(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies,

now seems like 9 mummies interested in aqua aerobics. If jurong east complex is ok , i can propose to the instructor. and time like 7:30pm?
However still short of 3...

i think the black stuf is not clean? feathers?

wah, the pix so yucky leh.. so i suupose most of our bird nest are bleached hor.. can drink or not??

even tou one bowl of shark fin there is also mercury inside it too right..so small amt of mercury is fine?
yup...super shiok.....will definitely go for it more regularly...hee~~

Pregnant still wanna look pretty & nice..hee~~~
Water retention also cause by eating too salty food, try cut down on salt intake and drink more water.

Philips sales,
Yeah so sad only for staff only. Those who have friend working there can ask them to U there.

What is Muar Otar??

Mrs Wong mentioned that 1 bowl of sharks fin is ok.. anyway.. our sharks fin here... the amount in 1 bowl is so miserable.. a few strands only.. won;t do us any harm la
don mention.. we shd share our knowledge here mah.
hehe.. nvm abt the otar .. fish one is gd enuff liao.. right? smiles!!

i think we need exercise bah..
ya what jasmine say oso right.. slip out of my mind.. hehe.. eat frenchfries ask for less salt.
swimming is good.. mommies with low lying placenta can swim?

i not sure whether one bowl of sharkfin contains mercury or not.
but i believe shd do contain abit bah but not adequate to harm babies..
next time u take note lor. if u got dinners on fri n sat. u tk half bowl each day can? hehe

i think the black thingy is the fur leh..
die... i now so sian of the birdnest my mil bought.. i rather buy bottle one..

i noe i shd appreciate her kindness for buying for me. 10pcs $250.. sigh, muz train hb to tweeze the black things out arbo don eat better.
where is jurong east swimming complex at?
im okie with the timing..
but i cant have it on thurs coz have class with mrs wong..
Do you think can still order from her? Would like to try it also...
If buy hor can keep for how long hah? Coz don't know how many boxes to buy leh.
i agree with queenie, since we have bought liao than I suppose shld continue use it.. the price we pay are not little as well.. maybe still on it but dun put too near the tummy lor.. i suppose there's too much happening in china liao so we cant determine whether they r using the authentic babyplus or not.. coz i saw oso similar products out there which is not the brand babyplus.. but of coz they r really cheaper compare to babyplus..
Why The birdnest your MIL not clean? Why got black thingy, better put in warm water and clean it first before you cook it then. The fur cannot take will cause baby to have asthma.
U PM her. Think she wont reply. But she is updating the stocks and will update us. I bought 10 boxes. Can keep for chinese new year. I think recommended is 1.0 - 1.5 months max.

The Jurong east sports complex is between Chinese garden MRT & Lakeside MRT station. you can see it from the MRT ..as it has those water slides
i think not very clean leh..
now i bring the uncooked one n see also can see
black black dot..not alot but when cook is quite visible lor..she buy from her reliable source from m'sia one..

hubby normally oni soak in water den throw in the pot n boil liao..
so we shd put in warm water den how to clean?

thanks lenny i noe where is it liao..
shd tk bus frm mrt right?
sian liao.. hb lazy bum ask him tweeze one by one he will rather don cook..
i notice the birdnest oso abit smelly when i tk out one piece n smell..
You got count me in bo I very super interested le.Just came back from swimming with my little gal.Though its just for awhile but I find it super relaxing so siok.Cant wait to start the class I dun mind jurong east swimming complex too.Do update me orr as I sometime lazy to check thread .My email [email protected] thanks alot
Ya. I do express pedicure which includes cutting, shaping and painting. But if you really don't want to paint, I don't think the shop will object to it. I choose express over normal pedi cos I do not want them to massage my feet.

I did rebonding in my previous pregnancy at 37 weeks. But my stylist was very careful not to touch my scalp. Will not be rebonding this time round since I have gotten my hair permed since before conceiving.
Oh, I will need to get a pedicurist to cut my nails cos I don't trust my hubby to do any cutting for me! I think I will be so tensed up if he does it :p

As for birdnest, really sweet of your mil to get for you. My mil didn't even offer me bottled ones! Not for my first pregnancy, not for this pregnancy either. So, when want to eat birdnest, I have to shell out my own money. For plucking the feathers, soak the birdnest in water first, then after that use a tweezer to pluck out the feather whilst holding the birdnest under water in the bowl. The water will help to magnify the feather so easier to pluck. Remember helping my mum this way when I was very young
wow, so scary... tink my next visit to my gynae, i'll chk w him how much water to intake daily... so tat will not be too little or excess...
but dun tink we'll drink up to 7l daily ba...
7l consider a lot lei...

