(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

corene:: haha my little girl also doesn't really like my MIL too, even though she is the main caretaker. Frankly, I am glad and so happy both my kids still very sticky to me even though she is the main caretaker. When I go home, she will cry if i don't carry her. When i take over to carry her, she will want no one else. ahha FEEEEL so goood!

vernice:: hahaa come back smelling nice ha! don't bring any smell back hohoho.
Miss83 - I steam with the cube then hot liao trf to the baby bowl. The cube i buy can be sterlise so it can be steam. Not sure abt yours... so u hv to check...
<font color="ff0000">cindy</font> - haha i will splash myself with perfumes and air freshner!

<font color="ff0000">idlecat</font> - hows ur bb now? need to see doc? Hope she is ok.
thks for the info... no wonder during latch on, me n bb will fell asleep... hahaha
do u experience tat too??

a lot of brands available hor... tink i oso headache, dun noe which to choose...
My turn to rant now.

My MIL also like to hover around my boy. Whenever I bring him back from babysitter after work, she will carry him out from the stroller and asked me to go shower, then she will keep on carrying until he wants to sleep (he slps at 7.30pm+) which means usually, I'm only left with less than 15nins to play with him). Lucky my boy will still "look" for me when he wants to sleep and now that he starts to recognise people more, he actually sometimes refuse to let her carry. I'm secretly smiling to myself...
glad tat bb lim is ok... tink we need to be alert all times as our bb tends to hv a lot of movements now...
Thanks mummies for your concern. I think baby lim is okay as she still can laugh, can play and behave as per normal.
Nowaday must be more careful; can't leave baby alone not even for a minute.
haii mummies, i have a scare this early morning. my baby HK suddenly does not want to drink his milk at his last feed at 1am. When my hubby try again at 2am plus, we realise he has high fever at 38+ degree.. Aft feeding him medicine, we're still worried cos he still has no appetitite and we went to TMC. The doc was soooo inexperienced, he started to weigh him and asked irrelevant qns like 'he looks ok, he still looks curious' and asked us 'does he looks ok to u'. Worst thing is when we asked him which temperature is dangerous, he said any temperature is fine..*faint*. costs us $72 for this stupid doc, luckily the nurse on duty gave us much better advice
Idlecat &amp; Vivien, aiyo I freak out and being paranoid after reading what happen to your babies, hope they are fine now!
Vivien, how come ur boy gt fever?
went to read feb thread, also gt one mummy's baby almost got suffocate by stroller plastic cover, so paranoid n freak out now
jo - no choice leh. i mus eat like pig if i wan to eat during wrk. lol. so i piggy face now.

kkakakaka... okie la... worry is only become gastritis then biggg problem next time.... grrr... need to get hold of antacid tabs n standby le... sianx..

idlecat - oh no! *sayang yr bb* dont stay angry with hb too long ok? im sure he didnt mean for it to happen also... babies r really fast.. hopefully wont repeat same thing le...

vernice - cn understand la.. sometimes need a break.. lol... to take good proper rest.. ahahaha!!!! =x

cindy - u damn bad lehhhhhh simi smell.... tsk tsk racist targetted *throws sai @ cindy* AHAHAHAHA!

vivien - wa... sponge him down n lots of TLC! nwadays a lot of virus in the air... h1n1 stil lurking.. plus weather is bad... if possible, maybe keep baby in air con room... if nt taking milk might stil wan to try feed water... will need fluids... tk care...

hmmm... regarding MILs.. cnt be helped leh... luckily we dont see them that often... plus i dont feel any great "detest" towards them so when kirsten sees them still okie la... except for the SIL that keeps on "Scolding" her.. haha.. too bad for her =P end of the day, babies wil still stick to mummy... hee hee... kirsten always greets me &amp; daddy with her toothless smile &amp; grin when we come home... so heart warming... jus wondering how come she is sooooo happy all the time... i wasnt very happy during my pregnancy leh.. kept on having awful mood swings... LOL!!!! luckily kirsten didnt get that... kakaka

mango - hw was lunch? nice?
mangogal, missycandy, not sure why baby HK got fever suddenly oso..i shudder to think what will happen if we did not feed him the last feed and he suffer from high fever all the way till morning.. my MIL believe that its becos we brought him out for 1 hr on sun noon, but it's only to my mum hse and then we came home leh.. aii, my MIL said aft 4 mths, babies' immunity will be lower, and we must be careful..
missycandy, I know hubby of course didn't mean it, but I'm just very piss off with him and myself too.

