(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

fifi n cash... yah be doing lots of cooking.. long time i fried chkn wings for my hubby.. hmmm will cook for him when i go off early after work.. he loves homecook food

wah i din know we can lose weight jus by cooking! dat's so cool!!!

must do housechores... like mopping, clean windows, etc, den can lose weight
Annie, seem like you are not in good term with ur MIL. Mine not that bad. It only she like to nag and nag. Wow, cool down my dear. Ur mil confirm stepped on ur tail. I can understand the pressure u gg. Cheers up my dear.

Thanks blurmom for the info. I didn’t know massage got so much benefit.
Shelisa... don worry as long as i dont have to go ther i happy being alone wif my hubby...
luckily go ther only for CNY & birthday celebration.. the others dont care as my hubby said i can do wat i like...
Hi Mummies
Sorry to interupt.
I am letting go my Medela swing hardly use bought on 19march 09.Warranty card still with me.
Letting go @ $300 for everything
Medela swing
3 extra bottle
Carrier cooler New
Purelan cream New

Kindly contact me at [email protected]
Or 91773783 for faster respone
no leh, didnt get my tanjong rhu bao cos out of the way over the wkend. haiz. but had bao at crystal jade, aldou i still prefer tanjong rhu..

i also putting on wt so fast its scary! im surprised my gynae didnt suggest GD test for me. cos i was 55 prepreg, now almost 70 liao!!!!(btw im v short hor) v terrorising!
Annie, so sweet of ur hubby.

First mum, GD Test?? So scary, have to fasting at midnight, have to drink down weird weird thing, worse is have to draw blood. Fainted. I see needle faint liao. Don't worry, u still have me. im ur gang!! 70kg gang group. Bao again.. have force hubby to buy bao liao. haha
hello jackie.. yah daddy doing confinement for me... he very experience having 5 of us gals & 4 grandsons & 3 granddaughters ...
Annie, at least he make the effort. My hubby also act very tire and ZzzZz. Unless he see me making noises like very 'xin ku' like that, he will then ask me ok anot? If will help me massage. So usually i often made those sound. wahahaha

fifi, i didnt buy. I only a play pen at all.
heheheheehe i don have to ask cos he been massaging my feet every nite since i got pregnant ... but if he got nite class i let him rest so he get off day on tuesday & thursday nite..

i don make noise or nag at him cos he already tired working so hard to get more sales so got more money for bb milk powder..
caramelle, my WBB class nothing to buy, pure theory & practical and videos. and always last 3 hours instead of 2. ha!

annie, wah, ur daddy do confinement for u ah... first time hear. you must be his precious beloved jewel. my dad is not the best at housewk and taking care of pple. ha. so can't depend on him.
me going home in 30minutes..still got to go mothercare harbourfront. so silly of them, i went to exchange item cos i got wrong size at parkway. pack of 10 items in a set, and they gave me 1 item short. lucky i went home to chk immediately and discovered it. but cannot get through their line, always so busy. so now i think i will just go to their shop and ask them for replacement.
hello mika.. no lah daddy treat we 5 daughters the same ... he used to do confinement for my mum & he kana stroke two times but nobody believed he got stroke... he a good cook too & had retired early at 48 due to stroke & take care of the grandchildren... he sometime regret leaving his high pay job as terminal mgr at a shippin company but when he looked at the children he felt happy.
still got 1 more hr to go before can knock off... still having monday blues... so sad now that all my lunch khakis have left the company... my last lunch partner last friday last day oredi... luckily today got hubby lunch with me... have to lunch alone from tomorrow onwards... *sob*

fifi, i've got the playmat from my friend...

mummies, other than the playmat, i've got a lot of stuffs from the same friend incl. cot bumper set, pillows, bolster etc.. now the prob is... cos she kept too long liao... so there's very strong moldy smell... how can i get rid of the smell ar? am thinking of washing them... but dunno will spoil them or not...

Annie, first time i hear a guy doing confinement! wonderful daddy you have!
fat mom, we didn't get notes for the 1st 2 class by WBB. the set of notes you got on sat is the only set she have.
not sure if you notice me? me in green top & black leggings, sitting on the right side in front.
my hubby is the busy 1 keep going out to answer phone calls.. haha.. he finally make it to 1 class with me!
1st & 2nd class he was still busy working..
U r really lucky lucky lucky

Should be able to wash the bummper set, pillow, bolster. If u worry washing will spoilt the items, u can try putting it under the sun.
LFB, esp during nite time sometimes i will have supper too, tot baby hungry mah. But we jus dun overeat ok lah..

Dolly, i heng one cos 2 frens cant make it den i chop in lor. Cant miss this good offer leh. I also called b4 and fully booked till june and worse is even waiting list is oreadi 80pax cant accomodate anymore for waiting list.

Regards Desitin cream, understand some mummy are looking for it and i have come across a BP sometime ago and they have email me the stock arrival. This is wat they email me "Shipment has arrived.. $9.70 per tube of 4oz desitin creamy - Pls transfer amount to posb savings 126-63953-8 for reservation. Postage costs as follows: $1.50 + 0.20 for envelope for 2-3 tubes else self collection at sengkang/depot rd." You can email them to enquire if interested: [email protected]

Moomoogirl, think tubbymummy have replied you. Here's the link for the info: http://www.mtalvernia-hospital.org/whatnew.html
You attend Mt A classes too? What timing? Me too, next week last class.

