(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Jamie, depend on your bb like it anot. I usually put 1.5 scope of powder then add a pinch of ikan bli then add fish or veg and double boil it.

Cassey, ohh, I nv add into cereal before. Hmm, thanks for the detail step, will try out soon

TubbyMummy, agreed with u abt the sch report. This is really great, this is how the report/assessment work. Within 3 mths (exp: Stage 6-9mth) will have 2 assessment so parents will know whether bb got make any improvement or any diff. Hmm, last time often go spot check but recently too too busy. Hmm, must find a time soon. Rofl

Styliciously, same!! Sermaine also kena from the other bb, they are playing on the mat then she kena scratch by her and my darling bleed!! The teacher imm call me and apologise saying she too late to react. I told her I hope this is the first but also the last time I hear such thing. Hmm, next week will make a trip now again. So aisha face better now?

Ahnetsan, just have a good rest. Don’t be so stress up. Hug

morning mummies

Fatmom- i talked to my dad we not going back for reunion lunch since tat monster be ther. i told him CNY is a happy occasion & everybody eating happily but both party wont be happy down ther seeing each another so nesher & me be happier having our own can of abalone in the rented room & we will visit him when she not ther & he said he understand & will call me up if they went back malaysia.

new mom- glad yr gal is much more better now
& u welcome

beemom- i remember once nesher also got ezcema & we applied the nuskin cream on him & his rashes disappear in 3 days. we will wipe him when he sweat & give him at least 4 bath per day & powder him till he smell so nice & look refresh

rosel- nesher had his 1st pneumoccocal jab las mth still got two more to go

ahnetsan- i used to regret tis & tat & blame myself i shuld have marry my ex but now, we will try to give in to one another & help each another & no more complaining tis & tat. but sometimes if hubby is taking his own sweet time then he be getting an earful of nasty words frm me..kekkekekeke..& if nesher is watching we will pretend we are playing & nesher will laugh.

createjoy- i think i be working till i strike toto kekekeke
since pregnant till now hubby & me don do bedtime activity as both of us are already so tired frm work & taking care of nesher.

tis two weeks i realise nesher like to wake up in the middle of the nite at 1+am or 3+am but will fall back to sleep again within 15mins to half an hour later.. very tired
Good morning mommies,

today's gathering,
may i know is it still on? 3:30p.m. at Bakerzin at Northpoint? I've a working appointment at 1p.m. and then should be there on time.. see u mummies!

hey, look at the POSITIVE side in life!! leaving the company could be the start of better prospects in another company.. also, if you are so unhappy in work, it maybe good to take a short break and look around..
newmom & annie,
thanks! jamus is getting better. his condition was quite bad on monday. was given cetaphil to use, doc said to stop those scented bath wash. annie, good to hear that your dad understands your decision.

probably is a good time for u to take a short break. guess we have ups n downs on our marriage at times. and also all the IFs (if had choosen this n that). look at your lovely bb n bright side. meanwhile, enjoy being a SAHM
hello mummies, really want to give the gathering a miss.. just feel too drained to go out even though my mom place is in yishun.. slipping back to the antisocial game again..

just gotten a nagging from my hb becos of that.. he purposely called to remind me of today's appt.. tell me to commit to it.. think he is reading my posts.. sucks..

anyway see u all at bakerzin.. i will be bringing my helper..
beemom- gd to hear jamus is recovering too
my father also wan everybody to be happy & now he can see tat hubby is also capable to take good care of nesher & don look down on him anymore.

fat_mom- huh yr hubby read yr post???
ahnet, you're welcome to join us later today @ 3.30pm... i've called bakerzin, the can accommodate 10 adults wif 10 bb so we're safe! i was worried they will say no.. if anyone is there early, just say u're the grp wif 10 babies cos she didn't ask for my name... i told her b/w 3.30-4pm... i'm meeting bluedream @ sembawang mrt station ard 3.25pm... anyone staying ard here too?
fat mom,
r u SAHM? good that ur hb support u to go mix more friend, at time my hb dun like me to bring my kid(s) out to meet friend, but after I nag he is ok now.

sometime I also suspect my hb read my post :p that why I change nick. :p
<font color="3D6EB3">thanks all for the advice on butternut squash and sharing on pneumoccocal jabs. tink i'll schedule my ger for her first jab after CNY.