Beside the fell last nite, my baby is suffering from diarrhea (poo 4x a day) for the past 1 week. Initially I didn't notice and still feed her Nestle rice cereals (1st time) and turn out she got rash around her mouth. PD said her diarrhea is likely due to infection and rice cereals make her stomach more difficult to digest. Want us to change to soy or lactose free FM and suggest we change another brand of rice cereals as she could be allergy to certain ingredient (I suspect is due to allergy to gluten).
mangogal, sun, yeap, according to my MIL who has taken care of many babies when she was younger, babies' immunity will be lower aft they reached 4 mths.. And baby HK is still fully on BM somemore..=( .. The stupid doc didnt prescribe any medicine cos he said the fever medicine which we have when we bought it during Baby HK's vaccinations is good enuff.
Feel happy for mummies whose baby stick to mother. My girl is taken care by MIL fm Mon~Fri,I only bring her home on wkends. Neverthless,i bbring my milk over to MIL place every morning &amp; evening after work. But,i still find my girl feel more secure when with MIL.
I also notice that my girl start to recognise pple now.
vernice:: hahah!! make sure your perfume n airfreshener is TRUSTED overseas brand ha! haah!!

missycandy:: WEIWEI. what THROW SAI AT ME> kanasai. hahah!! i not racist ley, i just don't like their SMELL wahhahahahahahahahahahaha...

vivien:: hugssss! i know how it is cause my little girl has been sick on and off cause of her bro who went to school and also sick on and off. Usually temp of 37.5 and above then we need to worry.
idlecat *sayang* i think a lot of us wil go thru it one time or another.. everyone's bb is falling nwadays. =x

mango - wow, and i want to buy walker le. hmmm nw duno wan to buy or not. heh. plus kirsten action so fast... hmmmm... yeh maybe smaller grp easier to talk. kekeke =x

vivien - maybe cn give some barley water... think its cooling... probably have to give panadol for now.. jus to prevent fever frm coming back... if u still feel something is nt right, maybe bring to another doctor ba... better to be safe then sorry...

cindy - WAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. u kns kia la... bth... okie la.... i also cnt stand the smell at times... jus move away lo... and hor.. who ask u to stay where a lot of them are... wkends for u jialat if u wana go shopping at that centre loooorrr!!! they r all gathering there... orbeee good =P ahahahahahaha
Cindy, u stay at farrer park/little india ah?
my fren also leh,hehe...

Missycandy, yalor esp nw ur gal can sit up straight, soon she will crawl liao...so u gt to consider what is the safetest option to keep ur baby safe and childfriendly at hm...
Yes, we paid $72 for consultation without any medicine..sigh.. the nurse advised us to give him medicine these 2 days and on the 3rd day, if still fever, have to bring him back.. i so upset with myself, just now i shot the medicine in one whole shot and he vomitted all out and his eyes turned red cos he was scared by all the milk spilling out.. MIL said i shouldnt feed the medicine in one shot, should bit by bit..i'm such a lousy mum..sob
missycandy, ur SIL so bad making fun of Kristen. i feel babies can sense who is genuinely good to them. i also wonder why baby E is such a happy and smiley baby when i was rather moody during my pregnancy. not forgetting scolding my students everyday then..

jojo, my baby must have heard me complaining about MIL eversince he was in my womb. however, after a while of warming up, he will smile at her. but we know he is still not close to his parental side compared to his maternal grandparents who take great care of him.

cindy, yes. my baby also recognises me. when i am back from work, he cries when i head to wash my hands first before carrying him. he thought i was not going to carry him.
idlecat, my hubby also failed to buckle him up once and went to place things in the boot. baby bent forward and luckily did not fall. so he is now super caution.

i think u may like to try healthytimes organic brown rice cereal. it is gluten free. read that most white rice cereal are not gluten free unless stated.

vivien, don't let ur MIL's words affect u. no mother is lousy. we are all learning to be good mothers.
Idlecat, ya maybe u try orgainc rice cereal?

Vivien, dun blame urself u are also learning n handlin this stressful situation, pray that ur boy's fever will go down soon!
you may want to try feeding the medicine together with abit of water (just 1 oz) in a bottle? I tried feeding using the syringe previously and my son will refuse to swallow cos he got suspicious of it. Alt is to add to milk but if he doesn't finish the milk then you're neither here nor there.
my son also had fever over the weekend cos he took his jab and i know its quite tiring and stressful to monitor.
hope your baby's fever subside soon
by the way did the doc do a urine test? i heard that shd be one of the first thing they shd do to rule out urinary tract infection whic is quite a common cause of fever for babies...
vivien dear,
*hug hug* hey don't beat yourself up ok? You are working FT and taking care of baby too that's really tough. I think you are doing very well already. anxious mah, so sometimes we make little mistakes here and there but hey, that just makes us human, not robots. I'm sure baby will be fine.

