(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

hui chen

i have not much to said - anyway u hv to think positive
i aso very stress abt financial issue and some more i hv to every day face ppl face(especially the ppl i dont like) and
almost every day hv argument wth my hb .
i know very tired especially when preg.
(i hope u understand wat i try to telling u i dont good in communication)

there have few way to save money aso (for u refer)
1 ) go to polyclinic to get a letter to ask for subsi rate and when delivery ask for 6 bedder w/o aircon as sandwich said
2 ) if u have own house can consider rent out a room
3 ) for bb o children injection can go to polyclinic


Thaks, but I dunno what is this nuffnang leh. Aiyoh I really techno-dinosaur man. So paiseh *blush*

My mum is like ur MIL.. dun travel lah, so dangerous, blah blah.. my MIL's the one who wants to go Japan & asked us to go with her & FIL.

Norm gynae say 16 weeks is the best time to see b/c the genitals are developed liao. But of course if BB closes legs, then bobian.

But urs at 15weeks is nearly there liao. Besides, if it's a boy, then can see earlier (provided open legs). So I think no prob lah.

My gyna also has no objections to me travveling. In fact, once I hit 2nd tri, she told me now stable, less risk of m/c, I can exercise, travel etc. Guess she is the more modern type.
hui chern

No worries. this forum's to share our woes a well as joys mah.

I'm naturally also a pessimist like u. Tend to think on neg side. But for my preg, I chose to not think abt money. B/c the more I think, the more I worry. I believe God will provide, just like he saved Babylet at 7weeks+ when I had spotting. What's meant to be will be.

Actually HB said yest that he has spent $2.5k on Babylet liao. And that's not incl delivery or maternity hosp, just antenatal package, supplements, scans etc.

But it's true that gog public & subsidised will save A LOT! Can consider that lor.
Hi mummies, anyone is a member of pure yoga?
I thought of starting my excerise this week, yoga and swimming. Heard that doing pre-natal exercises will assist in your labour.

nvr went b4. Maybe u can try those free 1 or 2 week trials? I think they have those promos with certain credit cards.
milkway.. **wave wave** u still awake? 1.5 more hrs to go! jia you!!

hui chern.. hope u r feeling better nw after letting it out.. sometimes we do know what we need to do.. but we just need some listening ears and listen to some advices and care n concern ya..

Midori.. i tot pure yoga appeared on news head lines not too long ago? abt consumers not able to book appt etc after signing up for package? Or was that true yoga? haha .. i not so sure ley
hui chern

my eldest is P3 this yr and she is in a neighbourhood pri sch. she is NOT having any tuition at all since P1 juz hb guiding her in her homework. bt she is still scoring almost full marks (98 or 99) or at least 90 marks and above for all her subjects...

my 2nd is in nursey this yr and juz having this 2hrly program in a neighbourhood PCF sch.

3rd next yr then nursey, i'll be sending her to PCF sch also...

oh...my kids only went to polyclinic for jabs since birth till they are 18mths....

no vacation for past 2 yrs?? arh paiseh huh, me haven't went for vacation for past 10 yrs le until last nov went for a short trip to genting nia...what is 'honey moon'?? I don't know what's that also, haha..coz never go mah...

we usu eat at kopitiam, hawker also, once in a while then go restaurant.....

when we bring the kids out, we go places that don't need a huge entrance fee (zoo, safari so exp the entrance fee, my kids on 'gain IQ' so nw collecting the stamp for free entry tickets). the jacob garden at botanical garden is fun and free...the beaches is free, we like to picnic at west coast park coz it's a beri family friendly place....we visit farms at lim chu kang, there's goat farm, vege farm, fish farm, frog farm, cow farm, birds farm, all free entry...ALL FREE YET children still enjoy going to these places. fun and educational at the same time...

wah, sounds pathetic hor...bt we are on our own feet lor...and proud to say we are supporting and raising a family on our own without others help...think the best thing for me is i have a house i can called my own and without pple teaching/bothering me hw to raise my children coz i am the sole care giver...
girly.. actually ur life sounds so interesting lo
and ur gal is so smart! her results are so gd without tution.. think tt's a very big relief to you ya..

all e farm tours sounds so fun.. mayb one of e wkend will bring my gal to lim chu kang to chk out.. i think she will like e goat farm..