<font color="2B4D7D">@newmum0109</font>

re: sleep
my baby sleeps 10-11 hrs @ nite (wif frequent wakings) and 2 naps in the day, ard 3 hrs in total. i tink most babies tend to resist slp. i had a hard time gettin my baby to nap too but wat i practise nw is tt i will bring her for a short walk (ard 5-10mins) and she'll yawn and it makes it easier for me to pat her to slp. i tink the walk somewat acts as a cue for nap and gives her the chance to wind down.

re: bathing in sitting position
i put my right hand across her chest and hands below her left armpit, lift her slightly and wash her butts. for her legs, i'll juz give em a gentle scrub while submerged in water.

re: bbtv
i believe MaryG was referrin to Babytv, a cable channel. tinybubu and i let our babies watch tis too. my ger gets v engrossed too when showing her fav clips.

<font color="2B4D7D">@dolly</font>

re: sleep prob
we r in the same boat. i can only wish us luck and hope tt tis phase gets over soon.

<font color="2B4D7D">@ahnetsan</font>

家家有本难念的经。 it means every family has their own probs. look on the bright side. easier said than done but few yrs down the road when jarius grows up, u'll find tt its all worthwhile. jiayou!

<font color="2B4D7D">@annie</font>

glad tt u hv come to a conclusion on the reunion lunch wif dad. gd tt he was understanding abt yr decision n i tink yr hubby will be happy to enjoy the jade abalone wif u on tat day. share some wif nesher ya! :x

<font color="2B4D7D">@fat mom</font>

hey.. i tink u've gt a really doting hubby there. i can c he's really makin an effort to help u bounce back. cherish it ya. n i wanna c ya n amelia later!!

<font color="2B4D7D">@doveyc</font>

thanks for checkin out wif bakerzin. really totful of u. sorry but i'll be late cos my ger still napping.. still gotta bathe her b4 we go out cos will b adjournin to my mom's place after the gathering. ETA shld be ard 4plus.</font>
rosel- nesher cant eat abalone yet..he had his favourite avocado yesterday so on reunion lunch it be i will cook some porridge for him
or get him KFC mash potato.
hey gals, i enjoyed the gathering earlier on.... glad dat i went.
will upload photos in fb soon! hahaha...dun forget to upload and tag me in the grp photos too yeah, and the baby photos...

looking forward to next north gathering. hahaha
harlow mummies,

Northpoint Gathering,
Yeah, so do i, did enjoy the gathering this afternoon too... THANKS!!

it was a good refreshing break away from hectic work.... prior to meeting u mummies and yr babies, it was quite a stressful morning for me... am really glad I went ahead to Northpoint and chill-out, although I was already "drained out"...LOL!

and do tag me for any photos as I didn't bring along my camera.. gam siah!
hi rosel,
thanks for the tips. re baby tv .. is it on scv? sorry if its a silly question..

so touched to read the happy bath times u have with hb and baby. so you are quite lucky in some ways too. my hb has not bathed baby ever, and not interested in being hands on. Diaper change? Less than 10 times in this half year. The rest of the times is me and only me. So, i guess in life you win some and you lose some. i feel sad at his hands-off approach and sometimes i feel aggrieved at having green veins on my hands, dark eye rings, aching back.. and being taken for granted in some ways. But then again, baby comes first and hb is good to me in other ways. So.. sigh. I sent him your happy bath times paragraph to him to make him feel guilty :D
Tubbymummy, thanks for the info on the BP for HappyPuffs / Melts! Any mum planning to get we can pool to get the discount? Let me know ill buy either sat or sun when i have more time to online.

fatmom, where you get your baby yogurt? Is the taste same as adult plain yogurt (abit sourish)? Re giving papaya, Claire loves it, i guess she had too much and kept on passing wind this few days.