:-( Must have been such fright! Thank goodness baby is ok. At least hubby learns his lesson now i.e to strap baby on, very important esp now that they are super fidgety. Hope you have simmered down liao.

Re: lunch at Heeren,

wah lao the moment I entered I saw a huge looooooooooong table set for 14 people. In the end only 7 of us turned up. kekeke but I have to say it was actually a nice no to have proper chat with everyone. The pork ramen was really nice, the chicken curry rice was ok. I am such a carbo queen man. All in was only $11.50. After that most of us adjourned to Bakerzin to pig out on dessert. yummy.

Nice meeting the mommies today. :))

btw Inya is Korean, so who needs help with Gmaket Korea can ask her. hehehehe Inya, you just for "volunteered".

that's the difficult part for FTWMs. no choice sometimes. If your helper (in this case MIL) is too good, you have to fight for baby's love. But if you have a lousy helper that would be even worse. I heard though that most babies will eventually outgrow their preference. Hang in there yah

re: baby recognising faces
yah Gracie is in fact starting to do the "arms stretched out, wants mommy to carry" gesture. She can also sit unassisted liao for quite a few minutes. Sometimes she might topple forwards but generally she is starting to sit quite well already. Can't wait till the day when she can sit and play by herself. Better still, when she can sit and play with fellow baby friends. :p

I am actually hoping to visit India one day for a holiday leh. Hahah my projects were never in India so never had the chance. So exotic. Enjoy your "singlehood" over there.

how? how are you coping. maid ok already?

3 out of 7 brought babies along. Pumpkin, Babe and me. Babe and me brought babies out on the beco and pikkolo carrier respectively. Pumpkin brought baby in a stroller. So shiok man cos tere were so many mommies happy to jaga and play with our babies since they didn't bring theirs. Managed t eat in peace with Gracie in Ivy's lap.
corene, jojo, missycandy
hahaha you guys are very funny. Babies are just so smart man. Think they know mommies hearts' desires actually.
Thanks missycandy, I think so too.
BTW, I read you're unhappy of yr job and got interview already. Hope you have a good boss and company soon. You use to be in long working hours? really hope you can have more time with your Kirsten. *sayang* u too...

Thanks corene, I've already bought Heinz rice cereals as it state no gluten. Brown rice cereal I might try after BB 6mth old. If still got allergy reaction, then have to skip rice cereals. Or maybe I should start puree next?
Does your bb 'snore' when they sleep? Not sure if is it mine is a boy and a big size baby, he sort of snore when he sleeps, can hear his breathing sound.

I m going to make avocado puree for him this weekend, quite excited haha..Anyone made before? do you add milk to it or just feed the avocado alone?

hope your baby is fine. Actually i m guilty of not watching my baby closely and he fell from sofa twice before but both landed on either rug or playmat, plus my sofa is very low so he is alright, no bruices and didn't even cry, just "eh eh" abit.

dropped u an email on the 6mths bash
<font color="aa00aa">vivien
my boi will smiles at me when i call him once i reach home... but he dun smile at my hb when he call him... LOLx my hb need to warm up with him a while then he'll smile at him... kekeke

my boi oso start to recongise pple... few wks my IL didn't come over n he start to cry when they carry him... tsk tsk tsk

u r korean!!! i want to learn korean language, can teach me??? hee hee

seems like all mummies enjoyed yr lunch 2day... too bad i can't join, will try to next round...
not a bad idea to bring bb along coz got so many nannies to look aft... at least can eat in peace...
Lunch @ Heeren,
Nice meeting all mummies today .. &amp; of course baby A, Gracie &amp; Shayna, smaller group is so much nicer to 'talk'
Food was not bad at all .. spent less than $20, for the delicious Ramen (I even finished all the soup) &amp; a bowl of rice (stomach too full with soup &amp; can't finish the rice), FOC green tea.. completed with a rich chocolate souffel at Bakerzie.. Guess we have some Waruku voucher &amp; i believe soon there'll be another lunch gathering liao ... haa

mangogal:: no la i don't stay that area.. haha SIAM!!!

missycandy:: hey update us on your new found job ha! i cannot stand the smell and their actions!! but i love roti prata ley. haha!
