(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

sorry to interrupt here..I have a fully reclinable bb chair cum rocker(bb can sleep or have meals on it) and a combi stroller(limousine kind-fully reclinable) for sale as my bb is 15 mths now.
Selling at..
BB chair cum rocker - $60
Combi stroller(suitable fr infant up) - $50

Condition: 7.5/10, no stain on fabric.
Interested pls email me at [email protected]

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Baby Kneez knee protection . http://www.bigbellymama.com/babykneez.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.
Tubbymummy- thanks for the magic kisses. K's bruise is almost gone now. We were both traumatized by it. See her cry until so kelian and in pain like that, I also cried. Felt really bad and GUILTY for being so careless lor. But then console myself with the old saying that baby must fall down then grow faster. K was frightened by this incident. MIL told me that K woke up and cried the min she puts her down on her bed to nap. Can sleep only when carried during the first few afternoons after the incident.
bbaugustine and bbjun: we are fellow Beco lovers. I can carry K in it for hours and not feel tired unlike B Bjorn Synergy which makes my shoulders and back ache a alot.
bluedream : think the barley water helps a bit. The lips like less pinkish after we gave her barley water once every week. Maybe it's just psychological. hahhaha
Audrey - i live in the west too. near Jurong Point. Would be fun to see all them play together. let me know which day u are looking at
hello mummies,
any lobang to get the LG playmat? My friend came over and loves the mat i got for K. But the online shop i got it from (world of Korea or something) practically has everything out of stock.
Doesn't need to be the cheapest supplier as my friend desperately needs instant gratification. he must buy it like NOW. prefers the Disney car 18mm thick. Anyone to the rescue?
Katelee, glad to hear K's better. Don't beat yourself up over it? I also cried along with S when she fell. Yes, it's the guilt. Felt stupid. Anyway, another playmat seller is SmallSmallWorld (http://www.smallsmallworld.com/), is that the same people? I think the people selling haenim play yards, called Koreacraze ([email protected]), also sells some playmats, but not sure if they have ready stock.

Cassey, I love the homemadebabyfood website! Been referring to it since S started weaning

<font color="0000ff">BIRTHDAY CAKE:
The April mummies gathered together and did a bulk purchase for cakes from 2 places - Pine Gardens (http://www.pgcake.com/, but website fail, very little info, best is to email them for catalogue), and eCreative (http://www.ecreative.com.sg/). They managed to get 10% discount from Pine Garden and 15% off from Ecreative I think, but they each require a certain number of orders and above. Perhaps you girls can consider doing a BP if quite a few of you all want to order cakes from the same place. Just a suggestion of course. I'm not ordering from them, otherwise I won't mind getting the ball rolling.</font>
thanks bbPotato and Tubbymummy for the info. Already passed on the lobang.

Anyone know of the shop in Chinatown that also sells playmats and lots of baby stuffs?
sigh jayden just caught stomach flu yday. wow lau hardly slp with his hrly puke. hey prime having promo for huggies the blue one $14.95, mummies who's keen, grab them before 14 mar.
createjoy, tubbymummy,
actually ive been lazy to sterilise the plate and bowl one... but hor, u knw lah, if i put them on the dish rack in my mil's kitchen, i find it erm, gross leh...

haha. u all shd remb/know dat i sibei cannot tahan my mil's kitchen one right? and there was once i saw my mil, she jus anyhw put her drinking glass on the rack, WITHOUT EVEN WASHING!! FAINT and the way she jus rinse the ktb's cutlery and bowl and btl and den jus put it on the rack, ON TOP of jarius' bowl, i nearly screamed at her lor! so since den, im very diligent in washing J's stuff myself and sterilising, despite she saying aiya, so big liao stil nd to sterilise meh, somemore she super duper against sterilising lor, keep saying her who and who is a head nurse, dun even practise sterilising in hospital.... faint and i always feel like shouting at her telling her to shut her fat mouth up! each time she opens her mouth to comment anything, ANYTHING abt J, i jus feel like stuffing my pointer finger into my ears in front of her!! yet i cant do dat!

