(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

wah, dont scared me leh! how heavy was your #1 and her head size? do they ask me if i wanna breastfeed after they weigh and clean up baby? haha need to know what to expect from them in case i wasnt lucky to get good midwife/nurse.

Morning all

finally its Friday!!! and last day of july
Good morn & TGIF


Ooh.. I love the booties! Thanks so much. Looking forward to checking out the letterbox 2moro am hehe.
good morning all

TGIF and end of july!
for those who have popped.. congrats..
for those still waiting like me... jiayou..

Zojirushi products
they are very good at retaining heat... can tahan very long if u use them properly.
reira, they need definitely ask if u wanna bf after you have delivered in the delivery room.

I go back check my no 1 info then let you know.

Chintz, I will be at acj later to make appt for next Mon.
Mummy I need some help , where can order online to delivery the baby cot ? and whr to get those cute cute mattress cover
morning all!

tink Zojirushi products r quite good...tiger brand also good...today tangs got sale...got tis bundle the porridge jar and stainless steel bottle for only $69..my MIL bought for $109

u b discharged today?

thanks for the info...i also worried bout the breastfeeding part...tink TMC is quite pro breastfeeding

ur appt on sat? when is ur dh coming back?
my HB comin back nex wed my appt is nex tues....

hahah my MC till today only den my nex appt nex tues so a bit diff... so was thinkin might as well jus take nex mon onwards.. somemore my stomachache return again feelin so uncomfortable now..

for mattress cover u can get from kiddy palace or dept store? i buy the brand mamalove lots of design..for cot u can try kidzloft they provide delivery service.
I also have abit of stomachache and pelvis pain at times. But nt very serious. Im only lazy to go work..coz when I walk my leg ache, ligament ache..back ache..
my stomachache is those sharp pain type den after i go n release the pain still hangin ard... my leg start to swell more also so my leg ache also

so comin to work is really not easy for me..
Hi everyone,

today is my last working day in office. next week, starting my ML. Yeah!
This morning, i went toilet..and saw a jelly-like discharge. I guess that is the mucous plug.
I google it..and saw that mucousplug drop doesn't mean 'immediate labour'..so it's still a waiting game for me.
Anyone shred their mucous plug , and still waiting for laour signs to kick in?
think my plug going to drop soon...
cos my discharge got bit of jelly too...

yup...plug gone doesn't mean u going to seh immediately...

my #1 i waited for 1wks+ b4 seh...

Tuesday (4th Aug) induce? Me too ^^ Jia you hor!

But u only go in at 11pm to insert pill, I will check in 8 in the morning!

When I had my #1, my gynae inserted 3 pills at 2pm, then midnight I went into hospital due to labour pain, and only give birth on the next day afternoon.
mucous plug drop out liao ar? got show yet? look out for reddish spotting... maybe u will get the sign by this evening if there is show.. :p

just take the ML from next week lar...
cloudme: really ar? still muz wait so long...
juz now, showed my husb the jelly-like substance, and he got excited ,thinking the bb will arrive anytime today or tmw.

I also had lots of jelly-like discharge on yesterday, i told my husband it is mucous plug.

He then asked me it is water bag burst...
piggytoh/ taslyn : no leh...it dun look pinkkish or reddish. Juz clear-looking substance. Not spotting sign yet.

At 1st, i tot is part of waterbag. make me gan-cheong. But closer look, it's jelly-like and i touch it, it feel very warm ..after googling, then realise it's mucous plug.
then just monitor bah... the jelly-like thing is prolly due to ur cervix ripening.. so u just hv to look out for spotting now lor

if it is waterbag burst, then it is machiam like a big pool of water as though u lost control of ur bowels n have peed.. but it is clear n odourless..
yup...that time my #1 my plug also like that clear type...
and i didn't have any more signs after...
until doc check my dilation (on the schedule visit b4 seh)and my cramps kicked in...

but diff ppl may have diff signs...
some their cramps kicked in only a few days later(like me)
and some cramps kicked in after plug drop...

so do monitor...
if only a bit pinkish still ok i heard if blood den better go check cos bleedin may mean other thing also...

ya most prob later hand over n say bye bye to my boss hhaha...

den u continue to monitor bah since no blood shd be still ok
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Thank you.

you haven't bought a cot yet????? U should get one quickly in case u need to pop like tomorrow?

u may wanna go and take a look to see if the height suits u. Coz there's only 2 levels, u may want a height that's easy to change diapers with.
ya lor... tt time i read somewhere if mucus plug with blood may indicate other thing other than onset of the labour so better go n check... keke..
haha.. yeah lar.. just hand over.. then just relax next wk then go induce... dun hv to pay half mth parking also...

do u see urself keeping the bed til ur kid goes to school n use it as a study table?

u can check out http://babykingdom.com.sg too.. they have cots there also
Yen: baby also knows u starting ML soon, so baby is getting ready to come out lor... =) do watch for more signs k....

