(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Cassey: Thanks for the sharing about toilet training... going back HK this week, hahaha.. think my mum very into toilet train, which is good! I'll certainly encourage that!

New Mom: Same here! The nanny said my baby can finish her porridge in 10 to 20min time. But those that I cooked, at least 40 min and cannot finish

ahhh tired.. jayden is really unpredictable.. somedays wk up mid night awake 30-60min i-2 times i going nuts. the day b4 he slpt thru though. so strange.. i wonder what mk the diff...

oh like that i think i train frm 12th mth but hor he go IFC i train on wkend n night got use or not?

PM u a contact.
<font color="cc3399"> createjoy, I'm not sure but IFC will prob help guide them in that direction too...?

dolly, createjoy, At the moment, I've only taken up putting Kyle on the potty first thing in the morn. I just give him "not longer than 5 minutes", most times I sing songs to or do rhymes with him. I don't so the Chinese "ssshhh" for pee and "mmmmmmm" for poop thing during this time. (Unless I saw beforehand that his anus is flared and he's ready to drop his bomb.)

If he pees or poops, I celebrate with lots of praises, high-fives, kisses and smiles.
True enough (according to Hoggs), every morning we catch pee.
He's peed and pooped 3 days in a row yesterday (but didn't poop today though).

So prayerfully this this daily 'celebration' ritual helps him realise he's eliminating when he shoots water and helps him recognise what's happening, so he can slowly start practicing control of his sphincter muscles.
Other than that, I'm out too much in the day to do much. If I'm home, I pop him on the potty when I see his poopy face.

Just a note: Hogg prefers to go straight to child toilet seat to avoid a second transition from potty to toilet seat.
I, however, am still using a potty cos I haven't got a seat yet and like that he can hold on and balance himself on his potty

Dear June mummies
I am back to this thread again and just want to thank all of you who've been giving me great advices on my boy's sleeping problem. I am still struggling with it but definitely each and every one of your's advice is valuable to me.

And i've just noticed the topic about toilet training, so just like to share a bit of my experience here. I fully agree with Cassey, and my parents asked me to start training my boy when he was 6.5 months old, and he's been using his potty for nearly a month. The result is great so far.. he pees many times in potty a day, and poos in his potty almost everytime also.

I think what i did was about the same as what Cassey described above.. And everytime i will tell him "potty potty, pee pee", or "potty potty poo poo", but i do use "ennnnmmmm" for poop, and using "ssshhhh" for pee sometimes although most of the time i just say "pee pee", not sure if there's anything bad about it but after reading Cassey's post guess i might learn to change that then, haha.. And after he pees or poos, i do the same, give him a big hug and kiss and tell him good boy, you've done a great job, and i will repeat again "good boy, you've just peed/pooped in your potty!!!"

and i agree it is a good practice to bring baby to potty at a fixed time everyday with a routine, think they are smart enough to learn.. The amazing part is, nowadays i think if we are outside and my boy wants to poo, he will try to "gek" 1-2 times only, only after we are back home and put him on potty, his poo will all come out.. haha i guess he also doesnt like the feeling of having poops all over his golden buttock, LOL..
Thank you! Got your PM. Will try to call this Sat.

You are based in HK?

Oh we set a limit to meal times. Max feeding time is 30mins. She usually finishes her food within 15mins. But since i started cooking porridge ... her face shows it all that it is yucky! I am going to try again this Sat! Wish me well!

Thanks for the reminder re potty train. I've been putting it off ... lazy mom here.
halo, been mia for a loong time liao. think i'll need a long time to read through the archive.

createjoy, same here. rouxuan woke up in the middle of the nite last nite and once last week. flipped around and started to talk and touch/scratch my face. then have to feed her, pat her and ignore her alternating until she falls asleep again. past 2 months she's also been waking up at 4am, 6am and 7am for feeds. but those she'll go back to sleep again. so feeling quite sleepy at work.

cassey, any reason why we shouldn't do the "shhh" or "mmm"? cos for the past couple of weeks we've been putting rouxuan on the potty and doing the "mmm" sound. cos she only past motion once every 3days and her stools seems quite solid. so we were getting worried and started her on potty training. anyway she still only poos once every 3 days still..

new mom, dolly, have you seen or tasted the porridge the nanny makes?? maybe it's the consistency?? or maybe your baby just wants to play with you. maybe ask her to make some more for u to try?

anyone giving 3 solids a day? wondering if i am feeding rouxuan too little. cos she's been eating the same amount roughly since 7 months.

