(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

can share the bill for emer c-sect?

oh it my fave their curry also v nice
ya go there n see will have a better idea


i like gal with the word Xuan also

<font color="0000ff">smurfy</font>, yes, regarding bfd, I direct latch and express as well. Both my boys prefer direct latch, they take to the bottle only when other are feeding them.
thanks for the infor on making the birth cert... my girl prefers bottle leh.. coz CL gives her bottle in the nite... then she starts not to suckle well.. causing congestion... today giving her total bottle while i clear my congestion... see how things goes tomorow.. if she still prefers the bottle... err let her be.. at least i can concentrate on emptying my full breasts with the pumps.... dun wanna be too anal oredi..
smurfy, that's definitely true! Jia you on expressing!

joann, so glad ur bb is well! Rest well.

sharon, yes, let's jia you together! With my 1st one, I didn't have a CL so that time even more jialat leh... really depressed and crying every day.
Wow! your story very similar to mine, my dr kept telling me to push hard, if not will end up with emer c-sec. I'm so scared of it that I pushed until I puke!

It's good that that you already took epidural, so they can immed perform c-sec without delay. So its a blessing.
smurfy, there are some babies who will do only either the breast or bottle and will not have both. My #2 was exactly like that. She will only have 1 or the other... so ya let her be. Whatever makes thing less stressful for you.

haha, for my #1, when my gynae said go c-section, i was so relieved. haha. Told her should have done that 18hrs ago. :p

maybe just need to pay the registration fees? From what i know first yr can change name, no need lawyer and stuff. Maybe can call and check first?
i was in MAH breastfeeding room on Wed and sister kang was giving consultation to a mum whose daughter is 11d old and refuse the nipple. Now I'm quite scare to give bottle to my BB. Hope my BB will be able to latch when he is discharge.
<font color="ff0000">Mummies doing birth cert for your little ones</font>
If you want to put their Chinese Character in the birth cert , you may want to print it first.
Then cut and paste on the cert before the receptionist at the counter sent it for lamination.
Alternatively you can write the Chinese Character manually.
It was what I was told if I want the birth cert to look nicer, as some might not be able to write Chinese or some might think their handwriting is not good enough.
<font color="0000ff">kikilala</font>, paisey, have not tt the postal sum to you yet. Will do so after 40 days confinement, ils here got no atm.
Don't worry, normally they will discharge after 48hrs.
It happened to my #1.
And during that period, I actually did not breastfeed her, and she put on so much weight drinking FM....keke!
I continued to bf her after I brought her home.
kiki, don't worry, it shouldn't be a problem to latch again. My girl also did 2 full days of bottle while phototherapy in hospital. Their memories are quite short

mashy, that shows that what is in the bottle is more than enough! Is Hayley taking to the bottle well and able to alternate between breast and bottle?

she still prefers the breasts. Sometimes when she drinks from the bottle, she'll half drink and half leak onto the hanky. sigh.

Now she's so attached to my breasts that when she awakes, she wanna be latched on until she falls asleep again.

Can i check how much cash and medisave you all pay for natural w or w/o epi for 4 bedder at TMC? Please help me cause me and hb need a rough guide to prepare. #1 i stay in 1 bedder so paid almost 2K after deducting medisave.
i paid.. $1910 for tmc one bedder (premier)... natural delivery with vacuum assisted and epidural.. but me was admitted one extra nite before bb is out..
kiki: baby should be alright lah, maybe just want to observe one more day..

can i ask ah, if lets say u are admitted and u give birth only after one whole day. So do u still stay the standard 2 nights 3 days or it starts only after u have delivered?
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, haahaa, Ray will glue to me when he is sleepy or when he hears my voice. He prefers the breasts to the bottles too but he will take the bottle when dh, mil feed him.
My dr ask me to go to hospital after 12mn, so its considered the start of a new day. I stayed in the delivery room for 19hrs. the 3d2n starts from admission.
If you are admitted before 12mn, then will be counted 1 extra day le
hello all

jst back from gynae appt.. doc did a VE for me again. bb head is down but not engage.

but jst a week he gain abt 400-500g. my god! now is 3kg liao le.. i don kw how he gain so much cos this few days im at home cooking myself and no sweet stuff or calories stuff.. hope he don gain too much liao le..

doc expect bb to be out next week or before my due date. but he said next week mayb not possible.. but i got a feeling mayb next week can liao le.. hehe..
for the registering of bb name..
does they require mummy signature or not?

cos after bb born, hubby will go see FS master and than select name. takes abt a week to finish.
mashy, think girls are smaller eaters than boys overall. Last time when Joy was 1 week old, she would take about 30-40 mins to even drink her 40ml *faint*

can ah. why leh? i'm going to cut hair next sat before my confinement ends.

sian right? Like when preg, the pesticide is in your body, after that it's attached to your body. sig.

