(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Tubbymummy, thanks for all the valuable information.
wah u sure are giving lots of good stuffs to S. Will try out the Sambucol first and see if K is receptive to supplements. Hard to get anything into her these days.

So have you signed S up for school yet?
I went to vitakids today to get the multivita, fish oil for dha and sambucol. I was told shouldn't give sambucol everyday wor. Should give when immunity is low or when baby is sick. Something about not having immunity hyped up all the time or it won't work when we need the boost in immunity.
deerdeer, yes my boy will wake up once or twice at night at 12 am and sometime in the morning.

He'll wake up 'aehh' a bit, look for me and burrow into my arms and fall asleep.
I just saw one of your earlier posts on your boy throwing tantrums. My girl has been like that for past few days... like being frustrated or insisting on having something her way, or just keep on crying and cannot be pacified.

wow tubbymummy
it sure seems like a lot of good stuff!

my daughter would usually make a bit of noise about once every night... depending on what time was the last feed, I usually try to delay feeding until 5.30-7am.
hi mummies,
anyone toilet trained their tots?

My boy has been tugging at his diapers whenever he pees or poos.
at night he'll open up his sleepsuit's buttons and pull at his diaper.
Now i tried giving him the 2 pc PJ, he took off his own pants..
anyone experiencing this puzzling behaviour?
Hi Ching,

I have not started potty training but did taught my girl some motions. like asking Pee or WuWu when she's doing her business. Standby potty next to the toilet, so we will rush her to the potty whn she saying Pee pee or Wu wu.

Potty training should start after 2 year old, accordingly to books n website. it also depends if your child is ready. I can say mine isn't.
Ah Ching,
it is becoz its itchy for him, tat's y he tug at his diaper? It takes more than tugging at diapers to toilet train. I just got started my 3 yr old at toilet training, meaning knowing when go to the potty and pulling down her own pants.
Hi mummies, I'm hoping to toilet train my boy when he is older as books recommend to delay toilet training if there will be a new sibling.

My boy.. he took off his PJ pants and took off his diapers and threw it out of his play pen!
This is such a puzzling behaviour.

I tried changing his brand of diapers and changing is Pjs but he is still opening his buttons and tugging at his diaper...

I've checked that he is not having any diaper rash..

Asked my nanny abt it but she's also not sure what could be a possible reason..

Could it be a developmental milestone? like learning to take off clothes??

My boy is waking up in the middle of the night frequently now although he had been sleeping thru for 2-3 months before these puzzling behaviours...
Ah Ching, sorry for late reply. Wah, I don't know leh... Not sure if there'll be diaper rash when take probiotics. Maybe every child reacts differently? So far my girl after getting that seriously bad round of diaper rash, it seems like she very easily gets it these days. Sickening. I think if your boy's already taking food/fm that is enriched with DHA, you don't have to supplement. My girl's organic fm doesn't have dha, and she doesn't eat HB cereal anymore, and she only takes fish maybe twice a week, so I thought I better supplement. I just add a bit to her bedtime milk. Sounds gross haha, but she doesn't complain, so I'm happy
Oh, your boy sounds very clever being able to take off his clothes! But er, of course it isn't nice for you when he does it in the middle of the night. Read somewhere that when they reach some development milestones, it sometimes causes them to regress on their sleep.

katelee, I don't give her the sambucol everyday. When she was recovering from her last bout of flu, I gave it to her everyday. And recently when I caught a cold and didn't want her to get it, I gave everyday too. Otherwise, I give her maybe once every 2-3 days? I mix it into a bit of diluted vitagen, together with some probiotics. For her liquid multivits, I only add it to the above vitagen concoction if she hasn't eaten well for 2-3days running. It has a bitter after taste and she doesn't like it. Have switched brands but haven't tried out the new one. Hope it's better.

ahnet, I'll only be starting the Nordic Naturals Baby DHA tomorrow, once I finish my current Nutraomega one tonight, so I don't know yet. Ya, it's fish oil. The ingredients stated on the box are: Purified arctic cod liver oil, D-alpha tocopherol, Rosemary extract, Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol in olive oil). Tocopherol is vit.E if I'm not wrong.
deerdeer & dolly:
my boy wakes up at nite for feed as well! trying to stop, but still unable to.

my boy tantrums has dropped. how did u handle her gal's tantrums?

ah ching:
wow, your boy so smart, know how to remove his pants. think is consider a milestone leh.

seems like quite a no of mummies have started to give supplements. i have tried to give fish oil, but my boy doesn't like it.
Hi Tubbymummy and beemom, yep maybe taking off clothes is a milestone..
but it can be quite troublesome for me cos I have to keep rebuttoning his sleepsuit.