Support belt is a belt designed for prenancy woman. it can ease your backaches and hold your tummy up. As I felt my little one heavier day by day and I felt esp uncomfortable when in bed. It helps cos it stations my tummy well at nite and strength my back. So I would feel so pain in the morning.

Some people wear it even at work, but I only wear it at nite
initially gynae sets the date when i am wk16 but i wont be around so i push forward by a week.. hopefully girlgirl.. hahaha.. though boy or girl also nvm since #1... healthy most important... but if ask me want girl or boy, i sure prefer girl girl mah... hahahahaaa....

*shun lee*
hmm... comfortable anot?
Girly> not pathetic at all. As long, the whole family is together and happy in whatever things they do. That is sufficient...very important!
It is the genuine time spend together.

Kat> That is True Yoga la. I'm already a member of pure yoga (paid by company under health benefits) so you mummies can join me if you are a member. I'm going to a pre-natal yoga class this wednesday.
midori >

u can consider www.colleensimmonds.com as they conduct pre-natal class too.. i thk their charges are pretty cheap.. i thk its cheaper than pure yoga.. and i read her on one of the pregnancy mags.. so maybe she's good..

too bad hubby say this is extra expenses.. so dun let me go..

I wan to go but cannot..

Actually I think it's gd that u encourage ur kids to be "outdoorsy". I am a very comfort & aircon person, & I hate sports & activity. Not v healthy. I hope I can force myself to bring Babylet for more nature/active stuff rather than just sit & be couch potato like me!

oh izzit? for the 1st time pple tells me my life sounds interesting, haha...

ya papa will take care of the study thingy, so mama's job is to ask: hw arh, 2day gt hmwork or nt? hmwork finished oredi or nt? haha...

ya farm tours are fun. go to qianhu fish farm, ur gal can fish the longkang fish costing a few dollars. And there are fresh goat milk for sale too at $2 per btl. at certain hr, can see hw they milk the goat using machinaries...can get fresh tianji fr frog farm at 3 for S$10 (i mean provided u like fresh fr farm) etc...

Oic. I think usu gynaes dun cfm gal so readily as they cfm boys. Coz if they see the "sausage" cfmed boy liao. But if they dun see, it doesn't mean the sausage isn't hidden, so they wun cfm it's a gal so early lor.
Hi ladies,
I was told not to take too much ginger, tumeric or the baby will turn yellow when birth?? think one of the mummy also mentioned cannot take yellow noodle but I just have prawn mee during weekend! My sister said to avoid prawn paste like those use in rojak cos is "poisonous"? no good for fetus? she also said dont drink sugar cane? all the above is my favourites
I can relate to what you said about "lower your expectations". Since I set my mind on not having a maid, I just have to learn to cope on my own. Cannot be too fussy about neatness. Don't bother to dress up well, no make-up when going to work or go out. For info, I was well known to be very vain before that. My friends did not believe when I told them I was not putting on make up when I go to work. That was when I was breastfeeding. There was just simply no time for all these extras. I was already so sleep deprived. And yes, quick baths, no manicure, pedicure or regular haircuts etc. In fact, I saved a lot of money during that period coz I didn't buy any new clothes and of course no holidays.

you're great! Very resourceful and positive! I also believe in Singapore, the basic neccessities are available at affordable prices. It is when we want the extras that we have to pay a lot for.

yup yup i'm still awake... keep thinking if i should get tea... then b4 i "wake up", i smelled my neighbour's aromatic kopi and it kinda "cured" me... haha

1more hr to survive!!

I've not been to any of the farms that girly mentioned... mayb can do it when bb grows up too.. it's very gd idea and saves money that's the most impt..

