(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

back track to aug 07, i think i missed out ur post earlier on. apologies.
haha thanks about telling me about aimin. but a lil scare of acupunture even tho i love to take jabs. hehe.
currently i have been using uzap everyday. lost an inch. :D muz continue to use it everyday .. hopefully it helps.

princess in dreamland
haha thank u so much ! i have finished all my 3 dumb dumb papers.. yea~

i collect the teething tablet from you at the bash ya?
i will tt to u tml ? now eyes tired to key the IB pins in the dark room heh heh
POSB Savings 193-13734-2 $10.45 right?

don mention. im left with 4 bundles for myself for the angel wipes think don have extra to let go to ur 2 friends. sorry about that

haha saw baby A's pic so adorable.. cant wait to see tristan start on his solids too.. 2 more weeks..

hows bree?

hope ur house reno going to repair all the flaws once and for all so no more problems for u and the kiddos..

hmm tk care. muz rest well too while accompanying ur grandma.

trishelle's features is so shape.! i think i can never get this from tristan..

baby M's highchair is so nice..

ok i got to KO liao. very giddy to finish the archives.. hehe.. ciaosss
c u girls tml at hmv
Hihi all,

I will try to make it tomorrow as my gal down with flu n me worried. Till now yet sleep as need to monitor in case her nose too stuffed and can't breathe.....
If not you all do go ahead okay? Waruku Jap restaurant not pasta de Waraku har :>... reservation under ann.

Will try to join.
i transfer via ocbc. anyway resent u the email with transaction code. chk n let me know ya,,

do take care, my kiddos just recovered fm flu cough fever...sian.
i can feel now seems to be like my turn, throat bits of itchy.
oops... u can't recongise me huh...
okie, i chg it back then for yr sake...

true lor... can't be angry w him if he giving me tat expression... kekeke

tat's gd!!! faster go get tristan his bowl n spoon!!! u intend to start with wat for him first huh??

if u back to work then how?? tink u hv to make him get use to bottle feed...

take care n hope yr gal getting better!!!

I finished pumping but have not went for bf yet. Soon..

Today consider late liao, i latch bb at 545 but i fell asleep with her latching and only woke up at 640 when she finished latching. Think she fell asleep while latching also. Heh..
Normally i come into office at about 720 so that i can pump before start work.
Hi mummies,

those who have jumperoo or exersaucer, are your babies still interested in it? As I didn't want to let my boy stand so fast, am considering to rent either 1 for him to play now cause he's kicking so much.
keke, your boy looks so cute. U didn't shave him at all?

Baby M looks like she is enjoying her meal, esp the first pic

Best not to microwave, like what Tusk said as well, heat maybe uneven and can cause scalding. IMO, if microwave is any good, we wld have heat up EBM via it and not via warmer or hot water method
Sorry, my MIL dont like the Jellymom baby seat w tray , she asked me not to buy since my baby already 5.2 months so ask me to buy high chair better than Jellymom baby seat w tray only seat for 2 months.... Stay with PIL is like that..... Sian..
Anyway thanks for your great help.....
<font color="aa00aa">asura
aiyo... i fell asleep almost everytime i latch my boi... hahaha... my boi oso sleep when he's full n i need to 'wake' him up to continue the other side... LOLx

nope... juz trim shorter... but now getting long liao, tink hv to bring him to cut again soon...</font>
ur boi has lots of hair and grow very fast too..hmm what u took when preg so that bb hair is like that?

u took the 3D scan too..does he look the same?
jasmin, i got a jumperoo for my boy. i realised he enjoys himself more now probably cos he is older now and can appreciate the toys more. he enjoys bouncing in it. maybe u can get a pre-loved one. quite a no. of ppl selling in the forum for $100 plus only. more worth it than buying a new one whereby they might lose interest sooner or later.
Morn mummies, see u all later at lunch, Queenie u jonin us?

Ann, take care and wish ur girl speedy recovery

Vernice, oh I didint know u at India liao, how is it there?

Asura, ya hope the proposed schedule is ok for her.

