(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

bbaugustine, it is just the combi high chair, that can be adjusted to allow the baby to sleep if necessary. tt one can move baby ard mah. heh

sorry missed ur qns abt the cream. anyway glad that you got urs... watsons is selling at 29.90. the watsons near my place stock some items from cb range, mayb not all places will. i rbr i got mine from overseas sprees, $17.50 incl shipping but self-collect so your price incl postage is consider gd liao
desitin creamy $10 is ok.. i bot mine from overseas spree ard $10 incl shipping too... i heard that the one sold in guardian/unity is not the desitin creamy, its the normal desitin which is harder to remove. creamy is only prescribed by pd locally.
bbhopes, i think my siqi is growing teeth too.. saw a white line in the front of her lower gum. touched it, is rough. guess should be teething. told my hubby but he said i am dreaming.

keep my fingers n toes crossed.. so far she is ok..

sometime wonder is BM plays a part.. my son had it only 1mth so always has fever n his immune system is lower. ie. he just kena gastric flu on sat. that goes my holiday, stayed at home.

as for my gal, she is better compare to her bro.. no fever after injection.. hope no fever during teething too.. wish every stage is smooth sailing..

but she kept hving milk spurt.. now she drink 180ml BM every 2hr.. cant supply so much.. so subsitute with FM.. 1 feed BM (last 2hr) & 1 feed FM (last 4hr).

Wonder what will doc say tomorrow for her 4mth checkup + injection? overweight in 3rd mth.. but doc said will slim down in 4th mth..
wow ur babies are teething early! i rbr the old folks has this hokkien saying - 7th mth sit, 8th mth crawl, 9th mth teething. dunno if u all heard of it b4... but i read from bb sites that it can happen as early as 3mths so our babies can be sprouting their first teeth anytime now!
chris38, yes i heard that before.. so kept wondering if she is teething.. will check with the PD tomorrow.. hv u start working?
chris38, jus checked the desitin i bought from unity.. it stated desitin creamy.. is there other type of desitini.. do u hv the link?
good morning mummies!

yes i started work since 31 aug

oh unity is selling desitin creamy now. i rbr i can only find desitin original at guardian during my girl's time and its very ex, tink more than $15 per tube. once i discovered the beauty of online shopping, never check local pharmacies again :p
this is the other desitin i found on drugstore's website http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=10751&catid=26911
is it the other type unity is selling?
you only go to market during the weekend? How to you preserve leafy vegetables? I am trying to cook some lunch. Cos need to prepare to cook baby porridge soon. 2 months for me to practice. :p
Haven't gotten time to log in for sometime cos I have been bringing my boi out more often n also pampering myself till no end. Gg for another round next week again before I go back to work.

Put my heart at ease to hear that so many babies are gg thru what my boi is going thru. He has been sucking n chew his hands a lot lately and some times he gets super frustrated. Am gg out to get a teether for him to chew later so that he can stop chewing the pacifer and his hands (turning red some times).

cassey, I feel the same too. I wish to see his gummy smile for a couple more months at least! Was just telling my mom that I dun want his teeth to be out until he is 6mths.

amkgal, I agree with cassey that as long as ur bb is developing well agst the milestones, it's good. I have a heavy wt baby and really, it's super tiring to carry and cuddle him. It's really not easy to carry him long when he is 8kg now n he doesn't like me to sit down too long as he wants a different view or see different things all the time. I am fortunate that he settles well into his pram and dun mind lying there n staring at me when we are out. If not, I cannot imagine the giant arm muscles I will be getting.
bluedream, leafy veg - wrap with newspaper n store in a box with drainer so that the water doesn't get to the veg. Can store most leafy veg well up to 5 days.
Any suggestions on what cream is good for babies..mosquito bites? My girl has quite a number recently.. tiny ones on her thigh...

Any mommies introduce teethers yet? My girl keeps salivaring...putting her fists in her mouth...and issit normal due to teething, the appetite will drop???

My girl suddenly drinks very little ...sometimes can go without food for 4-6hours!!!!!
Hi moms- I'm a long time reader, thanks for everyone's advice!

I was wondering does your baby sleep through the night?

