(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Blurmom, wahaha. so much so craving? I only tho to have a huge cup of ice cream as the weather is killing me. Hmm, enjoy 1st ba, but do rem must drink more plain water and eat some fruit. Ahnetsan must be keep running to bathing as always see she post she gg to bath again. haha

Annie, this thread is mostly eat and shop!! i already have a few maternity clothes cannot wear liao. sob sob

Shelisa... oh no y u didnt get bigger sizes.. my mterty must las me til i give birth... worry .. nvber wear XL clothing b4 ..normally my clothing b4 pregnancy is M size so going to XL be too much for me... i will feel unlove when i become too big as worry hubby wont pay attention at me if i grow fatter than him...
Annie, im quite lucky as my hubby is not those type slim slim. His is quite fleshly so now even i put on additional 12kg, i still look slimer then him. Same last time i also wear M Size, now XL!! it really take some time to accept it. Even now i dun really like to see mirror as my breakout is serious and my whole body like swollen liao. Have u ask ur hubby before how he feel abt ur shape now??

fifi, actually my mommy ask me to eat pineapple now as she said pineapple can wash away body tonix. She say 1 week 2-3 times is ok. I took quite a few when on 2nd tri, but so far so good. Maybe try not to eat too raw pineapple?
Annie, Its ediable in scientific terms! What do you mean by brave?

My mum and MIL also very pantang one... Also allow me to take pineapples
Annie, during cny, i lost count how many bottle of pineapple tart i have eaten?? I rem best record is 1 day 1 bottle. shhh.. dun let my hubby know, he will scold me as he dun allow me to eat at all, wahaha.
shelisa... my hubby is those sporty type. he like to go gym carry wt & go jogging .. he those healthy type & he is 172 tall 70kg...i did ask him do he mind i fat he said its ok cos i his wife & somemore i pregnant but i will lose wt fast as the part which is fat is my tummy.
Blurmom.... my mum told us not to take & anywher i nvber like pineapple except for pineapple juice but i stilll prefer durians... althought seldom have it so have grapes & oranges & apples most of the time

Shelisa... wow .. tat very heaty..i scare having pimples
Thanks for the update.

Regarding 2nd detailed scan hor....I also blur blur one. Just do what the gyane schedule

U steady leh, finish 1 bottle of pineapple tart within 1 day.
my hb is at hm.... mc for another 2 days. poor he...

me and hb were also watching S factor last night... it was gross lor... my hb kept shaking his head, cldnt believe how those girls got their courage from.... faint

cassey, eat durians, make ur boy put on more weight.

wah blurmom.... so many temptations... i like the annie's sour cream one leh.

these few nights cannot sleep well leh, damn irritating... feel pain and tightness feeling in stomach...change sleeping position also not comfortable....dunno wat's wrong, never call gynae to check too.... now feel sleepy....

haha shelisa, weather very hot mah... bathe damn shiok one... somemore nowadays i bathe without the heater, bathe with cold water... but come out of bathroom still feel hot leh!

aiya, annie, pineapple can eat mah... y cannot eat pineapple?? jus eat in moderation lor....haha shelisa, i also leh... i ate alot alot of pineapple tarts during cny, dats how i got 5kg wt gain over that month!!!
Annie, wow, ur hubby is so sporty. Mine is ard 170cm @ 82kg. He also go jogging but after jog he supper again thus the weight stay there. My hubby also said 'no la, where got fat?, dun worry so much, siao, u pregnant ma' but after giving birth, im gg to shred away those fat too. *high five* Alot of old ppl suggest not to take oranges wor as they scare bb alot of phlegme thus i stop eating orange.

fifi/Jackies, i didnt notice until it only left a few pieces, then i tell myself i might just finish it. It just so tasty.
hi ahnetsan.. so nice can stay at home me stil got to work... waiting for my due date then can rest at home for 4 mths... me also feel pain & tightness but it will go away in a while then i be alrite except for the bb movement..rather active at nite...

Shelisa... hmmm.. cannot eat oranges meh i saw pregnancy magazine said we can take oranges as they rich in vitamin C.
Ahnetsan, same I also bath without the heater, then quickly dash into the air con room. Even I tabao back hm eat, I also eat in the room as living room no air con. Wow, 5kg?? I only gain 3kg. But now abit hack care on weight gaining liao as very tiring leh. Very stress also.

Annie, yup yup. It is accordingly to the old folk and those Chinese medical hall ppl say 1. So I choose strawberry and kiwi as my common fruit as they also rich in vit C.
shelisa, yeah lor, dat cny period, damn jialat lor, wt gain damn alot... see le i freak out...

haha same same, i also eat in room, on fan full blast and on the aircon....

haha for me, i on the aircon before i go to bathe, den come out of bathroom, room alrdy cold cold le, damn shiok. haha
Annie, ohh!! then can try other fruit like apple, pear, banana? The gold colour kiwi is sweet not sour at all. maybe u can try.

ahnetsan, *high five*. i also switch on liao go bath then come out the room so shiok. But my mommy say like that very easy catch cold. But i rather catch cold then crazy. haha
ahnetsan & shelisa.. i dont eat in my room cos mum dont allow us to eat inside the room.. i have my snack at the balcony more cooling ther.. only at nite sleep without blanket wif air con & fan on
shelisa, ya lor ya lor, i also rather catch cold than gg crazy... haha... somemore after bath, after applying cream, i will still feel hot one leh
Annie. ohhh... i also have at least 1 ice cream everyday without fail. tasty tasty. I tho water melon then can cool body?

ahnetsan,same, maybe we rub too hard that y can fiction then feel hot??
to all mummies giving me support, big THANK YOU! you probably dont know how much it means to me to have support frm other mummies here who can understand what im going through. so far halfway through my working day and i didnt even think of missing him. this is good..when i get home i already planned to do a few things and that will keep me busy. my SIL is very nice..she's never been so nice to me but she already texted me yest and today asking me to approach her if i need help. i think everyone around me is rallying me to be positive so i mustnt focus on the bit where he's not here. when i woke up in the morning, i didnt even have time to realise he wasnt there. just got up and straight away got ready for work.

