(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

carefree, haha then must be u, the one after me.. haha... mine is nearer to the early 2pm. hehe..balso c section with spinal, that's y i hear him asking the nurse whether the mummy next op room is ready a not.. hehe.. staying in 507, the premium single.. so qiao... both our baby are quite big, woody must have a tough time.. haha

my baby jus woke up & i fed him wif the milk tat i jus expressed cos my breasts dry up liao. who knows he refused to drink frm bottle when my hb fed him. he started crying loudly & wans to latch on instead!!!
try to identify your boy's needs. got 1 week Zachary cry a lot and i got no idea why he cry. haiz. but it was for simple reasons lah. i feel so bad for scolding loudly at him and hit him, then he cry until so ke lian lor. now i know what he needs so he never cry much le and the more i praise him, the more guai he is.

anyway, i think hit baby's buttocks hard baby wont feel pain de right? cos got the diaper as cushion mah.
mine is about the same as pre preg, just that it can stop for like half a day and then came a lot at one shot..

so happy to see this thread that i'm not alone.. i'm so annoyed by the fact that my menses came back way so early even though i total bf..tot can at leastttttt 3 months lar...sian.....
my boy feeds about 110ml every 2 hour...very accurate, 2 hours and he'll starts screaming..... i try to feed him more each times, but he ends up vomiting.... he's wide awake now, he slps thr whole afternoon other than feeding, he's sleeping..

now it seems like he's woken up for fun time, but i got no strength to entertain him..... how to reverse the timing? someday he can slp a lot in the night and less in the day, but sometimes other wise.. how to fix the timin? anyone can help?.. sarong doesn't helps either, i use the sunshine sarong and it automatically swing him for an hour and his eyes still bigggg..

I try FM for a few nights, but he still wakes up every 2 hourly. he slept for 4 hours straight for once only. 1 night only.. zzz

My elder boy slept through during week 6. i got a shock that day but was happy though... pray for the day #2 will be like his korkor
we tried everything but he still cried non-stop leh, dunno wat to do..... up till now i still cant differentiate his cries leh. sound the same to me. same tone.
btw, can i keep the half-fed EBM in the fridge then heat up tomorrow? dun wan to waste it cos my BM not much. so v precious.
mrs ng,
my boy can 'dong' v well. he hardly sleeps be it day or nite. but these 2 weeks he improves. sleeps slightly longer at nite liao.
i'm praying for my boy to sleep thru rge whole nite soon. now he's coming to 8 wks, wakes up 2 or 3 times at nite. recently jus 2v times. hopes he cuts down to 1 then 0 at nite.
finally he's asleep & i can go to bed. hopes he wakes up at 6+ later instead of 4+ cos he feeds abt 2 hourly. i need to sleep!
u never know the day when they just slept though, my elder slept from 11pm to 7am at week 6!! it just happens, before that was 3 hourly.. after that 1st ngiht, he continue to sleep through every night! so happy then.. now i pray and pray #2 will slp through
Zachary got a lots of patterns one. a few mins before he wanna drink milk he will make a sound hinting he needs milk soon. then when he wants diaper change, he will make a =( face and then cry. last time i mistaken it for crying for nothing. haha so these few days i use like 10 diapers a day instead of 6 like that 1 week when he cries a lot.

did you just pumped the EBM? did you heat it up before? i know that if u just pumped, can just put in fridge if it is stored at room temp not over 1-2 hrs (just to be safe).

Zachary sleeps at 12:30am yesterday and wake up at 5:50am for milk, so only 1 feed. he has been doing this for more than a week le. he is 7 weeks old today. i think as he grow bigger, he can drink more and tahan longer bah.

baby photography
anyone took up any studio package?
Hi, I hv the below pre-loved lamaze spin & explore garden gym for sale at $35/-. for age 0-6mths. Retail price is $69.90. Used less than 5X. Interested pls pm me.
dear all mummies

i am so stress!
my boy is very cranky at 7-8pm and/or 10-1am almost daily! last nite was terrible...8pm+ till 130am!i was blamed due to setting e rule to feed 3 hourly and bb hungry thats y got alot of wind, was force by mil to bring him to MT A A&E at 130am this morning!!! bb was calm down after sitting in e car, hb and i noe that he is having colic but ils just can not accept it!
now she is telling me not to give BM cos my ss is low i have to accumulate 1-2 pump to feed, she was saying must b after fridge e milk is not fresh and got wind!!! so stress! i have been trying so hard to keep my ss altho is dropping i still pump! and now she ask me not to feed! e best part is, last nite my FIL say bb must be gastric(due to i stuff him)!!! mil keep saying e PD i went earlier is idiot! cos e PD told us bb gain wt too fast!(2kg in a mth) and ask us to slow it down by cutting down e intake..i was feeding him 120ml/3 hourly, so i cut down to 100ml now and seems he less vomit! bcos of tis, mil keep showing face once bb is crying be it 2 hour after feed altho we explain to her that bb cry nt all e time is hungry, can be he want to be carry, daiper etc! argh!!!!