My baby is 13 weeks and sleeps from 11-8am. But that means she misses 3 feeds! And she's not very hungry when she wakes up, hmm... anyone else going through this???
Vogue_mommy: I'm using California Baby's Calendula cream for general baby acne, heat rash, itches. It seems to calm and soothe her skin.

I am having the same problem- Baby took an hour to finish 100ml this afternoon!
my boi had an insect bite at the back of his head and it didn't heal very well. PD prescribe this cream for him n it works wonders. He said it's good for mosquito bites as well. It's called Fucicort. It's an antibiotic cream - use thinly twice a day.

tiggerkaitlyn (can type tigger only not??? your nick is very long :p)
My boy usually sleeps a 6-7hr stretch. Ocassionally stretches to 8 hrs. I think if BB is hungry, she will tell u one. So don't worry about it.
bbjun: I'm glad to hear your son is also sleeping longer too. I was concerned because my baby is never very interested in drinking. She is only 5.5kg now! (yes, Tigger is fine, haha)

Does anyone know if the baby is supposed to double their weight in 3 months? Or what is the formula? I can't remember what the doctor told me :p
hello to all mummies

i m back from poly.. Nesher just had his 5 in 1 injection. He was smiling happily until the nurse inject him on his rite thigh he cried very loud & stopped when i gave him his milk...
now monitoring him as afraid he might have fever.. he sleeping in the sarong net.

Vogue_mummy- Nesher also drooling his saliva & sucking his fingers & hands & the poly doc said is normal & he not teething yet.

his wt 7.295kg & 66cm long
all above 75% & his head above 50%.
RE: Desitin

I'm using both the original (purple tube) and creamy (blue tube).

I use the creamy during the day since I change her diapers often. But I use the original Desitin at night since I don't change her until the morning. It seems to act as a better barrier at night and doesn't melt away as quickly. That's what my confinement nanny did..
Annie: oh ok, I was curious as I would like to give her as little shots as possible, and also drag it out longer as it feels like it's too much! But my doctor didn't have the option for 5-in-1.
<font color="cc0099"> No prob, dolly! It was also one of the greatest fears I had. Wondered if I could latch til 1y/o. But was greatly encouraged by those articles and shall endeavour to do so!

Ash~, REALLY? Is it one of those places that always try to give out samples - their yogurt is liquidy with various toppings? I'm a Yami fan leh. I don't like those liquidy yoghurt places. Haha... I reckon if I want that kinda taste, I can eat it from the carton bought at supermarkets!

Re: Entertaining Bb
Kyle would love to be sat in front of tv but I prefer to let him look at and handle tangible things during this time when he's developing his gross motor skills. So unless I'm REALLY cranky, (or using the computer when he wants to sit up with me *oops*), I don't usually just let him stare at a screen (of sorts).

chris~, I remember reading that teething typically occurs at 6-7mths. Teething can go on for days and weeks and months before first tooth cuts through... so poor baby might have a lengthy difficult time before having anything to show for it!

kaitlyn, usually babies that sleep through the night cluster their day feedings closer throughout the day, no? Maybe your little one is drinking more at each feed? Again ah, as long as bub's putting on weight alright and bright-eyed and active, don't worry about the actual intake of milk. They're pretty savvy little creatures!</font>

<font color="ff6699"> Super long <font size="+1">"bbAug"</font> section

Re: Fish tank?! Instead of a real one, why not get one of those swimming fishes screensaver things!? KEkekeke!

Re: Yami @ PS Yes, apparently there is 1. I'm not a PS person though, so will have to hunt it down.

Re: Kyle's daytime habits
SORRY SORRY! No! Miscomm. Kyle never sleeps in bouts of more than 30min. After each feed (abt 3.5-4hrly), he dozes for between 10-30min. That's usually at 1+ and again at 5+...

> If at home, I usually play with him - tummy tickles, head and shoulders, blowing raspberries, bicycling, playgym, stroller toy, rattles, squeaky toys, books with crinkly pages, nursery rhymes, children's hymns, let him explore my face, let him sit in high chair and explore various items with different colours, textures, sounds... It's just easier to do various things than try to maintain his and my own interest in one thing for an extended period.

> BUT I think it's very common for babies at the developmental stage ours are at to sleep much less than NBs. I'm sure most of the mums on the thread will agree... ?