Blurmom, i just had Auntie Anne's last weekend! went to great world and was so craving for it that i went to withdraw money since i just wanted to buy 1. got the cinnamon sugar dusted one, but couldnt finish it. ate like 90% and threw away the last bit.

mummies attending WBB class..sorry to say this but how come like every week got something for y'all to buy from the class? when i attend the KKH one, it's fully theory and practical. like last week was breastfeeding. and in some slides, they even mosaic out the brand so as not to promote one over the other. but there's a lady in my class who keeps asking: which one is the best brand/method/pain relief? aiyoh..every week ask the same best question!

Kate Lee, tempt me also! i also want! but give Tubbymummy prio (i wont lose out cos i know she dont like pink..hehe!). PM me whatever is left you want to sell.

re events and invitations: get this, when i got married we had a two-day event and in all abt 2200 pax attended. i for sure don't know more than 80% of them but the dinner for 200 was for colleagues and close friends.
Shelisa... las nite jus got scolded by dad as after finishing my two plates of rice wif 1/2kg roast duck i continue having my ice-cream & daddy said i dame greedy & i point to my hubby c lah he the one who eat more ice cream not me i jus help him keep the tub.. kekekeke n my hubby stare at me & smile cos i got scolding & he said i must not eat too much later i will have a hard time deliver my boy
Caramelle, Aiyeee!!! So wasteful... If only I can have that last bit... Sounded very deprived now...
Think most prob, I will get them later

Hey, Cheer up k!
Hi Caramelle.. me new in here so dont know wat been going on in yr life but hereby, i wish u all the best & may your days be brighter always... god bless you my child
Blurmom, no. I intend to give birth liao then decide whether wanna massage anot? U??

Annie, wahaha. hubby and u stay with ur parents? for my side, they always worry im hungry thus always put alot of food on my plate. After i finish also ask me to eat dessert or not will make me tabao, scare i hungry again.
Shelisa, thats what I thought so too however I need to source for the contacts first.

Most likely would want to have the massage service. I am attracted to the "Detox/Dispel" part
Shelisa.. cos my punggol flat wont br ready in early 2011 so for the time being stayed wif my parents & luckily not wif in laws... as i dont like my mother in law... she like to nag & control ppl... my daddy be doing confinement for me...
Hi to all MTB,

sorry to interrupt your thread. I have got a 2nd hand Brandt front load washing machine to let go @ $350 (negotiable). Details of the machine as follows:

Model: Brandt WFF0812A
Max Load: 6kg
Max Speed: 800rmp
Age: < 4yrs
Unit Price: $800+

Please kindly PM me if you are interested. Thanks!

Blurmom, I wanna massage is bcos a lot of ppl say it improve slimming wor. "Detox/Dispel" part means? Very ching leh.

Annie, so sweet of ur daddy. I also wanna ask my grandma to stay with me but my house is old hdb so the toilet is squat type. She too old to squat. My MIL also damn nagging, the longer she nag, the louder she is.
Shilisa.. i like squat toilet but no more of tat anymore.. my hubby will not force me go ther cos he knew one of these days i will quarrel wif her... so make us stay apart... the moment i think of how she said bad things bout my hubby in front of my parents made my blood boil.. wher got a mother said bad things &amp; lies bout their son... i hate her...
Shelisa.. the shame tat my hubby got to face &amp; nvber be able to look up &amp; he got to endure &amp; still stayed wif me at my parents hse but when i pregnant wif our boy .. he was able to hold his head up again cos nobody in his family have a boy yet &amp; our child is the 1st grandson in his side... so i not going to let the witch go near my boy..
Post-Natal Massage
Doing this pushes up the uterus, clears water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight.

The bengkung is a long abdominal sash that is bound tightly round the abdomen and hip areas and is believed to help rid of the body excess wind, restore muscle tone, flush toxins and strengthen the new mother. It is also said to stimulate the body's lymphatic system thus quickening the process by which the mother shed the extra weight put on during her pregnancy.

Benefits of postnatal massage:

• relieve neck and back strain caused by holding your baby and nursing for many hours of your day (and night!)

• Ease muscle stiffness, tightness, tension and cramps

• Relax the muscles and body thus improving sleep patterns

• Reduce tension thus improves breastfeeding and better milk production

• Relieves muscle strain caused by childcare activities.

• Relaxations

• Reduce water retentions

Copied from website
Blurmom ... r u going for the massage.. me thinking of it but decide to lose wt myself by not snacking &amp; do exercise &amp; make myself busy wif hsework &amp; taking care of the baby..

ahh..annie u no need the massage la..since u nei gain much! only tummy n hip...dun waste the money!jus do more hsewrk! haha
