(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

I know this powder. My mum use it for my son when he is young. Can buy from chinese medical hall right?

Yes, I bought it from a Medical Shop. They said very effective for rashes. My sister recommended me one. I buy just in case. I going to buy the Mothercare Liquid talc for my baby.
Devil, May & Prosper
If been retrench got compensation still can help us to survive for some time, but if don't have than don't know how already.

I will only do volunteer to be retrench if there are compensation. If not i don't dare to think about staying at home first. Abit hard for me to survive with 1 pay too.
You still got 7 mths? Quite good. I think i got only abt 3 to 4 mths. Anyway will worry about all this retrenchment after our ML. Need to concentrate in looking after bb first.
alfafa..hee..thks..my stitches are recovering but still feel slight pain when sit down or walk too long..going to see my gynae this Wed. shall see wat she says.. =) btw, forgot to tell u u pics are nice lor..hee..the nude pic very artistic...too bad i dare not take. haha

Thks devil..hee..soon will be your turn...take care & jiayou!!

Re: coconut..took a total of 4 coconut during whole pregancy. one in end of 2nd tri..and 1 each since Week 36, 37 & 38..hee infact i had one the nite b4 i gave birth...coz i've strong instinct that i'll be in labour soon..saw my tum tum also like drop liao..(abit down than usual)asked my bro to buy me coconut..hee..bb indeed come out very clean. =)

Pad: hee...act. the sofy 35cm also long enuff to cover...but 40.5cm more secure if you worry leakage. If u BF, the flow is lighter..stop one day only..the flow will be back.

Caca...i din go n see GP..bb is fine coz my mil n CL reassured bb doesn't have jaundice..3rd day at hospital gt slight/mild jaundice..so kind of worried..but with their assurance..i decided nt to see any PD. =) thks!!
hee..yr gynae is back this week liao..jiayou!! your bb is a gd gal...hee...waited for him to be back.

Miss83: re confusion of nipple/ milk bottles..agree tat bb will get confused..but try to latch bb even awhile if can..me gt sore nipples..this morning tried to pump one side..ok..another side bleed again..so sad..but i latch my bb on with the ok nipple..he struggled at first but i insisted..coz i dun wan him to forget hw to latch on..after tat then feed him FM..to add on..coz nw milk supply still low..my CL fed him too much FM liao..dunno is a gd thing ornot..

Jasmine, wat teats are u using nw for yr bb?
No probs, I just happened to open up my breastpump to check and study the booklet and thought that was pretty clear info given... hope it helps all the mums!
Devil : they can change the policy anytime they like or if they bleed badly and no $$ how to continue to pay 1 year 1 month ..
I am tired of staying here. If got good compensation, I dun mind to do voluntary retrenchment. But scared cannot find job cos difficult to survive with one income too.

<font color="ff0000">Q&amp;A of breastfeeding</font>
I think someone posted this link too. U all can read if interested.
Ya lor.....difficult to survive with 1 income in Singapore. At most i will stop work for 2 yrs only and after that will need to look for job as the expense will be getting higher once children start schooling.
Hi all,
Sorry to intrude. I have a Scarlet Red Maclaren Techno XT 2008 version to let go at $400. 5mths old but rarely use.

Pls pm me if interested.
u all having hard time in office? -hugs-
i still thinkin of gg back to wrk after deliver.. nw tink liao also scare. esp everywhere cut pay, retrenchment. hais.. wad will the future brings man.
Kome, Devil,
Me too... been working in this company for 10 years. Kinda tired. But pay is good plus cannot survive with only my hubby's income, since BB is coming soon.
Just read from today straits time that next 6 month will be tougher for singapore. Really scare after ML don't have any more job for me and no compesation than jia lat.
i don't think company can retrench us when we go on ML rite? so scary if they can lor...

seems like all of u tired with yr job but since the economy is down now, gotta hang on with it even so when we have our bbs...can change job when the economy is better
hi all,

the giraffe is back from gynae visit - nope Dr Adrian didnt ask me to prepare for delivery ahhh...he say next appt coming Monday 2/3 - which incidentally is my EDD *bleah*

bb estimated weight is 3.2kg, and he said not to be concerned with FL and AC readings, coz they are not very accurate. i gave him the 'when will i deliver' look, he said when the bb is ready to come out, in the meantime, wait for labour...
devil - wow...i tink thats good enough le...1k per month =P

if she's out in SG, when she come back she will "claim" the expenses from u and yr hb? :p
Ya loh... 1k per month.. My hubby never gives me money unless I broke already then ask him for money...
She will not claim the expenses from us, only if we all go out together, then normally we pay loh... But she seldom go out when she's in SG.
haha. 1/2 sian right.. i coming this thur gg to c gynae also. donno if he will tell me the same thing or nt. right now i juz feel like unload faster and regain my figure and skin.. sad!!!
Dr Adrian always say let baby decide when he want to come out. He also said that to me when I had my appt last Fri, though I was only in my Wk 36. My HB can't seem to wait anymore and keep asking me to ask Dr Adrian if baby is likely to pop earlier but I know his answer liao. Haha...
queenie - when are you due? not so soon rite? but then again, everyone seems to be unloading except for me...muahahaha...wanna cry liao...
yaya..Jasmin - that's what he said too. we're not the decision maker , at least not this week heh...my hubby on the other hand prefers to wait until EDD, whereas i am the impatient one..but then again, cannot blame right, who likes to be a beached whale...heh
both HB &amp; me are getting impatient. HB is because he needs to plan his leave while I can't wait to get rid of the big &amp; ugly tummy now.