And my boy is 'smart' but in all sorts of dangerous things.
He can unbuckle my Combi umbrella strollers' seat belt!
Once was bringing him to take train and suddently realised he had slipped half out of his stroller as he had unbuckled the safety belt!!
Now I have to keep an eye on him whenever I use the stroller.
ah ching,
could he be feeling hot under the diaper? now that he's older, smart enough to remove it himself! I do pity these kids, having diapers on every moment.

want to ask a strange question. How do you test the temperature of food eg. porridge, before giving to your kids? Do you still drop some on your wrist to test, or blow at the spoon, or use lips to test or do you have other methods?
i also saw in another thread that the mummies usually wash their kids' bottom after every poo. Do you do that? I'm guilty cos i dont. Aren't they too heavy to be carried with one hand now?
Food: I will take the first bit. :p

I do wash Cayden every poo, we also wash my girl (3 1/2yo) almost every poo too.

It better coz wet wipe not so good to their skin.
i wash my gal after every poo if we are at home..
i will put her in her bathtub and use the shower head to wash her bum..
i will wash my boy's backside after he poo poo if we are at hm....usually, he will come to us and tell us he wan to poo poo, den he will walk to the toilet himself and wait for us.... den after he's done, we tell him to squat down and den use the shower head to wash wash him lor. so far, he's ok wif this arrangement.
den after dat, i will slab alot of desitin on backside.
i will jus blow blow at the food in the spoon, den let my boy blow blow too den put in his mouth.

or u can buy the tollijoy spoon, think can change colour when it's hot or cold one.
newmum, we wash our gal's backside after she poos too. we'll sit on a stool and ask her to hang on to the hand that is carry the shower head then wash with the other hand.

tubbymummy, thanks for the info. rouxuan has recovered and back to her usual self. mostly happy and sometimes naughty. when she's sick, she's always throwing a tantrum. think we'll not give her any supplements so soon. maybe just yakult.

ah Ching, wow your son is pretty smart to take off his pants and diaper! we r also thinking of whether to toilet train our gal. guess we'll wait till she's older then.
hi mummies, thanks for sharing your methods!

hello ecmom, nice to hear from you again. i use cotton wool after wet wipes, hope it is cleaner like this.

won't the poo be 'stuck' in the bath tub then? i may have to use this method or the one-hand-carry method cos my girl can't stand by herself yet.. not to mention walk to the toilet like ahnetsan's boy!

how do you wash when she is sitting on stool? is it the type of stool that doubles up as toilet seat?

mummies, hope you can share more about how you test food temperature. I also eat a bit first to test but now i am wondering how clean is our saliva especially if we are sick. Then another problem when maid feeds. The hot/cold spoon is a great idea. Thanks ahnetsan. Any idea if it is BPA-free?
my boy jus started walking at 15mos.

im nt sure if the spoon is bpa free or nt,cos i din buy.
i try nt to test test first like those grandma style..i find it disgusting...if its me or my hb's i dun mind...but imagine, if its the mil, or maid, eeeeeeeee for me.
hi ahnetsan,

so my girl is not too far behind in walking.. i thought boys start earlier though!

erm.. i thought as mummy our saliva is ok for them. Strictly no way for other people though! But there should be other better ways.. maybe other mummies can share. Blow blow also not very accurate i think..
I wash my girl's bum each time after she poos IF we are at home.
I am not sure if this is a good habit tho. A friend told me that she did this to her kids. And when they went to school, they insisted the teachers/helpers in school to wash their bums!
If we are outside, it is just wet wipes.
I think it is good idea to use cotton wool. maybe i should do that on my daughter.

Actually what i understand is girls start to walk earlier than boys. But my nephew started to walk before he turned one. So, i guess the same rule applies for all kids - everyone is different, special and unique. Most important - they are growing and healthy.