Re: "Sleeping Through"
Kyle's sleeping is super erratic. One night he slept from 12 to 9am. Several nights the last week, he's up every 1hr, sometimes even less. That's cos he's got the snuffles and I presume he's wanting some comforting to make up for the difficulty breathing properly. Most nights I offer him a dummy if necessary and allow him 1 feed - usually about 4-5am. Sometimes only at 6am. On rare occasions at abt 2-3am, after which he sleeps til 6-7.

Last night he kept wanting to show himself to be such a big boy, kept turning on his right side, rolling back on back, turning on right again, holding his hands together and putting them in his mouth, rolling on back... repeat and repeat... So noisy, grunt grunt, suckle suckle, heave of breath, grunt grunt, suckle suckle again. *chuckle*

Re: Habitual Awakening
I think 4am is the witching hour cos they can sleep longer now but still need a feed and that's about the time they'll get hungry. Kyle accepts a dummy if I offer it to him through the night, but I've realise it only served to mask his hunger cues so that I didn't give him the feed he needed. I've shared before that after a few days of this regime, his poop changed texture and colour entirely.

> Now I leave it up to him, I'll offer a dummy a few times but if he goes back to sleep but continues to come awake, thrashing and calling, I'll usually pick him up by the 3 or 4th time. I guess as an SAHM, I see it as a privilege and as per Ash~, I enjoy those quiet times in the dead of the night with him. It's ours to enjoy without anyone else. It's something special

Re: Teething
Sis and bro-IL thought niece was teething when she was about 3-4mths too. But was a false alarm. I think it was just a developmental milestone when she learnt to explore her hands with her mouth and her mouth with her hands. The drooling and biting down on stuff ceased after a while. Came back again when she was 5+mths and now her first tooth has cut thru. Maybe there are some false alarms? Teething gel always soothes cos of the sweetness - whether bb is indeed teething. Keep me posted as to when Aug's tooth comes forth!
Hi Cassey,

I'm feeding her every 3 hours in the daytime, which is about the same schedule as when she was born! That's why I bottle feed her a few times, at least I know how much she is drinking instead of falling asleep when she latches.

Otherwise, she is bright eyed and generally happy, just on the skinny side though

Wow, you really have to entertain Kyle! He must be developing quickly with all the games you play, my baby still sleeps for at least 2 hours after each feed. She will get cranky if you play with her and she wants to sleep!

4 AM is definitely the witching hour! It's funny how they don't cry for milk but will thump around and make a lot of noise. It seems like they're struggling between deciding whether they should go back to sleep or feed
sorie mummies, this is gonna be a long one.

aiyo, im nt saying you look old lah... i jus din expect u r 1981 de.. maybe cos you so tall lah, and dat was the first time i met u mah..

haha piak ur justus' backside. he's jus plain jealous of your nice bday numbers. haha...

HMPH!! i still havent had my yami fix from the last time we spoke abt it! GRAPE?? huh, u mean there's grape flavour now?? wow! ya ya, tubs are expensive, esp when we can finish it at one go! and i wldnt want to put the tub in my mil's disgusting freezer...

so i guess the 'best' time to start is when baby is 6 mths or so...i din know dat baby has to double birth weight before he can start solids. hmmm, was thinking of letting Jarius try out cereal when he reaches 4 months old... think will go PD and ask for advice when i bring Jarius for his jab.

re: solid foods
my hb's cousin has a 10-11month old boy. and he's STILL on bfg. this cousin started giving cereal to her boy when he's 6mths, and he din wan it, so she tried out different different brands, also dun wan... dun wan puree too...dun wan porridge too.... only wants breast milk... so until now, she's still breastfeeding him... checked wif PD, says it's weird and not very healthy, but since he wants it dat way, den haf to suit his style..maybe one day he will start to ask for solids... weird right? and my hb's cousin has to eat beef quite often to get iron cos after baby is 6months old, he needs iron.... dats y i tot i will start at 4 months for some cereal to test test water first...

amk gal,
dun worry lah, actually ur baby drinks more than mine liao... Jarius only drinks abt 60ml per feed nia, maximum 90ml once a blue moon nia. urs got 100ml very good liao. haha... day time i dunno hw much he drinks cos i latch, i jus feed him every 2hours like dat lor. and each feed is only one breast.

