(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

pinksorbet, sun96,

I also want to cut hair but got no idea how short i want it to be. Currently, i think should be shoulderlength and able to tie up. Think i shall go to the salon to get a trim first for CNY then go for another cut in 1st week Mar. I cutting hair more cos want to prevent excessive hair loss.. the weight of hair does play a small part in hair loss.
lenny - i oso wanna do brazilian wax...wonder if its costly...v scared of the pain leh...sigh...and embarassing too...!

asura - i was initially thinking of jus a trim first but then nvm la, jus cut it short for the time being first so can be neater for CNY, and then can have a new image for CNY oso (hahaha)..since my hair is losing shape...hmm...i seriously cannot tahan a shapeless hair head...haha
So upset...

Called KKH to sign up for the aqua fitness class and they tell me fully booked liao.. So i was complaining that their website did not update the date of the Jan class... and I have been waiting for it.. Haiz... looks like no chance to use the swimming customes i bought. Any one has recommendation on other aqua fitness that's in town area or in Bishan/Ang Mo Kio area?
For me is i scare that it will be painfu, also not sure where to go.

I also intend to cut again after CNY, not sure when. Have to depends by that time my hair had grow how long. Might only go in end Feb.
Kome & Pink sorbet,

i was planning to try Honeypot, seems like its the one recommended by our local magazines.

we need to check if its safe for preggies first then consider.
Good morning mummies...

how was the 1st gathering's dinner went??
looking forward to seeing the group picture either in the thread or FB...

have a wonderfull day ahead..
ya hor, nobody to apply for u... or bring to office ask coll to apply? hv to take care as i tend to hv acne on my back n chest too... jia lat, those visible places got all these marks, sure very ugly one... *sigh*

tot miracle is organising 1 aqua fitness class? no further news ma??

i oso plan to cut in mar but now my long hair seem gg out of shape lei... cannot ta han the messy although can tie up... but still dun looks presentable... LOLx
somemore my face w ezcema, tink looks even more ugly... chiam, dun noe CNY how to 'face' pple...
From the start till now, i did not take any medicine at all. Just don't like to take any medicine when i pregnant. If really still not well might only go and get the medicine during my check up in 2 weeks time.
Wahah.....i am a bad mummy. Don't take medicine + furthermore i go and take bubble tea but had requested lesser ice. =P Ya lor, abit xin ku esp coughing with a big tummy.
can't wait for CNY to eat my pineapple tart haha..

anyone know where to get hand made and not so sweet pineapple tart?
Hi lenny,

also tot of trying and nvr done befor.
I read in a magazine, it is not advisable to do it too near delivery date cuz the pain may triggger contraction esp for us first timers..
I also came across honeypot in a magazine, looks not bad.. maybe u cj=hk out liao let us know ok
me also take bubble tea once in a while but asked them dun put ice..keke not nice leh cos it's not cold

din managed to form a class due to locations

all mummies scattered at different part of the island loh :p

u coughing better control and dun take any more cold stuff. take care
<font color="ff6000">Good morning Mummies..

<font color="0000ff">Misscandy</font>
I think it is ok to buy bigger size clothes for your baby. Coz babies grow very fast. I also bought 6-9 months clothes for my sis and her baby now only 3 months old is wearing it liaoz.. Though abit big.. But are those kind of soft home wear material... Baby is smiling away so I guess should be comfortable in it. You are so fortunate. Still got so many days leave.

<font color="0000ff">Giving Ang Paos</font>
My family also practise year 1 after wedding no need to give Ang Pao. But my in-laws side do not have such practise. In the end, I give to those younger than me ones only..
Coz pai say.. That time year 1 chinese new year already going to give birth soon. One of my aunt will said she lugi... Never give ang pao yet.. Then the next year have to give my baby Ang Pao also... She said it is unfair... And she is very ridiculous one. Everyone who gave her son Ang Pao, she will ask her son to write down on the Ang Pao the person who gave the Ang Pao. Then see how much they give.

<font color="0000ff">Vernice</font>
U give 2k for Ang Pao? I think I spent only about 600 in total. Coz my in-laws side are in J.B. so we give RM. Keke... And I dun go to my mom's side after marriage. There are far too many kids there... Think about 30 kids from her side. So we run away... Haha... I gave only 168 each to my parents only. My in-laws we give RM168.

<font color="0000ff">Afcai</font>
Try to avoid crowded areas. Those aunties bo chap if you are expecting anot. They will just bang onto you and then treat it as if we are in the wrong.
That's y my hubby also doesnt allow me to go for all these Sales places. And he also doesnt like to go to crowded places...