I'm sure no matter wat, family togetherness is the most impt in keeping everyday going! i'm sure girly will agree with me..
midori.. haha pei sey.. just know its something yoga.. wah.. ur company so gd.. free one i sure go! hehe.. trying to swim once a wk nw.. my frien jio me to pre natal yoga also.. cant remm where, $200+ for 10 lessons.. still considering cos its really extra cost lo.. $200+ can buy lots of diaper.. haha

girly.. cos i heard alot of stories that e kids hve to go for like 3 tution sessions every sat.. then learn this n that on sunday or after school.. so poor thing lo.. so def ur family is so much more interesting n i'm sure ur kids learnt alot of stuff also..

but fresh frog.. they will help us kill or we bring hme n kill them ourselves? Nw i also dont dare to kill crab and cook liao.. cos my frien kept saying not gd.. if wanna eat go outside buy.. dun kill the crabs yourself..

haha..thks for telling me our situation is nt pathetic


haha...sori arh, i also nt 'outdoorsy' person leh, me not only hate sports and can't differentiate betw 2 team players in a football game (even with different attire, they looks like single team chasing after a single ball to me, AND I AM AFRAID OF THE SUN!!!!(scared the heat and developing of freckles, even though i use SPF pdts religiously) so leh...i only tried to bring the kids out after 4pm unless it's really bobian.
can't deprived the kids of the necessary outdoor activities mah....
Hi All,
If u guys want to get the sling let me knw kk cos I will be selling there is 2 types one from USA direct import the other one I got to check with my sis. Cos new design coming.
oh, just want to add that I agree that those places you visit are very fun. Actually kids are very simple. They don't know what is expensive toys or cheap toys, expensive places or cheap places. Although we also go to zoo, my son also enjoys visiting Botanic Gardens, Jacob Ballas, neighbourhood playground, just as much. He loves to play with my kitchen utensils much more than his own toys, haha. I also buy some cheap China made toys since children get tired of toys so quickly. Its really quite a waste to spend too much on toys.
sugar cane: think cos its consider to be 'liang' also? we cant eat/drink too 'liang' nw ma.. once a wk shld b ok ba.. mayb not everyday.. or 3 times a day?

Actually I dun care leh. I still have those things u mentioned. But I try not to go crazy lah.


Actually I have been lazy. Haven't started any walking yet. No wonder growing fatter & fatterby the day *oops*


Oh so u're like me. But I scared of sun more b/c it's hot & makes me perspire. I hate to perspire. Ok u gave me hope. Or maybe I get HB to bring kid to outdoor places haha.
BB love staying in those sling cos it cosy and feel close to mum and dad. Let me know if u all interested k. My sister doing her BP purchase quite a number of orders.

I dun intend to buy toys too. I think w/o toys, kids are much more imaginative. I rem playing with all sorts of things when I was a kid. Coz no computer, PSP, fisher price etc.
mamijoan : yes, kids just love to play with kitchen utensils .. dun know why.. my mum used to open the cupboard door for my nieces to play with those unbreakable stuff when she cook in e kitchen, or when she pluck veg, she'll not throw away the unwanted ones yet.. let them sit there and play for awhile.. haha.. trying to imitate hw to pluck the veg too..

nt surprising that u haf nt visited a farm b4 coz couple 'par tor' go farm for wat right??? it's for the sake of the kids lor...I don't want my kids to see a chicken and exclaimed: arh, dinosaur dinosaur....(no kidding, real story ok)


perspiring...of course...who will like?? so unglam...I don't like either. so even go places like zoo, i will try to walk under shade, n nt feel paiseh to wear head visor or even hold umbrella lor, haha...


we do visit the zoo bt it's like once a yr affair lor...unlike some pple who went few times a yr or even apply for the zoo membership. As for toys, cheap china made toys??? haha...even toys fr toyrus or kiddy palace most are china made also but NOT CHEAP also hor...nwadays to cut cost, most mfging plants are set in china. COACH bags are china made also...BT nt cheap also leh...
personally find toys fr kiddy palace cheaper and we do get toys fr neighbourhood shop or pasar malam also. Bt it's once in a while thing also lor...my youngest still playing toys which are birthday gifts of my eldest when she was 1yo...
Hey Jul,

Got 'free' scans here cos everybody has to be health insured here. We pay more than 600 bucks every month for health insurance and they only give you one ultrasound scan every trimester! If you want more, you have to pay extra lor! Very stingy hor! But a lot of doctors just close one eye and scan for free. Hopefully this doc will do the same, cos I'm not going to pay for it..haha

Eh.. ask you ah? The FA scan costs the same as a normal ultrasound? Is it done by your doc or by a hospital? I'm a bit blur with the system here.
Hi cho!