my boy just turn 7wks today too, last nite went A & E, he was 5.4kg already! see??? if i stuff him, will he gain 500 in 1 week???? haiz
Regg, PILs are like that... Just keep your cool, 1 ear in & 1 ear out. Don't be stress. For me, SS also not enough for my girl, I just let her drink formula & next feed will be BM. Colic can be bb drink to fast. BB will feel better when they are in driving car cos they like the motion. JIA YOU!
hey dear shizuka!
thanks for the jia you part, been looking for u! i've send u email twice, pertaining to ur booties that i am not able to knit! so sorry and pls email me ur acc details so that i can refund u ya.

Reaching 200! Now 150, still left 1 drawer only! I bot a stand alone freezer just to store BM lor..but now realise it's not enough for 3 months!

Was thinking of selling it and getting a bigger one..but like tt quite waste money leh..

Not going to continue pumping after i go back work, dun think I'll have the time and energy to continue doing so!
Regg, jiayou, all pils are like that. BB cries alot, tend to have more winds, nothing to do with thawed ebm.

Dun overstuff bb, it is unhealthy and cause obesity.
calm down.....stress will only reduce bm ss further.
Sometimes I also dun know my bb cry for what reason and somemore he is the kind that will scream until the whole face red and voice hoarse.

Rashes on bb face
my bb is having rashes on his face and arms. Any idea if we can apply calamine lotion?
Maybe Regan just need a car ride. Keep your cool and do continue to give your baby BM even tho you need to accumulate 1-2pump to feed. atleast u can provide Regan with precious BM for half of his needs! jia you!

Anyway, I taste before already, cold BM taste almost the same as freshly pumped de lah. thawed BM is the yucky one, yesterday i let Zachary drink the one i pumped on 7 sep, he was too hungry to bother about the taste.

2kg gain for the 1st month is a lot. Dr Ong EK said 1kg is the norm).

atmost you buy a 2nd hand de, then continue to pump until you go back to work? still got 2 mths ML left right? Whoa... 150 bags of EBM... thats like 30L? Wish I got that much then use to pour in Zachary's swim tub when it arrives! Now I only have 13 bags in freezer - 3L only.

Actually only starting work in Jan! That's y thinking of storing enough from Nov onwards then stop around end Dec! But the problem is storage!

Any lobang for cheap freezers?
Hi Zen,
Fitti Premium adhesive is the type tat does not stick to bb's skin,quite good.

I can imagine how stressed u feel..dun let the old farts:p affect u,altho they mean well but they are not aware the emotional effect their words have on u.Dun let them affect ur mood n pumping ok?
Talkin abt crankiness,my bb was also very cranky last nite,cried for milk every 1.5hrs and refuse to sleep even aft feeds. Daddy was on nite duty,so heartpain to see him all panda eyes today.
Was wondering if anyone is interested in buying this freezer from me (bought only 2 wks ago with 3-yr extended warranty) so I can go a bigger one?! Willing to let go at $400..


do not use calamine lotion, my PD advise me against it. u can either use breast milk or got OTC steroid cream DermaTOP, apply sparingly. i applied on my boy twice and the zits went away. PD said its eczema cause unkown. due to the hot &humid weather in BKK, the small zits hv return. some say it goes away after 3 months. i just do not want to apply too often, try to clean after each feed.
you can buy 2nd hand by making a WTB thread. last time i wanted to buy cos my mil's extra freezer which is for me to store ebm, was broken but she call ppl to fixed it le. then i made a WTB thread, a few mommy msg me selling around $250 - $350. once u finish using the deep freezer and wanna sell, can sell around this price maybe -$50. very hua suan.

oh yah hor, havent talk about this. last time my mil siao, say i never feed Zachary thats why he kept crying. then yesterday, we were outside and Zachary merlion after drinking some. she said he is full dont feed him. so i bo chap and say that he is hungry thats why he kept crying and open his mouth when i place the bottle near him. the main reason why is he just wanna latch on lah but i never say paiseh. so i just continue feeding him then after drinking he satisfy and stop crying le. she herself "diu" her own face cos she was infront of her relatives.

need to check with Mich. I think the fitti premium is mamy poko scotch type...

wanna share 3 pkts to try? I cant finish 6 packs of M size wor.