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
Have you put your ger to playgroup classes yet?

<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>
You dun give ang paos to same generation? So good.. Here we have to give.. Some even those not married and much elder than us we have to give. But those elders does not wants to take so we let it be.
Dun care about your in-laws... Some are really very jialat ones... Just stay happy yourself... and hab a happy baby... Your ger's name very unique.

<font color="0000ff">Minnie</font>
Glad to know your baby is fine. But does walking too much causes pre-labour contraction pain?

I have pelvic pain but it is when I carry my girl for too long.. After that, cramp and pain till cannot really walk. Must rest for quite some time before I am ready to move again..

<font color="0000ff">Kome/Lenny</font>
My hubby's side also never call me Er Sao or whatever. They called my name only... But I think it is ok lah.. Coz they are older than me but my hubby is older than them. I think all these doesnt matter? My side also call my Hubby by his name unless is our niece or nephew then call Aunt or Uncle.

<font color="0000ff">Christmas Eve</font>
All of u are so nice. Got half day off. My company very stingy.. We can go home only at 3pm.

<font color="0000ff">Steph</font>
Your son is so cute...

<font color="0000ff">Baby Name</font>
So fast decided on baby names? We are still looking around... Most prob will be Charlotte Tee...

<font color="0000ff">Baby Delivery</font>
So cute. But my hubby different. He wants to see baby coming out but no chance coz I screamed and held tightly to him... I told him this time round, I try my best not to hold onto him and let him watch baby coming out. Dr Ang also lets him cut the umbilical code. Too bad I no energy to take the photo.. This time round hopefully I can try to take it...

<font color="0000ff">Kome</font>
My ger also.. Last feed at 9pm.. Then in the middle of the night, may be from 2am to 6am, will wake up for milk again. Then have to try to put her to sleep again. Also not enuff sleep... She is still co-sleeping with us.

<font color="0000ff">Idlecat</font>
You know what baby products are they going to sell for Metro Expo Sales?
thanks asura, i'll take a look and read the inx

re. hair cut
actually tinking of going QB or EC hse to cut, only $10 and oso no need to go wash hair. haha tink if i lie down to wash my hair will hv difficulty getting up! now prob just trim, i tink keep shoulder length hair easier, coz can tie up and wun hv strands bothering my face. will not short hair with the strands all poking my face when i can't wash it
Ya lor, no ice not nice at all so i asked them to put little ice. Heehee....but not coughing need to reduce more on ice water if not cannot recover liao.

Thanks, trying to control myself on cold drink but abit hard especially whne i pass by or someone offer to help me buy. =P

I don't mind if they never call me Da Sao when they see me, at least don't ask me to go and greet them first. Wahaha....this is face problem....at least i am elder than them.
i'm oso released at 3pm on x'mas eve... norm aft lunch, we'll mingle ard till KO coz no mood to continue working liao...

yr tum tum not tat big la... saw on fri, the size quite alright lei...
Lenny n Kome...
Brazilian waxing is nice...however if itz ur 1st time doing, not sure if this will trigger any unnecessary contractions...better seek ur gyni advice if u not shy...

There r 3 things i always enjoy doing b4 preggie...
a. Rebonding
b. Pedi/Mani
c. BWaxing

Yet, due to e use of chemicals n lowering threshold of pain, hb tells me to wait till bb is delivered.

No choice lah...pple say preggie ladies look a different kind of beautiful but i don think so leh...guess @ end of e road, itz all worth it when we see our bbs inherit our god looking genes...

Oh ya, some of e possible options for BW:
1. Strips!
2. Honeypot
3. Just tan... (they offer similar svc @ lower
rate; hb said tat they seem to do a more
thorough job, meaning tat u remain clean in e
nether regions for a longer period of time...)
sung - ya i wash my hair yesterday...got difficulty getting up after tat

lenny- seems like not advisable for us to do waxing since will trigger contractions as wat miracle2me say? btw if we want the person to trim "down there" dunno how to tell her leh...so paisei...

sun - drink lots of fluids to cool yr face down...it should help....

devil - my hb's younger cousins address me by name too...tink should be ok la...but of cos my hb's nephew calls me jiu mu lor...haha sound v old leh, bo bian mus admit old liao...
why dun do perm removal than doing brazilian waxing? at least no need to go back n do it once a while? any difference?
My hubby's brothers did not even call or greet me, but i am fine as long as my PILs don't ask me to greet them can already. Normally only will talk to my hb's sister only.

Ok lar....my tummy not big not small also.

Might need to find out more on Brazilian waxing before doing it.
Sunshine BB

U mean ipl removal?

