(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Step, hee...congrats!!! =)

moomooland...yah today both of us in week 37...getting nervous liao...aiyo..i've been having flu since last week...nt recover yet dunnoe shld take flu tablets ornot..lately also seldom go poo liao..normally will poo everyday..nw like once every 2 days..dunnoe issit too heaty or nothing to poo. dare not sit on toilet bowl for too long...coz can feel the pressing down pressure from bb... =p

Re: swap test charges, i paid additional $40 for tat..

steph, thanks for sharing your birth story. Your side effect from epi sounds bad. But good to know you and baby are doing well now. Take care

puriton is safe. I took it when i had running nose. If really cannot take it, should take flu tablets. Wk 37 liao, cannot afford to be sick during birth else no energy to push!

Thanks for sharing your experience. You had a long labour!! The side effects from epi really is scary..... Anyway, u shd be glad that it is already over. Congrats again!!


My gynae said cannot anyhow take any flu medicine. So u better b careful!


I think maybe the CTG is to see if bb is coming out. She was telling me that when bb is almost coming out, the heartbeat will slow down abit. Your appt so early, looks like we will not be able to meet then.

For my 1st labour, I suddenly had the urge to pass motion in the middle of the night. After that, my contractions started.

Nowadays I also pass motion like twice or thrice a day. Hubby said cos my baby inside also pass motion...that's why I'm passing motion for 2 persons....haha...

Thanks for sharing your story


Better to see GP to get something for your flu. And fix it quickly. Rest is important too.

Asura/ Lemontree,

Interestingly, I've been having been having very easy poo poos every morning these days. Just sit on toilet bowl and within 30s, everything is out. Hmmmm wonder what that means..

Swap Test/ GBS
I paid $32.80 (w/o GST) at the private suite at KKH.
hi gurls im back hme!.

the GBS test is use one cotton bud and swap the V area or inside right? den put inside a tube and send to lab for checking right?
ya if is the one i badly described above hor, mine is $30 exlcd GST.

is like that one la different gynae charge differently de lor. my frd's gynae Dr Ann Tan from mt E oso v EXP i tell u. she juz told me her each vist ard $400.
faints. before i went to my gynae i got do a rough survey on the charges. he dont charge patients expensive one and moreover his clinic is at sembawang and i stayin in wdls. so i just go to him w/o second doubts.

i tink maybe is better for u to go for the check up.. or u maybe want to check with ur gynae about not going. if he/she gives u the green light den don go lor.

haha oops i forgot u same EDD as me la! alamak lols. u so fast gg to see ur baby then us le. happy lehh..

hehe don envy me as sahmtb coz me temp oni for 6mths after bb is born. anw, i tink u all wrking realli power lor. i wonder how am i gg to have the second baby if im working.
for the fort canning u by tt day then see wan to go or not lor. u are pregnant mah, ur office shd be understanding if u didnt turn up ..
somemore if oni go there eat then alright, if ask u stand for the function then better don go. in case u get legs aching or swelling. best if got pple drive u there and back home. kekes.

that day i went amk ntuc xtra i saw the sofy 40.5cm pads. so sian 1 pack oni got 4 pcs. how many packs did u buy? me haven buy. that day wan to buy hb say i mad. coz if i buy 1-2wks supply i will need to carry two big bags of pads ard amk. kakas

hi gals. sorry i was out this afternoon. i previously posted abt the wax a few times. u didnt c? hehe nvm, i better pm u shortly in case u miss my post again..

iyah. i somehow sensed that u wont be goin w me liaos. coz no response from u whenever i asked abt the BW. kekes. but nvm lar.

happy bday to u! hope u n ur ger will enjoy the www!!!

the GBS Swab hor, if u ask Dr ang guess he will do immediately for u i believe. coz for me that time, due to the malay baby who died after kenna the infection u rem? i asked dr ang if it can be prevented. then he immediately do the swab for me liaos. even tho i told him no need la. i oni ask ask nia. he say since i ask liao den muz do. hahas.
coz he don wan me ltr come back and ask him why tt time when i bring it up he nv check for me if i touch wood kenna. but altho i passed the test previously doent means i wont get it later part. so ma fan right.
don worry la abt the bb weight. my boy was only 1.9kg at 35wks 6days.
im gg to c him again this wed evening ! so excited. kekes

wish a boy
im entering wk 36 tomorrow. and im so guilty i haven pack my bag, haven buy my sofy pads, disposable panties, wash his clothings...
im juz so lazy. hahas.

