(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i can understand cos i am trainin a person also n he actually dare to be v rude to me.. argh!!!
for 1 thing i can repeat 5-6time n he still v blur ask him write can come n tell me cant find wat he write..

Anyway, dont worry about placing too much orders from taobao.

I'm also enjoying the shopping, it's my retail therapy from work!

The first batch orders had come in...
piggy: i really like the LEVIS jumper that you ordered! Thinking if I should also get for my bb, but he already got so much clothes! My dh already put a control on me, cannot claim from our common account now, so if I want to buy, will have to pay myself!
keke izzit i cant wait to see the actual item keke.. hee buy bigger size shd be ok bah.. cos my baby dun have bigger size clothes tt y i am buyin keke *excuses*:p

the worst is that the person go and tell tales abt u. sigh.... I ever trained this person, even forgoing my public hols becoz she screwed up, then she go ard telling pp say i'm blur. My other colleague heard abt it and told me. fed up.
wah piggy, that guy sounds like got attitude problem!

I'm the person with attitude problem... haha! my this trainee girl actually write down EVERYTHING I said, but hor still ask the same question! I'm starting to think what the purpose of writing down then? I'm very mean one, I ask her what is she writing? hehe!
At night when I think abit it, I'll feel guilty about being mean... haiz...
pegsfur, yup...tink i order too much liao but luckily all small items except for one bedding set

piggytoh, can send me the link on the levi's jumper?

kikilala, thanks so much for helping us!

UTI, suspect i kenna mild case of UTI, keep got urgent need to go toilet but nothing much...feel some discomfort when i pee
muz i go back to my gynae or can i see a normal GP? thanks

i think maybe she's acting stupid? So if anything goes wrong, she can blame it on you, saying that coz u didn't give proper instructions?

I think u should send her an email in writing on the proper instructions just in case.
actually my temper not v gd also esp after i repeated so many time my tone will turn a bit buay song cos he not under me but he need to learn so can cover me also while i away so i cant be too much.. n yesterday after i v piss off he actually tell me not to tok to him in such tone n gave him such face !!! i din even shout or scold him lor jus sound impatient!! really piss off..

okie u wait hor i go n find..
taslyn: yeah i read someone's advise b4 about dr's collecting fees for the SCBB.... for those with Dr woo, i asked him liao, no charge... haha..

my backache is back.. just answered a very stupid call from a client's family... scold scold scold nag nag nag till i really fed up and shouted back "uncle u want me to help u can u stop talking and let me talk!!"

after that i feel the backache coming back slowly... hai...
thanks piggytoh,
i wan order too, so cute!
gynae not open till mon liao....i only got the urge to pee...dunno if bb is pressing on my bladder...tink read fr somewhere dat UTI may affect baby so im worried
hee np i find this v cute n cheap!! Sg the cheapest i can find is $20 for authentic 1.. this 1 only $12+ really cheap.. i also bott some Gap polo T with bear bear logo 1 also v cute keke...
<font color="ff6000">Avent Diaper Dag</font>
Young Parents Magazine, there is a free Avent Diaper Bag if you subscribe.

<font color="ff6000">Regarding teat/nipple for milk bottle</font>
Bought a nipple puncher instead, then no need to always buy.. hee hee! Etc: Avent has teat no.1, no.2, no.3 and no.4

Just had my prenatal massage for 1hr30mins @ $50 at my home.
She used to do my post natal massage too.

Actually for my #1, I was consuming ventolin for almost 4mths plus.

Really appreciate your time and effort in organising babymallonline!

SK = Sengkang?

Oh dear! How is your backache now?

What an interesting dream you had!

Mine #1 loved to turn, and now #2 loves to kick... hahahahha! My #1 turns out to be a demanding and active girl, hope #2 would not be as demanding as my #1.

Did you manage to place order from pelangi.com.my in the end?

Yes, I have been feeling very hot these few days. Turn on the aircon and fan, but still feel so HOT!
wah..seems like u gals happily shopping at taobao huh
i dare not go into any baby shopping ler... scare i buy n buy like machiam i own the bank like tat...kekkeke....

me too always have urge to go toilet but little output..but no discomfort or anything..guess bb pressing bah..
yesterday its another milestone for me! I realised I cannot see the bottom of my tummy anymore. there's like some rashes there, so I just what to see and check, but hor no matter how hard I tried to bend, just cannot see.
Gosh! I'm really shocked! didnt expect this will happen to me!
cheryl, thanks...if u all feeling the same...then mebby im being panaroid...tink i will monitor a few days...if dun get well by mon then will see doc liao

me too.
I was hoping that this time round no need to take. But looks like i might have to. This morn popped another pill coz couldn't walk already. But now feel a better. Hope can last till my gynae appt next week.
i actually check with my gynae cos sometime i walk also will feel urgent. he told me not to worry it norm as baby heavier i might feel more discomfort..

lol~ nowaday i need mirror to see keke
piggy, same here.. sometimes i can be walking, then suddenly i got the urge i wanna pee!!

sharon: if u have UTI (choi), it will burn/ hurt when u pee... look out for that sigh...