4am, 6am, 7am - 150ml? bm(combined)
10am - 150ml bm
1pm - ht mixed grains mixed with 60ml bm
4pm - 150ml bm
7pm - half pigeon bowl fish porridge with 1 tsp of green veg + 1 tsp of fruit
10pm - 150ml? bm
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings &amp; sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
hi mummies, did not login for a while... seems like the forum is getting pretty quiet now...

toffeecat, i'm giving my gal 3 meals a day.

7am - 140ml (BM)
9am - 5 TBS of HT cereal with 35ml BM
12.30pm - Porridge
4pm - 200ml (BM)
7pm - Porridge
11pm - 200ml (FM)

not sure if i'm feeding her too much or too little... mummies, care to share feeding schedule for your little one?
it is quite clear my cooking is bad. I think i put too much fish .. so yes, u may be right that it is the consistency in a way ... anyways, i am determined to succeed this weekend!

My baby's schedule:
160 ml FM and 4tsp plain cereal mixed with FM

120ml FM and 1 bowl of porridge

120ml FM and 1 bowl of porridge

between 150 to 220ml of FM (sometimes she drinks more, sometimes lesser)
Bluedream &amp; junies, thanks for teaching me how to make porridge! Very happy that you guys gave in exact grams and ml, cos that was what I needed haha... Shall try it out soon. Thanks!

And junies, Do you know if it's a boy or girl?

11 beans, your current PD have to wait super long... are you seeing Terence Tan?? Hahaha... Cos I bring S to him, and his waiting time is avg 2hrs without appointment. But I like him, so I'm willing to wait (for now anyway). I think rapport is important. As for bb's weight, I think if bb's happy, healthy and alert, you shouldn't be worried. S was also around 7.2kg at close to 9mos. 3rd percentile is an improvement for her already actually haha! She has since gained weight, cos after her stomach flu diarrhoea and not eating properly for 2wks, once she was allowed to eat, SHE ATE LOTS. PD thinks S is of acceptable weight, and thinks she's doing very well. If you're truly concerned, just go see a PD and see what PD says.

First Mum, true that CIO method is not suitable for everyone (I for one will not have the willpower or the nerve to see it through I think), but I'm glad it worked out for you and that bb's so good now!

bbAug, it'll be great if you can convince Aug to eat more, cos once you know that he's getting enough to eat in the day, then you can be sure night time wakings are not hunger related, and can troubleshoot more specifically. At this age, I really don't think they need their night feeds anymore if the calorie intake during the day is sufficient. Oh, I just ordered the California Baby aromatherapy diffuser thingy, together with the Colds &amp; Flu oil blend, and the Overtired &amp; Cranky blend. Waiting to collect it. Let's see if it works.

BlueDream, S has no teeth, but she bites biscuits. Sometimes she gnaws on them until a smaller piece chips off. She bites bananas too. Of course, there are days when she just wants to stuff the whole thing into her mouth haha.

Fang, mega combined celebration sounds great!

dolly, wow going to HK again?
Hope you enjoy yourself. How long will you be there this time?

ahnet, no lah, S doesn't even watch cartoons, how to have fave character? Wahahaha... I think at this age, they're not very discerning. But she seems to like Gymbo (or is it Jimbo?? That stupid dirty rag doll/clown at Gymboree). I'd be happy about it if it weren't dirty looking haha. I contemplated buying 1 for her, then decided that she might go to Gymboree and think that it's the same as the one at home, and start hugging or biting that dirty one. Gross! Oh, anyway, bb's 1st birthday theme is always about the mummy lah... hahaha. Don't think the bb cares. So just pick what you like! kekeke

toffeecat, how coincidental, I just thought of you and saw your post here! Just wondered how u were doing that's all, cos haven't seen u post in a while. I don't think u're feeding R too little... If her night wakings is just 1-2x a week, it's probably one of those mysterious things babies do. Maybe just test out other types of food? Here's S' schedule:

5-8am (depends on what time she wants to wake for feed) - latch
10.30am - latch
12noon - Protein+carbo+veg (unless it's mac &amp; cheese, then no protein)
3pm - 200ml fm
4pm - snack, e.g. cheese, biscuits or yogurt+fruit
6.30pm - 150ml fm
7.30pm - carbo+veg/fruit (will add tofu for protein if there was no protein during lunch)
8.45pm - 240ml fm

Potty training - I'm so lame. I have fancy-shmancy potty, AND I also have the toddler toilet seat for putting over our toilet bowl. But I have not even started training. Wahahaha! I want to, just too lazy. Oops.

