(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Yes yes, we have $40 voucher to be used before end of sept..So must plan for one more lunch gathering. But i think the next door pasta waruku might be better, in terms of food choice and taste?
Hey, i wanna learn DSLR shooting from you! Am thinking to get one but silly to use just on auto mode hor?

Ivy, the voucher can use in the Waruku Pasta too ?
ooh, no problem but i can only teach u the basic coz i also half pale water only .. hahaa.. Consider to buy mine then I can upgrade my camera liao .. after i got the job 1st ... must watch my spending now.
WOW Gracie can pull herself UP! Just realise that on the cab ride home and confirmed by hubby 10min ago!

She was strapped in my pikkolo during the cab ride but her legs are so long that both her legs touched the cab leather seat despite being strapped high up on my body. Then I realised that she dug her heels in and started "jumping" while inside my pikkolo. She ka-poh lah. Kept wanting to "jump" higher to look out of the taxi window. Then I noticed some moments when she wasn't jumping, she just "stood up" very firmly for several secs! I thought I was imaginging things so just ignored it.

Then hubby came home early today and was playing with her on our soft soft sofa seat when he suddenly exclaimed very loudly that Gracie can pull herself to a standing position ... all on her own! Indeed, she demonstrated a few more times to show off. Hahah all we had to do is hold both her arms high and she would dig her heels in and propel herself to a standing position, with no help from us to pull her.

Must lower the playpen liao! Better play safe cos you just never know when it would happen. One of the feb moms almost had her baby fall out of the cotbed as she didn't bring up the barrier. Didn't think baby could pull herself up so fast.

So excited!

Hubby here so won't chat liao.

See ya!
Thanks for the good company during lunch & yummy dessert today. Baby Shayna is zz-ing now for more than 30 mins now. That's rare, she must be tired.

Sorry, this reduced pic is not clear. Will upload on my facebook.

hooray for gracie!!! thats really cool!!! soon she will be able to take little steps! hurhurhur.. alamak need to childproof the home if u havent... hee hee hee.. im waiting for kirsten to do that... so far she still needs help to stand up... she will grab my fingers then pull herself to stand.. but i need to help her a bit... nt that strong yet.. hee hee... eh babe!! do take a video if possible okie i wana seee!! hee hee so happie for u!!! hehehehehehe!

inya - i only knw... sarang hae... heeeeeee!

cindy - wahahaha *spanks ur butt* bth u! lol! eh dont forget 9th sept! hurhurhur!

idlecat - thanks mummie... =) im stil wrking long hrs.. officially will end last day of Oct.. woo hoooooooooo soooooooooooon!!!!!!! =x lol!

corene - i think cnt be helped.. maybe thats why she aint married also... *oops* hee =x ya i also wonder why kirsten so smiley all the time when i was really grumpy n moody and snappish during the pregnancy. haha!

scrumpee - have read ur email
hee hee no problem!

mangogal - she stays the area where a lot of foreign workers congregrate every sunday... all her good frns... =P lolx

vivien - hey mummie.. dont blame urself okie? im sure bb knws u didnt mean it... guess u r quite stressed... go for short walk dwnstairs or do something to destress.. take a long shower maybe? jus to chill a bit... *huGs*
I just went Eat Organic on Bukit Timah road. Wide range of organic stuff at good prices!
Got some Organix Rice puffs. Easy to bring out in case baby gets hungry.
Some Ecover all purpose cleaner, bamboo wipe cloths for the house, also some lovely pear and avocado for making fresh puree.
Hey Mummies,

It was wonderful to meet you all for lunch Today! I really enjoyed and already looking for the next one hee hee

and yes, I'm Korean and like to help if any mummies needs Korean translation.

Ivy & sinmey
I like the pasta waraku, let's go again lol

Thanks for the pic. What's your facebook id? mine is 'inyakang'.

Do you have the hair clip seller contact? any website?

Pumpkin Seed
Eat Organic shop is the one near NTUC ?

you re so cute to say that Sarang hae ... hee hee

really wanna learn Korean? come and join for next lunch kkk
Hey Mummies,

It was wonderful to meet you all for lunch Today! I really enjoyed and already looking for the next one hee hee

and yes, I'm Korean and like to help if any mummies needs Korean translation.

Ivy & sinmey
I like the pasta waraku, let's go again lol

Thanks for the pic. What's your facebook id? mine is 'inyakang'.

Do you have the hair clip seller contact? any website?

