(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hihi Everyone!!
Guess y i can access to com??

Annie and Nesher and Annie hubby is at my house. Annie will post the 2 bb soon.

Hope everyone is doing fine. Take care

TPY mummy, actually I am not sure if the routine will work, its just something i had devised myself cos i am so tired of latching every 2 hr but yet cant bear to lose the intimacy with my boy. My boy eats every 2 hr. Example, I latch him at 8am, I pump at 9am, then at 10am feed ebm by bottle, and 12 noon I latch .. and the routine continues.. so far for the past 3 days, it had been working ok.. my supply still seems ok.
But if you want to build supply, you should adopt like one of the mummies here Qi, to latch on demand, and to pump after each latching session. I am sure your supply will increase very soon!

1. I never change nursing pads.. cos I neva use! .. I find it so hot and sticky and itchy to use... and if I leak, just change bra..
2. unlatch the baby by placing a finger into their mouth ... to break the suction.
3. I have a small towel changed daily for my breastfeeding and pumping sessions.. i dun clean my breasts, just wipe dry.. I only clean with water everytime i bathe.
4. Actually I dunno when my breasts are empty .. but they are really soft.
TPY_Mommy: My answer almost the same as MummyAsh
1. I dun wear nursing pad unless I'm going out.
2. I used to but no longer unlatch using finger now, after a while,you'd know how to pull it out without hurting much

3. I dun clean my breast too, unless after massage to clean up the oil. And sometimes use water when I perspire too much
4. After I pump 50-70 ml from my breast, it will be quite empty
And when it's full, my breast will be rock hard
5. My CL boiled the parts, except glass bottles

Shelisa! Nice to see you online!

Annie: Missing you too!
thank dolly n mummyash,
btw, do BF mommies perspire a lot?

Dolly, rem u r using PIS.. take note the soft fit funnel cannot be boiled/steamed.. my cousin told me.. in the end the soft fit rubber has air gap when u pump..
TPY_Mommy: Yeah I bought the soft fit funnel, better ask my CL not to boil it, has been boiling them for the past weeks

I dun perspire a lot, but my boy does!
i perspire quite a lot when nursing.. Otherwise ok. Im so tired now.. Just finished with the chores but baby needs to feed soon at 11pm... Haiz..
Mine sleeping after a feed... I'm so thirsty and still got to wash and sterilize... so lazy...

Today met Annie at KKH... Her boy's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute really ang mor face. Sure yandao kia... I wonder if he will like my girlwhen they both grow up? hahahahahahhahaha!
both of u so hardworking, still can pump after feedg at nite.. Im nursing my boy nw n its the third timee since 1am... No energy to pump! Once nursing finish i'll scramble into bed again to catch my wink!
Mummy_Ash: I wanna go out this afternoon... haha got to build up supply. And my left breast was dripping cos I feed the wrong one. Anyway, my boy woke up for milk right after, got to feed him some ebm and let him suckle on me again

Hopefully your baby sleep through!
Luckily yesterday strip off her clothes (poor girl freezing on the KKH weighting scale) and weight her was 3.025kg. A growth of 33% since we last saw the doctor. But still behind target set at 3.5kg.

Well, it seems premie babies have premie growth chart.. so different from those in the health booklet.

2 months and she weight only 3kg... sigh....

Yesterday use the MIM sling and holding her is a breeze!!! But everyone stare at me though... there are a few people who walks up to me, stare at me then walk away. weridos...

It seems I'm the only one using sling... is it out of fashion yet?

Hi Qi7
I am also using MIM sling for my gal. I realise the people stare also.Somemore try to stare into the sling. hahahaha.

My girl was born on the 35th week 4 days,so considered premmie too. Supposed to be in July09, but she decided to come in June. :)

So dun be discourages. The nurse who helped to deliver me told me that she has a premie who weighs 1.9+ at birth. Now at primary six is 1.7m tall! So Jia You !!
Qi7: Maybe they wanna know how you wear it. I was staring (observing) a mum at Vivo last time when I was pregnant too! Anyway, I got the pupsik one instead, but I've problem putting him in the baby position correctly. It seems to be too small even I got the L size. Think this is one advantage of the MIM one, you can adjust after putting baby in.
dolly, i am going out in the afternoon too! I need to get more bras, boobs r even bigger than pregnancy days! .. n most of my working clothes cant fit cos of my boob size, sigh.