glad to hear from u that u are fine now. hehes tell baby don come so fast..

i juz told my bb to come out at wk 40 excatly. don come out too early or too late. guess im weird har?

hehe thanks for ur email i booked 21st feb. now i can oni pray hor bb can remain in me until i go photoshoot..
good to know ur GBS negative. i also have the white stuff inside the nipple. like whiteheads like tt. i got an urge to squeeze it out, but i didnt.. keks

i read ur blog today. so touching ..

is it ur sugar is low that's why u fainted? den maybe u throw in a handful of sweets or energy bars? coz i noticed ur bag got no food. kekes.
brand essence now comes in pills form. donno we can take or not. u can call brands to ask. or check w ur gynae.

thank u for ur birthing experience. hehes it makes me even more determined not to tk up epidural.
glad that rayden is at a good weight and can go home w u soon.
hi all MTBss... i sm still around.. seems like bb will continue to stay inside me till wk 40.. though i m getting impatient..

wah.. saw tt steph had delivered!! congrats congrats.. don't know who's next..

I am finishing my wk 38 by this wed.. left with merely 2 more wks.. still waiting waiting. i hope not to induce him out. i heard inducing is painful
SG - take care...recover well...
wk 37 already..anytime this 3 weeks ;)

dunno why my poopoo these few weeks like LS like that...like meconium haha...
wintertime - you'll be in wk 38 soon? tats fast!!
lately been experiencing abit of lower backache at night, that got me worried abit...
moomooland, ya.. so fast.. i still got 2 more wks to go.. scary..
i keep going to poo poo last wk.. but these few days had a little constipation. wonder if i had taken too heaty stuff

hehe.. i got some sweets in my bag.. but thanks anyway...


wah so fast... 38 weeks already... your bb so cushy inside... keke.. nevermind.. patience is a virtue...

thanks for sharing ur birth story.. Great that it is over for u while we have to wait for the day to come...scare..we have the same EDD actually.

thanks for ur PM. wanna go together for the BW cuz prosper might not want to go now..

starflower, Queenie, Jasmin,

I booked the photoshoot for 14 Feb too. I hope will feel ok that day since am easily exhausted lately. Did u gals opp for complete make up ?
nepia diapers - u cn always get 2 pks of NB and 2 pks of S if you are unsure... NB can fit up to 5kg wor... to order different sizes, do call the hotline to order instead of online... you can find the number in the website =)

lemontree - haha! ur hubby so funnie! that means my bb is shitting a lot liao! LOL becos i pang sai daily and currently ard 2-3times leh! jialat hahahahaha

steph - thanks for sharing ur story! all of us quite anxious le... congrats ah! heee

queenie - ah i see... hmmm lidat i better ask dr ang if i remember when i see him next.. will be 2nd March... =) thanks!

for mother itself is priced at $48.
Starflower have the brochure. sorry I do not know how to create file attachement using PM function. U may PM starflower for the details

I have sent it to you liao. I'm still considering. Have also asked May to send me her package if it is still available.

Wow steph,
another brave mommy! Congrats again.

QUeenie, Asura
yah yah the same test. Took less than a min. Told my hubby and he also that this doc anyhow charge one. Too drastic a diference already. Already decided since my 4th month that we will never ever go back to him again for future pregnancies. :p

Lemontree, mine was $130! $%&!@#

opps hope I am not too late ... still have 40min before your BD is over. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
thks! i have recieved it.. seem like may's one is very ex le.. am sahmtb, so with such cheap lobang on maternity shots, most likely will go for it.. =)
I must go office check email leh. Will reply u later.

Ya.. more ex from studioloft. Didn't know got such good lobang. If not I will choose also.