Pumpkin Seed
Eat Organic shop is the one near NTUC ?

you re so cute to say that Sarang hae ... hee hee

really wanna learn Korean? come and join for next lunch kkk
how come this two days the forum so quiet ar..
i oso super sianz, been a silent reader for quite some time..
aiyo.. i m on total bf but my menses came liao.. super sianz.. yesterday night i got very bad headache n couldnt sleep, then tis morning realise my menses came.. i thought maybe my menses will come after i stop bf but not so lucky le.. haiz... -.-"
*sayang p3pp3r* i think everyone busy with work la... lol... plus queenie bz with exams... heh heh heh...

queenie - hw much longer ur studies ah? like very long leh...

inya - hee... watch too many korean dramas... but then again.. if i watched alot shld be able to pick up a bit of korean hor.. maybe too focused on reading the english subs. LOL.

babe - nice of u to post the pic. hee. who is the mummy missing? ah must be mango? means the girl in grey top is inya? hee. the rest i recognise. kekeke. sinmey in pink. ivy at the back. alfafa n pumpkin n babe obvious liao la. lol.
oh dear urmenses come liao ah.. mine still haven come. so scare it comes.

hahaha ya i heard india aiport that air is so curry or olive? hehe .. joel will miss u i think :p

i tink im going cold storage in the next few days to check out the earth best that some mommies are mentioning here?

u are an organic fan? hehe

re: lunch this afternoon
sorry ya , didnt turn up last minute. coz feeling quite tired. maybe becoz of these past few weeks keep rushing to settle things, settle tristan and rush back to munch my notes. so wann to rot at home... end up last minute make a trip down Ehub to get a 2nd hand textbook for my next module. came home and do housekeeping. now 80% of me is aching... but still wan hang ard here. hehe..

i pm u ..

hope ur lil one will recover soon..
don feel bad. i also that type who wan to give baby medicine in one shot.. is only when i saw how my PD gave tristan rotarix ytd then i realised a new pattern.. get someone to hold the small plastic medicine spoon and put below baby's lips and maybe u carry ur baby with the syringe of medicine, release and the someone prevent baby from pushing it out.. haha maybe u knw already.. but dumb me only knew it ytd.
i still have a long way to go... will only complete it next aug..

i enrolled somewhere last june and preg w tristan ..
ya lo.. so sway.. thought i might be one of the ones who will come only after stop bf but then haiz.. wa biang super tired lo..

ok tat means i m super fertile lo.. aiyo gotta be super careful liao.. kekekeke..
super funny hor.. i m like nearly laughing out loud but then luckily i control lo.. coz ziv is sleeping... hahahaha..
*hugs* wat happen btw u n ur hubby?

ya lo.. so gotta really be super careful.. i definitely dun wan another one in any near future lo..
haha ya me too wan to laugh until peng liao..
nth big hooha.. juz that he made some comments and seems to be saying im a ZHOR BO person.. say i at home ZHor Bo ( do nothing )

ya me too.. i told him not in the 10 yrs time. hahahah...
hi serene, do worry...actually e BB seat to me not so useful too...i got e Bumbo...he still cant sit on e Feeding chair yet...meanwhile, itz there to satisfy his desire to sit up like adults lor...he my LOM...little old man...sheezzz...

idlecat, glad to hear ur LO is alright...jus b more careful next time...we all worry when near or far away frm our LOs lor...

vivian n a few other momz ranting our mils...hey, i fully understand wat u mean...dunno if im e sensitive one, but somehow i feel tat mil likes to compete w us momz our bbs' affection...i don get e feeling when my boi is near my mom...besides tat i hav e pressure to 'perform' in front of her...so tat her grandson will b in gd shape...mayb itz an overstatement but to b frank, im more confident taking care of my boi in front of my mom, not e other way round...Besides my mil keeps asking Qs until i run out of steam...deep down i noe she cares for both of us...but e other side of me jus cant believe tat all she does is out of gd intention...very conflicting n tough so i noe e struggles u go thru...but for me...if my boi not used to her care...sometimes, as my boi spends his weekdays w my parents...i will kinda chide him not to b notti n listen to Grandma...haha some PR is needed lah...i don secretly feel happy as afterall, she oredi dint c much of him, so cant b so steel hearted to tear them apart...muz learn to close both eyes when mil comes within ur radar...otherwise, we end up getting HBL...*** High Blood Pressure leh...We all hav different ways of showing love to bb, including e mil...But not all of their ways r understood or even appreciated by us...Im teaching myself to b a gracious mom cos afterall, we oso hav to impart respecting both sides of the parents...trying trying trying...itz mutual too...we don wan to c our HBs b rude to our parents too...
vernice...seems like ssw shared tat Parklon makes an effort to improve their quality of Bumper mats to LG std...donno how true...aniwae i not so fussy lar...jus ordered 2 PL mats for myself n a dear colleague having bb in 2009 too!
gd on u Gracie...u n hb muz b over the moon...

woops serene, i mean don worry...fingers in spasm as usual...

late liao nitez!!!!
Oh no, i mean alfafa, gd on u n hb w Gracie trying to stand...

