll get them during GSS. hopefully there'll b good bargains.. btw my fren suggested that we look out for warehouse sales too, there'll b gd cheap bargains.. do keep each other updated if there happen to be one k.

welcome! i love NZ.. nice scenery.. was there for honeymoon last dec... a cool 16 days and came back with a honeymoon bb.. haha

cant make it for the dinner leh cos it's start of the month and on a monday.. think i'll have terrible mon bluesss... will join the next round k...or if last min can then i'll let u know again..
milkyway> haha.. ^5!! where's ur HB??
My HB is working hard at expo... having renov fair last week.. finally today is last day... he can at least be home early next week...
But we're going Genting tue-thur.. hahaha.. so u all wont see me here then.. hehehe. :p
My mailbox sure get bombed... hahha. but will be bringing laptop there.. see if get to online la....

I miss Muffins again.. havent get to buy them since the last time i mentioned abt it.. man....

But they are closed on suns AND mondays... so earliest i gotta wait till tue.. which my cravings will be gone. hahahaa...
Hi all,

Really can't catch up all the posts since my company been monitoring us employees surfing net in the office...back hm oso too tire to surf...got to hav dinner n do some cleaning up becoz my mum cooks...my gal oso disturb mi when I surfnet...sigh...really no life liao...Wkends only wan to rest n sleep... Hope all r wells....Mi gg for detail scanning soon...nxt month...
flower> i was attracted to the Pigeon breast pumps too.. u bought the electric or manual???? hahahaa.. i didnt know how BM comes out till i watch the video.. its drop by drop one ah.. man.. takes forever to fill a bottle la.. faint...

and the sales person always says manual very tiring... do we really need an electric huh???

I'm bangin to get what i need in Aug loh.. hopefully.... now must save up for it first. hehe..

Is it raining? haha.. i dun even know. I'm also packing my wardrobe for more space. More than 2 big bags which im gonna throw/ give away. Or i guess will be selling to the rag n bone man ba.

We're all home alone ya? but at least ur hubby is still in sg. Haiz... Hubby is working overseas now. Today is the 9th day le. Hope he can be back before next sun.
if u tink u'll be pumping quite a bit. then i guess its better for u to get an electric one ba.

my ex-colleague told me that she use the manual one till her hands cramp.
Ling> where are u? how come u dunno its raining???
wah lao.. the thunder just went by... soooo loud! gosh..
never see this kindda rain in a long while.... thank God my mum came back from Qing Ming liaoz.. else its poor weather to be out....

I also dunno how much i'll be pumping.. no experience.. hahhahhaa.. but i guess no hurry to get the pump.. even if the fair end aug also okay... coz first few weeks i supposed its direct????? but need to pump out to store issit?? can we pump out without pump??? use hand can work or not? or need some sucking action for the milk to come out one?? haahhahaha...

mummies please help....
Im at home in my room lo. Door closed, window closed and curtains drawn. Nv hear any thunder leh but saw the rain le.. its not tt heavy over here in Bedok tho'.

Waaaa...how I envy you, a room converted to a walk-in wardrobe! I wish, I wish I could do that but I can't. I do have a ridiculous amt of clothes though.

And yes I've packed off my clothes into a huge vacuum bag to make way for maternity wear in my closet. Did that a month ago as my belly grows really fast due to the twins I'm carrying. But now I realised I've got lotsa maternity wear, I need to clear out even more of my normal clothes so I need to open another huge vacuum bag to pack away more clothes.

Actually your idea to store the clothes in those big plastic containers is a good idea. I shall consider that.

Ya, God knows if I can return to my old size after giving birth. May have to buy new clothes next time too =( then got to give away the older clothes


I think for now Robinsons prices are still like dept store prices, still quite ex la I think. I guess the best is if we can have lobang for future baby fairs and warehouse sales.
