(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

artist - yah it is the one styliciously posted.

any mummy interested & i can give u the 10% discount code to u. PM me if u wan to order
as it stated i can pass it on to a friend(so think only for one person) for next order



i bought the stickers n iron-on and i recived them too. hehe.. the quality very good

milk formula
wah today saw abbott's similac price increased... now it is more expensive than enfalac...
Thanks Dolly.

Fang and all:

Updated list: (i put down a note that i do not need food ... just in case my daughter kena a temperature after her 4th month jab in the morning.)

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail (No Need Food)
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
10. Kikismom & BB Kaley
Styliciously - thanks for the info re Infant Care.

Mary G - Welcome! You may wish to add your name to the list if you are confirmed coming.

Artist - the increased in price is due to the new formula. No bubbles now.
Papaya123 - we didnt mix for our daughter. She just drank and was happy with it. Blur us didnt even noticed till we saw no bubbles in the milk .. cos usually got alot of bubbles (the old formula).
Dear all mummies,

I am from Aug's mummies.

calling Similac baby
I have 3 tin of 400g Similac 2 to let go! anyone interested pls PM me! selling cheap cheap since my boy drinking Friso now! i stay north.
Hi all mummies,

I have 3 tins of Isomil Advance EyeQ (soy-protein formula) for 0-6 mths to let go.

Powder : 900g per tin
Price : S$25.00 per tin
Manufacturing Date : Dec 2008 / Expiry Date : Dec 2010
Location : East Area

Pls pm me if interested.
Hey mummies, anyone got good confinement lady to recommend to my fren. She cant cope alone herself. Can provide me the name, contact and pricing. thks!!
artist- yah the label really good & i love it.
i only use the label for his milk bottle & the container containing his stuff
the others i will save it when he in childcare.

kikismom- yah can only choose one icon. i choose the train for my boy. unless u get individual then can choose different icon.

for the munchkin grinder, you gotta take note it will grind softer food better such as cooked apples, ripen pears. for e.g. to grind small ikan bilis (i.e. silver fish), you will have to soak them to soften it and grind. some food such as dried scallop, will not work in this grinder even if you were to soak it.
Gathering for mommies in Sengkang
So it is settled than. No catering. We will order from compasspoint that day!

Hi Amk_gal, no problem for the mummy to join us. More the merrier.

See you all soon
Hi Moms,

A couple of questions:

1) My baby girl has eczema and i'm wondering if anyone has any holistic methods to help treat the skin condition?

The PD gave me mild steriod cream but i'm reluctant to use it.

2) As we'll be moving back to SG soon, I'll need to find a good PD located in the East Coast Area - Tampines/Siglap. Let me know if any of you have recommendations

Have a great weekend all!
Hi..Its been a while since i last posted. Buzy with my twins, and an older boy who will be taking his exams in 2 weeks...sheeze....

Can mummies "remind" (forgot most of the stuff though i have a 7 yr old boy) or advice me when can we start giving pureed fruit???

Also, do we steam it or boil it? I tot of doing them myself this time round. I remembered i relied alot from Heinz and gerber the last time.

After steam/boil, do we have to grind it again????
Many many thanks for yr advice!!!! Happy long weekend!!
Lucky saw new mom status remind me that Cayden will have his jap coming Thursday too. So Fang I will be there but no food for me too. thanks

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too (no food)
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail (No Need Food)
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
10. Kikismom & BB Kaley
Newbie Mom,
u can try california baby calendula cream. My daughter had a very bad episode of eczema b4 and she had it almost the whole part of her back and neck. it works like magic, now she's does not have any more. the steriod cream are for only temporary relief and does not work too well. I will apply the california baby super sensitive everyday lotion for her after bath and the calendula cream whenever her skin starts to show signs of reddish w spots.

As for PD, I have gone to Kidslink Bedok and Happy Baby Clinic @ East Shore Hospital, so I can give u review on these two. Charges are roughly the same for vaccinations but varies when u bring ur sick babies.

Happy Baby (Dr Melati) - Opens office hrs only. 1st consultation fees $50, subsequent $35. Every time go for vaccinnation need to pay consultation fees.