ahnetsan, enjoy the quality time with your bb and not forgetting your hb too. Deliberately make plans for dates be it a simple meal outside just both of you, movie or doing something you both enjoyed before bb came. It is imp to get out from our routine at times to feel alive
The first few mths being SAHM i was so depressed, missed my personal life as bb stick to me 24/7. I was practically mopping arnd the hse in my PJs the whole day and crying every other day to a point my hb scolded me crazy - that jolted me as i sat down to think.

anetsan &amp; createjoy, what kind of work are you looking for? I can help you ask arnd

I look fwd to meeting up with you all when im back in town
am hope to find back something related to what t done b4. was in F&amp;B purchasing. i'm still qt inexperience in that area but stil hope to go back same trade develop more from where i stopped.. this aftn that printing company called again say mk it 1.6k but hb still protest 5.5day 1.6k still too low no point... LL i rejected. abit heartache so near my hse!!!

wow audrey u so sad then y u quit? ya lor SAHM if no helper can be just 24/7 slave to bb n hb haha. i also mob b4 till hb buay tahan explain he already stress n tired hw to help me n not working mk me the main caregiver to bb , it's fair mah then i "wk up" hardly complain already. w u stay? am keen in getting the melts.

wow!same here few days ago just tk photo of jayden saw my hand sooooooo scary very bulging vein! sob... i just started to get back some beauty routine like the basic toning, moisture n mask face n apply lotion to body.. wn preg till jayden 1st 6 mth i literally forsake all my beauty routine. :p no ugly woman just lazy woman, soooo true. am a v lazy woman

northpoint gathering
wow guess must be fun... wasted leh jling u din go, a gd chill out time. haha the 2 main initial organsior fly aeroplane, sorry gals. hope aft cny can meet again. go bbmarilyn hse next time.
ahnet, wah, a bit difficult to describe how to sign those words haha! Ok, click on the below link, there are quite a lot of links to show you what each word looks like. Quite useful... Hey, your hb is good to you lah, he also know you're under a lot of stress, that's why told you just take it easy for now and wait till after CNY to look for something else. Must focus on the positive things in him, ya?

Audrey, I'm planning to order from her again. If you like, we can pool together. I'll be getting the melts, and more Organix stuff (baby likes the rice cakes!). But might be tricky to pick up from each other?
<font color="cc3399"> newmum, OOPS! I neglected to mention that dad's is on standby to collect Kyle once he's done while I continue with my own shower. WAHAHAHA! Sorry!

Oh... and Kyle's separation anxiety is completely negligible when he's awake. But last week or so, he's become SO SO SO clingy at night. He bawls when he's put into his bed after his night wakes. Sleeps like a baby with me. If he thinks I've snuck off, he actually does a semi-conscious inspection - pat pat pat my chest, neck and jaw. If he's satisfied that I haven't abandoned him, he falls back asleep. If he realises it's a decoy, he comes awake and wails. SHEESH. I think it's kinda sweet... but there are so many cons to it.

styli~, Kyle's rather active but not that mobile yet! He's wonderfully independent during wakeful moments though. Usually when I take him to gathering, I enjoy my meal and talk to other people while various people carry him and go off gallivanting. So I still get to enjoy my meals and stuff except when it's a gathering of mummies.

Shelisa, no worries! How did it go? Sermaine enjoyed it?

Ahnet~, hope you feel heaps better after being fired and catching up with the mums!
See? Good thing you married your man and not some other! I think he's rather sweet..

<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@annie</font>
wow!! KFC mashed potato! i tink tis is considered a BIG treat for nesher oredi. hehe..