Muz b e flu...it knocked out my HB/ me/ my mom n then HORRORS! Boi A?!! He went to c a doc...some medicatn...hope my young cow warrior will fight e virus n win it!!! Mild not serious...

ya i agree.. trying trying trying to treat our mils like our moms .. even tho is quite hard. i cant stand when my mil / or relatives in law or even grandma in law keep comparing my hb's cousin's son who is 1 mth older with tristan.. when i don give water.. they keep telling me XXX give her sonny water blah blah blah..
i cannot imagine in future when they grow up, they will compare these two boys.. with results, health, looks, filial or not etc etc..

ya lor. so demoralizing..when i told him im also not easy shaking my leg at home, he ask me go work and he stay at hme .. like zzz tokin rubbish.
queenie - hbs r lidat. until they actually stay home and do the hsewrk n look after bb then they wil knw hw much hard wrk it is...

p3pp3r - hurhur. dunno. wil only knw more on thurs. thurs go down n see on paper what the offer officially. they did tell me ovr the phone. but best to see it on paper to confirm properly la. hee hee.
yaya. no menses still can ovulate de.. .my frn got preg 2 times... without menses... hahaha... so u nvr knw ah p3ps... hee hee... anyway some pple with menses also cn be pregs... oh well.. human body is built as such...
i think there are some hbs out there (donno where lol) wont be like tt.. like look down on wives when they are housewives. i kept telling hb my occupation now is homemaker he say no .. is HOUSEWIFE! sian. me now feel like jumping up and send my resumes all over.. and go back to work, but i will have to stop bfing.. hais... when i tell hb i don wan to wrk and bfing and pump milk at work. imagine i have to let HR knows that im going to take up some time each day to pump milk..i donno lar but how many out there will want to employ me..when i told him that, he say im juz plain lazy.. but alamak i still got nightclass one leh.. paiseh ah.. left u here to hear me ROAR. haha
queenie - time flies de.. dun tink so much... its reli fast.. see how fast tristan has grown.. that time in tummy.. nw olredi 5mths? goin 6 leh... heee...
oh ya and the worst thing is mr tristan refuses bottle feeding..
hehe oh ya ya, thanks alot for introducing the DOOIDY CUP! he use that to drink his EBM when i was taking my papers ytd.. still can hear his slurping sound when he drink. how sweet..
re: issues with mil
ya lo, dunnoe how come mil trying to fight attention with mom over the affections of baby.. haiz.. my mil oso like tat one lo.. gek kiang, everytime thought if she carry my boy, he sure will be good one, there's one outing when we were out together, she insisted to carry my boy while sitting in the car but end up my boy fussing n in the end she gotta pass him back to mi.. wahahahaha.. and oso she always got alot of remarks about how i take care of my boy one.. super sianz lo..

tatz y.. kick his butt!!!! wahahahahhaha.. opps.. bad bad me wo.. :p

ooo.. all the best.. do update us further.. will continue pray for ya..
no la its okie... hee hee.. i also roar on n off... almost every day... LOL!!! roar away!!!

aiya... some guys r lidat... jus their mentality.. wun be able to understand de... all the pumping n stuff... what to do... how long do u intend to BF?
hehe he going to be 6 mths old in 2 wks time.. haha ya last time all princes and princesses are merely a 'dot' time flies indeed..

u changing job ? all the best to u !
tell ur husband:" i m married to you n is ur wife n not to the house so not HOUSEWIFE!!!!" unless he admit he is a house.. whahahahhaha
i think shld do a birthday list hor. hmmm. need to put up calendar. then ask pple to mark it. hee hee. easier to remember. haha.

