(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

tubbymummy- oic

fatmom- kekekekeke so loving remind one another... my hubby i like him to remember his own things & i already have so much to do taking care of nesher.
hubby & i prefer privacy our own space

Audrey- oic maybe next time then i pool order wif u
as i nid to check on the products 1st & ask nanny permission as she very particular on wat i feed nesher

so many mummies staying at jur west but do a small gathering for mummies at jur west
tks mummies for the advise on porridge... my mum tried cooking without fish yday and she finished it!
so it's really the fishy taste. will probably intro fish later then... can we give sweet potato porridge? what else can b added other than ikan bilis powder so she get enuff nutrients?

re: huggies
sheng siong was selling dry @ $14.20/pack ard 2 weeks ago... already bought some, but i still got 2, saved me $1.60... hehe... now i really believe the shop & save ad where it says, "省省省!妈妈最行!"
styliciously - PD don't recommend diluting milk leh. What we do is to try to feed her with more water between feeds.

newmum0109 - I steam the apples or pears for about 10mins then blend it. I usually make a week's supply using about 3-4 apples and store them in the freezer using Babycubes. To serve - just thaw the cube first in the refrigerator compartment and then put it in a cup of hot water to warm the puree prior to serving. The red Washington apples are usually sweeter than the China Fuji apples. For pears, I prefer the brown Belgian pears (I buy them from NTUC Extra) as they smell so good and taste really sweet. I usually dilute the leftover juice (from the steamed fruits) with water and serve it as juice to my gal. No wastage

poohcsl - you can get the medication from the PD which makes the baby drowsy. Supposed to make air travel easier on them wor if they are drowsy
diaper changing:
same here! my boy also flip whenever want to change his diaper. have to distract him with toys.

was told not to give pumpkin (orange colored veg) everyday, bb will turn yellow.

fish in porridge:
my boy din like fish porridge initially, guess is the fishy smell. i added a slice of ginger n drop of sesame oil whenever cook fish porridge, he finishes them now :p

i bght from this BP also! intend to buy from her again. has free home delivery if order 20pks leh.

glad u settle down at yr new plc.
re: diapers
not everytime shengsiong & shop&save have the super promo. i just keep a look out & when there is one super promo i quickly buy more to stock. now bb poo every day sometimes even twice a day so use fast. $14.20/pk is really cheap lo. cousins say i now very auntie cos now everytime look out for sale & promo. hahaha! ya. bp selling pull-ups & ultra for $14.50. others huggies is $15.

re: porridge
if bb dun eat porridge, play around with the texture. cos some like it sticky & thick, some like it smooth & watery, some like it hot, some like it cool. play around with the taste also. fish can add more but pork/chicken please add a little becos harder to digest. meat/fish after buy from market, divide into the desired portion that you always cook for single time. keep in plastic bags. that way, u only defroze n use the desired amount. and will not be defrozing & freezing repeatedly on the same meat thus making the meat.

re: poo
an apple a day keeps the doctor away. my mom says dun feed too much pear as is cooling. i will steam the apple before mashing/blending. lessen the meat add more vege. can try mashed bananas/papaya. since on solid now must feed more water.

i did the same as kate lee. i will dilute teh leftover juice from steaming of fruits with water and serve as juice.

re: bb turning yellow
will become yellow ma? i duno leh. been feeding my son everyday with pumpkin and carrot. so far i dun see him turning yellow.

re: new vege Trey tried
cabbage, asparagus, celery(add a bit onli cos the taste/smell is strong)

re: parsnip
heard its very good. how does it taste like?
to lucy out there, shame on u reading ppl posts & as a police u don know wat is privacy. Kaypo.

or u need me to name the police station u r in?
It is true that we cannot take too much orange/ yellow veges/ fruits. this applies for adults too. i remember my sister loved papaya and would eat it everyday. her hands and feet turned yellowish over time. but got better once she stopped having so much papaya.
Newmom, I read somewhere that apple sauce (apple puree) contributes to constipation so dont give too much.

Will be meeting with some mummies at United Square on a weekday (prob next fri afternoon 19 feb ard 4pm) Anyone keen to join? So far I think Ahnetsan and EC mom will be meeting up.
friso sell theirs at $155 for 6 tin = 25.80/tin. u can order direct from them 64198484.

haha sorry still duno what is a parsnip leh anyone can post a pic... ;p thk u...

going 2nd intv at 2pm today very nervous...
fatmom, how's A's constipation? Hope got some improvement.... Oh, didn't know wreen got lobang for the boon products! Hehe, I shall go ask her, I like the bath organiser a lot, but found it a bit too pricey, so didn't buy. If she got discount, yay!

createjoy, haha, at least u change J 4x a day, think I'm the most lazy mum here! Oops
But of course if she poops, then change more lah...

