(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi Keron&Jeris, i can regonise u during the class cos you are in my fren list in FB. but abit shy to say hi to you
ha ha i only took some pic of my big tummy using the digi cam to keep track the growing process of my tummy

eh nt my face is sun's face =P

kris - yeh i figured ur hubby was bored so he so "nua" hahahaa... my hubby also.. he jus play with his iphone... zzz
kris ur skin so fair & white... take pics sure nice la... i cnt take la... all fats.. i still have 2 layers... Muahahahahaha! bth... cnt wait for it to form into 1! grrr.... see u on friday & saturday.. muahahahah
any mummies willing to sacrifice no beef ? if not Kome & devil 1 pot themselves =X they both taking chicken soup... argh!!! i forgot to call coca to ask if have spilt pot -_-"
hahahaaa... blurjen, must say hello to me this sat k? i just saw ur pics in FB, but hubby and me still cannot recall your face leh... hahaaha.. prob we are facing the other side all the time and din notice your direction.

promeganate, thanks for the info about the breasts pump, my MIL got me a 2nd hand pigeon pump which was passed down from her relative who doesnt use steriliser at all, tried to look up for the same model in the market, apparently it was kind of obsolete i tink. i was quite against of using the 2nd hand pump as i find it quite unhygiene. Now got a very good excuse to buy a new one.. HOOOORRRAAYYY!!!
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
yeah, so itchy making me moody. tml, gg to polyclinic to see doc liao...and will take the cream along and tell doc not suitable to use as it worsen my rashes. thks.

<font color="aa00aa">Kome</font>,
drink more water since this period is a flu period, only left 3 of my col (include me) are not sick. even boss on 3 days mc due to flu, fever and cough.

<font color="aa00aa">sunshinebaby</font>,
thks thks. I also heard fr my col that dun eat stringray too. bad for bb skin.

for me, I had done the Amnicator test cos I reported to gynae that i got watery/sticky white or yellow discharge. doc scared water bag or any liquid leak. that's why he scape something fr below and test. result will only be made known next appt in 3 week times. hopefully, no infection or anything wrong....now, I got to insert the flagvaginal for 7 days before slp loh.

re:sterlise pump.
me only wipe wipe the pump and sterlise the bottle and funnel. but first time, will pour warm water over the tub only. thereafter, only wipe wipe and no sterlise.

is UTI painful?

<font color="aa00aa">May Wong</font>,
hmm...u still remember what type of moisturiser cream that gynae give u last time. cos this doc give me dhapson cream which already state not suitable for preggy woman but only under medicine advice. so will go to polyclinic tml (since gg to dental tml as well) to see if there is another type of cream for me or not.

so far, I applied the aloe vera gel (eye mo bottle size) quite ok...now lessen the itchness but hor dunno why tummy seems like sunburn and turn black red type. is it normal?? will skin peel off??

<font color="aa00aa">Devil</font>,
thks. hope it recovered soon. i want to have a happy xmas...:p. do drink more water since this period is a flu period. hope u also get well soon.

re:bird nest.
same same. my toddler also dun like jelly jelly thing. but hor, she like pao sheng and jinsheng.

<font color="aa00aa">Promeganate</font>,
re:shared pump.
so scary wor...last time, I borrowed fr my cil leh but only bought the funnel and tub since her funnel so yellowish loh.

<font color="aa00aa">irene</font>,
think most bb in our tummy are the same. active at night wor...my prince also like that. will 'scold' him to go and slp.
keron&amp;jeris - i also got 2nd hand pigeon breast pump.. but the box is like quite old... it's still "new" unused... but the box a bit yellow... muhahahah... according to the person who passed it to me, its never been used b4.. maybe its the same model as yours... when i went to the shops, the box at the shops is bigger than the one i have at home.. hmmm...

mango im in FB =P
Hey mummies!

Busy day... just have time to read thru the posts.

Okay, will update you if I manage to go to the sale

I also got the same dress from ON! But I got the pink one. It's really comfy cause the stretchy cotton fabric is really soft.

Can pm me your email? kome already has a grp set up on FB for March Mummies. Do check it out.