Any recommendations for nursing bras?
I've tried those from Metro, MIM and Triumph. For bigger cup and better coverage, you might wanna try Triumph. But not all type from Triumph fit me too. There are more than 4 styles from Triumph, be sure to try all.
Hi mummies,
I feel you all are very experienced and wan to find out whether:
is blood pressure a little high normal? i read some can get diabetes too? in fact I am weighing 66kg at a height of 165cm and I into 30 week. I guess I was stressed guess my weight drop 1 kg lesser in a week! is it normal? so scare its my baby weight lost
Fang: Welcome to June MTB thread! Yeah, premies will grow big later, no need to worry so much about current weight.

Babiesmeme: haha most of us are first time mums! When I was 30 weeks, I weighed above 70kg (ht 163), but of course I started off with heavier weight. As for blood pressure, if your doctor said ok then dun worry too much.
hi BF mommies, I may hv to leave the BF team earlier than any of u.. sigh!!.. Yesterday, I went to polyclinic to check my eye n immunization jab for my gal.. who know i am diagnose with serious Low blood pressure 83/54.. the doc suspects that the underlying cause of the low blood pressure is BF and advices me to terminate my BF asap..

With very low blood pressure, the brain, heart, and other vital organs may not receive enough blood. Ultimately, this can cause these organs to fail to function properly and even to become permanently damaged. The lack of oxygen can also cause a person with low blood pressure to experience blackouts, particularly when standing up or sitting up too quickly after lying down.
TPY_mommy: Please take care of yourself. Only when you are well then you can take care of your baby, that's more important than feeding BM. Does the doctor says whether you can start BF again when your condition is better?
Hi Mummies,

I need some advice here please. My 1 mth bb needs to be in our arms all day long if not she will cry. I tried to let her cry abit but eventually still needs to pick her up after 5 mins cos she has tears and screaming like hell. Anyone with the same problem and how you handle it. I am caring for her alone and is driving me crazy.Please advice.
TPY_mommy, my blood pressure also around yours leh... but i dun get dizzy spells. no worries, even if you stop BF, can get back same supply within 6 months.. did u have low blood pressure in the past?? for me it's always like that and it doesn't bother me so no issues..

qi7, does your baby curve in the sling?? i used it twice so far and baby looks pretty squashed and curved to me. am i putting him in wrongly?

i still have 5 kg to lose... if BF helps with weight loss, it's not working yet!!

i just devised a new pumping routine.. so far it's an improvement for me. i'll pump one breast when latching baby at night.. cut down time to pump separately in the wee hours. one feed of FM in morning, 2 feeds of ebm in the afternoon and latch for the rest.. quite happy cos managed to get 100ml just now compared to the usual 50-60ml. =)
juz curious..haf all of u healed completely down there? any aching feeling at the labia n buttock areas when stand or walk too long?Anyone whose period came areadi?
Doglefox.. I dunno if I had healed completely. BUt its no longer pain .. I am still having brown and occasionally red discharge everyday though my childbirth is a month ago! ..

amk gal, I tot of pumping while nursing.. but reckoned that I dun have tt much arm power leh.. and everytime when i latch my baby he will already be a little cranky, I cant imagine I still have to set up the pump! hehe .. u are so power. I still have 3kg to lose, and it had been like that for the past 2 weeks? ... I dun feel like I am losing wt too.. I only feel my breasts are like HUGE, neva been so big in my entire life, and I am not really enjoying it..

btw dolly, i just bought 2 non wired nursing bras from Marks and spencers.. not too bad, quite comfy. and its so funny, while I was trying on the bras, my breasts start to leak badly.. and i made the changing room floor kinda wet! .. so malu.. heh. It is so sickening sometimes, i think why are we women so cham, besides leaking down there every month, nursing mums are leaking up there now! .. everyday has to change different kinds of pads. sigh.