Cassey, what a clever boy Kyle is!
S still hasn't figured it out haha. She keeps trying to twist and push herself into sitting position, midway she'll lose balance and flop back on her front. Quite funny to watch hahaha... evil mum!

poohcsl, dropped you a mail regarding ebm on flight. As for food, think airlines in general will provide baby food, but u have to request for it in advance, like when you make your booking. And to be KS, call up couple of days before your flight and ask for it again, and at the check in counter, ask for it yet again. I learnt my lesson after not getting my bassinet that airlines can be stupid sometimes, so best to play safe and keep reminding them. Or just bring your own haha!

Katelee, poor baby Kate!! *big hug for her* I hope she'll heal up completely real soon. Thanks for sharing with us. Will have to keep an eye out for S, cos she's very prone to constipation.

MaryG, agree with Firstmum, it affects even adults, cos my adult cousin had it too haha. Think it's the high levels of beta carotene in these foods that causes it. Maybe the amount you feed is not alot, so the yellow is not obvious? I find parsnip quite universally acceptable. Rather bland, slightly sweet. Nice when roasted, not sure how it'll taste if steamed/boiled.

I saw this Arla brand of cheese, it says it's KIDS cheese, and I checked the sodium level was slightly lower than Kraft brand, so I bought a box to try. I broke into smaller pieces and fed S with it, then decided to try it myself and it was so salty! I thought for kids will not be salty mah.... feel stupid now. No wonder she was eating it in such a lip-smacking manner. I decided to eat it myself, and shall go buy PROPER cheese for her today. THink I'll get the small packs of mozzarella soaked in water, cos I know for sure those aren't salty (not those pre-shredded yellowish kind).
skin turning yellow,
MaryG- it's advisable not to feed pumpkin, carrot, papaya everyday as the skin is likely to turn yellow.. my sister is a typical example. She luvs papaya and carrot and used to take them daily and her feet sole is yellow...

Firstmum- my sister's feet is still yellow even tho' she has stopped taking papaya and carrot.. doc said it will not subside..

good luck to your 2nd interview! Take a deep breath and relax!!
Hey TubbyMummy, think Kate is healing nicely. Thanks
she no longer cries whenever she poos these days and she's beginning to enjoy her baths and butt washes like she used to. Guess the stinging on the open wound has gone away. I hope
have u been shopping a lot lately? It seems that there 's neverending buying of stuffs for Kate. I enjoy it too much to stop. Hee.
newmom0109: steam the apple first before blending will help maintain the apple with nice colour. if nvr steam before blending/mashing, it will turn super ultra brown.

re: yellowing
thanks to all mommies for the information. wa... i think i better stop feeding him pumpkin & carrot everyday le. i dun wan him to turn yellow.

re: parsnip
thanks to all mommies for the information and picture. my friend who works in organic shop say she has customers coming to buy parsnip for their babies. they say it is very nutricious. that's y i'm asking. wonder should i let my son try.

re: apple
apple will cause constipation meh???
bbmarilyn it's really fun dressing them up right? Can be addictive. My gal's clothes are invading my closet. Gotta clear my clothes to make way for hers.
prior to bbaugustine's post, hope to see more names!

Gathering @ United Sq, 19 Feb ~4pm (novena mrt)
1) bbaugustine
2) ecmom
3) ahnetsan
thks for the info! i think i shd try it too. find at bid supermkt is it? n did u all say blend its juice to drk?

i'm am officially resigning frm this post working from 1 mar..will put jayden in IFC.. any suggestion how to help him adapt? am thinking last 3 days of feb put him 2 half day n 1 full day to adapt though it's very ex bo wah full day $85!! 2 week is ard 300. better to put him next week on ward more worth but i dont wanna waste my time w him so thinking spend the $ just put him 3 days to adapt b4 i work. think will stop BF no time to pump..

any last gathering on weekday i can attend b4 i start work? bbmarilyn can org go ur pl next next week 22nd??

bb clothes
u all dont mk me envy leh! boys really limited. + alot good condition passdwn clothes i feel like he got too much yet too boring...

how u feed asparagus? i tried to steam w fish then chopped into porridge but i find it very hard to chew myself so i dont dare give much usually 2 stalk only.. me too almost everyday got carrot or pumpkin something orange... but not alot cos he eat small bowl porridge 2 tbsp veg is it too little.
almost all veg i just chopped veg throw in 10min before i off switch to cool for feeding. meat i throw in 30min ahead tk out chopped n throw in again b4 i off switch.if it's carrot i shred it in to cook, pumpkin i cut small pc throw it then just mash it wn serve
Createjoy, congrats on getting the new job! U joining us at Novena next week??=)

I think you should try to spend more time with Jayden before starting work. After starting work, less time to spend with him and can be rather tired after coming back from work. If you stopping bf, I think you have to gradually transit him to FM. All the best in your new job!