Mrs Ng,
how big is your baby? Gal or boy?

I have 2 packs of Huggies small size diapers for sale. Each packet have 44 pcs. Looking at $12 per pack.

Self collect at choa chu kang crescent.

Pls pm me if interested.
Regg kong

Yesterday my bb also at night don want to sleep.
Once we put him down to bed a while he cry. Put sarong a while he cry.

Earlier on, he has been waking up didn cry but seems like wan to eat.
This is not true!!! In the end I keep feeding him.

My mum in the end carry him and put to her shoulder and pat pat for quite sometimes until he vomit. After vomit than he sleep liao le..

Conclusion, my bb is overfed and he also got wind in the stomach that’s why he felt uncomfortable.

And BM is very important. Yr PIL pertaining to BM is not gd enough. Yr hubby has to search sme info and show and tel them. Normally if anything I ask my hubby to tel my PIL.

For wind, u use the ru yi you to apply at every diaper change. U put 1 or 2 drop, rub till hot and put at their tummy and belly button than rub again put at the side of the tummy.

till nw, i still also cannot differential my bb cries.

i only kw that when hungry, he cry. uncomfortable also cry.
sian also cry.
sometimes tabian also cry.

haha.. but nw i know when he don want to sleep and put his 2 little hands at his chest and whole face turn red, than i kw he want to tabian liao le. haha..

my bb face also got those pimples la..
we use powder and aloe seems better but still have leh..

got one aunty ask me to use urine.. don kw clean or not..

and those pimples a lot of ppl tel me its heaty.. drink plenty of water and let bb urine..
you can check out if available over the counter, i visit PD in BKK & they prescibe. alot of steriod are prescribe, its best seeing yr PD to check the condition, its disturbing for most parents but up to you if you want to leave it for up to 3 months, meanwhile you can use BM to dab on his face.

i dare not use urine since its not scientifically proven.
carefreelife, zen, yes the fitti tape is the velcro kind, not plastic kind.

pris, i'll email to ur yahoo a/c. The form states how many pieces for each size, I can't recall off hand.

Ive not log in for some time, no time to log in.
I will be travelling to bangkok with my husband next month for a short break ( he wana compensate me for skiping travelling during preg )
But we will not be bringing baby along, how do I store and bring back the EBM that I would be pumping out during those few days?
The idea of pumping and pouring them away make me feel so heart pain, BM is so precious. I do not have alot, only just enough for each feed.
There must be a way to store and bring back EBM. Any of you have experience or know how to ?

hi Sandy,

i think our health book should be the same. ya, the assessment is at page 6 & 7. the nurse did not go through with us. oh, but a doctor checked our bb.. she just pressed her skin and hit her stomach. that's all...

i went to the poly in commonwealth. which page did your doctor or nurse write the weight and the height in the book?

zen, maybe you can use a measurement tape to measure bb's height. hee...i was thinking to do that. haa..
if your PD is an approved institution (AI), can use CDA to pay. check mcys/baby bonus website for the list of AIs.

I suppose can check if the hotel will let you keep in their freezer, and bring along a FTG or cooler bag to transport your frozen ebm back to sg. on the airplane, see if aircrew will put in their fridge/freezer for the trip back.

I'm using hazeline snow for his pimples. PD told us not to use powder on his face...mil was using for a month coz she was the one bathing him during confinement!
hahaha your boy so cute put his 2 hands at his chest and whole face turn red when he nggg nggg. my boy is he will lift up his legs as if he was stretching then say nggg nggg nggg. if he cannot nggg out, he will cry a bit then continue hahaha

if no way to store ebm and bring back, then drink it urself! i always do that if i am lazy to store them. or left a bit after i pour out 210ml to milk bag.
Regg:u can view the video post by kiki as well as on the hair dryer when bb cries .(of cos not facing b b...only the sound...it helps to sooth them
hope it helps...colic happens to bbs from 3weeks till 3 months...usually after oki liao.(usually.....)
juz celebrated my boy's 1st mth...everyone says he looks skinny

im on tbf...could it b dat he is not drinking enuff?? how to tell??

next pd visit only on 2nd mth...how else can i weigh bb? suppose to grow 1kg per mth rite?

re: fitti diapers
i also wanna share but i stay yishun....

hi ladies,

for the fitti diapers, ur can mix. like i ordered 3 NB and 3 Small. Now the small almost finishing liao. so its ok to order 1 carton. i thk its good and cheap.