FATMOM!! Havent't seen your post in a while too. Hope you're doing well
wow, tubby, i din know S drinks so much milk. J still drinks dat pathetic 90ml or so each time...worse nw he doesnt even wan btl feed. force feed him he jus turns his head away and keeps screaming in protest.
dunno hw to make him btl feed again.......
maybe you should try to increase her solid.

He is willing to finish his 1 bowl of porridge just 2 wks ago. previously only half bowl of porridge. However his weight is still under 9kg. (measured on Monday when buying more cough syrup for his running nose.)
My boy schedule:
7am - 1 slice of bread + latch
11pm - 1 bowl of porridge (include meat + vege + biscuit (mostly puff to train his finger grip))
3pm - 210ml FM
5.30pm - 2/3 bowl of porridge / cereal + fruit + yogurt
6.30pm - latch

His night sleep not very good but I don't feed him till 7am everyday. He will wake up ard 5+ or 6+am.
tubbymummy, thanks
been a little busy at work recently. eh rouxuan wakes up 4am, 6am and 7am everyday for her milk and sleeps straight after that. so i'll be sleeping while she's feeding. the recent 1-2x in the middle of the nite is she's totally wide awake and wanting to play! the 1st time she did that i tot is cos of the cafferine cos i drank bubble tea (my 2nd time after delivery.) but the recent one i didn't drink any tea. unless chrysanthemum counts. hmm... Btw Skyla eats and drinks a lot!! and her meals sound really exotic.

bluedream, does your boy also wake up 2-3 times a nite too? guess i'll have to start increasing her feed then. my gal's weight been stagnant for 1 month at 11.7kg. noticed her legs getting slimmer.

newmom, usually i'll put about 3x3x2cm amount of fish for half a bowl of porridge. hope ur baby finishes up all the porridge this wkend!
ashton will cry 2-3 times at night. I just pat him to sleep. Only the 5am+, he will sometime refuse to sleep and wide awake. Think our baby are more mobile now so will not increase weight even if intake is increased.
TubbyM, thought of buying the California Baby cold/flu spritzer also but im wondering how it works cos spritzers are drinks? How do u use this one? Is it a spray? Im tempted to get the bubble bath also cos Aug loves bubbles! S is already sleeping thru the nite rite? It ia great that she is eating so much and drinking lots of milk. Looks like she is taking to the FM rather well.

I have started potty training Aug since he was 6 mths old. I put him on the potty in the morning after he wakes up and he usually poops/pees in it and he is on the potty after each feed/nap. I usually catch the poop after the afternoon nap. So far he is rather used to it but he needs to be entertained with something when he is on the potty cos he gets bored and wants to get out. His poo usually comes in spurts so must wait for a while and make sure he is really finished haha.

Anyone brushing their baby's teeth yet? I havent been doing it conscientiously cos he always chews on the brush and its hard to brush when there are only 4 teeth! I use the finger brush now and no toothpaste yet.
baby porridge: I'm also having a hard time making Aug eat his porridge. He only likes the fruit puree because it is sweet. Im trying to thinking of ways to make the porridge more palatable for him since he has a sweet tooth! Im thinking of adding corn to the stock. Anyone has any ideas???
Hi mommies,

catching up on the posts and saw my topic of interest - potty training. Dylan is testing my and nanny's patience on this. Refuse to poo/pee in the toilet bowl or potty but will do so after we wrapped him up in diapers! Alamak. Not sure how long we have to keep on trying.

ahnet, my boy doesn't even want to watch cartoon when I purposely showed him the leapfrog letter factory. I don't think they will have any fave character until much later.

Meal schedule for Dylan (think I shared this before or perhaps some minor changes to the tmiings):
7am - 220ml FM
930am - 5tbsp cereal with 70ml of FM (separately cos he has milk cravings)
12nn - one bowl of porrige with veg and fish/with pork or chicken. (I try to make variations with different ingredients on weekends, from having tofu added, corn, chicken stock, etc.. and also sometimes, replacing this with a bowl of pasta)
3pm - 220ml FM
6pm - one bowl of porridge
830pm - 220ml FM

Snacks in between are mainly puffs or fruit puree.

Sounds alot but he is actually losing weight with his increased mobility.

Sleep issues - more or less gone. Back to his good old self on most nites. Occasionally, he will crawl and sit in his dreams and call for help to be put back to the lying position. Otherwise, it's him kicking ard too much till his legs get stuck between the railings. LOL.