<font color="2B4D7D">@newmum0109</font>
yes, babytv is on SCV. Channel 37. btw, no qns r too silly. juz feel free to ask.

re: HB participation in parenting
same here! HB dun bathe the baby ever. she's 8 mths old nw n i tink HB only changed diapers for her >10 times. even worse, if she poos, he'll summon me and vanish fr the scene. LOL. but he shows his love for us in other ways like ferrying me n baby hm after he knocks off, puttin up wif a messy hm n havin his clothes ironed only @ the very last minute.

i'm a SAHM wif no helper. its an extremely taxing 'job' havin to handle a bb who constantly demands for yr attention, the neverending hsewrk n the loss of freedom. but i dun regret my choice cos i get to witness her every milestone, first hand. Becomin a SAHM was nt an easy decision cos it meant cutting out 1 income altogether so gettin a helper was out of qn. plus, we din like the idea of a stranger @ hm. like newmum0109 says, in life u gain some u lose some.

<font color="2B4D7D">re: Northpt gathering</font>
din participate in the photo taking cos was feeding bb cereal. :\ haha.. but nvm la, nex time sure gt chance!</font>
rosel- he only get to eat small portion only
&amp; he like to watch his elmo beginning DVD which las for less than 30 mins per day when he rch our rented room
can i ask if any mummies here wore an abdominal binder (eg: belly bandit) after they gave birth last year? wondering if its worthit to get one.
ahnetsan: it could be a phase whereby u felt everything is crumbling down on u. u need to a listening ear and can count on us. re abt divorce, i believe we are not in the correct position to tell u wat to do as we dun really know what is going on. but we can always lend u a shoulder and a ear. like wat they say try to recall abt the happy times and sit down have a chat with yr hubby? get someone to help look after bb so u can have some couple precious hrs? my world crumbled a few times on me... recently again... same thing is with hubby however situation is different from yours. divorce cross my mine many times when i'm feeling very down. but Trey is my strength, whatever i do now and live for is all for him. hope things will turn better for u this year. jia you! jia you! jia you!

bbpotatoe: thanks for the info abt bb signing.

newmom0109: i bought the bbtv dvds at a cd shop at jurong point basement. i saw one online bp selling bbtv dvds also.

cassey: no. Trey love water. he dun mind water getting on his face. becos i worked in childcare ctrs before and realise some children have fear of washing hair only but they r alright with showers. so i think could be becos their parents did not start off the washing hair part properly thus causing the phobia. therefor i try to have a good start for my son. so far, no problem with washing hair and all.

ecmom: maybe get the phil maid since she is good with kids. as for off day, buy over the off days. dun get those phil maid that worked in dubai kind of places before cos they r very lazy. that's wat i encountered with ex-maid. if u wanna get indo maid, maybe can try central java one. phil maid dun let them go church cos that's where they can make friends. all these learnt from my new maid agency.

tubbymummy: thanks for intro on the signing book. u still have time for reading huh? kekeke.
i realise now i buy magazines but end up putting them aside and forgot abt them.

annie: happy for u re dad dun look down on hubby anymore. hope things will work out soon for u n yr family.

rosel: i know bbtv is on air on tv but we did not subscribe and in-laws dun allow us to have a cable set in our room... so i bought the dvds so can watch in room with bb and have precious moments together.

diapers: having problems changing diapers for my son recently... he kept flipping and crawling here n there even when i hold his two legs together... so now i bought one pack of pull-up pants to try. so expensive... and so little qty..
i bought L size huggies pull-up but mom was telling me that it will leak.. is it that i bought the wrong size?
tinybubu: i wore. hubby bought from guardian for me but uncomfortable to wear especially when need to carry bb n bend up/down. tummy binders works but u have to find a comfortable one. any mommies can recommend to tinybubu?
thanks for the link!

i wore... wore during the malay massage as well as after dat... but the one my fren bot for me was too big, so in the end, it din really help me alot.
and yeah, agree wif maryg, it's veri uncomfortable, cos bb was still like less than 1mth old, and need to carry up and down, bend up and down, the stomach binder is blocking the way!!