H's only drinking 50ml now at 2 weeks. Really small eater.
I'm not feeding BM to my BB now, dr says that the jaundice can come down faster if take FM first. So I just express and keep.
Are you using PIS? I got an avent manual pump as a gift but it does not effectively drain the BM leh.
Hi Ladies,

Saw gynae today, baby is weighing almost 3kg liao, at 35w3days. his head is down, but not engaged yet. gynae said shouldn't deliver yet.

didn't have a pleasant visit today, cos first time my urine test showed hi sugar contents, im so worried now. i hope i don't get gestational diabetes. took blood test to check, result will b out next week..


yep, jaundice will come down faster if feeding on FM, provided that bb poo &amp; pee as well, so must monitor bb's pee &amp; poo.

btw, i've emailed you.
Hello ladies
Discharged from hospital today. Very chaotic at home, almost felt stress out. My bb has a big appetite. Today is day 4 and my little bit of colostrum is not able to satisfy him. He is impatient and will wail and cry as my milk is not in yet. Haiz.... No choice but to give formula.
My breast is starting to feel heavy today, does it means that my milk is coming in soon?
Taslyn:humm dun think it will be a closure as u still hv some issues to settle with me too.....ur hubby promised to settled it on next wed...hope tat u can help to remind him to honour his words.sorry to said , taslyn be cos of so many issues dat transpires btw us.

Me being such a intellectual person, can be perceived by yr countless, numerous n ridiculous lies

an contempt. I'm sad to say dat i no longer hv e trust in u except when all money matters r being settle fully with me

i'm oso writing this post as a warning to other mummies in e forum not to be so trusting n guillible, soft hearted n kind hearted like me so as to be taken advantage by some unscrupulous ppl

Dun sulk lah ... u only have 5 more weeks to go even if u have GD now, and that is provided you deliver at full term 40wks. People like me &amp; shirley already kena for so many months now.
Hi Mummies,

Infant Massage Promotion

1 Hr - $25
Pls add $5 for transport charges for home visits

Good for babie’s brain development
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Assist in blood circulation
Helps in strengthening babie’s joint and muscle

Pm me for details and booking slots
i was told by the lactation consultant to pump 5 min each breast alternating for 30 min for each session, each session should be every 3 hrly even thru the night.
oh yes, forgot another point. to massage yr breasts before each pumping session, this includes the areolas as well as rolling the nipples.

yes, yes, breasts heavy means milk is coming in..good for you.
pink, yes usually milk comes in day 4 to 5 or so... just latch first, and then top up with FM after the latching since milk ss not in yet... also u may wanna pump too if u can? I try and pump 10-15 mins aft feeding session to increase supply.

mashy, think 50ml is still ok leh...
pegsfur, thanks for comforting.
sorry i didn't know about you and shirley's condition. thanks gal!

let's all jiayou!

pinkmama, sounds to me that ur milk is coming soon, hang in there.. one day when u wake up to sore and hard breasts, as hard as stones.. confirm got milk lai le...

make sure u get ur pump well-sterelized

last time i so stoopid.. thought of just stimulating, then suddenly the milk really flow out.. and my pump wasn't sterelized yet! there goes all the colostrum -__-

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the following items for sale. Please pm me if you are interested. Thanks

Handsfree breast pumping strap , used only twice. Bought at $27.90 ($35.90 including postage). Selling at $20(Self collection).

Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (Medium). Used for less than one month. Bought at $29.90 ($37.90 including postage). Selling at $20(Self collection).

Pigeon Bottle and baby food warmer (still in box). Bought few months ago, only opened for testing, never been used. Bought at $56.90, selling at $45(Self collection).