RE: Cramps
Mummies, I am having mense cramp like feeling for abt 1hr already leh. Dunno what like that. Actually last thurs saw Dr Adrian, he told me that tightening and contraction pain that I am experiencing might mean early labour. Ask me to rest more and eat ventolin if necessary. So now wondering should I pop ventolin, but this is cramp leh, not contraction pain.
but to be frank, ur lobang oso good liao since studioloft is more pro than tis ba.. saw one of the mommy's photo n find tat it is really worth the price.. hahhaa.. coz being sahmtb, all went down to cost, so bo bian gotta chose the cheapest one..hee..
think the cramp is the early sign of contraction pain ba.. so really gotta be extra careful.. ;)
Rest well and more.. i oso got the same sympton but is only after my gynae checkp last monday, so gotta monitor n will let my gynae know on my next trip which is next monday.. let jia you!!
haha.. u wan to faster end all the pregnancy ? then i tink u need to walk more, swim more, climb more? hehes.
huh .. i didnt noe inducing is painful. but i also dont wan to have induce birth. i wan natural one. be it waterbag burst, bleeds, or contractions. contractions better? wont dirty the surrounding..

my poo poo also crazy one. sometimes hard like stone for weeks. sometimes soft like erm u know lar. hehe sometimes is normal.
but whatever it is, im juz glad till now got no constipation. -touchwood-

no problem. but better to have someone with u when u go out

don mention.. when u wan to go? i intend to do it ard last week of feb.. actually i tot kome's not going with me and u tag team w prosper thus ive already informed my buddy to go with me already.
why not u check with ur friends if they wan to try BW? if don have then u let me know again, i see if i can get another frd to group with me, u and my buddy.

don mention.. if u ask him then probably he will do the swab for u on 2nd march le. but if im not wrong, doctor normally will check it for us when we are 37/38 weeks.

ya tt test is very easy to do one mah. he maybe too money minded liao lor. somemore his clinic in town. kekes. operational costs involved perhaps.
next time u can try my gynae. but he speaks fast as commented by quite of a few mommies in sMH.

haha . u noe when i told my hb about studioloft promo. he very clever he just keep quiet. when i told him about starflower's lobang. he immediately say book lor. +_+
anw, may's package isnt very ex lar.. compared to those 4-500 bucks one. just that starflower's one is on charity mah. so cant compare..

i like studioloft style very nice. i saw my frds who brought their babies for the festive season promotion for charity. is so cute..
i heard for this valentine's day they are having charity promotion again. and is $25 oni but not for maternity.
wha. u having menses cramps ah. better have more bedrest. if tomorrow still persists, dont go wrk?
if u are afriad of early labour pop the pill .. no harm taking it ya?
sorry to interupt.

Selling away Medela Harmony Breast Pump @ $50 with original packaging.

Used only once, self collection.

Interested pls pm me.
Morning Mummies!

Just finished following the thread... Guess everyone is getting very excited as the moment draws nearer and nearer....

Congrats Steph and thanks for sharing your birth story.... keep up the BF and rest well!

Just update on myself....
I'm 36wks 6ds today. Tummy has grown some more. My legs and calves were stiff yesterday during walking. Guess it's some kind of sign too? It's slowing me down plus no car here so do plenty of walking.

In Melbourne, they also need to do standard tests for
* Iron Deficiency
* Vitamin K Deficiency
* Hepatitis C

<font color="0000ff">Re: Strep B</font>
Anyway, I was also required to do the swab test for Strep B. Will know my results only next week.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Consultation/ Medical Treatment/ Hospitalisation</font>
I will be delivering my bb at the Royal Women's Hospital. Everything is covered here by Medicare so we don't pay a single thing! Although, we've spent quite a lot on gynae fees at TMC back in S'pore.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Hospital Bag</font>
Think have packed most things. Just need to get all the clothes washing done.

<font color="0000ff">Re: BM Storage System</font>
I should have bought milk bags from S'pore. Can't seem to find them here. So I bought Avent storage cups with lids. Hope they work well.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Nappies</font>
I could only find one brand that I recognise here and that's Huggies.

<font color="0000ff">Re: MSN/FB</font>
Please add me too! [email protected] Am looking forward to share all our joys when our bbs arrive! You are all my support system whilst I'm in a foreign country!!!
Yesterday I brought out my #1's playpen. She immediately excitedly said it was hers (which is not wrong) and jumped inside straightaway. She even took her nap and slept at night inside. Sigh....hopefully the novelty will wear off b4 my newborn comes out. Can't imagine her reaction when I take out her rocker and cot.