Re: Glucose Tolerance Test
I passed!
missycandy, btw, mine is without the box and adapter!!! sighs, you know la, how to reject my MIL right??? she even got some 2nd hand bb clothes and cloth nappies ready, i was like ............ sighs.. but at the end of the day, i appreciate her very much, whatever we are doing is for the good of the bb i tink.

nowadays dunno what happened to the weather, can be sunny now and rainy the next. few of my colleagues got very bad flu, tink i m the strongest in the office, maybe due to the supplements that i m taking (multivitamins, calcium and fish oils), so all mummies please remember to take more water..
o_O ?

i dun mind the 2nd hand clothes.. and nappies no thanks... =x the 2nd hand clothes i pick n choose the "cleaner" ones... luckly my MIL hasnt said or done anything yet... i think she is aware that we wldnt take things from relatives... and we in world of our own =P i think she will buy new clothes for the bb.. becos 1st grand daughter for her.... she has 2 grandsons already... hurhur...

R u going for the carters sale?
hai at night always no action... =( i shall go sleep early... tomorrow going to have to hear "music" from da boss the whole day... so sian... today she came back from her US trip already singing to me =|
missycandy, should be gng for the carters sale, cos i m gng for my glucose test this friday, appt at 8am, super early manzz... maybe gng to the sale after that.

my boss announced that we will doing some retrenchment and restructuring exercises with immediate effect, sighs... i m not worried cos i will be the one to execute all the "killings", not yet my turn to be killed.. hahahaha..

so sorry i afraid i cant make it to this friday dinner.

pls leave me out of the list k..
and enjoy the feast ladies.
hi mummies,
just got back from holiday in greece and turkey.. had an exciting experience in athens cos the city was on riot.. fire, smoke and tear gas filled city for now.. don't go there if you are planning a trip for now..

as usual, this thread is still as happening..

should be ok to share the pump equipment, just change the tubes and funnels for safety and hygienic purpose yeah?

can add me pls? [email protected]
tried to pm u but u don't accept pm...
congras tat u passed yr glucose test!!!

so sad tat u can't join us... something crops up last min??

i've rx the contact list... thks!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Friday 19th December 2008 | 6.30pm | Coca @ Takashimaya, Ngee Ann City #04-22 | Meet at the entrance of the Restaurant =)

calling for princess &amp; sportyger, pls let us noe can u take beef n which soup base u prefer so we can arrange accordingly...

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Coca (Taka/Ngee Ann City #04-22)</TD><TD>Beef ok?</TD><TD>Soup (Chicken / Tom Yam) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>missycandy</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Tom Yam </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Wintertime</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Tom Yam </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>babe(kazooie)</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Tom Yam </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>jtho</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Tom Yam </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Kome</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>No</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Devil</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>No</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>mangogal</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>No</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>gingal</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>sunshinebaby</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>fatfish</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Agnes Chew</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>sg (sherg)</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>keron&amp;jeris</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Chicken </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>sassybaby</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Both </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>pinkdemoness</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Both </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Asura</TD><TD>x</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Both </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>sportyger</TD><TD>x</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>princess in dreamland</TD><TD></TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hmm...good morning to all!!
Actually i'm quite confused as I cant put the nicks &amp; real names together in FB...but I'll try!!!! =P
is there such option to indicate nicks beside the name? if yes, can show me as i'm quite confused too...
Morning....... =)
Yesterday had wake up lesser time but today head still felt abit heavy.

I have just added you in the MTBs group.
tink u hv already added me in fb, right? pls add me in the MTBs grp...

hv u add miracle n jasmine in MTBs grp? coz i oso created a MTBs grp, since u hv more members in there, then use yrs...
ha ha my husband also super boring during the antenatal class, keep on yawning :p

Cindy and Yvonne, I had added you in FB! ha ha i also v confuse that who is who in FB.
I have added Jasmine and miracle but i not sure what name you use in FB? Sorry.....too many people and not sure who is who already.
morning mummies,
woken up early today cos bb kicking me at 7 plus..donno is it because it's time to say goodbye to his daddy..so i can't fall asleep now
yr bb say gdbye to yr hb b4 he leave for work huh... since u can't fall asleep then come chat w us... u can take a nap in the afternoon if u feel sleepy...

icic... i oso din realise wat name i used in fb... will chk out 2nite...
morning mummies,
i was going through fb, under the "People You Might Know", i tried to add some of you. but dunno whether i guessed all correctly anot. i just based on "Mutual Friends" to determine whether you are a mummy in this forum.

paiseh.. i called coca yesterday but forget to update. They say they dont have pots that can serve 2 types of soup so they cant serve us split pot with 2 soups.
RE: Studio Photo Shoot
Has anyone thought of taking maternity shoot ah? I feel like taking for remeberance as I will be closing my factory after these. Previous pregnancy never take. Wondering if we can get group discount for it. I feel like taking maternity and also a Family of 3 before my 2nd baby is out. Thought of going to Foto-U. Anyone here interested? I dun mind to negotiate with the photo studio if there are alot of mummies that are interested leh.
Missaycandy, jasmine, me too.. ordered from Benice.. now I m trying out Yuki’s one. I saw comments that Yuki’s one is nicer.. I buying for xmas celebration.