TPY mummy, pls take care of urself! ... but this is the first time i am hearing that low blood pressure will affect bf... I think my blood pressure ard urs too.. hmm.. did u ask ur gynae? not that I dun trust polyclinic docs.. but why not just call and check with your gynae before giving up?
wow long post dunno who type what lazy to refer back heehee wow anyway my bb 7wk now i exclusively pump.ameda lactaline, ya thik dont drain well i also block duct oftn n recently notice got 1 lump tried very hard to clr but it's not improving...i v scare cd it have been there b4 bf?i usually squeeze my boob till last drop of milk drip then i stop pump..of cos this is during the day wn got ppl ard to help look aft bb, at night i slpy just pump 10-15min i sleep liao but still squeeze as hard and as fast as possible lor. supply no drop no rise.. last time 2hr 70ml now 4hr sometime 5hr 180ml... then again i try to pump every 3hr during the day.. my boy drk every 2hr 100ml. so some time i give chill EBM usually i try to time it give freshly express.cos at night give 2time FM 100ml so got about 8-9hr nt on BM so i have spare in freezer also dunno what to do with it...

time flies already 7wk guess another 3 wk gotta dispose the first batch what a waste! but i cant tahan give EBM at night cos i too tired. need to feed,burp,pump,sterilise,put him back to slp all by myself...EBM 2hrly feed i no need slp!! my hb only help on fri n sat night till 7am. he give FM or EBM while i slp n wk up pump at my own timing. then dawn i tk over he slp. he dun dare to slp w bb.wow mummy ash medala can pump 1000ml in 10 min?? it's u alot milk supply is it? or was it 100ml?

so ok to slp yaolan lah 1sr yr? my boy also cranky whole aftn.. either is crying wan carry (70%) or pacifier (20%) only 10% happily awake...till 8pm+ he then settle dwn to slp.. OMG.. am so tired.i also no time to pump daytime becos he keep cry lucky MIL around. if not i die no latch no pump! last time slp longer i can pump bt now he fuss whole aftn stress man! my MIL also nt supportive BF,guess she must b wondering wn i giving up...waste so much time pumping and every 2hr feed so mafan.

Oh dear TPY mum u must be pretty upset to giv up in adv.. dont tk it too hard ya, ur health more impt. it's not as if bb dont drk BM sure suffer, it's just believe to b betta.my MIL always say last time pple so busy earn $ w got time like u all keep feeding at home, go back wk earn $ liao. their kids also grow up as normal what.,at least he had benefited for the past few wks.
tk care ya
btw did u gals buy insurance for bb? wat insurance ? hw much?pls share w me leh... another prob i hav is, i got 2 type of btl teat. one hole v small duno y last time he can suck now suck v lg no movement n he fedup. cld his jaw b weaker now cos he btl fed no latch on ? another type drip faster but he always spill milk frm corner of mouth , qt alot leh think 10ml? i see liao heartpain and worry too fast no good and mayb that's y he always fart (alot wind?) and vomit abit oftn..any advice? i tried to mk the small hole teat bigger with needle but even i use the biggest needle it goes thru the silicon teat but pull out liao hole still the same no change.
Why dont put in freezer the EBM why need to throw? freezer can store from 3-6 mths... so if you stop BM earlier, still got some in freezer to finish...
YOZ! Ladies! Anybody miss me?

Tonight is the first time I can get online and surf net! Finally... I'm handling bb Daylon alone, very very shack arh... Just pop by say hi
dolly, your vaccination rates look very reasonable! Which PD do you go to?

Createjoy, my boy also has problem sleeping for long in the day. He is a very light sleeper and will wake up at the slightest sound. I have to tiptoe around the house and make sure i dont make any noise. Nowadays he can hardly sleep thru an hour during the day. And when I have visitors to my place, he wont sleep at all in the day. I think he is so stimulated that he cant fall asleep and will be cranky at nite. Therefore I had a hard time when pple came to visit. Im going to limit pple coming to visit in future. Im kinda worried that he is not getting enough sleep. At nite, he is better. He will sleep at least 2 hrs thru before he wakes up for feeds and he will go straight back to sleep after feeds. In the day, sometimes its so hard to coax him to sleep. I can be carrying him for 1.5 hr before he will fall asleep and I have to make sure he is in deep sleep before putting him down in his cot. Im so exhausted! I am thinking if i shld get the sarong to help him sleep better!
i got my period last week, its very light and come and go type, maybe coz of breastfeeding. For me considered healed coz no more pain but abit scared if my stools are hard.

ur red discharge might be ur period since its been a month.

i havnt even weigh myself! I use the sling too and Aisha will curve too. If she curve sideways, it try to straighten her coz i feel not very good for her spine. But if curve upwards like doing crunches, i let her be coz its like being in fetal position when in womb. BTW, i like ur method of pumping and latching. will try it coz when pumping, i dunt get the let-down that I always get when latching on. will always leak the other breast when latching.

