(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

morning mommies!
been abit busy this two days with house moving so din go online.. took me a long time to read the thread.. anyway I am free only 13 Dec for the meetup and the rest of the dates like cannot make it.. please update mine... =)

i am using babyplus as well.. now just trying to see if i made the right investment or not.. hopefully i got it right coz both me and my hubby got short temper, if the baby turns out to be really what babyplus claim than i guess we hit the jackpot.. just trying to see if babyplus is fake or authentic as it claims to be..
thanks for replying..but in terms of storage like steamcord in 2 places whereas cordlife 1 place. does it really make a differences??
just curious..i remember the much earlier post like few months ago.

one mummy posted using the ring and our hair and place it near out tummy to test if it's a boy boy or girl girl.

did anyone try it out and was it accurate?
i saw ur posting of ur baby and two doggy.. so cute.. haiz.. so u allow the dogs to go near the baby? my mom and mil dun really quite like the idea coz they thought that the fur might be very bad for the baby.. for me personally i dun mind after bb is borned.. i buay ta han them sia.. but one thing true is that i am having husky and she shed fur like nobody's business one.. even now i got hard time clearing the fur.. i need to sweep the whole house near everyday.. oso i just move in with my mil so bringing my dog along.. the first few days she wasnt peeing on the paper like how she does at the old place.. so i was surprised coz she shld be paper trained.. now tat she is coming to two years and already near adulthood i dun have ways to re-train her again.. got any idea in solving this problem?
i did try tat before but it circle and oso some front and back movements le.. hahha.. so not tat accurate for me i guess...
sun - i'm oso not sure wat i will be wearing as yet...haha...i tink v easy to recognise my hb and me cos we both v skinny ones...haa....

re: ring test
i remembered trying the ring test before and it says i have a boy for my first kid...and realli its a boy, the rest cannot remember liao but it says i have 4 kids leh...so many...tink i stop at 2 or at most 3...cannot be 4 la....

ur ring test is also like the one where u use your hair and ring and place at ur tum tum when u preg right?
skinny gd... me n my hb like no. 10... hahaha

yesterday was too tired tat forgot to transfer to BP organiser, will do tat 2nite, will PM u by then...
Any mummy going for Mrs Wong's class on 30 Nov (Sun) from 12.30pm to 2.30pm? I'm attending the 1st lesson this Sun, subsequently lessons will be on Sat
st - the ring test which i tried out was to tie a red string to my wedding band and let it hover over my palm....

sun - haha...er why no. 10 leh? i know minnie and i tink elina oso joining us...if i'm not wrong should be five of us here attending the same class....
gd morning p3pp3r,
I love husky but my hse is just too small.
i had my confinement done at mum's place so bb only start to get in touch with her brothers when she was 5wks old. yeap i let them licked and sniffed her since she got home. my mum was mad too. my shih tzu is having terrible skin problem and shed a lot so i had to have his hair cut really short. why not you cut your husky hair short short so not that bad?

regarding the peeing, what i would suggest is go back to the old ways of training her. confine her to only a small area so she got no choice but to pee pee there. what i did with the maltese was using cane. he gets wallop by us when he pee at the wrong site.

good luck to you. having a big dog is not going to be easy. be sure you are always beside the bb and dog when they are together. u never know when the bb provoke the dog.
thks for your advice.. will try tat..but adult dog tends to be able to hold their peeing for very long time.. i dunnoe if i got the time to sit there with her the whole day to watch her or not le.. i try confine her to a cage but to no avail, she refuse to pee even inside the cage where there's a tray of newspaper underneath.. guess i gotta use the old method.. caning liao when she did in the wrong place.. hope tat tis transition period will be over soon... ya maybe i will bring her for a super short haircut liao..

ya indeed having a big dog isnt easy.. just hope tat my dog will be living well with the bb when he arrives..
force? dun noe lei... juz tat when i put it over my tum tum, it juz moved front n back...
actually my hb n i juz playing for fun, not taking it too serious la...