Tubbymummy, yeah lotsa to catch up leh. Really take hours to finish leh. Now another few archives. Too fast!haa.. Thanks for replying to moomoo on behalf. I bought those big korean strawberries from cold storage about $8plus and is very red in colour, tot is sweet, but no leh.. think is off season now. Cos my col bought hers weeks b4 me say is very sweet. Den the ntuc one also not sweet but quite cheap. Think i gotta buy another time again. Think is luck one lor.

Re : Breastfeeding
For mummies who go between breastfeeding and formula milk, it is advisable to get daddy to feed the formula milk and mummy breastfeeding. According to trainer, this will help to minimise the confusion to baby, so when see mummy means latching on from the breast and from daddy is bottle. Cos once we use bottle fed formula milk baby finds it easier to suck from bottle as compared to breastfed where baby take more effort to suck from breast.

Caramelle, im sure your kakis will keep you company during your hubby biz trip. First few days will miss him alot, think when u get used to it few days later should be better. Sms him wat u do for the day to keep him updated den at nite you 2 can sweetalk loh. But if you not feeling good, update us and log into forum where mummies are everywhere. Cheers...
fif, haven't gotten any playmat yet cos dun think baby will learn to crawl until at least 5 or 6 months.

innocentwar, think you better wash the items before letting ur bb use them cos baby have very sensitive skin.
if you don't want to spoil them, maybe can handwash them then sun dry..
if not, maybe you want to pay more & have them sent for dry clean instead?
okie... i'll try handwashing them... my house hardly able to get direct sunning... cos quite blocked... at most can air dry only... plus nowadays keep raining...
<font color="0077aa">Hi there, Jane!
Do you mean a vaginal swab?
I had one done cos I had some itching while ahnetsan had one done cos she had strange-coloured discharge.
So the swab was to check that there was any vaginal infection. Not sure about Strep B swab...

Blurmom, You poor thing, even want Caramelle's tiny little bit left.. I hope you get your fix quite soon!
I HAD AUNTIE ANNE'S sour cream N onion!!! I also sampled soursop Yami and bought a take-home tub! *so happy now*

Fifi, abt pineapples, just a slice or two is fine.
I wouldn't worry abt it unless you're devouring an entire fruit at one go!

sweethalo &amp; ahnetsan, durians don't work for me, I don't think.
I've had lots of seeds in one seating several times now. =) Bb is still not v big.

This caca 'spammer' ah... So inconsiderate. Sigh. POST POST POST! GET RID OF HER PICTURES!!!

Annie, your dad sounds great!!! Kudos to him and 10 thumbs up!

caramelle, glad to know you got through the day very quickly today.
Stay positive and keep yourself busy busy busy!

> WBB's class doesn't sell a lot of things leh. I think it's cos she's v popular, so ppl approach her for permission to promote.
2nd &amp; 3rd wks, Mamil Gold promoter made chilled milk for us during break time.
3rd week they were selling at discounted price to MTBs who were interested.
I didn't see anyone buying at all leh. So poor thing. Haha..!

Re: Stretchmarks
ARGH ARGH ARGH!!! Noticed more little fellas appearing just above the bikini line yesterday.
Must keep knickers on to hide them from sight!!
I want soursop Yami

Back aching quite badly now, so I shall not be the forum owl tonight. See if can convince hubby to massage my back hehe...
HI ladies,

good morning again! Eating my breakfast and reading my emails at the same time.

I have been very KPO in March thread, just reading how these new mothers cope. No joke man! Many are realising motherhood isn't that rosy and relaxing. Very informative and enriching. Esp on BF. I guess no one will know better than them now. Quite scary actually!

Ling, hmm, don't remember seeing you leh? I am sitted at the end of the class, near to all those back cabinets. I didn't even bother abt milk that day cos I am just plain lazy. Usually I will summon my hubby to take for me, but that day I super lazy until I also couldn't bother to call him. Let's see whether we meet leh next week. I will prob "chope" those back seats. My back aren't that strong to sit through 3hrs!

This thursday going to TMC for OB checkup. Will join the 11am hospital tour also. Haven't got a chance and hubby finally can take leave this time. Looking fwd cos of the long weekend.
Good morning Ladies.

dolly.200906, Ohh!! I totally forgotten abt it. As my right foot is still swollen thus tho to at hm rest, only when hungry then go out eat + didn’t occur during the weekend. I think shld be the bra giving prob, as at hm I dun wear bra.
<font color="aa00aa">hee while we're on the topic of hubbies flying here and there... anyone planning how to handle it when hubby travels for work and u are alone with baby??

I get scared thinking abt that wor... *panic*</font>
Good that you've forgotten about the pain! So gotten any bra over the weekend?
I got swollen feet too, especially my left foot, so smooth that I can't even see the usual blue veins appearing on my foot!
Now starting to have sore throat and running nose, guess the bug at last got me
dolly, i didnt manage to buy at all as i have totally forgotten it. I think u need to have ample rest, go visit a doc, eat medicine and have bed rest. The more u walk, the swollen the leg will be. Do rem to drink more plain water as wheather is bad recently.

11_Beans, i cant answer ur question as my hubby wont be flying. But if there is such day, i will move back temp to my grandma house to stay.

<font color="0050b3">Good Morning Ladies!
I just managed to spring clean my house, my back is beginning to give way now...

NOTICE: Can try to break all the sentence up? So we don't have to move left and right?</font>