Jarius is also small size. welcome to the small club! haha. got ppl even ask if he's jus over his one month...faint lor, he's alrdy 3 mths i will say. haha... as long as everything's fine with him, den ok lor. right? so dun worry too much ok! stay cool.

i jus read cassey's post on milk intake n i totally agree wif her wif her line "Sometimes we get too caught up I reckon we're better off not knowing!"

re: pre preg jeans
wow so many of u can fit into ur pre preg jeans...hmmm, i shall try to squeeze into mine tonight and on the aircon first in the room, in case i get too hot trying to pull up the jeans.

and im alrdy very happy dat i can finally wear back my proposal ring liao! been wearing it for 2 days liao. but need to bring it for washing, polishing liao..been in the box for 6 months le, a bit not blink blink liao. haha,. woohoo, but body wise, still the same fat 53kg!!!

re: night feeds
bbaug, mummyash, my baby also wakes up for night feeds and also doesnt suckle for too long... actually i wld say he only suckle for dat few mouthfuls and den he falls back to sleep... really only a few mouthfuls from his swallowing sound... my hb always say maybe he's thirsty or jus wan some comfort sucking nia... and he wakes up every 2 hourly! every night like dat, 2 hours den he will wake up...haiz... though sort of used to it le, but i still will like to sleep thru the night as before leh...dunno y he suddenly haf night feed habit....he used to sleep thru the night de....

yeah i heard abt that saying too! haha but my version is teochew version de...but same la, 7th mth sit, 8th mth crawl, 9th mth teething...

i also agree wif cassey dat i wanna see Jarius' gummy smile for a few more mths! im very worried dat once J has teeth, my PIL will stuff food into his mouth!!!! and i hate dat!!!!though alrdy pre-warned them NO WAY alrdy...gummy smile is so cute! and ya , must take more photos of his gummy smile before it's gone.

p.s. wah...seems like there are so many silent readers all this while and suddenly they finally decide to come in here and chat.
HI HI to tigger and a few others i forgot the names.

sorrie for loooooooong post.......
actually i opp from most of u.. i cant wait for zach teeth to sprout so that i can start to share all the wonderful food with him hehe... my fren told me just now another sign of teething is bb start to show interest in the food we have.. hmmm mayb thats the reason zach always stares intently at us when we are having our meals hehe..

my silly hb is the one who will stuff food in bb mouth. that day he insisted he wanna let zach taste ice-cream, since its also milk.. faint...
i've used up my ML and CCL and have to go back to work tomorrow.Hubby is constantly stationed overseas and comes back on weekends.I stay in the East Coast area and have no car.Unable to put Soph in infantcare as no centre nearby home and difficult to ferry baby around to and fro infantcare near work.my office is in town and i finish at 6pm.not feasable for me to get to the centre by 7pm daily.

my mum's still working and my mil is overseas.we also do not have any relatives that are willing to look after the baby.i dont feel comfortable with a babysitter because nobody will be around to see if the baby is well taken care of and i'm the paranoid sort.i've read on another thread that there was this babysitter that used to tie up the baby's hands and feet and put sticky tape on the baby's mouth and the mummy only found out when the babysitter's neighbour showed her a video clip on her mobile.

hubby and i value our privacy and have never had a helper but since i got cornered with this situation,i ended up hiring a helper and putting the helper at my mum's place.mum's working and my sis,her hubby and their 2 yr old son live there.my sis isnt working but refused to take car of my baby stating she's very stressed out as it is.

my concern now is that they expect the helper to look after their son and keep telling my helper to let sophie cry because babies need to exercise their lungs.my sis's husband is also so disgusting.keeps telling me i have not been taking care of sophie properly whenever he carries her and she starts crying.i feel like snapping back and telling him the reason why she's crying is because she doesnt like you.but i hold my tongue because it's not my house and i feel like if they get upset,they'll tell me not to send my baby and helper there anymore.i cant keep my helper at home yet because she's new and will probably freak out if she's left alone with a baby.

also,my family has completely disregarded the routine i have painstakingly created for sophie.thy let her stay up till whenever.they bathe her when its convenient for them.if they forget,then sophie doesnt have a bath that day!!!

i'm really very pissed but dont know what to do.hubby keeps telling me that he earns enough for us to live comfortably and is supportive of me being a sahm.but i've just spent a bit of money getting this helper....