Dun tink therez permanent removal...ipl can last u only a couple of years...

In a biz pt of view, if there's permanent removal...then not much biz for them ya?

Do u hear of any shops offering tat? Can share?
Of course tat is painless but oso charge a higher price...
<font color="0000ff">St, Sung</font>
Can use the first teeth toothpaste when they are stable at sitting liaoz.. Can use to wash their tongue and gums. I buying for my ger to use now..

<font color="0000ff">Kome</font>
Ya loh.. I also never greet them.. They also just smile smile said hello only. I also just smile back..
wa.. kkh's aqua fitness is full liao ar.. haiz.. actually thinking of calling them this week one, too bad.. anyway i still haven bought my maternity swim suit.. guess cn save my money liao.. =P
<font color="0000ff">Sunshinebaby</font>
Our company same same.. But I thot US company are normally more "gerenous"...

<font color="0000ff">Pinksorbet</font>
Ya loh.. If call me by Er Sao, I will also feel weird.. Like suddenly became very old. But my in-laws side.. Think all elder than me, so they wants face also lah...
usually we dun greet each other lor...so i not very close with my SIL.
even when want to ask her something will ask hubby to ask her instead haha

u mean u buying the toothpaste for ur 2nd one?
saw fr advertisment, a lot of reputable salon r hving tis service, charges wise not sure lei...
ipl can only last couple of yrs huh... i tot is perm one... ke ke

i'm drinking now... hopeful can flush out all the toxic fr my body...
my SIL also dun greet me as Da Sao de, she calls me by my name.
But she calls her brother, Brother. I just let it be. Cos she is older than me also la. a bit werid and not used to to her calling me Da Sao.

However, one thing I notice is, before she has her own kids, she treats my kids very nice.. play with them, buy them gifts, never forgetting their birthdays. Now she got her own son, she din even bother to come when we celebrate their birthdays. So I told hubby, dun expect me to go to her son's birthday if she invites us. An eye for an eye. Quite pissed off with her this kinda attitude. Luckily hubby also knows what I meant and he will also not attend the birthday party also.
Ya lor, an eye for an eye. You don't come across my path and i won't go across your path. Heehee....

I work half day till 12.45pm, but company will be ordering buffet at 12pm, so stop at 12pm to makan........
Was on mc since thur liao....requested doc to give me more mcs cos eyes bit swollen and very very itchy. face also red red tough tummy redness reduce but still itchy.

re:prince versus princecess.
wow, up to now, we have 30 princess and 47 prince wor...

<font color="119911">Kome/Asura</font>,
re:giving ang pows
same same.me also third yr giving ang pows. my gar will be second yr receiving ang pows loh.

<font color="119911">Kome</font>,
my hubby is thinking of naming my prince either Xavery or Xaveries cos hubby use "x' as the christian name.

<font color="119911">pinksorbet</font>,
yup, when there is crowds, I will always place my hand onto my tummy so that I can protect and then push the people away in case they knocked me.

oic, u mean purchasing $150 above at robinsons got free delivery. I still got $20 voucher (expiry in Feb) yet to use loh.

oic. better to apply on yr tummy or else tummy will have lot of maps and ugly silver lining.

y'day, after my antental checkup. I went to the waffles factory outlet (pplace so small) at Sing post ctr. We ordered 12 waffles (10 different favours) plus 2 free compliementary side dish (either waffles ice-cream or different type of float drink) and I ate more than hubby. at first, we order 10 different favours to try and share with hubby half of it. but hubby after eating 4 half of it give up said he is full and I ate the rest. so yummy...I luv the durian (too bad only limited to one per person). actually, intended to try the spaggitte (just added $3 only) but see ppl eat, spaggitte looks so watery....so did not order in the end.

so enjoyable also y'day, we went to movie too and I ordered the nacho chips. still can eat loh....dunno why appeite seems to grow.

<font color="119911">Lenny</font>,
wow, u got so many cousins....big family wor.....

<font color="119911">Irene</font>,
wow, long week leave wor...I also knocked off at 1240pm on xmas eve and New yr eve too. xmas eve that day no work except having celebration. for me, I will save up my leave for next yr after my delivery (intending to take 4 mth ML + 1 mth paid leave mah). but will be on half day leave during first week of Jan bec my gar is starting playgrp then.