I recently weighed Augustine and he is only about 7.2kg...im wondering if he is on the light side???
Aisha is only 6.4kg for the past 1-2 mths. U still bfing?

congrats!! hope it will be a smooth transition for u n jayden.
so far... >_< hb still mc till 22 feb i'll think about it. i think 7.2kg is ard 60%? as long as constantly on the upsloping weight shd be fine dont worry. just brought jayden see GP for slight flu i find his face slimmer but he gained 400g frm last checkup at polyc 16 jan. i think it doesnt matter some mummies like to hear their bb chubby but aiyah dont compare lah, healthy can already. haha now chubby later also may slim down or becm overweight primary sch go what trim n fit club hw?
aug &amp; stylicious
thks.. i think the most difficult pharse is waking up early... ;p both of us normally slp till 9+ or at least 8.30.. wking up at 7+ is sooooo tough :p been slping late since 16mths ago!! die, gonna be a tough time adjusting. worse thing is nobody slp before 12 except jayden at home.. everybody wk up aft 9 haha...
Hi Mummies,
My boy is already 8 months still dunno how to crawl..
Today he pushed himself from tummy to sitting position and pull himself to standing position in the bath tub.
Are these signs that he will crawl soon?

Tried to entice him with toys at a distance but he just too afraid to move from his spot on the play mat..
Haiyoh, how come my post became a repeat of the previous parsnip post?? Anyway, this was my actual post:

katelee, I was forced to stop buying clothes for S cos we received so many gifts! She doesn't have hanging space for her dresses anymore, and all her drawers are full. There are still some clothes that I don't know how to keep away haha. My wardrobe is exploding too, so no space to put hers. So i turn to buying toys. And she's slowly taking over the living room, so I had to stop as well. Then I turned to buying head bands haha! But I'm not a big fan of head bands, so after getting a couple, I got bored. I have since decided to channel my energy into looking for the perfect cake for her 1st birthday instead. Wahahaha

bbmarilyn, what have you been buying for your girl? hehe

createjoy, congrats on getting the job! Ya, it'll be tough to reset your sleeping patterns and being separated from J, but I'm sure you'll adapt quickly. All the best!
RE: Solid intake
My boy takes really very little solid.
2 tbs cereal with 40 ml ebm x 1 time
2 tbs porridge x 1 time

usually he'll refuse solids if I try to feed him a 3rd time. So if he takes fruits then he'll not have either cereal or porridge..

I latch him on 2 hourly day and nite..

From all your posts my boy really taking very little. Is it a prob?
Thanks MaryG!

Ah CHing,
2 hourly must be tough on you. My girl used to be like this too and I was desperate for some rest! You MUST persist on giving solids and he will take more eventually. Can add things to cereal to make it more tasty, like pumpkin or sweet potato (steam and mash). Good luck to you.
hahaha! so cute. I went thru tat too! It was clothes, books then hair accessories. Now, i stopped already. Recently gave away clothes that hardly use and now more organised n space to breathe. Otherwise, all drawers are really stuffed. When abt to give birth Aisha, joined so many sprees tat I kept notes to keep track!

yes, need to sleep early n adjust yourself. I tried sleeping 9pm wake up at 4am scared tat in morning need to prepare anything last min. Now i usually sleep 9-10pm (once Aisha sleeps) or later (if i stay up) then wake up 5.30am. Once, i can't sleep after 12midnite til ard 2am n Aisha &amp; Ayuni kept waking up. The next morning really tired n like zombie. MOnday some more! btw, which infantcare u sending jayden? Is it near ur house too?

Any mummies with lucky baby highchair? My mum bought for Aisha and she didn't last very long in it. Like very uncomfy. All the while used Ayuni's bon bebe highchair is ok, can sit in it for quite sometime.
Yeah will take some time to adjust. But don’t be too hard on yourself. Maybe can start trying to sleep abit earlier now and slowly wake up 15mins earlier … slowly slowly adjust.
Oh good you found a IFC! When I was exploring that option (after I came to work), it was difficult to find one. And my friends told me pple usually booked one while they were still pregnant. Slow me.

Ah Ching
Don’t be too anxious. Diff babies different. My baby’s not crawling yet also. She’s not able to sit up from lying position. And some babies don’t crawl too much .. but go straight to standing and walking .. at least one of my friend’s daughter is like that.