SBB: yeah, staff nurse, worked at KKH, paeds.(now in social services but still registered nurse).... actually sleeping in sarong also no good for back... imagine baby sleep in that curled up position.. in womb they at least got the amniotic fluid to cushion and the walls of the womb.. now they got nothing and the sarong cloth is shaping their backs..

pegsfur: i didnt know coriander will get stuck to our teeth... but *blec*... hate coriander... hate the smell rather, but COokie's diet has coriander, so i have to prepare every day... so am used to the smell liao but dont wanna taste it...

how about if u mix the tau gey with ur mee rebus or fishball noodles and convince urself its a dish? haha...

i like tau gey, but i always wonder if there is any nutritional value..
baby s,
Hahaha .. cannot ... i dun like the taste of tau gey in my noodles, especially soupy noodles. I find that it spoils the taste of the noodles cos they tasted raw and very crunchy. If it's fried de, den ok, cos they are soften already

Oh, i didn't know cookie eats coriander!

I got my cot from baby kingdom oso.
dun think there is any truth tat sleeping in them will make bb have rounder heads... in fact, bb will be so dependent and wants to be rocked/shaked all the time.. then u will hv problem bringing bb out to places without sarong le

my ger was delivered via vacuum.. mil say to let her sleep in sarong... tried for 2 weeks when she was 1 mth.. my ger absolutely hated it... coz it was too warm for her... neither did her head turn rounder (mil blames on the bed/cot)

Wow.. a nurse job is not easy also. Cos my god sister also nurses for many years..

Luckily, I'm letting my bb sleeping at bbcot and also sarong.. so hopefully still okie..

No choice la.. they insisted bb sleep at sarong also..

yeah man... unless they keep the lot for u even after u deliver.. then maybe pay lar.. if not, tell them fly kite.. hehe

u getting those with auto rocker?? if so must monitor hor.. some pple just leave it on all the time when bb are in the sarong so that bb will not make noise.. but in long term not good for bb.. coz bb will get so used to the rocking...

haha.. your mil blame the baby cot ah? how come?
there is one type of those sarong with holes one that one is not so hot..

my mum said let bb sleep bed and sarong. but we does not intend to rock her cos young bb cannot shake heard not good for their brains..

me not getting those auto rocker one wor.
getting manual one.. haha..
my mum said let bb sleep for few mths.

don intend to rock bb also.. cos bed also cant rock.. so better don rock. if rock too hard i think affect the brain also.
yen/shirley, i had clear/beige jelly for almost 6 days then I see jelly turn into blood which is show. That's when I admit and was 3cm dilated and deliver same day.

Sharon, yes! Waiting to be informed what time they will be fond then can to home.
congrats to all those mummies who popped..

ur labor really very short for #1. the opening of drawers and cabinets.. i think it's more for safe delivery right? (last time the tcs show, little nonya.. yueniang or juxiang oso do that kekkeeke)

bb drinking 60ml.. me producing 100ml... i went parentcraft 2x oredi for congestion... sianz... last nite keep on massaging but one side still congested...full but cannot draw out milk in the end this morning took out the old and trusty avent manual.. hopefully it can help me clear the congestion by today while bb is bottle fed... :/

think after today bb dun wanna be on the breasts anymore.. everyday oredi a struggle coz nite time is bottle fed by CL.. and daytime she will struggle on the breasts.
the one whioh my ger slept in got holes de.. but she still ends up sweaty.. n i did not dress her in thick clothes.. only those thin thin material de tee.. not even wearing any shorts or pants

manual one is better if u r getting the sarong.. hehe.. else like pegsfur say, u will be tempted to leave it on when bb is cranky/fussy... it is really the easy way out lor...

the opening of cupboards n cabinets is for the whole house or wat? never heard of it ley.. :p

hope my bb can popped on the 8 or 16...

cos my #1 birthdate is on the 8...(multiple of 8s...)
easier to remember...