also,my boss keeps telling me he cant wait to have me back at work because he needs the help.

i'm trying to weigh out the pros and cons.we have so many toys for sophie at home but i cant put it at my mum's because they always let my nephew play with it and not sophie.their justification is that sophie is just a baby and doesnt know how to appreciate stuff.they even let the 2 year old boy continually sit in sophie's FP rocker which i bought and sophie hasnt even touched it.

some say to wait till dec to get the aws and then quit but i honestly don know if i can last very long knowing that my poor baby might be crying because she's lonely.i hate my job with a passion.senior management always takes advantage of my team.my supervisor tries to help us but he gets bullied as well.he's a super nice guy but the job and job scope has been getting crappier by the day....

at home,i'm always talking and singing to her.i bring her out and let her touch things with different textures.i play with her and make sure she's fed,clean and well rested.at my mom's i dont know if she's getting the same treatment although i have hired a helper.

i'm sorry for the super long post.hubby's away in papua new guinea this week and phone reception is pretty shit so venting out here.
tiny bubu, omg, wat u shared about babysitter is so scary... my son is going to babysitter's place from this thursday onwards.. gotta monitor closely and observe for a while. preliminarily, seems like a nice and normal family.

think babysitter same as domestic helper, element of luck... helper is out of the question for me cos she'll be alone with the baby at home with no one to supervise... then again, babysitter also the same. good thing is she knows my grandma and uncle stays 3 stories above her. i'll also vary the time i fetch him so can pop by anytime. hopefully won't see anything i dun like.
Hi Tinybubu,

Hang in there. Just listen to your heart, it will lead you to an answer to your situation and what is best for Sophie and yourself. Jia You. No need be sorry, venting out is good.
Busy working day! Only get to eat lunch at 3pm!

Vogue_mommy: I use calendula cream for mosquito bite as well

Teether: Bought sophine the giraffe from US for my boy, but he dun like to chew on it!

tigger: Welcome to the thread! Wow, sleep fr 11pm to 8am? I wish my boy do the same. Is she on FM?
Dun think my boy has double his birth weight (3.75kg) yet

Annie: Wow, Nesher getting bigger now!
Tinybubu: Can see that you are in a tough situation. However, at least they are your family members and will not torture your baby! Maybe you can talk to your sis about it? And probaby treat them very well till they feel they should treat sophie very well?

I'd also like to have someone I know taking care of my baby (some arrangement like yours), but I also no choice leh
tinybubu > sounds like you're in a difficult situation... and i kind of agree with dolly, at least they are your family members

any of your babies fidget a lot while sleeping at night? my gal has been like that for the past week... initially i thought she was hungry, but after feeding and burping her, she still fidgets a lot... she keeps turning her head left and right, stops for a while, then do it again... v tiring as I keep getting up and check on her... I'm not sure what's wrong wif her... getting a bit worried as it has been like that for around 1 week now...
tigger, my boi was 3.165kg when born. So he is more than double his wt now. Like what Chris mentioned, he is showing a lot of attention to us when we are munching on our food. Sometimes, he follows my mouth and starts some chewing action. Hence, I am gg to check with PD at the 4th month visit to ask for his advice. My mom wants me to start putting a little cereal in his last feed so that he sleeps even longer. LOL. Oredi, bbaug says my bb sleeps alot and maybe that's why he is so big. I was sharing with my mom last nite that Dylan looks like a giant next to bbaug's n I feel so paiseh for a while. We attempted another meet up last evening for dinner and he slept thru it again. I was calculating the time he slept ytd, starting from ard 6pm, wake him up when I reached home to put him on bouncer to rest. Gave him a wipe down n feed him at 830pm, last feed at 1155 n he wakes up at 630am for morning feed.

Hope he is not gg to be super alert n playful at nanny's place today after that amt of sleep. He still took a 30mins nap this morning before I brought him up.

tinybubu, I know the feeling of leaving ur little one to a helper. I finally sent back the helper I engaged and use a nanny instead. Thank God that I managed to find one within the same block that I am staying and she has been wonderful with Dylan. Of cos, I can't ask her to teach Dylan things like what I do, but I am happy that she takes a lot of effort to make sure he has his feeds n sleep n she always makes sure he is burped well when she found out that he used to have mild colic. She also respected my request not to let Dylan watch any TV. It's sad that your family doesn't respect the schedule u set up and the way u want sophie to be cared for. I make it a point to let my parents know that and of cos, my PILs who are the ones who doesn't get it. So I need to present every time Dylan is with them. Hence, I will never let my MIL babysit Dylan.
So far, my mother never fails to follow what I want her to do for Dylan when I need her to babysit for a few hours.