shld be changing ba. current job. dun trust anyone anymore. so sad. bad stabbers. sigh. time to move on le. the air here is stale liao
haha no la u are not bad.. i will punch his butt! ya when my mil come over to visit tristan, or when we went back to the grandpa in law's place , i practically let them do wadever to tristan like carrying , playing. and i juz keep quiet and sit on the sofa, eyes pretend to glue to the TV or my hp.. but on n off i will bio see they do anithing wrong or not and will pah signal to hb.. example, don let tristan watch tv. don use flash on tristan.. haha..
but the sian thing is... when time for me to bf tris, they always say drink milk again?, or drink so long... zzzzzzzz

ya lor. the brain is choked with grass.. hahahahah.. im intending to BF tristan up till 1yo..
ya when u don feel u fit in the culture of the organization , leaving is a good option.. unless u willing to blend in. but think again, ur working hours is SUPER TEROK lor... like that where got time for Kirsten..

haha our LAo Da now..
queenie - i do hope u cn bf til 1 yr. if i cld i wld try too. i think asura also wan to bf til 1yr.

p3pp3r - ooo cool. hopefully she cn let us knw. but i think need to change format of the list le. il do it on thurs ba. i have some. b4 i delivered. LOL!
missycandy, i agree!!!! some hubbies are just so insensitive, like mine, always say continue wif bf, but he doesnt know it is quite tough for a working mother like me to spare time for pumping during working hours.. and will say things like "is ur job more impt than our kid's health?" wah biang... like that win liao...

queenie, maybe ur hubby is referring to the stress level that both of you are facing la.. but i know being a SAHM is a tough job lor.. experienced that during the maternity leave.. my hubby's auntie got a bb who is 1 month older than my gal, and the whole world is comparing who is faster, who is fatter, and the worse is who started on porridge first.. MIL wanted to start on porridge but my gal only 5 months 2 weeks and cannot sit steadily yet, how to take porridge?

pepper, how come menses will come if you are still on TBF?? aiyoz.. mine hasnt come yet but i m tinking of stopping bf in december as i might want to try for #2 in jan/feb next year..

alfafa, gracie can stand already?? that's great!! kayla can flip but she cant stay long on her tummy, meaning she still dunno how to support herself using her arms, all the while she is using her tummy and always pose herself like "flying".

scrumpee, my gal snores too, i tink she inherited from me.. heehe... cos hubby is a lightsleeper la, and most of the times, i can see his back facing me on bed.. sad right? and btw, i just fed my gal with half an avocado today. personally speaking, i never like it but the nutrients from avocado is very good for bb, so i tried to taste it and realised it is tasteless and a bit creamy.. eee.. in the end i let bb took half of it, but it seems quite dry so next time probably i will mash it and add milk before offering to her.

about MILs : sometimes got to open one eye, close one eye la.. eg. my mil likes to feed kayla wif metal spoon though i bought those weaning plastic spoons from avent and pigeon. i was a bit mad at the start as all my spoons are lying in an isolated drawer, but after much tinking, i believe whatever she is doing is for the good of my gal, so i just let her use the one that she is comfortable with as long as no harm goes to my gal. as for me, i continue to feed with my plastic spoons. and of cos the most pitiful person is my maid, cos she got to remember who is using which spoon... hahaaha..
Lunch today
sorry mummies. I orgAniser but nvr go. Pasta de waraku very nice but only pasta n pizza. Scared mummies might not favor it thus I chose waraku jap

1 Sept
who free for lunch? Will be on leave that day.... Pasta de waraku , swenson or delifrance? Delifrance also got 1 for 1
. I'm okay for east and central area.

will pass u the stuff when I see you next.

dun blame yrself. Remember u r first time mummy, thus dun b so harsh on yrself. My mil used to be harsh to me. When bb cry, she willcome into the room n say I have to take care of the kid properly. I was like am I such a bad mum n end up with post natal blues I think. But luckily after much unhappiness, my mil n I understand each other better. But maybe I was too direct also n she a bit insensitive.

hairclips should be more profitable I feel. There's a mummy called creamparlour I think that you can take a look at her creations to have a guage feel both me n prosper bought from her before.

thanks mummies for yr concern. Bb k is finally better but still in medication. Heartpain so young already on ventolin, antibiotics n singular.

Kaira on her bumbo:

i really dunnoe man.. super sianz lo.. i m on tbf n somemore still doing mostly on latching.. thought wun ganna so fast but who knows.. haiz.. super sianz lo, n somemore becoz of my menses i got super bad headache.. more like migraine.. cant sleep till 3plus in the morning yesterday..

oya, saw ur posting on ur maid's bedbugs thingy, issit totally ok now.. eeeee.. my hair stands when i see ur postings..