Re: hospital bag

Finally sort of finished packing my hospital bag..... Cos I included hubby's clothes as well, it is so huge and heavy!! Almost wanted to transfer the things into a trolley suitcase, but my hubby said like very exaggerating. But there're so many things; the maternity pads and breastpump is already so bulky and take up lots of space. Guess I'm more kiasu this time round. Last time I used to just carry a smaller black gym bag.
I read that ventolin is not very good for baby leh. In dilemma leh, one hand hope that baby will not come out (means got to pop the pill) but on the other hand, worry that it will harm the baby. Super busy with work. I still got alot of things to rush which explain why I am in office at 7am. My speed is slowing down so got to come early to catch up. Wondering if Dr can give me hospital leave cos I dun want to use my maternity leave.
Anyone has reviews on Clarins total body lift and Clarins body shaping cream? Am thinking of stocking up to use straight after delivery. Can't wait to slim down.
Good morning Mommies!!!

Stay calm and best of luck to your birthing experience!

Gd morning! wow. medicare covers all ur expenses. thats so gd.. kekes me too haven wash bb clothes. ytd just started packing some stuffs into my hospital bag.
how come aust don have milk bags..

haha. wad a word to describe ! btw, how many pads are u bringin to hospital? i only bought like 12 pcs of SOFY 40.5cm and im thinking of bringin all to TMC with me. donno if is too much or little.

huh u earlybird .. better take note if still got the cramps later ya? i tink some gynaes do allows hospital leave..
morning to all...

nana: all e best...relax n take care..do share yr birth story..enjoy the process..

i'm so hungry now...woke up at 6+ to pee n cant slp till nw...craving for yong tau foo...

re:foccacia bread
i went to buy a loaf ystdy n tried...really tasted so nice after toasted...

dunno if i'm feeling contractions nw or BH...got the feeling of poo poo when tummy hardens but dunno if its bcos i didnt visit the toilet last 2 days...

oh ya, btw congrats to u, steph...

Happy belated bday to u sassybaby...
hehes. im also very hungry.. for no reason i scratch my legs until i got awake.

re:foccacia bread
hehes havent eat it b4. later can go and buy and try since it got so many raves from u all..
Gooddd morning mommies! another day to countdown..

nana:: Take careee!!

wintertime, prom:: u both too! so near your EDD liao! hehe guess u both should be next!! so exciting hor!

may:: take your time! Hugs.

pinkdemoness:: me Craving for cokeeee.. ahaha!!
wow so early u craving for coke? hahas.. amazing leh! dont know why lately me dont seems to have cravings.. not like previously love soupy food, sour/spicy stuffs etc.
Queenie: I am bringing 10 Kotex loop pads. TMC is providing, just in case it is not enough.

Cindy: I also crave for coke. Luckily my hubby is a coke lover, so my house always got ready supply... I also crave for fish fillet at Mac. haha....And it is perfect cos it comes with Coke!

Yesterday I finally drank my first coconut....so nice!
hahah queenie:: ahaha give me cokeee anytime!! and bubble tea hahaha. YOu wake up really early ley. haha should sleep in more ma. i wanna sleep in also cannot ah. #1 gets up at 7 to 730, very sian ah!
thks for sharing yr story... epi actually hv scary side effect, hope i no need to use it...

be brave... soon u'll be seeing yr bb... JIA YOU!!!

soon will be yr turn... u already on ML or still working??
actually i love coke one.. but for the past 1 wk i have been restricting myself. hehes. coz i worries that my swelling is becoz of too much coke. but is so tempting whenever i open my fridge seeing many cans of coke sitting down there waiting for me. LOLS. maybe later i shd just open up 1 can and finish it off b4 hb comes home. haha me too love bubble tea. i always buy 1 to drink whenever at my mom's place. but now don dare to drink also. my sis told me tea's caffeine is higher then coffee. nvm lar. one day i will succumb to temptation one.
i cant slp back already. muz wait until battery flat then can slp.

i had fish fillet last night. icic. hope 12 is enough for me bah. don wish to use TMC one leh. but i guess is quite hard to avoid. lols.
well, yesterday celebrate my mum's bd in advance n got her a mango cake... yumz yumz
juz ate a bit of the cream, didn't dare to eat too much...

yr EDD oso getting nearer, tink more or less u r excited too right? do u need to register for hospital over there for labour? like wat we norm do over here...
i had bubble tea ystdy n coconut 2 days ago... hope wont affect bb by taking cold stuffs constantly...these days very hot...even now, the sun is so bright...tot of gg to buy yong tau foo but very hot...see hw later...

i also feel like drinking coke but ever since this pregnancy, i've stopped taking coke totally..kia si ba...hehe..

btw there's a bb fair coming up in expo fm 27-29 feb...by mediacorp if i dun remember wrongly..anyone interested to go take a look?