My take: Listen to your heart. If finances allow and u have a supportive hb, why not be a SAHM? Money spent on a helper - I know it cost money cos I practically throw money into the drain when I sent mine back. Take it in the more objective stand on what's best for Sophie because saving some money may not always balance out what's best for her n you. I put myself in your shoes and can imagine how torn u will feel, knowing that Sophie is not care for the way u want it. I didn't regret losing ard 1k when I send the helper back cos I found a better caregiver for him.
So take some time to think about how u can best resolve this, I am sure there is always a way out.
there is another saying.. or or koon, jit ni tua jit chun.. mayb thats why dylan is growing well bcoz he is sleeping well

tough situation.. but shd be easier to talk to them and tell them how you feel since they are ur own mum and sister right?
i oso longed for a helper but more of taking care of the hsehold chores after we back from work.. but both parents and inlaws are working so no place to park them in the daytime
tinybubu, just realized that u and me are in the same situation. My hb is also overseas most of the time. Back on some weekends.. not all weekends. It's not easy to manage all things on ur own and definitely, family support comes in as something v impt. Have some time to think about what will work best for you and sophie. Do feel free to vent here or even just PM me to talk if u need an avenue talk out your thots. Rem to stay positive cos there is always a way out to manage things.

chris38, ya.. my mom said that to me last nite but I just can't rem it. :p
Hi ladies...
Hang in there yah? Remember all the decisions we do now is for the better for our kiddo... I'm taking the stand that whatever I do or decisions I make, my boy must be taken care of FIRST becoz whether is it my parents, PILs, siblings, they are all old enuff to take care of themselves!

I've also been quite frustrated lately over what's the best arrangement for my boy. My mum insist to have my boy over at her place than to stay with me reason being she needs to take care of her hse and my dad and sis. Kind of hate it when she said that. Not that I'm not 'filial' but I was thinking these 2 adults can jolly well take care of themselves but my boy cannot! Now that I'm trying out to bring my boy to her place, I really find it tiring.

My boy seems to be afraid of 'dark' or shd I say, he's simply a Day-Baby. He doesn't like to be out of the hse in the nite and demands to sleep between 9-10pm. No matter how hard I try to delay time, he has NEVER been awake after 10pm, except for his night feed. This has caused a lot of stress especially if I have him at my mum's place.

Hubby and I knock off around 630pm everyday. We will rush to mum's place, getting caught in the traffic jams. Every night when I bring him back, he cries throughout the 30min journey. After a stressful day at work, it's really frustrating to have him crying in the car!

After rushing him home (that's past 8pm since getting home is another jam on the expressway), most of the time I do not get to eat. I shower quickly, about time to prepare him to change, feed and sleep. He's such a koala on me, he just wants to be cuddled the moment he's back (a happy problem though).

By the time he settles, that's earliest 930pm. I eat, wash the dishes, I pump, that's almost 11pm. Boy wakes up at 2 plus for feed, which means I sleep for 3.5 hrs. Settle him back that's 3am. And I have to wake up again at 5.15am to pump, wash, sterilise, wash up and get ready for work. We leave the hse around 640am to send him to mum's place so that we can both get to work on time since that's another jam jam jam on the road. It's no wonder my milk supply is so-so only...

My total sleep per night's abt 5.5hrs, my work is stressful, I hardly spend quality time with boy. How can I not be frustrated?

Hubby's feeling the strain (he needs loads of sleep) and also the pain (for the boy and me) and suggested for boy and myself to stay with my mum, but I've got 2 adults there who needs quality sleep since they are working too!