the one i had was from mt a. it's actually nt bad, jus dat u must get the correct size. if nt, end up like mine, too big in the end.
MaryG- tomorrow we be moving to our new place.. everything settled called the uncle to reconfirm &amp; standby my company driver for his lorry jus in case the wardrobe cant fit in

i also got the same problem wif u as nesher move non stop &amp; m also having problem to change his pampers so i distract him by biting my key &amp; turn my head &amp; he will laugh &amp; keep looking at the keys... we did bought pull up pants b4 when he was small &amp; we find it troublesome esp when he poo in the pants then it will leak out.
wow that's sweet! jayden only know how to karate kick me wn i patting him to slp!

ya man it's hard to change him. flip him back he cry. same here try to tickle him, mk faces to distract him. haha i still have 2.5pack of M size!! hope he dont outgrow them too soon :p

i also bought mine from guardian.. arrgghhhh very hard uncomfortable. though the auntie say hard then good dont get those soft soft comfortable no use. but u try binding tummy to get it back to shape not c sect is it?

happy moving to happy new hse!

this yr 1st time brg jayden to "pai nian" also 1st time go w/ hb cos 1st FIL pass away no go out, 2nd yr he working. this yr at least we can go together hope he can move ard aft the ops on mon. worry he painful cant walk much but 6 days shd be ok liao bah...
thanks for your input.i'm not sure if this is going to be a c section as placenta still low and baby is mad big!read up reviews on the belly bandit as well as the medela postpartum support.not sure if it really helps?

i have the bellybandit but i lazy din really use ti.. but mt massage lady says it's very good, as long as keep using. like bind 4 hours, take off breathe 2 hours, bind again 4 hours.

impt, during sleep cannot bind cos our muscles need to recover. then next day start again.

my tummy back to normal liao still soft cos din exercise.. but my massage lady say do sit ups from now will slowly go back to firm again lor..

i find the bandit quite comfy leh.. even if wear during bfing.. just that back then was in June, weather super hot i cant stand it only hahaa..
my hb runs away from poo too! we're so on our own *hug together &amp; cry* :D i must learn to let go, so far havent even crossed my mind to indulge a little in any beauty routines. i live and breathe baby.

whoa luckily i haven't tried to 'execute' the bathroom stunts yet!

remmebered i have a sample dvd from a motherhood fair and went to dig it out. its babytv! v cute. is the BP still on?
thanks. will check out heinz. although recently I did try to find baby pasta at various supermarkets and there was none.

thats interesting cos im the complete opposite of you. i only take hot food if i can help it. and so i always feed cae with warm cereal or porridge. even water i mix with hot water. so now u understand my reservations about giving cold stuff to my boy haha. but i guess yogurt and juice are fine?

hope you are feeling better. i also never thought we would become a single income family cos being a SHM has never crossed my mind until the day I accidentally became one! my hubby was also worried when i quit initially,but we are getting by, and most importantly i look after my kids the way I want and i know they receive the love and care they need. ive stayed home for more than 2 years now...

just take this as a break to spend more time with your kid, its very rewarding. and look for job after CNY.

same here. esp at nite when i change him into pyjamas and diaper change, he would take a trip around the world. he absolutely hates it when i grab both his legs tight to position the diaper. and its soooo hard to clean his poo. i try to give me a toy to hold and distract. i havent resorted to pull-ups yet.
northpoint gathering
seems like everyone enjoyed themselves...thought i could pop by yesterday but it was a mad rush for me yesterday..

so any gathering coming up?
annie: ya! my mom told me that poo will leak too!
800+ is near gek poh shopping ctr is it?

createjoy &amp; firstmum: same lo! need to distract him with toys n such but now its getting harder n harder to distract him... he knows what i wanna do... cleaning up the poo is big challenge. becos he will either try to grab the soiled diapers and swing around or he will try to touch his backside or penis with the poo still at those area! now i clean him is chop chop faster faster cannot give him the chance.