and besides, i read the pigeon instructions, its safe to sterilise. haha so i jus sterilise lor.

u all hse is clean, so can dun sterilise, my mil's hse...tsk tsk... no comments...better to sterilise, safer... unless at my mum's plc lah, cleaner, den i dun sterilise the bowl/plate. heehee...im nt biased hor, it's jus dat here is dirty to me.

thanks! i was contemplating to let J taste some cheese, but hesitated. esp when J has got eczema and milk allergy.

btw, anyone knw of this Petit Bowl in United Sq? dat day i brought J to try it out. he ate the chicken and tomato and rice. he loves it. heehe. den for the past 4 days, i've been giving J shredded chicken breast and cherry tomato in porridge.
today i added some grape to it, he finished everything. Maybe we can arrange to go Petit Bowl soon ar?
Kate Lee, Glad to hear that the bruise is better!

My boy has not been passing motion since Sunday! Now he dun really love to latch as well, even at night, he might first stick out his tongue and then will only latch after a few try.
Dolly better gve him fibre and lots of water. Can try giving Gerber bottled prunes. I shared earlier on K having frissure tear cuz of constipation and hard stools. U won't want to risk that happening to your boy as it is really painful. K used to cry whenever she passed motion or whenever we washed her butt, including her bath time. She has now move on to gerber mixed apple and prunes and fresh sugar prunes as she got tired it the bottled prune. We just peel the skin off the sugar prunes and put it into the munchkidv or sassy food mesh. She loves it as it is really sweet. What's left in the mesh will be the big pit/seed
Sorry I think it is sugar plums and not prunes. They come in plastic punnets from NTUC. K had 2 of them today. One after lunch and one after dinner.
Im keen to get the cake from either ecreative or pine gardens. anyone else keen? I received my Beco carrier already. Tried it out at home earlier. seems fine but i think the real test would be to use it and bring Aug out for a day=)
Kate Lee: Thanks for the advice! Just found he poo a little bit.. super stinky but still soft

TubbyM: Think now I start to understand those super stinky poo S used to produce
dolly, wahaha! When it's stewing in there for DAYS, be prepared for a stink bomb!
Try to get him to drink more water too, ya?

createjoy, poor Jayden! Let him drink Pedialyte, ya? It will replenish his lost fluids and minerals. Can get from some pharmacies (I saw it in a few Guardian pharmacies). He might be able to spread to you thru puke, pee, poo &amp; saliva, so take care of yourself too.
hi mommies,

I posted long time ago b4 my girl is born but stopped. Now only a silent reader.

Just want to share that I gave my girl cheese when she was 7plus-8mths. Now 9mths already and she still enjoys it very much.

She will finish 1 slice bread with cheese every morning after her milk feed. Saves me the hassel of waking up early to cook her food. Will prepare her lunch while she tucks in.Easy to feed herself too cuz her 6 teeth out as well already. 4 top, 2 below!So I think save to eat if no allergy to cow's milk.

Oh yeah, and she prefer sliced cheese to cube ones cuz I think the cube ones are very sticky and I have hard time breaking into smaller pieces for her. Can't give the big cubes.

Sterilising- Only once a day at night. During the day once she finishes her milk I just rinse with water and scald in hot water and re use it. My SIL says let her build up her immune system no need to always sterilise. Been doing this for abt a mth and seems ok
thks for telling me,ididnt know can spread other thru saliva.. will try to find Pedialyte, i thought it's only for bigger kids haha until u mention i surf their web it's available for infant too.

we shd combine n divide their shit. 1 too many 1 too little haha.
Hi everyone,

just to ask. Should I let my son jab for flu when we travel overseas? My son haven't gone for pnuemoccocal, so wonder should I do it now. We travelling end of the month. Headache!
Hello all moms,

I have not posted for a long time but I have been following the threads. Good to see that a lot of mummies and babies are doing well!

Kate, my son fell from our bed also! We sent him to KK and have him examined thoroughly because our bed is quite high. Thank God he is ok, but we still feel very sorry for him and we are still very regretful about letting him roll over. His bualuku has disappeared now, but we don't know whether there will be any permanent damage or long-term psychological effect on him. We are putting him on playpen to sleep now.