Sun, so far did u take ah boy for haircut?
His hair dropping?
Haa..my gal hair been dropping, so look quite messy n long, yest my mum trim her hair so she looks neater now
not sure wat i take when preggy lei... heard pple said black seasme will help but i only take once as dessert...
i didn't go for 3D scan... but found tat he looks more or less the same fr the norm scan esp his chubby cheek... heehee
he went for his 1st official haircut when he's 4 mth old... din realise whether his hair is dropping anot but he loves to pull his hair n can see few strands on his palm occassionally...
so painful to pull his own hair, dun tink he realise tat coz he seems enjoy pulling it... thick skin ox bb...

yr mum trim for yr ger ger huh... she use wat to trim?? my hb plan to buy a hair cutter to trim my boi's hair... tink cost ard $100+ at courts... dun noe should get anot...
Sunshine, my mum use small baby scissor to trim lor, can buy pigeon brand, eh hair cutter is it similar to scissor? So ex leh 100 plus...
Haa..my gal also loes to pull her hair, ya small fine hair on her clothes n finger/palm, I scared she pull her hair n put into her mouth! Cos now she loves to put fingers into her mouth..hiaz..shakje head!
wah lao so envious leh

My girl doesn't have any hair for me to trim. :p Sian

Went for the Feb 6mth bash on Sunday and there was this wonderful hairclips seller there. Hubby tried to buy something for baby but her hair was sooooooooooo fine and so little that the seller advised him to wait fr another 2 mths then buy. Hahahha but Gracie did win the first contest of her life though - the baby with the finest hair contest. Hahaha

thanks thanks for the thumbs up. Sure you can do it too. SOmetimes it is easier to get started on doing stuff with a few friends together, which is really what the sewing workshop is about. Quite a few of them went back to continue working on more projects after that. It's just the beginning that is daunting that's not. Eh not peddling my classes here hor. Am sick of the terrier myself already hahaha

Thinking of baby hair accessories next. Usually whatever I am selling/teaching is something I myself is "into" for the moment. If not I can't do it also. No interest.

actually there are quite a no of SAHM and even FTWM friends on this thread who are starting their own biz proper or for some pocket money. Just that they never talk about it only. We really have very enterprising characters in the March thread.

Whoever you are, if you are itching to start something, no matter how temporary or how small, just do it man! For some fun and laughter and a sense of satisfaction aside from mundane baby chores. :)

ok got to get ready to meet you ladies for lunchie liao.

ciao bellas!
My boy also kept pulling his hair and got hair on his palm, that's also one of the reason why we shaved him. Hehe, now he still try to pull his hair, but its too short for him to pull, gua gua gua :p He also pulls his ears very hard. And now he pulls other pple hair!
if anyone wants the Jellybaby seat from SSW playmat promo, PM me. I don't need it. But you have to collect from me as they will deliver to my place.

Will reply outstanding e-mail tonight.
I can't remember the exact details what the supplier told me but its the quality of the material as well as the surface smoothness/roughness etc..U may wish to get more details from supplier before buying.
Why not consider renting? Think I will rent most of the more expensive toys because babies just get uninterested after a while.

maybe we should come up a list on who is selling what here?? so that we can buy from them??
so far, i only know you, seabreeze and queenie selling.

About falling asleep when u latch on:

I read that our breast milk contain oxytocin.. bb and us will be drowsy cos of that.. that explains why bbs fall asleep during feeding or after feeding and we as well
asura - hey babe. feeling better now. thanks. actually my fault la. greedy pig. hai. i ate in the morning yesterday. then did my cases. forewent my lunch. felt the hunger pangs but didnt have opportunity to find food. so only drank and ate a sweet. then rushed home at night and gobbled down the food. ended up with irritated tummy. which caused me to vomit lor. hai. actually before that already vomitted gastric juice la. my mum asked if i was pregs -_-" duhz. after that i went to sleep. then woke up. becos had case. then came back. logged on. look ard. then back to bed. heh.
remembered i read from this thread some time ago when there was this discussion about Respect. i strongly believe in showing and treating our babies with respect. let me relate an incident which happened during last weekends about this value.