Sun, guess the hormones are working on you.. drink more water, perhaps that will help.
Remember to invite me for the new FB group

ha.. me also lose track of who is who.. doubt i can recognise anyone except for Kome and jasmine whom I had met before.. think this friday, we all will have a hard time remembering each other names..

aiyo, bb is awake now.. kicking me hard while i m typing away.. last night din manage to sleep well too. don't know y..
thks for yr effort for calling them to chk...
then we'll divide accordingly to mummies preferences... u, sassybb n pinkdemoness can choose btw chicken on tom yam...
ya i asked my hubby to make it a point to say goodnight and good morning to bb now. donno if bb is used to it but sometimes he will react. ya lor so now wide awake, planning to watch youtube later
mornin mummies,

me too is confused haha. think we put nick besides our name to identify ourselves better..hahaha

yes i am sitted at the end of the class..hehe
i tot i will be the only one wearing pink last fri, but when i REached i was "wow" hahah.. you surely had difficult time trying to identify me..kkeke and at the same time oso pai seh to ask if you are the one..hhaha
Good morning Mummies...

Kome, Sunshinebaby
Do add me in the FB MTBs group.

Gynae Visit
Went to see gynae yesterday. Now at 24 weeks plus, my baby is 781grams. Is it too big? Gynae said it is normal as 24 weeks should be between 600grams to 800grams. But I feel like it's a bit big. So far I gained almost 8kg to 10kg liaoz.. I think so... But the last month gained less than 1kg. Hope baby wont be too big.. Cannot eat so much liaoz... Must control...

I have also taken a HVS Culture test. Not sure what is that for, but gynae advised us to take to ensure that it is negative else will pass to baby during delivery. Quite cheap.. Only $35..

Yesterday we have a no good night. My ger was affected by me. Now having running nose, watery eyes and some cough. We gave her some flu medicine and she keeps on crying non-stop... Till about 1 plus am then she is willing to sleep... So sad.. Passed my virus to her... Asked my mom to bring her to the doctors today. Hope she will get well soon... So xin-tong.. See her cry till lydat...

Sunshinebaby, Misscandy
I may not be able to join the dinner this Friday. Still having very bad cough and flu. Dunwan to pass to you all. Hope I will be ok by then... Having it for almost a week liaoz... Still not recover yet... Will let you know if I going anot...

Thanks!! I havent give my ger any herbs drink/soup yet. I heard must be at least 3 yrs old else not good for her development..

ya, i think u added me in.. but oso confused now.. hehee.

i too ordered otah from Yuki and collect last weekend.. very nice
i was also thinking of photos shoots but my hubby say can take ourselves wor..save money..too bad lor..and i also getting ugly stretch marks so also donno nice to take or nt
My hb lousy in taking pic leh, no good camera also. My stretch mark also ugly, I think the professional one will touch up and know what to do lor. That's why feel like doing it. Not sure if can get cheaper rate. My budget is only $150 max.
I have already taken my Family Studio Photo when my ger is 1 year old. Keke.. I also went to Foto-U. You can choose David. He is very good. I got my Studio Photos in my FB. 2 hours I got about 300 photos in CD... and 3 8Rs.

You can look out his Business thread. Always got promotion one..

Me too. I've ordered from Yuki - 10 Fish for new year. Hers much bigger piece and hers is homemade one. Havent tried the Benice one. But Benice one seemed like from a wholesale supplier one?
kome has already created a MTBs grp so will ask her to add u instead...
hopefully it faster fade off else u'll see a red face freak tis coming fri...

yr bb weight quite near to mine... my boi weights 732g at w24+ so consider norm since btw 600g to 800g...

faster recover!!! realli love to see u this FRI... give us a surprise by able to make it, ok...
May, how much is Foto-U charging? I am interested but is it the time to take the pics already? Now in 27 weeks, should i wait till like 35 weeks? cos by time the tummy will be real big...

Thanks! Hopefully can make it this Friday.

Studio Photos
It is different if you take it yourself. The effects are different. I forced my hubby to take the studio photos. He actually doesnt wanted to. But in the end, he enjoyed the photo shoots..