PP, however, is getting more and more mischievious lately!
createjoy, ya, doctor told me saliva also can spread... Very difficult to avoid, cos their saliva is everywhere, on their hands, then they touch our face, grab our mouth etc. As for Pedialyte, 1 btl is 1litre I think. The instructions on the bottle is only for babies older than 1yo, so I guesstimate and gave her the whole bottle over 2-3 days. Hope he gets better soon...

I got stupid question. Can someone teach me how to cook porridge? I mean, put how much rice to how much water? I've never cooked porridge before in my life... Planning to use thermal magic cooker, so just need to boil short while over the stove then put inside the thermal pot to let it cook by itself. Thanks!!
It depend on how thick/soft you want for the porridge.

I used to make 15g rice(one tablespoon) with 120ml water.. than reduce to 100ml and now using 90ml. The water will not be visible when the porridge is done.
Blue dream- I cut the cheese and bread into small pcs and put on her plate on the high chair. She will then help herself. Keeps her occupied for abt 10mins or so. Not too messy. Only that the cheese sometimes get stuck between her fingers but she will try to suck them clean. Abit messy cuz must wash her hands after that

My bb is the happiest when I give her Gerber graduates puffs. Banana or strawberry flavour. She can pick up 3 at a go and stuff into her mouth! Finishes 2 bottles in 1 week! These biscuits keep her occupied for a long time cuase they're delicious. She also likes Pigeon biscuits. The long big ones easy for her to hold. SHe can finish 4pcs in 5 mins without a single noise. Biscuits calm her down whenever she fusses. I just show her the biscuits and she quietens! It works! But must give her a few la.

Tubby mummy- Think the 1 tablesppon to 120mls water is quite safe. Think better boil slightly longer just in case the thermal cooker doesn't cook very well because of the small quanity. My mom usually use the thermal cooker for my family porridge or soup so large quantity keeps warm longer.

Today I let my girl try mango sorbet and her whole face screw up like prunes. very funny and cute! Hahahah, later she ask for more. Keep snatching from me!

Went to Isetan sale and nuk bottles 30% off! Pigeon all 20%. Not bad. Bought quite a few things!
Yes, isetan having sale and Kiddy Palace 20% off storewide for members. shd be for a week only.

Aisha turns 9 mths yest and I was supposed to get something for her. End up I shopped more for Ayuni! *guilty* Bought some books and Hooked on French from Borders and others stuff from kiddypalce and isetan.

she got red spots on her chest where she sometimes will get minor rashes and her legs got 2 stops. the CC called to ask where she get from. I said from cc lor coz we never go out that week (even to playground) and she got it on Friday night. I tot there's 4 cases of chickenpox but the teacher said from the 4 cases actually HFMD. HFMD normally is those spots and palms, feet and mouth ulcers right? Then she was saying not necessarily coz some on palms dunt have. Anyways, the dr didn't say it was HFMD and aisha didn't have mouth ulcers.

ooh.. u got safra member then? I booked Aloha earlier this year so confirm very hard to get slots now coz i can only book 2 mths ahead instead of 3. esp in June! Thinking of doing at downstairs Multi-purpose area but the place abit dark and need tables/chairs. Other than tat would be indoor playgrounds(abit tad expensive and i've never been to any) or JB @ Botanical gardens.
Hi Mummies

My little boy can stand independently now for 1 min and took 2 tiny steps towards me yesterday. He repeated it again in the evening.

I'm so excited but have been busy standing behind him
He's really gungho and wants to stand doing everything even when sleeping!
Hi BlueDream,
Erm I think will still be awhile before he walks.
He like standing on tight rope swaying here and there still.

BTW does anyone know how much water to use if cooking porridge with rice powder? How long to cook?
My boy havent been eating anything I cooked. Wonder if it is my lousy cooking?