Kidslink Bedok (Dr Lim Woan Huah) - opens most mornings, some afternoons n night sessions. Check out their webby. consultation fees $50 but dunt need to pay when going for vaccinations. only pay for the vaccines, but think they charge their vaccines slightly more on the pricy side. Eg prevenar injection, 1 dose = $185 but at Happy Baby Clinic its $160, if i remembered correctly. If u bring sick child, depends on what medicine they give. roughly $80-$100++

Both doctors are friendly, so far no problem for me. Dr Melati handles newborns at the nursery @ ESH. Dr Lim has special interest in respiratory medicine. I have asthma but my babies dunt have. So far, my #1 only has sensitive skin due to my asthma history. So if any asthma case, i probably will bring my kids to kidslink.

My #1 all the way went to Happy Baby, now will still follow up there. My #2, i decided to bring her to kidslink coz i can walk there n is open on some nites just in case i nv take leave or what.
Hi mummies, i have few bottles of NeurogainPB Fish Oil (for pregnancy) to let go. Selling at $26 per bottle. PM me if you are interested. Thanks..
congrats dolly.
still awaiting Cayden to flip, he will whine and only half slip if I refuse to carry him, wonder when will he slip.
hua_jing: hehe, now got to be even more careful! However, he also not everytime can flipped completely, guess that was just luck ...
wow jayden 4.5mth haven flip at all... sob... any diff? he's born in 37th wks.. hb says cant compare... must minus 2 wk.
hi fang(kikeeko)-great!im fine wif eider burgers or pizzas...no prob. il b der wif my lil monster. my bb is a boy...hahaha!

createjoy-my boy oso haven flip...do we nid 2 'encourage' them 2 flip?hehe!

wah dolly!!ur boy superb!!mine haven flip.

amk gal-sure!d more d merrier!!
createjoy, dun worry la. My Dylan also haven't flip... 4mths 1 week liao. Shows signs of trying to flip but think he too heavy n rounded. LOL. He also born in his 37th week.
hi all, haven't logged in here & my email for a very long time. after started work on 29 Sep, seemed like all the time gone.

for my girl, there was once she flipped two times in a row! i guess it was the momentum. we had placed her in the middle of the bed.. by the time she finish "rolling" she was already at the bed-side. have to be very careful nowadays.
my bb cant flip yet! lazy lazy bb! been teaching her how to flip, but she refuses to try on her own =(

any of u started to introduce solids aldy? any idea how to start introducing?
my girl is not flipping too. she likes to be carried around. she can only flip from tummy to back.

not started on solids yet.

from pediatrician and books, you may start with rice cereal thinned with formula or BM. Start with a slightly thicker consistency than milk, and gradually thickening it. Then graduate to puree fruits and veg.
Raudha, createjoy: my boy born on 41 weeks, hehe, maybe can add a few weeks to his age

Now very fun to see he roll to latch on... so eager like that

papaya123: Went to see PD for 4th mth jab the week before, she say dun need to start now since baby growing fine. So will wait again for next visit which is next month

She suggested that when going solids, start introducing only 1 type of food and wait for a few days to see got any reaction.
Styliciously : Thanks for the information!

My daughter is 4 months, 2 weeks and can't flip either...she's about 8kg now..hmmm maybe too heavy!
Shelisa, i will keep a lookout on the blender and see if they have any discounts.

my gal drinks about 120ml-180ml in 20mins using avent teat 2. we give her 180ml but most times she'll leave a little in the bottle, averaging abt 160ml a feed. still latching her on when i'm with her. nowadays she keeps sticking her fingers in her mouth when feeding, both bottle and breast. rouxuan turned 4mths 3days ago and recently she has flipped once from back to tummy but hasn't tried it again yet. still waiting to see it cos the other time only my hubby saw it.

think will start on semi solid at 5plus - 6 months as she seems fine with milk. and seems wobbly when sitting. so should be not ready yet.
tiggerkaitlyn, i got my neck flaot w the swimming tub from another forumer at $55..

my boy started flipping!! he must have some sense of achievement cos he started laughing when he flipped over. super cute
how about porridge? u know old ppl last time give porridge not cereal mah. i dunno i wn i try cereal my MIL will fight to give porridge. is porridge same range as cereal if start at 5mth+ 6mth ok?but porridge cant mix milk
plain porridge will be ok for bb. in the market, the first cereal also made from rice. maybe you can buy a tin of frisocrem then tell your mil it is porridge and it is even easier to make. else if she really want to give porridge, can add milk to it to make it a "sweet" dish.
just wondering after writing my earlier post, maybe my boy flipped because I latch him while lying down? So he might have been given more "training" to flip
Wow, nobody else login today?