Teething is like taking forever but still can't see his teeth leh.

any baby who is still toothless like mine???
hi mummies,
potty training: another lazy mummy here.. V refuses to sit on the potty.. tried for a few times then gave up..maybe try again this weekend..

meal schedule:
6/7am: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
9am: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
12noon: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
1 or 2pm: Some veg or fruit puree if at MIL place, if at home, I will cook porridge for her. depending on her mood.. she will eat ranging from 5 teaspoons to quarter bowl
3pm: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
5pm: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal (if at home, I will offer her some bread/ puff at 6pm)
630pm: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
730pm: 100ml to 120ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal
9pm: 130ml to 150ml BM with 1 to 2 tbsp HT cereal

I have a fussy eater plus lousy sleeper at night..
bbjun - Noah has no teeth yet too.. hahah..

Potty training - I must confess that I bought the potty but it's still in the plastic bag... hehehe... Looks like have to do something about that soon

Thanks Cassey for sharing what you've read from Tracy Hoggs about potty training before 15mths!

Toffeecat - long time no see
ehhehe giving Noah 2solids feed very happy liao.. hv not tried 3 times a day but I think quite afew mummies here have been doing that successfully

Chidori - hihi how are u doing?

Noah's not a big on solids too.. fussy eater no doubt but he has improved so much since his sudden solids strike that I am happy enough. He usually only takes about 120ml milk feed sometimes can finish 150ml but mostly 120max.

These days but very flexi schedule:
6am or 7am - latch
9.30am - Bath then latch plus 80- 100ml FM
12.30pm - 2tbsp cereal with puree
3.30 or 4pm - 120ml BM/FM
7pm - 2tbsp cereal with puree
9.30pm - bath then latch sometimes 120ml FM/BM
12.30am - last feed latch but sometimes 120ml FM/BM

I vary alot between FM and BM depending if I think Noah is really gonna finish the milkfeed or not cos I don't want to waste the BM.. oops! hehe plus I think FM has the iron necessary especially since he doesn't eat alot of solids. I've learnt to keep cool about his desire to eat solids or not... hehehe and I guess that's also helped ease the tension and improved the situaton.

11Beans- weight wise I am not sure since last visit to PD was at 6mths. Then he was also below the wt expected of 6mth olds but when I look at Noah he seems healthy and happy(-ier these days) to me so his weight doesn't bother me. Sure he is not super chubby but still has got some baby fats here and there...hhahaha

BbAug- I've tried threadfin porridge once on Noah because someone told me that cereal or what not I was giving him was too Westernised and I should be giving an Asian diet to him... he probably wasn't ready cos he vomitted everything out. Have not retried.
TubbyM - yalo the stupid Gymbo is just so dirty! arrgh really needs a drycleaning bath...I hate it when the "teacher" uses Old Dirty to kiss the babies... PUKE! hahaha

Ahnet - what changed that made J don't want to feed with btl? Did you change the teat size? How do you feed him milk then? With sippy cup?

Yeah about the fav character for birthday party I think we get the privilege to decide for now before they grow to be too opinionated...ahhaha. I still haven't decided what to do about the birthday thingy... *dragging feet*
Hi hi mummies,
hw have u all been? been tied up with work and not been checking out the post here.

am so happy that Noah is taking the solids well... lately, bb Marilyn has been pretty fussy with food and her intake hasn't increase much since we intro cereals when she was 6-mths old--it's still ard 6 tablespoons of cereal+ potato+meat ( feeding 2 times a day).

Marilyn is still drinking 120ml milk all these months but lately, she doesn't seem interested in her milk too... used to finish in 10 mins time, but nowadays,we have to coax her and took ard 25mins before she finish drinking. wonder what has caused the change in her attitude? hmmm.....

my girl doesn't have any tooth too.

Sleep dept,
I am very exhausted becos' Marilyn has been waking up almost every hour during night time (and it often starts from 1a.m.) and she doesn't want her milk and just need to pat her to sleep... it's physicall and mentally very draining. wonder is it teething?? she doesn't have stuffy nose and was still eyes closed but tossing and turning around... it has been going on for almost 2 months...

she used to sleep from 9pm and wake up ard 3a.m. for milk feed, and then continue her sleep till she wakes up for the day ard 7a.m..... her routine has suddenly changed these few months and i thought that giving solids should allow her to feel full? hmm...
bbjun, my gal also no sign of teeth yet. as for potty training, maybe if u notice dylan having a little poop coming out, can straight away put him on the potty. sometimes my gal will sit for 10mins playing and sometimes wanting to be carried but we let her sit for at least 15mins until she starts getting frustrated.

chidori, that's like a lot of milk and cereal that u r feeding.

sweethalo, yups long time no see. maybe u can try other kinds of meat if u still wanna intro porridge, like chicken or beef? and maybe add some veggie puree like broccoli or carrots. my gal like beef porridge but we remove the meat and just give her the porridge and veggie. anyway think purees have more nutrients than porridge. maybe noah knows what's good for him :p

bbaugustine, maybe u can try adding veggie or try other meats??