Ahnet: How you cook porridge with tomatoes? I also want to try.
Today, my boy keep hitting me and tried to bite me during bed time. Took 1.5 hrs to put him to sleep.
Anyone experiencing this?
It's very scary to see such aggression in a baby.
hi ah ching,
my girl pulls my hair too, then smiles when i say no-no. they are just exploring, testing our boundaries and reactions. should be harmless.
Hi gals
my gf has a brand new pikkolo for sale. Comes with waist band attachment. Design is jewel, very unisex. Pls pm me if anyone is keen. It is actually recommended over beco cos the latter has space constraints so not very comfortable for bigger babies.

Btw pikkolo is going at 229 and waist band 59? She's letting go at $240. It's brand new and has receipt dated earlier this week. Thanks.
Jayden is feeling terrible. Have been alt cough n flu last 2 week then just last wed he start stomach flu as well. so strong virus even me n hb start vomiting n diahhrea on fri night. jelly leg whole family see doc on sat morn then pass him to my parent even though i worry they may caught the bug really cant tahan at all with at 38.1 degree fever myself patting a cranky baby to baby is really a horror.. was hoping they would volunteer to tend overnight but they didnt.oh well, at least we have a good 10hr rest without worrying him.
the good thing is we are almost ok on sun aftn but Jayden diahorrea still persist and last night he cried twice over an hr. wking up w/ stuffy nose stuck w/ thick mucus even though already on antibotic. i really dont know what miracle potion could work for him.. he been taking at least 10 medicine over these 2 weeks still not recovering. today IFC is close for training. i doubt i dare to put him back tomorrow... sigh.. it's so hard to be hard hearted to leave him at IFC. but i paid 2 mth want back out after 2 weeks is silly right..
createjoy: must be very jialat for you.
if you back out now i think the ifc got some return policy. check with them i think they may return you the deposit.
i decided not to work after visiting an ifc with my boy last week.
there were 2 babies having runny nose but the centre did not quarantine and didnt even know about it.
the teacher even ask the baby to play with my boy!
she also did not remove the toy that the baby was playing with which has the mucus smeared all over it!
i think if can better not subject our precious one to such risks...
sigh u are right lah it's very jialut and they cant talk cant tell us what's uncomfortable.but then doc also say exposeure at young age will give them immunity and less serious later... so i also... halfhearted. nanny scare not safe (just like maid) MIL scare conflicit n dont wanna restrict her golden age freedom.. IFC so much virus. at home with me both bb n i no social life no $..sigh...nothing seems right.. think mayb my MIl might change mind wanna tend to him myself then mayb by then i also change my mind agree to let her tend... ;p
hi mommies,
been m.i.a for awhile as i have been busy. how's everybody and their precious little ones? Little Trey sprouted his two tiny lower front teeth during cny. now can clearly see the two tiny pearlies when he smiles or laugh. so adorable. any mommies started to brush their cute pearlies? care to share how?

he can now grab hold to anything and stand up on his own. can even cruise while holding on to furnitures or cot.

he has been a naughty boy lately. while changing him in his cot... he will look down and pee a little as though testing ground then later he will starting peeing onto the cot and look up with a smile on his face as though he has done something worth praising. hahahaha!

this morning while bathing him, i was washing his bottom when i felt something coming out of his ass... eeeekkks!!! he's pooing!! the poo just swim right out! faint~

createhoy: hope jayden recovers soon. maybe can consider half day at ifc half day at your mil? not all nanny are bad. like maid, depends on luck de lor. like annie, her luck pretty good to have a good nanny for nesher.

re: baby carriers
where is the square 2 that can allow you to try the carriers you all are referring to? i'm very tempted to get a new carrier. currently using bbjoin and now aching all over... hubby and my dad scolding me saying that now i've got hunch back... always scold and hit my back...
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
hey maryg thanks for the link, i think i shd swith to vinegar too! half day IFC is $10 less than full day only leh i dont want... nanny no lobang... yoday he abit better at least his poo is abt more solid
ah ching,
i steam the cherry tomatoes, den remove skin and den blend and add into the porridge. will try to scoop out the seeds while feeding J. sometimes din see seeds, J will eat a few. hahaha. i also tried adding grapes wif tomatoes into the cod fish porridge too. he loves it.
u can try.