I'm so torn now and dunno what's the best arrangement to make. So frustrated, so sleepy. Today's the 2nd day of work for the week and I'm already feeling so tired. My head is so painful and I find it difficult to concentrate when I drive. Any proposals on how I can manage time better?
hayoki-i tink its ok. coz i heard dat bottle feed must burp but breastfeed is not an absolute must. if aft d feed he looks uncomfortable n fidgety, do burp him. but aft d feed if he luks absoluteli fine dan its arite 2 leave him alone 2 sleep.

dovey- hev u tried 2 adjust her position a bit...mayb not comfy?wen my boy does dat...turns d head left n rite, i feel dat he is not comfy. i adjust his position.or i pick him up n pat him.n put him down in anoder position.hope dis helps.

ahnetsan-u sooo lucki. can wear ur proposal ring aredi...i stil cant. im now 61kg. 10kg heavier dn my pre preg weight. sigh....jeans stil a far fetch dream 4 me. haha!
In case you moms are looking for more clothes (I always am!), I was at Mothercare today, some sleep suits and body suits are 30% off.

The sleep suits are around $39/3 pieces and body suits are ~$35/7 pieces.

Vivocity had more sizes then harborfront...
ahnetsan: hello! I would like to join the small bb club too
My baby is 5.3kg and 64cm. She's almost double her birth weight, but still skinny versus other babies here!

dolly: Hello! she's on total breast feeding. I let her latch during the day, but at night we give her the bottle and she'll drink about 140ml. It seems to be enough for her to last through the night. I am not complaining since I get more sleep, but I do worry she's hungry!

I want to order Sophie the giraffe, but it seems so much more $$$ then other teethers!
tigger: haha, dun bother abt the giraffe... my boy dun suck it! We can't force him to bite it anyway

My boy dun drink ebm at home leh! The other day my hubby try to feed him when I was bathing, he only can drink 50ml or so and refuse the rest. But wanna latch onto me once I'm there.

Last night he took his feed at 2am, and wake up when i put him back to the cot... night mare start as he fuss and dun wan to go back to sleep till almost 5am! both hubby and I exhausted!

babyhope: It's good to have your mum to take care of your baby. Why not you alternate w ur hubby on bringing baby there? then at least the other half can rest a bit. And maybe once a week, stay overnight on a weekday and get some rest.

My boy also likes to be home at night, he'll start to fuss around 6+ if he's outside, whether at somebody's home or shopping center. So in the end we avoid going out in the evening or staying out late.
Bluedream, My hubby goes to the market on weekends to buy all the food needed for me to cook for 1 week. For green leafy veges i just place them in the chiller drawer in my fridge. The veges hubby buy are usually in individual plastic bags and they usually last for 1 week. I just take a bag out for each meal. Hope this helps=)

Cassey, thanks for the super long section for me. Today I went to Novena Square for lunch with a friend. I think its a great place to bring baby. There is a lift from the MRT station directly to the mall and there are lotsa nice places to eat there. Perhaps we can have a gathering there some time later. Does Dhoby Gaut MRT have a lift directly to plaza sing?

I won't let Aug look at a screensaver fish tank!!! I also dont believe in letting children under 2 yrs old be exposed to any form of media but sometimes when i watch TV after a long day of playing with him and housework, Aug sits with me haha. Thats the only time. I do try to make sure he is not looking at the TV though hee. I believe in letting children/babies manipulate or see concrete things. They learn better thru real experiences so its a real fish or none=P

Cassey, it can be tiring playing with baby for the whole day rite??? I also try to vary his activities.Put in playgym, read books to him, flash pictures and words to him, let him do tummy time, put him in bumbo, let him look at the mirror etc. until he is tired and ready for a nap. But if i do this every single day, i think i will be bouncing off the walls so sometimes i will schedule meetings with friends for change of activity...Mummy needs novel stimulation too and some adult conversation!!!

Aug usually sleeps at ard 8pm. if he sleeps earlier than that, he tends to wake up and fuss due to gas or whatever reason. His next feed is ard 12.30am and then 4 am actually. But recently he has been waking up earlier at 3+, not sure y. This is even though hubby increased his intake of EBM from 100 to 130ml. strange. Recently i started to give him pacifier cos i was suspecting that the 4am feed was a habit and it worked to put him back to sleep sometimes but now he absolutely wants a feed. Without a feed, he wont go back to sleep. His next feed is then abt 6 plus before he wakes up at ard 7 or 8. Same like u, if i offered a pacifier at the 4am feed and he continues to cry after 2 times, i will pick him up to feed him cos that means he could really be hungry. Im still not sure if Aug is teething.Didnt see any white line on gums yet. I will just continue to monitor. Im thinking of offering the chilled teether toy to him tmw. Lately he has been putting his fist in his mouth and going "ah, ah, ah" as if gums are painful hmmm.