bluedream, do u wanna try another feed nearer to bedtime? maybe he'll sleep longer.
Jarius' schedule-
7am+ - latch
10+am (or watever time he wakes up) - latch
12+pm - bathe and lunch (usually fish porridge wif vege, abt 3/4 combi bowl portion)
3pm - latch / naptime
5pm - latch / snack, usually give puffs or fruits
7+pm - usually 7-8 wyeth fm blue scoop HT cereal wif BM, if got fruits, will give fruits too
9+pm - latch
11+pm - latch
from 12am to 7am - will wakie few times, latch.

wow, you measured the amt of fish u give?

re: sleeping
dunno why, but jarius keep waking up crying for the past few nights. even day time naptimes he also wake up crying.

ive been brushing J's teeth ever since he got a tooth. now 4 teeth le. i still using the finger toothbrush and its no joke when he bites!!! im using the baby's first teeth toothpaste. so far so good. but i only brushed at night lah. day time always forget to brush his teeth.

i also nt sure wat made J refuse btl nw... hb says i keep latching him whole day whole night until he dun wan btl anymore. and he blames me for dat.

when he tried to btl J either wif fm or bm at night, J jus refused lor. now im wondering whether is it really my fault?

but when im at hm, im really lazy to go pump and store milk and den warm up milk leh and den washing leh. its so much easier to jus latch him. ytd i tried btl wif bm, he also dunwan.

den i told him use cup feed lah. den he scold me, say who will be so free to cup feed next time in the event i go wrk? bloodyhell

sippy cup i use it for J's water only.

bday party, me too, still nt decided... still dragging feet too... who knows, maybe there wont be any party for J.

re: hair
my mil keep telling me to bring J for haircut, say his hair so long liao.... it's damn irritating lor. she can say it for so many days. tmr im gg to united sq petit bowl wif SIL. den she say 'on the way' also bring J for haircut lah. damn irritating!!!!!
wat's wrong wif J's hair? not very long right? hair alrdy so little, cut wat?? argh
I m in a dilemma. Cos my boy has a big tummy. So not sure whether to increase feed or not. Another is I don't want to disturb his sleep. He sleep ard 8pm. His wake up pattern vary everyday.
Hi Mummies,

I have Avent pre-sterilizes disposable liners / milk bags to let go, please ping me if you are interested. Each box comes with 100 x 8oz / 240ml. This is specially designed for the Avent disposable nurser.

Have decided to stop breastfeeding so still have a number of bags at home.
hi mummies, just dropby to say hi and yes still very tired at work not much things but this jayden every day 5+ wk up waste my slp time suppose can slp till at least 7.. and dunno since when i started to auto wk up at 5am toss till he wk up at 5+ as if he know mummy is awk. i pretend to slp till the moment he sit up i carry him to pat, his eye go big &amp; round like marble ball till 7+... yday i shout at him to slp haha as if he knows it's my bday he wanna stay up late to play, he laughed... even hb tried he also laughed *faintz*...
i wonder is he awk becos hungry cos i just started to drop his 3+ feed ard 2 week ago..
bluedream, is the tummy cos of the wind? my gal also have wind. have to put ruyi oil before she sleeps. perhaps u can try to delay the last feed to 7plus? and increase the solid? also not sure. maybe have to experiment? think i'll add in one more puree for lunch and change the cereals for breakfast for my case. my gal sleeps at 10plus and wakes up at 8am.

haha ahnetsan, eh i didn't know how to describe how much fish i put so tot easiest is put down in dimension lor. actually it's agar-agar one :p i'm also lazy to pump and bottle feed during the wkends when i'm at home. it's quite tiring to pump and feed and wash. ur hb shld try to understand. maybe during the wkend he can feed and wash and u pump and try to get J to warm up to btl feeding again?

bbmarilyn, there was one week that my gal kept on waking up every hour. didn't know how to solve that. i just drank chicken essence. maybe she sleeps too much during the daytime? in the meantime can down some chicken essence.
hi toffeecat,
thks for the suggestion. yeah, it baffles us why did she wake up almost every hour, and often the magical timing after 1 a.m. ,it has been like that for many weeks... quite a sudden change from her usual sleep ritual... when she tossed and turned, we ignore her for a start and hoping that she will go bk and sleep on her own. She didn't, she will make noise. I ended up having to pat her to sleep.... sometimes taking up to 30mins to pat her to sleep.... peh san!!