rotarox (for the rotavirus) - 2 oral doses at least 1 mth apart. 1st dose @ 2nd mth, 2nd dose @ 3rd month. must be taken b4 5 months i think, after tat no use liao.. just check just now - $100 per dose (Kidslink Clinic @ Bedok). there is a 3 doses version but not too sure abt details. must be taken while still very young too.
pneumococcal - anytime can take. 2 doses b4 24 months, after 24 mths, 1 dose. $160 per dose (Happy Baby Clinic)

hmm.. babies likes the warmth and cuddles. If she's not sleepy, can try play with her awhile so can tire her out eg. put her on her tummy for tummy time. If she's sleepy can try to swaddle her and pat/rock her to sleep then only put her down when she's deep in sleep. For me when I know Aisha wants/needs to sleep but her eyes wide open, I put her in the sling and let her be. slowly, she will fall asleep after abt 5-10min. If she starts fussy/crying, i will rock/pat her. This is what I do when she does not want to drink when I offer her my breast.

here my ans
1. i dunt use, but i got those non-disposable type-wash after use. most time dunt leak much but i change bra if leak alot.
2. Use the finger method if suction is hard, if not, i just pull away. I try to wipe my breast n Aisha's mouth if too messy.
3. No leh, i nv clean coz dunt feel dirty unless sticky from leaky breast. Outside, dunt need to clean lah., just latch. esp is u bf in public, not in nursing room. if not, will be obvious - suppose to bf discreetly mah..
4. I wear nursing bra all the time. I use no padding (mothercare ones) or very thin padding so that easier to bf - i have 1 thick padding, not nice to bf with. empty breast is very soft and can "flatten" abit.
5. pump sterlise using the same steriliser used for bottles. will place breastshild downwards.
Came back from movie, my breasts were rock HARD after 7 hours no latch and pump! Each side comes out 100ml and still hard. My boy must be deprived of latching, he latched 4 times since I come back and that's after a 3.5 ounce EBM feed.

amk_gal: Agreed w you, BF not reducing my weight! I still have 8 kg to loose
Pouch: My boy also appeared squashed inside the pupsik, I suspect because my boy is almost 5kg in weight and 57cm tall now.

BB: Mine also like that, always like to cry, so far only my CL can handle him without milk. Can try sarong though.

bbaugustine: I go to Dr Irene Chan, ikids @ Paragon 19/F, her consultation fee is $70 per visit
Yeah, also thinking of sarong, my boy slept for 2 hours flat at my aunt place last week using sarong.

Blurmom: Yeah miss you too! Where is your hubby now? Still in SGP?
Dolly! How's ur bb and everything? Tk u for missing me! *muacks*

We are not gg any where for the time being! Yeah! Felt so relief, so no need to vex for Daylon's well being
hi thanks dolly for your advice. Ty mummy please take care of yourself. Do anyone fo you put baby cord blood in stem cord? whats the price? where can arrange?
Hi all, I'm a first time mummy and would like to enquire whether you might know of any nanny to recommend in Ang Mo Kio area? My daughter was born in early June.. might be looking for a nanny after maternity leave ends.

Previously had bought a Medela Freestyle through bbpotato... She told me about the board but I didn't really come & say hi to you all. By the way the Freestyle is quite easy to use.

Blurmom: good! your hubby's Company really caring!

babiesmeme: We stored it at Cordlife, the price are roughly the same. There are many plans available, you can choose either

1. paying one lump sum, then followed by $250
per year.
2. Paying bigger lump sum which includes first 10 years of storage
3. Pay full ($5k+) for first 21 year, after that, your baby will takeover and can consider if he/she wanna continue

To get the best deal, look out for talk hold by StemCord or Cordlife, it is usually cheaper to sign on the spot.

Look at the bottom advertisement, Cordlife is having a talk on 1st August, just go and listen
Hi styliciously, Thanks for checking out the details for me. Is your baby taking these too? is it a must? if yes, that means baby will need to endure another injection for pneumococcal. me still thinking want to take up a not? any advise?
Frustrated! My friend is coming to Singapore tomorrow to watch the Liverpool soccer match. We are planning to meet this Sunday but I just found out that she's having a fever... shall I still meet her?
hello to all mummies..

at last manage to log in

be posting the pic of shelisa gal wif my boy
when hubby free..as i forget how to set the size & post in here..

realise now Nesher sleeping lesser in the afternoon & nite ..cant post much here..