Speaking of taking off their own clothes, today i found my girl without her t-shirt when i went pick her up from her bed this morning! i just hope she doesnt do it in the middle of the night! We told her not to do it lest she catches a chill in the middle of the night!
i wash my boy's bottom after each poo if at home.
i just use water to rash w/o soap as i read somewhere before that too much soap will dry the skin and cause irritation.

regarding temperature testing, i use my lips to test before feeding my son.
toffeecat , i read somew best to give yakult aft 2 yr old... think it's fine if u giving half btl only. i forgot y..

i also wash jayden aft poo n use lip to test food. i now mc at hm. dwn w hfmd like virus. ulcers ard the throat very no appetite pity those kid hfmd muz b v hard on them since they cant express. i think i got from jayden when he recvring. strangely he seem qt fine during the isolation period eating normal n i react worse than him
checked out the spoons, there are some under munchkin and tommy tippee, but too shallow. maybe meant for smaller babies.

newmom, yes we shouldn't get too worried so long as they meet the important milestones along the way and are lively and healthy.

maryG, there are some baby wash that is soap-free. maybe u can use that when washing poo, its mild and won't dry their skin.

createjoy, take care! dont use lips to test the food for now! ;)
Hi beemom
Sorry for the late reply. When my girl throws tantrums, we can only try to distract her like bringing her to see the scenery outside the windows. Sometimes she is just looking for the grandmother or she is sleepy.

hi newmum0109
I actually eat the porridge to test the temperature, haha.. as for poo-poo, we let her stand by the WC (with the cover down) so as to have support while we put soap and wash with shower-head. We also put a non-slip mat on the floor. But it's worrying to think that this may become an obsession as described by newmom2009!

It's also amazing how newmom2009's daughter can remove her t-shirt! As in crew-neck t-shirt right?

How much milk does your baby drink? mine drinks only 3 bottles of 170ml each. and some days it may be lesser...

i am worried this is not enough, but its really difficult to get him to drink more..
I'm giving him 2x solid-Lunch and dinner. And a small portion of cereal for breakfast. Sometimes he doesn't eat the cereal, just the morning milk
bbPP: my boy only take 3 to 4 bottles of 150ml milk each day. initially also worried but since hes still gaining weight n pd said he s ok, i left it as dat. if u r worried can try adding one full portion of milk into his cereal, or add wheatgerm, or cheese like wat newmum said.
hi all btw i m intending to start my son on half day childcare. may i no which childcare ur child goes to? been trying to do some shopping..
Yes, I'm worried abt his calcium and his nutrients intake. I do give him yoghurt at times. But nothing beats milk right? Sigh I'm trying to increase his milk intake but have not been successful
carolle: half day child care cost almost 80% of full day child care.

also i think child care they have programs lined up based on full day schedule.
usually they plan 2 hours nap in the after noon between 1-3 pm

if u considering exposure for child maybe enrichment classes will be better?
bbpp: think it this way. drinking too much milk will make our BB full then they will eat less of other food..
that means absorb less of other nutrients?

my son takes 5 meals of solids a day.
2 meals of cereal. cereal also very healthy cos I'll add the milk powder.
maybe u can give cereal between meals?
halo, for those who are using the pampers active baby, just to share. recently we bought the new packaging on from ntuc, the new diaper is green (instead of the old blue one) and the outer packaging claims that its absorbency is for 12hours. for 2 separate days in a month, my gal broke out in diaper rash. this time it's more severe. there are tiny red dots all over from the front till the back and after liberal application of desitin, the red bumps are still there after 2 days although the number is reduced by half which is still a lot. usually any redness disappears after one change. anyway, i googled new pampers diaper rash and am horrified to find that other babies in the US experienced this too. am so upset. this is the worst diaper rash my gal has experience and we change her diapers regularly at about 3 hours interval with no problem for the past 17th months. so just to share, please try to get the old packaging ones if possible if you are using the pampers active baby. once again i'm really really upset
toffeecat: That's bad! And I've just bought 2 packets from NTUC and it states 12 hours also!
Maybe I should still stick to using it during day time only.

Anyway, did anyone find that Pampers got a smell? I use Pampers active and Huggies Dry, Huggies Dry Comfort interchangeably and found that his diaper stink only when Pampers is used. I'm talking about the "old" Pampers though.
Ah Ching, apparently in the US P&G are denying that there's anything wrong with the diapers. anyway, we changed her to huggies ultra as she used it previously before. used to interchange between this and pamper active but for quite some time just stuck to pampers active cos it's thinner. the rash is completely gone after 2 days of huggies. thanks

dolly, we bought 3 packs of XL and 2 pieces out of the 3 packs got the problem. and those times she used it during the daytime. think it's not cos of prolong nite usage that caused the problem. my guess is some of the diapers might not be treated properly or something? didn't take note of any smell though.

toffeecat: From those info which you see from US, is it just the XL or with any size? Now thinking if I should just return the 2 packs from NTUC, still within 15 days and unopened.