Her daytime nap has always been 2 times since she was 5 months old, each time lasting around 1 1/2 hours, the most 2 hours. all in all, she takes ard 3-4hours nap.
hi toffeecat,
thks for the suggestion. yeah, it baffles us why did she wake up almost every hour, and often the magical timing after 1 a.m. ,it has been like that for many weeks... quite a sudden change from her usual sleep ritual... when she tossed and turned, we ignore her for a start and hoping that she will go bk and sleep on her own. She didn't, she will make noise. I ended up having to pat her to sleep.... sometimes taking up to 30mins to pat her to sleep.... peh san!!

Her daytime nap has always been 2 times since she was 5 months old, each time lasting around 1 1/2 hours, the most 2 hours. all in all, she takes ard 3-4hours nap.
How do you manage to train pee? Did you go diaper-less at 1st?

ToffeeCat, big tummy due to wind? I thot it is due to his constant constipation. :p Cos of his constipation, I don't dare to let him try lots of solid.. mostly still puree.

bbaugustine, have u tried to mixed sweet potato or sweet corn with porridge? If your boy take biscuit, the porridge can be those sticky type.
Been awhile dat i last post and didnt do OT on previous posts. I should be missing out alot!

bbmarilyn, my girl also for the past 2 weeks change her sleeping routine. She used to drink water pat den sleep. Now have to drink, pat, play and dis routine repeat a few times b4 her last water drink den gets sleepy and sleep. Have to coax her about 30 mins or more now. At nite also wake up toss and turn till sleeping on the top of the bed and toss till the end of bed and last nite fall from bed. Lucky got mattress. Dun know y now baby seems to change their routine everytime and wats the reason to it? So tired..
hello mummies,
been a while since i last posted..

the entire family is down with flu including my gal.. brought her to see gp twice already.. very cranky.. i had to cradle her and swing her around to sleep (sweethalo, can't imagine how u manage to do that all this while; i cant do that for more than 5 mins) she is behaving like an infant, want to sleep on my chest and tummy (to listen heartbeat) and my poor son is kicking so hard in protest

she used to drink 240ml x 4 bottles + 2 servings of solid food and other snacks per day.. now she is barely taking 100ml X 2-3 bottles a day.. so worried for her..

thanks for asking.. i am still on hospitalisation leave.. and should be back to work after i finish my maternity leave.. i wanted to start work long time ago.. but i discovered i have no energy to do full time work.. doc suggested i start slow (either parttime or 3 times a week).. but since my portfolio requires me to be there all the time, my dept head asked me to consider taking HL all the way.. took me a long time to consider.. luckily my co policy is paid HL for 180 days.. doc also wanted me to plan and act on 1 pleasure activity per week, but i very tired leh.. only manage to do that half the time.. still having bad insomnia.. had to ask doc to increase medication to sleep..
toffeecat, don't think chrysanthemum has much (if any) caffeine, since it's from flowers? Guess S is eating/drinking a lot now to make up for lost time haha, cos she was always underweight, now only beginning to register on the growth chart haha. She's been dropping the early morning latch these past 2 days though, suspect she's "outgrowing" it. Agree with Bluedream, Rouxuan's weight is probably stagnant cos she's a lot more mobile now. She's a very good weight still, so don't worry!
Oh, the food I feed her are things that I would gladly eat myself hehe.

bbaug, the spritzer is a room spray I believe. I'm assuming it's just for you to spray into the air like an air freshener. I can check with the seller for you how this one works, if you like. I didn't get it, cos I think a spray will dissipate very quickly. I went with the aromatherapy diffuser. I'll probably collect it next week. Will let you know how it goes. And yeah, S sleeps thru the nite most of the time. A couple of times a week, she'll wake a couple of times, and need to be rocked/patted back to sleep (can take up to 45min). It's breaking my back, so I'm shopping for a new cot that is higher. Maybe Aug will eat more if you introduce lots more variety? I give S stuff like mac&amp;cheese, pasta bolognese, and chicken&amp;apricot curry (not hot/spicy of course). Am thinking of cooking up some cottage pie and quiche (if I can figure out how to make it safe/healthy for baby) to freeze.

bbjun, S is still toothless. But! Today, I stuck my finger in, and I thought I felt something sharp-ish. YIKES!! I still want her gummy smile!!

chidori, long time no see!
Hey, V eats very frequently ya? She wouldn't take bigger portions at longer intervals is it? I'm trying to do that for S, otherwise it seems like all she does all day is eat. The day seems to revolve around her meals.