But we should enjoy the peace while we can. Once baby is out, many mummies wld say they wld have prefer baby was still in there. Keke..
bye devil...

moomooland - i understand how u feel...console yourself that these may be the last moments u can enjoy with bb inside yr tum tum... =)
moomooland...jiayou!! soon...do u feel abit more energetic? if so..anytime can give birth liao..coz the day b4 i wanna give birth..i still wan to go out and walk walk..hb disallowed..hee..
teddybaby/sunshinebaby - supposed to be tues night appt, since today is the start of ML, might as well go today...

grace/devil - ya, i think too much!!

jasmin - yes, enjoy whatever we can now...
kome... may i know y do we need to drink DOM.. is the effect the same as drink essence of chicken? do we drink it from the bottle once a day? i hv never drank any of these b4 n quite lost whether is it really necessary n impt to drink these tonic during confinement.. me only had red dates tea during my #1 confinement leh so tot maybe this time round should bu my health a little. however i wont hv CL n my mum n mil will not b helping.. so i need a quick n easy way to bu.. any mummies hv any ideas tt beside brewing herbal thingy, is there any instant stuff tt i can take to replace it...?

I have a brand new Britax car seat for sales. It can sit from newborn to 4 years old. I bought it at $400 and will like to sell it off at $299 as my baby boy simply don't wan to sit in it. It's been used for less than 10min only.

Please email me at [email protected] if interested.
SG - i did alot of walking today...not because i want to...but coz me and mom went gynae, then grocery shopping etc.. so in a way more energetic..ha!

hows it goin wif you? BFing coming along fine?
u are not the only one.. at least i am with u cuz went to chek up last sat. gynae say bb unlikely to pop early too.. so i wait loh..
Hi hi,
Me back in again, trying hard to follow the thread still can't finish reading...
I mean the Taka Baby Fair which you say start from 6 Mrach till when? Coz My full month will only be 11 March, can only go after that mah.
You can bring the pump for standby just incase you need it, as for sterilize the bootles and parts can get do it at home and put it in clean bag, if after using need to sterilize can get the nurse in hospital to help do it.
What is lochia?? I don't know whats tis? Can someone tell me please?
Drink DOM to help 'bu' your body and to expel any 'wind' in your body. My mum said that its good if during confinement to take more wine. You may drink the DOM directly if you able to take it. Not necessary must put inside the soup and boil.
Wow jia you to all mummies who're delivering today!! So exciting to see more &amp; more babies popping.

Just reached home after my check-up at TMC. Saw a few newborns and they all look soooo cute!

Finally did my CTG today cos I complained that bb movement have slowed down. Dr Chua is making me chart down baby's daily movement from now onwards, and she did ask if I wanna be induced earlier.... she said umbilical cord is round bb's neck (but not tangled) and usually 1 in 3 babies that she deliver are like this so I shouldnt be too worried cos bb heartbeat is ok. hmmmm anyway hb &amp; I will decide again when we see her this Thur cos I really hoping bb can wait till at least 1 March. BB is now 3.15kg at wk38.... we couldnt see her face today cos she covered with her hands heehee.

Got a surprise call today from my CL telling me that I've to apply work permit for her..... so last minute then tell me cos she did confinement for my cousin the last time &amp; didnt have to apply previously. Think its $150 to apply 1mth permit??

This is my list of tonics for confinement:

1. White pepper (if you taking pork stomach soup)
2. DOM Wine - 2 bottles
3. Herbal bath - I bought 10 pkt first
4. Bird nest
5. Mee Sua - 2 boxes
6. White rice wine - For washing hands (2 bot)
7. Red dates - For drinking
8. Black dates - For drinking
9. Wolfberry - For soup
10. Dried longan - For drinking
11. Dang Sen - For soup
12. Dang Gui - For soup
13. Cordyceps - my mum insisted I buy this.. so exp!
14. Sesame Oil - my IL bought 6 big bottles haha!
15. Black rice vinegar (dog brand)
16. Old ginger
17. Black beans - 2 pack
18. Black fungus - To expel stale blood.
19. Chicken essence - 1 bottle every morning.
jasmine, lochia is the blood flow after birth Heee.

Moomoo: hugs don't be disappointed. Bb enjoys swimming in you le....

Queenie: Haha, ya loh, just now I just went ck buy more of my favian whisper pads. Haha. gg o miss not wearing pads man!