Dolly- yah sure miss u too ..was at shelisa hse as hubby do her gal insurance..
anyone interested in getting insurance for yr baby
can PM me

Qi7- shelisa also said my boy like ang moh but both hubby & me r pure chinese..kekekkkee
yr gal really so small & cute like new born .. my boy is even bigger than shelisa gal althought she two weeks older than Nesher..
guess i overfeed Nesher wif too much BM

he getting heavier & he wt 5.186kg & length 58cm

qi7 guess u have a shock when u saw me in my new boy hair cut kekekekkekee
i cut it together wif Nesher...
dolly, so the price you mentioned for the vaccinations excludes consultation cost? Im seriously thinking of getting a sarong even though i didnt want to use it previously. My boy doesnt sleep well in the cot. He wakes up so frequently and needs to be carried so often.
dolly, i very envious you can go for movie! I rarely step out of the hse as my boy is so unpredictable. I am not sure when he will be cranky and sometimes when he is overstimulated outside, he can't sleep even when he comes home. So i am so apprehensive abt bringing him out and now I am also concerned abt pple coming to visit cos he wont sleep when pple visit also. I feel like a hermit! sigh.
bbaugustine: hehe, we quick quick watch movie when CL still around mah. She took care of my boy so that we can go out.
Yes, the vaccinations price excludes consultation

sarong: My cousin suggests to buy the frame from Cash converter if not drilling hole on the ceiling, cos it cost $100+ brand new and $20 for secondhand. The spring cost another $20 at neighbourhood store.
Dolly & Stiliciously

Thanks for yr advice, Stiliciously you know i put her on tummy also she crys, she just want to be in our arms all the time really tiring. People around me including my MIL kept telling me to let her cry or it will become a bad habit(as if i like to carry her all the time) so i ask them tell me how long? I did let her cry 15 mins if reallly i hv things to do. I just envy those with baby that can play on their own. I told hb maybe the problem is me, maybe there is a lot of people with baby like mine but they dont see it as a problem.
my boy suckle and fuss from 4+ till now... tiring!

Sale: Spring Maternity having sale at the Suntec branch till next Wed, got a lot of maternity clothes in case your friends are pregnant. Limited nursing wear
dolly, me bought a pupsik pouch too.. i find that the horizontal lying cradle position has more room than the upright cradle position. I am comfy with the pouch but baby looks very cramp oso..haiz

Blurmom, miss you leh.. where's your blog posts? on Daylon

BB, you are NOT ALONE! I can totally understand. My bb is also like dat.. he's aredi very used to carrying cos spoilt by granddad and grandma. Asked them not to carry too much, but they keep carrying him, rock to sleep etc. which i must say is a very bad habit. Anyway, he has this bad habit liao. Cannot sleep on his own. He yawns and yawns, we carry him, he sleep, put him in cot after 10 mins he will fidget and cry again. I'm trying not to give in to sarong cos i think it may become a habit as well and without the sarong, he may not want to sleep next time and may howl and cry.

createjoy, Me getting from NTUC, quite affordable hospitalization insurance. All new borns (singaporean) are covered with Medishield, so i think only need to pay about 50 odd? per year to NTUC for additional hospitalization coverage. Educational insurance, i guess i will wait. I heard Prudential have those children insurance with children diseases like HFMD etc. quite good oso

Any mummies put babies to sleep aircon for the whole night? or just the fan? my boy perspire alot which i dont noe why.Anybody bought humidifier for the aircon room?

re : slings
i'm one of those guilty staring that those people using slings, cos i'm trying to either 1. get the brand of the sling, 2. see how come other mothers can sling their baby effortlessly and so comfy, while i always struggle. hee hee

skylerMum: So far no luck w the pupsik pouch leh, how big is your baby?

Slings: True I also analyse how other mums carry their babies in it!

Aircon: My room is aircon and the one baby and CL sleeps is partially aircon, cos my CL will turn of the aircon once cool enough. But my baby also perspire a lot, especially the head. The towel which I place below his head is usually pretty wet.

MumsInMind: Today is their open house again, thinking of going there to get some nursing tops! Yeah!