ahnet, why not skip bottle altogether and train J to drink milk from sippy/straw cup?? Can save money, and seems so much more advanced hehe. S doesn't like her Nuby sippy cup. So bought a Mothercare one, she also reject after 3 days. I tried to drink from it myself, and suck until my cheeks hurt. no wonder she doesn't want it! I'll prob just let her learn to drink from straw or cup, lessen all the hassle.

creamer, hi hi! Hope you've been well

Fatmom, hi!! Oh dear, whole family down? Must be super taxing on you! Probably a good thing that you'll be on HL all the way till after ML. But you can't be relying on meds to fall asleep... Any other natural remedies? Go for massage? Change pillows? Aromatherapy? Warm bath before bed? (coming out from the warm bath into a cool room causes your body temp to drop, which is supposed to induce relaxation and sleep.) If you have calcium supplements, take them before you sleep, my mum's doc says it helps with sleep. Pls take care.
<font color="0000ff">Ladies, I'm looking for a cot where the bed base is about waist or hip height, and when you pull the "door" up, it comes up to about shoulder/face height. In other words, a cot that doesn't require me to bend down much to put baby in. If any of you knows where to buy one, pls let me know ya? Either post or PM me also can. Thanks a lot!</font>
new mom: my parents in HK but I lived in SGP

toffeecat: Was feeding porride cooked by nanny on the plane yesterday. Takes longer than 20 min but he finishes the whole thing (Foogo container). haha.. so maybe my cooking?

TubbyMummy: Glad to hear S is fine. I'm in HK now, will be here for 3 weeks

Mine still drink from doidy, he dun like teat, sippy cup is fine too!

fatmom: wow 180 of HL is like half a year, pls take care and maybe drop by office once in a while so as not to be too bored?

Din bring the pump, plan to just feed on demand w 2 solid meals. So now almost latch every hour! He's still waking up at night too... normally 3 to 4 times a night n will need a feed before going back to sleep
Createjoy: Sometimes it's so "scarry" to see his big &amp; round eyes! That means he'll need to crawl ard for another 30min before can start latching back to sleep. So tiring! And sometimes after a latch, he'll roll and on his fours again
well in morning when he wakes up, i will bring him to potty, and at night before his shower, he will pee in potty first also.. then daytime usually after i gave him milk or water, in about 10-15 minutes i will bring him to potty and say "pee pee", then let him try to pee, after that if he still drinks some water, then about 25-30 minutes later i bring him to potty again...

my boy drinks a lot of water, so yes i dun let him wear diaper for a while during daytime, so it's like if he pees twice in potty, i will remove diaper and let him wear pants only for a while, but if he needs to sleep then i put on diaper again..

he is not potty trained at this age, as he still do not know how to signal me when he wants to pee or poo, just that i feel it is good that he poos in potty almost every time, and pees at least 4-5 times in potty a day, slowly he will learn ba i guess.. i do not think i am able to train him now since he is only 7 months, but it will definitely help him to establish a good habit and maybe potty training will be easier for him in the near future..
toffeecat, cannot lor. If we bring him to potty or toilet bowl after he poo a little, he will just stop totally and wait to be wrapped up again before he poo again!

LOL.. didn't know there are still so many toothless bbs around.
TubbyM, yeah, it's nice to see their gummy smiles.

Fatmom, must have been really tough on you. Perhaps you are too stressed with another bundle of joy coming along and stuff that you are not sleeping well? Taking medication is not really good as one gets dependent on it as well. Try to relax and take things easy.
Bluedream, I have put sweet potato in Aug's porridge but it still doesn't do the trick. When the spoon of porridge goes near his mouth, he will shake his head, telling me no. But I have adopted a new technique of feeding him. That is to put some fruit puree together with the porridge on the same spoon and it kinda works cos he will at least open his mouth to eat=P

Im going to try sweet corn tmw. Previously i just cooked the corn in the soup but did not give the corn to him because i read somewhere that corn has very little nutrients and can be allergenic. However merely cooking the corn in the soup still doesn't give the sweetness so i might end up having to give the actual corn puree to him in the porridge.I will add in other veges to boost the content of nutrients. No one in the family is allergic to corn so I think he should be fine.

Lately he has been having rashes on his back. I think its due to heat. Any baby has the same problem? I have been conscientiously applying the calendula cream but it still doesn't really go away. Tonite i have decided to let him sleep in aircon. I am hoping the blocked nose doesn't come back. I stopped the nighttime aircon cos his nose was rather stuffy previously.