11 beans: my confinement nanny also told me to do sit-ups but where got that energy... work+look after bb &amp; still need to look after big bb(hubby)... already so tired at the end of the day.

newmom0109: i think the bp is still on. ya. its very cute.

good that both u and ur dad come to a mutual understanding.. abt hb reading my post, i sometimes use his blackberry to read posts while waiting for bb to finish milk in car so he always hv it as his default pg lor.. not sure he read that actively

re baby signing, my friend offers me the dvd.. so i tot must have a system one lor.. now that i know anything can, think i will just use simple ones like bye, hi, gongxi etc.. cassey thanks for bringing me back to reality.. watching dvd and learning baby signing is not my type.. neither is flash cards

tubbymom, mine doesnt like cold food.. must be lukewarm.. so i bought the yogurt also dont know whether can make it warm or not..

aiyo, i kept on forgetting abt the free similac sample that i got from gynae.. anyone wants, pls pm me.. first come first serve.. self collection at yishun... think it is those mini cans.. and only open to jun mommies

re milk, wonder whether i shld switch her back to ha (hypoallegenic) formula now that her bowels are normal.. she is taking lactose free milk and i not sure whether she is really lactose intolerant or just had contamination with some bacteria that is why lao sai so bad.. pd left decision to me... but i heartache cos her rashes is getting worse... if on ha not so bad
Rosel: Yeah loh... last night he wakes ard 2am and only slept again at 5am ....

ecmom: See that you also got the play yard, think it's good buy lah, cos now I can eat my dinner while he plays inside. Was also thinking about those bear stickers, lucky I bought 2 extra ones can put at the additional groove on the outside of the plain panel.

Cassey: Thanks for the clarification... haha... need to standby hubby when bathing baby this way
Createjoy &amp; tubbymummy, i stay at jurong west near jpoint. I shld be ordering 1 each for the puffs, melt and some rice cakes. Not ordering more scared Claire dont like wasted.

createjoy, i am not regretting now being SAHM, in fact i have not really stop working, im now back with my co doing part-time for them. Im in sales so now i dont get basic pay, co will only pay me comm if i close any sales. I set aside every Mon to go in office to make calls / appts. BB will drop at in-law place.

It was the initial period staying home too much with a demanding bb that got me plus hormones raging - she dont sleep much in the day time! While serving maternity it was also my probation period being SAHM before i decide and also take my maternity pay mah hehe...

We didnt want to engage maid as we dont like stranger at home. Although in-law offered to care for bb but HB say his mom since retired havent really rested coz taking care BIL kids and since FIL retired recently to let them enjoy their retirement

tinybubu, i got the binder from imm push carts it look like tube top. I only wear few times when i go out so at least my tummy not so bulging, i dont wear at home coz its too hot.
Now feeding bb in car again

Audrey the bb yogurt I saw in yishun cold storage n amk fairprice extra. It says for 6 mths n above. Not sure what brand but I couldn't find in fair price finest

Tubbymom, let me know whether u pooling orders. I can pick up again since I stay near her. Will be getting 5 tins of brown rice n 2 tins of oatmeal n other snacks
audrey : sophie's baby yoghurt is Yoplait baby yoghurt.It's in white tubs and there are 4 in a pack with a picture of a baby on the cardboard cover.it's like $6 for 4 tubs.Fatmom might be talking about the same thing.
Audrey, I was like you when I was a SAHM. I didn't have a helper and baby hardly sleeps in the day and I cooked and cleaned the house. Sometimes can get rather frustrating as i felt like I was working full time and more with no break. Its great having so much time with the baby but sometimes i felt like i needed some down time as well...to catch up with friends and to have adult conversations.

Im working part-time now and have a helper to do the chores so i don't feel so drained and it feels like a better arrangement now. I get some personal time and im not so drained out doing cooking and cleaning all day long. But of course i lose out on some time with baby and i lose the privacy with a helper but i cant win on all fronts so for now the arrangement seems ideal.
As for bathing baby, I try to encourage hubby to do that for baby and make it a bonding session if he comes back from work in time. Usually hubby is quite tired after work but I can see he makes the effort. He has been bathing baby whenever he comes home in time and he enjoys seeing aug laugh in his little bathtub...esp now that i bought the letters and numbers that can stick on the glass panel. Thanks to TubbyM's recommendation. Aug laughs when we put the foam letters/numbers on the panel. I think he is amused by the sound it makes. How strange=P