You wanna go hot spring ah? Cannot wear clothes one leh! Plus if you want to go with your hubby, then you have to go to the mixed hot spring.. lagi more paiseh.. or you have to get a private bath, which doesn't have such a nice scenery anymore. Think the japanese hot springs are too hot for preggers anyway. Go shopping better!

Er.. hold umbrella v auntie. But I guess now that I have a kid, dun paiseh liao. Just do it! haha


Oh yeah I forgot medical is basically 'free' in Europe b/c of the insurance & taxes.

Dun think same cost. Coz my gynae charges me ultrasound at ard S$50+gst, but the FA scan is like $110+gst (but charged by hospital). If based on my costs, can say FA scan is 2x of norm u/s?

But ang moh cty is like that one lah. They dun do much scanning, not like Sg where we scan at every visit.

Cham liao lah! If it is like according to what you say, then I think the FA scan is an extra scan not included in the 3 ultrasounds liao. The last I checked, $450!! ALAMAK!!! That means the scan is done in a hospital? Ok, then today I think I'll try to convince the doc to write a letter to transfer me to a hospital then I don't have to pay...hehheh.

When are you doing your FA??

But the system there may not be same as over here. But anyway the not compulsory scans here are the OSCAR, FA, & those 3D/4D scans. But maybe b/c u only get 1 scan per tri, the FA scan will be ur that one scan. But it's better to ask properly first.

Me doing FA in mid-Apr. Waiting almost 4 weeks. Haha everytime waiting for gynae appt until neck long long.
Hi Huichern,

Please do think on the more positive side of things. See, everybody has their worries, be it financial or otherwise. I think for all mothers or parents, it's always the question.. will I be a good parent?

Since you worry, it shows that you can give your child the most important thing.. parental love and all other things material are just extras! Please remember that things will not always remain the way, there must be a day when the situation gets better right? Have faith ok?!

haha..ya i know like beri auntie, tat's y i say don't feel paiseh abt it...

the last time i did that was coz my gal was barely 2mths old, i was using a sling carrying her and one hand with umbrella, can protect myself fr tanning and protect bb's delicate skin fr the harsh rays...

anyway i also auntie liao la, behave auntiely never mind, most impt, don't look like auntie can liao

hey, thanks for info. OSCAR, fine diagnostics.. translate directly(don't know equal to FA or not) and 3D scans are also not compulsory here. Good advice, I will ask the doc if that super expensive scan is necessary or not.

4 weeks will be gone in a flash! At least you can see your little one at every visit
Eh.. in one more week... 4th month already! Sounds super fast hor!

FA is detailed scan right? Paiseh for the 101 questions.. I'm really a bit blur here. Ask the hub, he says, he's never been pregnant before and even blurer than me.

April is not far anymore.. very fast one! At least you get to see the little one everytime!
Hi babiesmeme,

I have only heard about sugarcane and it's not because it's harmful or anything, it's more how the hawkers store their sugarcane. They always place the ends of the sugarcane on the floor and the sugarcane sucks up the dirt water..hehheh.. now you know what is in your sugarcane juice.


mine gal's hmwork is already keeping her beri busy so we also don't want to put too much stress on her. some kids nt only haf wkend classes bt home tuition at the same time. in our opinion, we think we'll be making the kids more phobia of studies by doing that. cld make things worst if the kids feel pressurized...if they are taking more than they cld take, nt gd also...hmm..like head nt big bt wear big hat, the hat will be worn lose and hinder the vision instead...

oh the frog farm arh, they will killed the frog for u and deskin it...no worries...