I am glad (i think my husband too) that my chinese is so bad and i cant be bothered to SLOWLY read thru the website.. haha..

mickey: i took a walk just now... went to read the mas selamat article standing up. hahaha... a bit better now... thanks.
dear mummies.. i really have this sudden craving to eat 五香米粉 especially the prawn crackers..when abt in north side can i find hah??? i dun see any selling at kopi shops leh..
Same here! I'm oso shopping for bigger sizes clothes for bb cos i din buy any previously

Hahaha ... ya, i oso can't see bottom part. I can't even wax myself down there anymore. Looks like gotta get hubby's help now

Anyone knows when will stretchmarks (if we suay suay kena) appear? I've been looking at the mirror, trying to see if i'm the suay one to kena.
sunshine:wouldnt advice u to go NYC.......flt is too long.
Bus directions:hee tks for the advice

Janice:ba chang....me had once and cannot digest so xin ku
Some during pregnancy no stretchmarks. But after giving birth, lose some weight, then stretchmarks appear. SIGH, right?

Last time when I consumed, my gynae advised me not to take more than 3 pills per day. It is for relaxation.

Glad that you are alright now.
cheryl: i thinking of which course to go.. may wanna go both.. hahaha

piggy, kiki:
i got a suggestion.. this is wat i did when i was training this fella who made mi puke blood...
i make him take out a exercise book... then write down the topic which i was gonna cover... then after that i prepared a separate listing which will have the topic of what i cover, then make the fella sign each time i complete explaining that particular topic... then the fella cannot act blur n say he forget, or that i never cover.. i will ask him to go back to the book n read what was covered... then the list i passed it on to my manager.. hehehe.. so manager cannot say i never do my work

stretchmark can come anytime now liao...
for my #1, my SM only came at 36 weeks.. 2 weeks b4 she came out.. but for #2, 20wk my Sm from #1 seem darker, but now subsided.. but tummy feels tihgter now so i now rubbing baby oil liao
actually a good indication is to look at ur mama lor... my mum dun have any SM... so i did not get much...
actually SM is all due to genes de.. so those expensive creams may not help much either.. which is why i am sticking to just baby oil.. it served me well during #1...
the impt thing to avoid SM si to make sure skin is moisturised lor...

I c .. so i guess i shld be getting it since my mum oso has. Hiaz .. but still, i'm gonna slap on my SM cream every nite. Maybe can reduce the amt ... hahaha ....
Evening ladies

Mickey, I am still waiting for a couple of friends to confirm with me what they intended to get from pelangi and hope to hit RM1000 and at the meantime waiting to pick up some books from a friend who is passing to me to make sure they are not the same as the pelangi ones.

Piggy, I will let you know once I am ordering the books from pelangi.

Kiki, so sorry, very busy this couple of days, will go to the bank to trfr money to you next monday. By the way, is there any changing mat on Taobao?
hello ladies

am now chatting on forum whilst hubby is cooking dinner - bad hor? haha... thats the privilege of being sick... took 3rd day mc today! but worked from home most of the day, so xian.

anyways, if any of you are interested in diaper bags, i bought one from this site (friend's friend). she stays in the US and ships coach/ kate spade bags to her family who would deliver to your house. pricing is quite cheap given that a kate spade diaper bag from the city hall boutique costs about 800! i only got mine at about 300.


happy shopping! (better go help hubby liao, starting to feel bad!!)
sure no prob

ya lor if not by then also mus pay n buy in sg which is much ex!!

i jus had a session with Mdm Ida v gd my ache all gone thanks for ur recommendation i goin to book her for my post natal as well :p
since primary sch i alr got lots of SM on my thighs n i was nv fat n suddenly slim down so dunno wher my SM come from but i still wear short bo chap :p but i see my mum not much SM 1 so hope i also wun kena
Hi Mum-to-bes,

I'm from Apr thread and has a 1 month old Ameda Lactaline Dual Electric pump to let go. Full set, in perfect condition. PM me if interested.

Pris and Weishy,
No worries about the payment.

Pris: Changing mat?? is it those waterproof towels? alot of us as ordering the anpanman and yellow duckie ones.
You can check the recommended shops in taobao

I received these book today. Quite satisfied with the quality.

Sorry for the late reply. about the booties color, i want the original color in ur pic.

tried to send private message to you but it is not on wor
good morning gals

nice weather to sleep in but having insomnia. hiaks.

how are you? does taking the ventolin makes yr heart beat faster and feel very restless or tense? I think the ventolin is making me feel very restless &amp; tense, hence the insomnia.

re: caneston high chair &amp; jane activa
Does anyone know which shop sells the above chairs? so far not able to find a retailer to have a look at the chairs.

that link you provided for the beddings look like the same link that Pegsfur provided the last time.

I'm interested in the moo-moo set but can't figure what's the items included - if someone can do the translation, i would like to get a set of the moo-moo cot bedding.

Kiddy palace already have one of the cheapest bedding - you shld see the ones at motherworks at GWC - they cost like 20 over just for the cot sheet. yipes, after adding the bumper and stuff can go up to 400 plus. but really nice lor.

did you order the moo moo bedding set in the end?
Morning! You guys are early!

Those 100 yuan ones includes bedsheet, pillow case and bumpers (one on the sides, one for the head part)

hey weishy,
because cough syrup is sweet?

morning, having insomnia, so sleepy but when head touch the pillow - immediately so restless.

can give me the measurements? i want to get one set, as well as buy additional, bedsheet (is it fitted or flat sheets)

Do they have diaper stackers in the same design? geez my chinese really suck lor.