This crazy woman drinks 7 litres of watre a day.. who in the right mind will do that?!
thanks for that though, i have been drinking a lot of water to flush out heatiness and prevent urinary tract infection. i only drink maximum of 2.5 litres water a day
u are lucky man.. my hair was last permed 1 yr back. but i will bear with it. since i saw the article stating to avoid after conceived.
thankfully, i have the straighterner n curler to tahan.. but need more time to doll up..

as for birdnest, ya my mil is very nice to buy for me.. my mom didnt even buy for my sil when my sil is preg. but i cant blame her either.. coz my sil is abit to the stingy side one.
thanks alot.. i will tell hb the method.. hopefully can get rid of the birdnest fur n drink it happily..
hehe rest assured i wont drink 7litres..
actually water intake also no need to be plain water de.. fruit juice n milk oso can be take in to consideration..
Idleca & sunshine baby,

i am on regular detox program at least one a quarter prior pregnancy. i mix the herbal concoction into 1.5litre bottle and finish it before 8pm daily for 3 days.. apart from that, i do drink plain water, so max.. will not add up to 3 litres.. and its only for 3 days..

This taiwanese woman is really nuts and a no-brainer..
No prob. Hope the method works

As for hair, ya.. I managed to get it permed one month before conceiving and coloured a couple of days before conceiving! But the colour has since grown out. Anyway, I am just going to leave it as it is. Baby has her own timing, she appeared after I have done my hair and will come out in March before I need to get my hair swee swee again for my sis's wedding in mid-May next year! Haha.
envy you sia.. got such a good mil.. hahaha.. i dun get any birdnest not even tonic from my mil for my pregnancy... only my mom brew tonic and buy bottle birdnest or chicken essence for me at times..
I don't get anything from my mil too. Not even chicken essence. But oh wells, it is our own body. We take care of ourselves ;)
Hee... worry later got ppl really drink too much. I think 8 glasses of water a day is quite standard.

For urinary tract infection, I found Ocean Spray cranberry juice effective.
Sama sama. I also never get tonics or bird next from my MIL. The first pregnancy I get to drink is coz my SIL also expecting. Definitely will care for her own daughter one... Only my mom cooks for me.
paiseh i kpo ah.. why muz go thru tis regular detox program?

u lucky lor.. hehes.. luckily my sil's getting married next year end. i still got plenty of time to make my figure back to shape..

mai envy me lar.. every mil got good n bad one..
aniway birdnest oso do nth much for bb except for complexion. hehe u wan birdnest i sell u ...:p
my mom and grandma and sis will brew tonic soups for me esp when i complain backaches den my mom brew duzhong with black beans soups for me, or sea cucumber with pepper seeds for me..
Haa ladies, me too if ask hb cut my nails, i will be so tense!
Think will do a express pedi near xmas

Eh drink water
think max i only drink 6 glass of water, nt enuff :p
BTW in office, u all boil water or drink frm pantry those water hot/cold dispenser ah?
I drink direct frm the dispenser, lazy to boil...
But at hm I intend to buy a water filter..

i do it to keep my system clear.. so it helps in my digestion and my complexion. if i eat too much saefood or egg.. over a period of time, i get red bumps all over my back. there are not pimples and have no yellow pus.. its just body toxins...

so i do this quite regularly.. about once in a quarter.. i used to do it 3 days every month.

during these 3 days, no caffeine, no red meat, no stir fries, no deep fried and oily food.. just fish soup, clear soup stuff or porridge..

after these 3 days, i continue eating light food for a few more days before i slowly introduce oily food to body, cos intestines are cleansed.

good to do this to reduce risk of getting colon cancer.. cos once kena... we may just die in 6 mths time..


yes alrdy counted u in to make 9. but is a bit far for Kome so maybe she not joining...


Instructor says ok ard west i am oso in the west loh.. so i suggest jurong east ..
difficult to get a venue thats suits everyone leh


the boxx looks nice hor.. hmm .. feel like buying too