I think hubbies just need a little nudge and I figure they do like to spend happy times with their precious babes.
Thanks fatmon and tinybubu. Does your little ones like the yogurt?
Very frustrated today, Claire not taking her solids again and overall only take 500+ml milk! Wondering where she get all her energy to crawl and stand.
Read somewhere babies shld gain at least 3 times their birth weight when they reach their 1st bday! Im really doubtful Claire will hit her mark of 9.9kg.
All mums i learned this from my massage lady, she shares to have a trim waist and flat tummy is to do hula loops without moving your shoulder. She say to start with light ones first then slowly graduate to heavy types. Not sure if you all seen an uncle doing the wooden ball hula? Do 10 min each nite, remember to do for both side. Doing sit-up in the long run will cause spinal injury.
Audrey/fatmom, I should be getting the melts 2 packs each, the rice cakes, couple other Organix items and some BabyNat items. And maybe couple tins of cereal. Think stocks will arrive 1wk after BP closes. Fatmom, are you back at work by then? If yes, how to pass us the items if you were to collect?

Fatmom, Not sure if yogurt can be made warm... I assume it should be ok if you warm it and eat it straight away, but not sure if it will "separate" when warm? Alternatively, add the yogurt to warm cereal?

Firstmum, maybe for yogurt and juice, you can just let it stand out of the fridge for a while, so it's closer to room temp instead of cold? When I fed S juice last time, I gave it to her at room temp too...

tinybubu, I had a binder after my c-sec. It wasn't the belly bandit, it was a clinical one from Mt A. You have to put it on crazy tight (my obgyn did it for me himself), so it's uncomfortable when u sit up, it really digs in. But I felt it provided me support for the wound, so I wore it off and on for almost 2 weeks. Did nothing for the belly though,,, Maybe I should bring it out again... How big's this baby??

Audrey, I could never do hulahoops, belly or not!
Guess what bb drinking milk in car again

I should b back to work then. Not sure how to meet up unless we meet for lunch at the ulu changi. Think u all go ahead to pool then. Petrol a bit ex for me esp when I spent so much time in stationary mode

I got use binder n it is effective but uncomfortable esp in hot day
In the end too lazy to use cos hard to bend and bb don't like the thing poking her
sort of found another job asking me go 2nd intv then suddenly dread to start work again die liao the "attitude" me is appearing .. also nearby 6 busstop away but better 5 days n higher pay still urrrgghhhh. this intv took an hr w/ 2 interviewer!! n still 2nd intv i abit scare! scare the job will be too tough for me. :p

how come i go giant n ntuc always saw the brand u all say but it's the toddler 1yr+ written on it.

tomato sauce
wn can we mk pasta w/ tomato sauce for them?

wow my hb always say his colleagues say he spoil mkt so it's really qt true lah but i read sme of the hb here very on always help ard too leh! i aftn nag hb on wkend not helping though he oftn offer to carry him, help me wash jayden's butt aft he shit n on req will bath him, feed him pat him slp.. but after confinement he haven been doing any " nite duty". what i hate most is going out n after going out come home alot things to pack then he go his smoking corner do his thing i damn busy. scold him many times now on req he will bath him &amp; feed while i pump n pack the stuff

funny just nw 7+ MIL mk jayden nap then he wk up till 11 haven slp after i pat him over 30min frustrated i shout at him (not v loud lah) guess what?? he smile at me then flip away n play.he even play wn i look at him he stop moving wn i look away he keep kicking. then ask hb come in shout once at him, no more laughing but still active then hb play wrestling w/ him ( just cuddle him tight act slping dont let him move) he cry less than 5 min aslp. wow really bully me lor.
i dun understand this frm bbcenter: Small amounts of soft pasteurized cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese (but no cows' milk until age 1)
isn't cheese mk from cow milk??? can someone enlighten me?thks!

audrey and createjoy,
i would like to combine orders too.. but my orders should less than $20.. as first time trying too.. can I?