First Tooth!!!
My baby sprouted her first tooth on Tuesday! It was such an exciting discovery and very nice surprise! We were happy! Silly me kept wanting to pull her lower lip down to want to see the tooth .. to which she protested much! Bad mom! Hahah

Kate Lee / Tubbymummy / Styliciously
I just (FINALLY) packed away some of my girl’s clothes last nite! And I have a pack of new clothes for her that are yet to be washed – clothes given by friends and a relative! Just the other day, I was so tempted to buy some more for her! Thank goodness I stopped myself and only got her the swimsuit and a T. It is so addictive.

Oh I was at Forum last Sat to get some shoes for her, and bought a box of flashcards. Just started the other day. Took some time to know which one to buy. Bought the simple color and shapes ones.

Yeah, agree with Createjoy. So long it is going up, and baby is healthy! My baby was sick in end Jan to beginning Feb and her weight remained at 6.7kg that entire period.

Thanks mummies for all the information and somemore got picture! Now I can go find this to add this non-yellow veg to her food list! It is found in all major supermarts?

Sorry what is the contact for the BP?
TubbyMummy I am like that too. Over the clothes phase liao as there's simply no space to store them. Her drawers are full, my wardrobe Kenna invaded and also used those vacuum storage bags to keep her stuffs. My record was buying 26 pieces if clothings within one week. I buy her new toys almost every week so living room also kenna invaded. Now working on the kitchen haha. keep buying new foodstuffs. Different types of cereals, biscuits, snacks, bottled food, different sized food thermos flasks, water thermos flasks, feeding bowls, plates, spoons etc. Kate is a fussy eater who eats so little and gets tired of the same food easily. So ended up with loads of unfinished foods which she's tired of already. On Saturday mornings, it's food tasting/buffet time for her. As I am a working mom, I usually shop for her stuffs during lunch break. Guess it's my way of staying connected with her during my work day. What an excuse!!!!
ecmom: My boy is 9.3 kg the last time I weighed him abt 2 weeks ago

newmum0109 : if i add additional things he'll still take the same amt.. 2 tbs

New Mom: 2 hrly ok, just latch. he drinks quite fast 5-10 mins only.. but go out will be prob cos he only latch, dont take ebm from bottle. that's why i cant intro formula also.

RE: skipping crawling stage
Some books say that it's important to go thru crawling stage as BB will learn coordination and balance.. that's y i a bit anxious lor

maybe he'll take after me. i was a bottom shuffler and learnt to walk very early according to my mum. ha ha
thks mummies, ya think aft CNY i try to wk up by 8 then by 7... i putting him opp my hse IFC - just kids. no car cant send him to good school far away, i rather save the time spend more time w/ him...

Ah ching,
wow that's not light wat 9.3 2 wks ago! but they need new nutrient. 8mth time to intro meat n veg if u haven done so. their body need it, milk alone not enough by 8 mth. but aft weaning i did notive jayden seems to slim down slow weight gain actually still got gain but he grown tall so look slimmer. jayden also sit before flip skip milestone doesnt matter haha just that we are excited waiting for him to hit one milestone after another haha

do we bathe bb before we go IFC or they will do it?

Jayden is having a slight flu , on medication.i guess he not well pass 2 nites he wk up cry n cry, pat him also cant comfort him, last time used to just insert pacifier pat abit. hope he hasn't change pattern. am so tired after 2 nights like that..

hi five.. me also bad mummy. keep trying to see his tooth n video or tk photo mk him angry n cry heehee
mommies, any idea where to get nice baby gal swim suits at less than $40? Those at Mothercare are really nice but think that they are too pricey as I don't foresee it being used for more than 10 times - I absolutely hate to swim and hubby is not too keen either. But it's so unfair to my gal to miss out on swimming so bor bian gotta do it but not too often lah.
fifi n cash!
oohh! Congratulations! Wow! So you are the third pregnant mommy here ya? Cool!

Thanks for the link. I think i better not disturb her now then. So much energy she has to be still coordinating spree.

Ah Ching
A friend of mine thinks that with the baby latching on is easier. She just retreat herself into a toilet cubicle (if no nursing room) and bf baby. I am not sure .. hahah cos i was not very successful in BF-ing.

The IFC i asked the other time told me they will bathe the baby. I would suggest you call them and check.

<font color="ff0000">Happy Chinese New Year to All Mommies and All Precious Babies!</font>

fifi n cash,
CONGRATS!! it's another exciting phase in your life.. Kirsten is promoted to be a jie-jie now!! do eat lots of nutritious food and don't stinge on tonics yeah!

my #1 started walking when he was only 10-months old then and he didn't even crawl before he progressed to Walking stage. PD during that time has assured us that is is ok.

WOW, yr bb is 9.3kg, at least heavier than my gal, Marilyn, she is around 8.5kg... so do not worry if yr boy is not eating much solids..i believe he will eventually catch up with solids intake in a few months' time..