Tiny bubu, i think its a tough situation for mummies after their maternity leave ends cos you have spent so much time with baby and you get torn as to whether you should stay home with baby or go back to work. I would say go with your heart and think abt what you hope for Sophie in the long term. If hubby is supportive of you being SAHM, I think you should consider it cos i think no one can look after your baby the way you do. If you are spending a lot of time fretting abt how others are not doing it the way you want Sophie to be taken care of, then perhaps the sacrifice of not going to work might be offset by the quality time you spend with Sophie and being there for her as she grows up cos this time will never come back. I am also quite particular abt how I want aug to be taken care of. Thats y i have chosen to stay home for at least 6 months to make sure that a routine is in place and good habits are established. Sometimes your own family members may think that they have your child's interest at heart by doing certain things but if its not how you wanna bring up your child it really is self-defeating if you compromise. And it hurts family ties as well if you continue to have all these pent up negative feelings. Feel free to vent here or u can sms me. Cheer up and take care.

bbjun, think my aug is in the small club=) cos both me and hubby not very big build. I think the sleeping a lot is a happy problem haha. At least it gives you time to do your stuff. I practically have to rush thru my day with the chores cos my boy hardly sleeps. I think diff babies have diff temperament and diff sleep habits so nothing to worry abt=)
<font color="0077aa">mummies, any idea if we must serve our company certain period of time after coming back from maternity leave? or can we just serve our notice? am also thinking of asking for unpaid leave until dec when alya's 6mths old.

im very very very worried for alya. she cries very hard, like someone beat her like that. my mum, MIL and SIL all said that, and my mum even said it's because she's drinking my BM that she's temperamental (to which i held back my tongue lest i prove her point). but she only cries when she wants to sleep, not much else. for a few days she could fall asleep on her own like once or twice a day, but hari raya came and we were out the whole day so hubby and i waited till she fussed then put her to sleep cos we were on the move a lot and she kept waking up. of course many well-intentioned relatives offered advice and help to put her to sleep by rocking her. against my better nature, i allowed them because alya was crying so badly nothing was helping. i dont know why she cries so loudly and very hard, like holding her breath.

today we stayed home whole day and she had to be rocked for all her naps, but then she sleeps for abt 1 hour per nap. i try to catch her by 2nd yawn but she's not very tired by then..her window like so short, if i miss it then she melts down like ice cream on a sunny day and cries very hard...no lead up, straight away wailing. any other babies cry like that?

because of that, now my mum like scared to take care of alya. because im with her every day, i know it's normal, but if u were to meet her for the first time, you'd think i'd hit her or something!</font>
Poor alya think she oversimulate jayden at night also like that. Nw I try to catch his slpy cue n help him tk reg nap. Seems true that with gd nap they more relax slp better at night

At what age should we wean bb off night feeds? My gal is already drinking very little, if we dun feed night, she will be drinking 500 mls a day!!! Thats very less right?

wow took a long time to read all the long long posts!!! hehe thurs morning reading pleasure.

my boy is acting strange after the 5-in-1 injection. poor appetite, super thirsty, and very little urine... today going to nanny's place le... hope he'll be alright there. he's sleeping now, which is super strange, cos he's usually awake and playing at this time.

shirley, u can only wean off bb from night feeds if she is gaining 180-240g per week.. anything lesser than that cannot..

my son is also a TV addict!!!! bad for eyesight... argh. tell my father not to let him watch he say must watch a bit, if not will become stupid. argh! haha. never mind, most of the time he doesn't watch TV. guess he's attracted the colours.

about eating fingers and sucking fist, he's also the same. suck his fingers until all red and saliva all over his face. super disgusting cos the mitten will be soaking wet then he'll touch my face and body with that wet mitten. DISGUSTING. hahaa smells a bit too. sometimes i remove his hand and let him play toys, sometimes he'll protest... so can't be helped. think all babies like that one la... tongue more sensitive so they like it. better put fingers than to put other things in their mouths right???