<font color="119911">minni24</font>,
re:preterm labour.
yeah, dun move so much. it will trigger pre-term. wow, sent u to delivery suit, u must be scare out of wits wor....that's time when doc told me if my rashes still not improve, I will be admitted to delivery wards. then I heard it wrongly tot delivery suits, scare me man.....

yup, pain is 100X painful than menstrual cramps.

ai-yo, NUH, I gave up liao. I went NUH A&amp;E twice in Aug due to bledding non-stop. doc dun do anything and only attend to me after waiting for half an hour or longer. of cos, A&amp;E got one corner for preggie woman one. then they just checked my cervix and then draw blood for testing. the result for the blood test require 2 hr + and then I was left there waiting. nothing done to stop bleeding, just only on the pad. same.... second time better after I feedback (NUH called for survey and I feedback their service) inject me with jab. so third time, I went KKH A&amp;E, at least better than NUH..

do rest as much as u can. take care.

<font color="119911">Keron&amp;Jeris</font>,
hmm..how come cannot lie on our back? for me, this preggie, I always sleep on my back wor....if slp side, bb will keep on moving....maybe bb not comfortable in the side position.

re:taking maternity leave.
my ML only started the day when I admitted to hospital for delivery. only tell my boss that my EDD is ard march and could be anytime.....so just tell boss that loh...we also can predict one...the labour could be earlier than EDD or later.

<font color="119911">promegranate</font>,
re:taking leave.
yup, I'm one of them during my first preggie. dunno shd I say luckiy or not, during my wk 38 checkup (close to evening time), cervix already opened 4cm so just delivered that mid-night loh.

<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
my frenz princess also name Trishelle too.

<font color="119911">Sunshinbaby</font>,
hmm....what type of pills yr GP give u? is it the yellow tablet used for running nose? KKH doc also give me that. I also got refer letter to skin specialist, siao...appt so long....2 mth later and I rescheduled to 1 mth later (the earlier time slot). I shd ask the doc what if one need immediately attention still need to see skin specialist 2mth later huh....siao....

re:cutting hair.
I will be cutting my hair when in march only. hmm...maybe u cut when in march too mah if not hair will grow very fast (like nails) due to hormone.

<font color="119911">♥♀steph♥♂</font>,
re:causes of eczema.
thks for the info. no wonder, when weather very heaty, my rashes will be bad. also mine could be the cause of painting cos vapour in the room not gd circulation so trapped in the office room (no window). that's why my tummy redness so jialat. my new col also a heavy usuage of perfume that I could not stand it but to cover my nose with clothes in the morning.
yr hb co oso release at 3pm, so mayb some companies will decide btw these 2 timing, either work half day else then at 3pm...

<font color="ff6000">mummies
anyone been to the restaurant at marina barrage?? wanna chk whether the food there is nice anot...</font>
no prob.
I saw yr tummy redness pix &amp; it looks bad. Hope u will recover soon ya! My tummy also itch sometimes &amp; when the itch b'cum unbearable, i will scratch alittle &amp; my tum tum got red marks/scar behind...bo bian
<font color="0000ff">Kome</font>
ya loh... the ironic thing is that she told us she is able to attend our girl's birthday party. Then last min, flew us areoplane. So be it loh, I wouldn't be bother to attend her son's party.

another best thing is that she asked FIL to move in our house. so starting August, he came over and stay. Reason given was that his imagination run wild cos he is staying alone. Keep saying got ppl wanna harm him. But when he is in our house, he is ok wor.
I told Hubby let him come and stay temporary see if he is really sick or what, cos my Mom is currently staying with us, with him around, really too many people.

Then for the 3 months he is with us, she only visited him 2-3 times, versa when he is at his own house, she visited him every week. This made me suspect that she purposely push him to us, so that she dun need to visit him weekly. And the best thing is, he is OK when staying with us loh. One day I flared up in November and quarrel with hubby over this. He overheard us and move back home. Since then till now, no imagination run wild leh. Strange hor.

<font color="0000ff">afcai</font>
The waffles nice anot? I'm tempted to go and try also...
yup maybe lor..my co is also half day. but got christmas party in office so actually cannot really leave on the dot

so how many MC ur doc gave u
pineapple tart

Pine Garden’s Cake
Block 529 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10, #01-2329.
Telephone: (65) 6457-6159
Website: http://www.pgcake.com/
Their Handmade pineapple tart is very sellable and very nice not too sweet at all. I ate finish 1 container.

And I tried their Blackforest cake and love it. The black forest is $2.50, which I think it was quite reasonable. The cake has nice chocolate taste and I love the fact that they put a lot of cherries in the cake.
Thanks mommies!!

I'll rest and be as good I can be.

yah... i told my gynae (since he told me to stay put in NUH), he told me to go straight to KKH next time. Anyway i lodged a complaint before i discharge. Given up on that hospital already.