Hi Fang, just realized my hubby is on standby this coming Sat, so he could not come. Here's the updated list:

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too (no food)
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail (No Need Food)
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
10. Kikismom & BB Kaley
Kaelyn is 5 mths today and I've started adding frisocream to her milk because:

1. she is hungrier and 4 hours become 3 hours
2. she is drinking too much and my supply can't keep up soon.

And now, without frisocream, she refuses my milk! OMG!

Bringing her for the hearing test on wed plus seeing her doctor at KKH( for the premiee case)
morning mommies!

Didn't sleep well cos I overslept my son's dreamfeed at 1130pm last nite. N GUESS WHAT!!!! He never cries for milk at all through out the nite and I couldn't tahan but pick him up to feed him at 620am this morning cos it's 11 hrs since his last feed at 720pm. He drank the milk while sleeping lor and continue to sleep after that n still sleeping now. Anyone experiencing the same???
Long time never do nite feed liao and dunno what time he will wake up without the dream feed... end up never really sleep since 3am. sighz.
Hi, I'm from April Thread.

Any mummy wants frozen BM. I have 20-30packs (each approx 200ml) to give away, just pay a minimal to cover the milk bags.

BM are dated July onwards. I'm using chest freezer, so can keep BM up till 6mths. I'm currently running out of space in my chest freezer, so need to free up space as I'm still pumping for my girl.

If interested, pls sms me: 97551142 to arrange for collection, Pasir Panjang. Pls bring along ice-boxes to ensure the BM doesnt defrost on the journey.
Hey Fang, think we can just grab the food from compass pt since walking distance only. Baby seems quite drowsy in afternoon on weekend and have been sleeping quite long. Will go when she fully awake.

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
10. Kikismom & BB Kaley
11. Creamer, hubby, BB Genieve & helper
wow... most babies seems to be heavier than my boy.. haha.. mine 4mths 1 week liao.. went to havev his jab last fri, wgt 6.5kg..
Eldric is able to flip when he's 3 mths 2 weeks.. every now & then kept flip.. cant put him alone on the bed liao.. hm.. my cousin taught me to learnt to flip.. haha.. have to guide the baby by giving her/him a hand by the side when they tried to flip.. it works on my 2kids.. the boy is faster learner than jiejie..
mummies who went back to wrk and still wake up a couple of times in the middle of the night for night feeds... how do u all cope? dun u all feel tired the next day?
ahnetsan, me lor. Recently my girl change from 1 night feed to 2 night feeds leh. And im a night owl who sleep late too. So overall will feel tired but mayb also kinda used to it for the past few days, yest i woke up twice and today back to work not dat bad.
ahnetsan/Creamer- try not to let yr little one sleep so much in the day time then they will sleep longer at nite without feeding. i tested my boy & las 3 days, he slept frm 8.30pm-6am without feeding. but when i take over frm my sis hubby & me will be very tired as my sis forced my son to sleep after milk & sleep then drink then sleep.. made us so fed up
Annie, but i didnt force my baby sleep leh. As she will fuss if she cant have her beauty sleep. So i have to let her sleep lor. And i cant give my baby milk in any time i wan like before i go sleep and wake her up for milk, she will not take so i have to give milk only when she wants. Any other method? Cos 2 times can be shiong in long run. Hope can get back to at least wake up to feed once a nite.

RE: Ear Drum
Mummies, jus wondering do we have to clean baby eardrum with cotton bud tug inside everyday? I didnt clean baby eardrum only recently i smell her ear got abit of oily smell and i use cotton bud to dig the external of ear drum only. Not enough huh?
creamer- for my case, i will bring my boy for a walk & he loves to watch children playing & my boy is those playful type rather play then sleep so normally after a morning outing he will be so tired... i be intro him for swimming in public pool when he is 6 mth then he be so tired so will sleep longer. as for milk i realise my boy not taking much milk & my parents was telling me he seem to be growing teeth.
Annie, teething can start as early as 3 months till 7 months, if baby started to drool, biting behaviour, irritable and have sleeping and drinking problem.. i also suspect my baby teething cos she drool alot and seems recently at nite will whine at times at nite.
creamer- my boy drool alot & will wet his clothing so i nid to put bib for him... & he loves to put his fingers inside his mouth or rub his gum on my hand when i carry him... he will cry if i take his hands out frm his mouth..i been putting teething gel for him after bath

i oso same as creamer leh, nv force...my boy nt drinkg much 2...nw worse, oli take 30ml at a time, and take 2-3hrs on off to finish 90ml milk...drink milk lk drink poison lkdat...he oso bn drooling since long ago