sian right? nothing seems right. me too leh. in fact, im worse worse off than u. haiz...

how's Jayden now? is he better alrdy? and u still wrking or u took leave to take care of him?

i use 'baby first teeth' toothpaste on J. im using the finger toothbrush to brush his teeth every night before bath. but he will bite my finger lah. cos nw he alrdy has 2 upper and 2 bottom teeth le. damn painful when he bites my finger.

thanks for the washing toys link. but hor, where to find distilled vinegar?
cassy: thanks for the info! will go there to try out when my hubby got time.

createjoy: no problem
nanny maybe can ask around see anyone got lobang? or maybe can ask your neighbours/relatives? my mom's younger sister took care of me when i'm a bb till i'm 7 yours old. then i was taken care by my neighbours when i'm schooling. glad that jayden is recovering well. IFC half day just 10 bucks difference bo hua.

jamie: which brand of carrier were you using? you told me you sold your bbjorn and bought something else. i forgotten.

ahnetsan: where did you buy the 'baby first teeth' toothpaste from? i went kiddy palace, ntuc and cold storage also cannot find. he bite your finger... mine bite my nipple lo! omg... so painful! no problem for the link. not necessary to use distilled vinegar. normal vinegar also can. anyway ntuc got sell distilled vinegar. i mixed with warm water before cleaning. the smell will go off. i use same method to clean his changing mat too.

re: huggies pull-up pants $14.95 selling at giant. promo untill 18 march.
re: cleaning with vinegar

i'm also using the same method, dilute vinegar with water... but my mum said don't use artifcial vinegar, she always buy the glass bottled ones for my gal's stuffs. let me go back and check tonight and post here...

createjoy, how's jayden? u and hubby better?
<font color="cc3399"> I JUST had to share this: Been doing sleep training for Kyle for a week and 2 days today.

After adopting Baby Whisperer techniques for only 2 nights and a day. BREAKTHROUGH!!!!
Hogg's techniques are SO fantastic. I AM ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY!

Mon night, 1st hours of Tue
(a week after I adjusted time of start of and activities making up bedtime routine)
After reading it in Hogg's book, I really didn't think the Wake-to-Sleep (to deal with babies who wake at the same time every night) would work. But heck, I figured I had nothing to lose. IT WORKED. Instead of his usual wakings at 2.30-ish and again at 5-ish, Kyle slept til 6am. *impressed beyond words*

Tue night, early Wed morn
Last night was the second night we tried Wake-to-Sleep. Again, Kyle slept from 9.30pm-6am!!!!

Wed (today) early morn
After his 6am nurse, I put Kyle down and he woke as usual before he even hit the mattress, wanting to be cuddled. I placed a firm reassuring hand on his back as he wriggled, tossed and turned. He eventually fell asleep at 6.50 (no crying!) and slept til 9am.

Wed (today) late morn
Decided to try (Pick Up-Put Down) PU/PD for Kyle's nap. Saw that he was tired and put him down. At his age now, I was to wait until he was fully standing before laying him back down immediately and leaving a hand on his back. I must have done it about 50 or more times from 11.10 to 12.30. I told myself 1.5hrs, and it's over. I'll wait for the next E.A.S.Y. cycle. Just when there was five more minutes to go, HE FINALLY QUIETED AND SLEPT! WOOOO-HOO!!!!

If any of you might be struggling and is interested in this book, I posted a picture of it on my fb album. It's:
<font size="+1">The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems</font> (By Teaching You How To Ask The Right Questions)
Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior - Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
by Tracy Hogg with Melinda Blau

My back hurt but SUCCESS IS SO SWEET!, it's forgotten. Thank you, Lord! And thanks, Baby Whisperer!!
dovey: i'm using distilled vinegar. why cannot use artificial vinegar?

cassey: thanks for sharing. where to get the book? i've been trying to wean off Trey's habit of latching for soothing in the middle of the nite. now latching him is so terrifying cos sometimes he will bite... one of the mommy's bb auto-wean himself from latching... so envy lo!