TubbyM, let me know how it goes with the flu/cold diffuser. If you can, help me check abt the spritzer as well. Im thinking of getting a toothpaste for Aug but wondering if its too early since there are only 4 teeth!
bbaugustine: I bought 2 bottles of spritzer, but so far not really useful, the smell goes off as soon as I spray! hahahaha
ok i will forget abt the spritzer then. Today Aug finished his porridge without much fuss...yoohoo!!!!But I have to admit that i had to put in some banana to make it a little sweeter=P and then he was super hyper for the rest of the day, refused to nap. wonder if it has anything to do with the banana...
hihi mommies, hope everyone and bb is doing well.

fatmom, pls try to relax as much as u can. Try to talk more to ur gal. i believe even tho they only few months old but i strongly believe they will understand. so whenever u do any thing to ur gal, tell her why u r doing this n for wat purpose. treat her as ur frenz telling her how u feel perhap she might be a good gal? have a cup of warm milk and read some book before gg to bed. undertand it is not easy to cope but happy that ur dept head advise u to have a gd rest. Take care.

bbaug, i have 1 type of spray, it contain sea water, that is used for washing the dirt in the nose, it can be used 3 times per day. i use that on S 1-2 times a week when she suddenly have stuffy nose in air-con room and it works well on her!! let me check the name and msg u.

Teething: No sign yet

Potty: i admit im lazy mom!

Wanna check, get to know some mommies start on bread n cheese. may i know for cheese is it thise single kraft chesse or there is some special type of bb? Bread is it those white bread or whole gain bread? TIA
bbmarilyn, maybe u can try feeding ur gal when she wakes up at nite? cos u mentioned that she is having less milk during the day? haha my solution to baby crying is to feed her, my hb always scold me abt this though.

bluedream, same here. my gal also got big tummy cos she poos once every 3 days. she also got gas. maybe it's related. came across something interesting. didn't know bananas cause constipation. we always buy banana to feed rouxuan when she didn't poo for 2 days. think we'll stock up on fruit juice again.

Some FOODS are more constipating than others for both breastfed and formula fed infants. These include cheese, ice-cream, yogurt, white bread, spaghetti, macaroni, white rice, banana, green apples, cooked carrots, corn, turnips and potatoes. SMALL amounts of these foods will generally NOT cause a problem, but LARGER amounts may result in constipation. http://www.babycareadvice.com/babycare/general_help/article.php?id=48

fatmom, take care. ur gal is also down with flu? maybe that'll why she lost appetite and wants more comfort from you. hope u all get better soon.

dolly, guess u'll have to get the recipe from the nanny? maybe u try to hard and added too many good stuff :p

tubbymummy, it's good that Skyla is enjoying her food. anyway she didn't look underweight that time when i saw her. wow if my gal can outgrow needing to latch b4 she sleeps, it'll be wonderful lor. where is S sleeping currently? tot now that they can pull themselves up, it'll be dangerous to sleep in a cot with the bedboard at hip/waist level. we just shifted the bedboard down. but anyway rouxuan no longer sleeps there cos too frequenctly need to carry her to bed and back in the middle of the nite to feed her. now it becomes another place to temporary put her when we r busy.
currently J drinks his water from sipppy cup. tried to teach him using straw, he doesnt knw how leh. stupid boy. haha...if i were to use milk in sippy cup, do i need to change cup? so dat he knw which one is for water and which one is for milk? there was once i poured the leftover bm into his sippy cup, once he tasted it, he refused to drink anymore. dunno why leh. but he's ok wif bm on latch and also bm in his HT cereal leh. i really dunno why he jus refused to drink milk on its own.

actually i also wanted to skip bottle altogether. cos i read drinking from btl might hinder his gum or teeth develoment. BUT babies haf been drinking from btl for so many many yrs. which is why my hb cannot accept the thought of skipping using btl altogheter?

hmmm, he dun like teat? is doidy good? when u feed him milk in it, you helped him to hold or he can hold on his own?

corn shd be fine. J takes his corn in his porridge quite good. mayb A is too used to eating fruits puree (cos they are naturally sweeter) le, dats y he doesnt like porridge. take some time for him to like the porridge taste ba.
rashes on back, J has them too. esp after a long day outside. it's prob due to heat. after bath and den i apply AI cream on him, usually the next day, his back is clean again.
brushing teeth, i think it's good to start early, since they are taking solids alrdy. and also in case, when next time he's older, he doesnt wan to brush teeth, den another headache. mayb u can try the "baby first teeth" toothpaste, it's fluoride free and it tastes nice too.

miss you!

i gave J bread, those white bread kinda.

pls try to relax. listen to music? meet us lah, den u can relax better? heehee. luckily you can rest at home, at least it's still nt too bad. is ur maid helping u well with the chores at home?

thanks for the info. very helpful.

anyone knows where to get balloons? any lobang for dat? and those bday decorations? where to get them? on budget too.