My baby had just woken up from his nap after a long journey to his paternal grandparents' place. while waiting for the elderly to come down, baby was in his car seat, happily interacting with us and seeing the new surrounding. Just then, my MIL entered the car and appeared right in front of him, calling his name loudly (she is always loud..oops). She had broken the silence and the peace my baby was enjoying that he cried immediately upon seeing her. when hubby and i managed to tell him nicely not to be afraid and he smiled at us thereafter. actually, i was secretly smiling to myself when baby cried immediately when he saw her..haha..i hope she learns something from this episode.

sorry for ranting and going on and on..
<font color="ff0000">missycandy/ queenie</font> - haha by the time u all say 'u r ard', i already KO liaoz.

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - congrats! finally finish exams liaoz...FREEDOM!!!

no lah..when i posted, i was back in my hotel. I am currently in India and the time is 2.5hr later (or is it earlier?) than SG. ie SG 10pm, India is 7.30pm.

<font color="ff0000">ann</font> - hows ur princess? ok?

<font color="ff0000">sun96</font> - haha yaya now can recognise liaoz..u suddenly change nick mah so not used to it.

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font> - ya the hotel is good..but not the food!
corene - nt ranting la. no worries. lol. its true la. plus suddenly shock the bb also. my sil also that day went to IL's then she appeared behind the bb and suddenly hello to Kirsten. Kirsten got a shock n started crying... after that, she didnt let my SIL play with her. wld always cry when my SIL carries her. lol. =x plus this SIL always likes to "scold" Kirsten. say she nottie girl. waste money on pampers. this n that. so i guess Kirsten doesnt like her la. orbeee. =P

vernice - lol. i also KO shortly after. hee hee. ur timing is earlier. SG is later. heh. hws the weather? when wil u be back?
<font color="ff0000">missycandy</font> - heehee the weather here slightly better than SG but i also not out in the day cos working night shift here to be in line with US timing. I will be back this FRI!! YEAH! on CCL!!!!

Oh..i will be going to shanghai too so can buy the cow playmat that <font color="ff0000">agnes</font> posted not long ago!
can use avent warmer if u have or rice cooker or the normal steam?

i donno leh i prefer to start fruit but my mom say rice cereal. ytd went supermarket to see ... wow got so many kinds.. faint
<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - haha..actually i don really miss much leh.. so glad too get some time off, sleep late n don need to rush to mum's place heehee bad hor..
you wanted to buy boy's socks that look like sneakers right? I actually posted on your thread but since you are here, just ask if you want them?
anyone making puree and store in freezer cubes?
do u also just use hot water to defrost and heat?
so basically, to heat the food..we use same method as to warm the EBM, is it?

How's the land of incredibles? Haha.. BTW, hw do u pump huh? Air fly yr milk to Joel?

COngrats!! Must give yrself a good good treat now.. Uzap so effective ah? I used b4 and din see any results..

I guess a food warmer will b the best.. microwave can destroy the nutrients
even with EBM, I never use avent warmer anymore..coz it's always too hot..plus if using avent, then must store the food on the avent cup storage right?

Tsk tsk.. like my mum says, a human shld eat like how a human eat, a pig will gobble down how a pig will eat! haha.. anyway, hope u feeling better now

How I wish my bb will react to my MIL like yrs.. Sadly, he has taken very well to her.. Sigh..
I'm so ANGRY with my husband because last night baby lim fell down from the baby carseat as he forgot to put on her seat belt first before about to come out of the car to let me go in the backside. So HEARTPAIN!!! She fell head down, facing down, legs hanging on the babyseat, her back arch. The incident happened too fast. My hubby just turned his body away from baby and before coming out, I saw baby lim falling down. I'm so worry she might have hurt for back. Luckily she still look normal now.
miss83 - i usually bring out the baby cube 1 hour b4 I am going to feed. after all thaw then i will use a steamer to steam the puree then i feed... hope this help...

<font color="ff0000">jas</font> - oh u posted ah? haha i didn't really go through until last night. u can pm me how much u selling cos I saw it in BP but see if got cheaper options. TIA

<font color="ff0000">jojo</font> - nothing has changed since I last came. India is BAD! Smell ok, food sucks! So i brought maggi mee with me.

Pump ah...i already plan to stop liaoz. now only 2x a day. PUMP n THROW!! haha waste all the milk. don dare to fly them back due to cost n the food i am having here.

isn't that good that eddric is doing well? at u got no worries at work. Think brighter side..eddric will be a GOOD man like ur hb