1 - skinny, 0 - round... so tis pair makes up '10' hahaha
ya hor, i forgot minnie n elina... ke ke
Sunshine, oki take ur time, when u transfer then u PM me

Mummies, does ur lower tummy get hard when bladder is full?
Cos my tum tum will be hard when it bladder full n telling me to go n pee :p
hi mummies,
long time nvr post, but hv been reading the
posts..hee hee
been having the flu this past wk, now still coughing, trying not to take any med. just let the flu run its course.

sun, sorbet,
yah, will be attending the class this sun.
this chart look so so different from the chart i had. now i'm totally confused. the weird thing is howcome your chart uses chinese age and ang mo month. not chinese age and month of conceive?
re: tummy harden
i do get that when wake up with full bladder in the morn, sometimes in the evening aft dinner as well.
i had asked my gynae, she says its contractions and is fine as long as they dun come in regular intervals.
At first I also thought is chinese age and chinese month.. Then all not accurate... But then my friend told me is actually using Chinese age and english conceive month... This chart also given by her one.. So far all very accurate leh..
BTW can we eat ice cream?
Cos there mix reports abt taking ice cream during preggie...there is raw eggs or wat ingredients in ice cream cannot take ah?

My office is giving ice cream free but is thsoe low fat japanese ice cream..very tempted to eat :p
Caca & Elina, hee so I am not the only one hving hard tum tum when bladder full...ya only occasion harden but after gng toilet then ok liao
mangogal ...

for me when the bladder is full ... i actually feel pain at the v area ... v uncomfy

woke up at 6.30am with a bad leg cramp ... had to ask my hubby to wake up and massage for me then my boy was woken up and he told my hubby: dun disturb mummy's leg!!

but when i told him mummy's leg v pain and daddy massaging for me ... then he actually comfort me and ask me if i am feeling better heehee

think i gotta start to cover my leg with the comforter and put it on pillow liao
mangogal : Ice cream , I do take but once a while . Should be fine lah as long don't eat too often as it's cold and not so good ..
yalor Seabreeze..every night I will wake up n pee otherwise bladder very uncomfy, thus my sleep is affected

Leg cramp occasionally get it, hubby will massage my back and leg every nite b4 sleep
But I am gng to get a small pillow tomr for back during sleeping
hee hee, mine will be 1 correct and 1 wrong. oops! aiya, these charts are juz for fun only.

p3pp3r, hmmm.... ur gal gal need to be taught a lesson liao loh.
sun - haha thats a good one! makes sense =D

I jus had ice-cream yesterday...magnum classic...

as for tummy hardening, could be braxton-hicks contractions...
i've already eaten ice-cream when i'm ard 5 mths... tink is safe ba... i ate mcflurry... yumz
heard there's few new favour for mcflurry right?

Re: tummy harden
i oso hv tat when bladder is full... try to release whenever u can, dun hold too long, not gd coz scare got bacteria...

feeling much better now? mayb can drink some chinese medic to see does it helps?
tink all mummies sure wake up middle of night to pee... may i ask which mummies don't?
depend on how many times, some only wake up once while some few times... tink by 3 trimester will be more freq ba...
Yaya... Mostly for fun... And seemed like too many calendars out there...

I also started havin ice cream liaoz... Think should be ok lah... Is milk mah... Haha...
i no good, eating ice cream almost every week. hee hee. i scared if i dun eat things that i want, my bb will drool.... ha ha
i even take soft drinks and coffee! but cut down a lot cos scared bb too active.

tummy hardening : i thot braxton hicks contractions only happen at later stage? now tummy hard hard maybe bb butt is there sticking out? ha ha
wah 2dog1kid, wat brand of ice cream can take? Any brand ah? My colleagies say the jap ice cream taste yummy and nt very sweet, drool :p
tks, sun, wishaboy. feeling much better compared to the last few days, somemore had to go for course.

sun, me too hv been taking mcflurry oreo..ke ke..havent tried the new flavour cos me prefer the oreo
haha ylaor Sunshine, think no choice nw gt to wake up n pee, i use to it liao

wah u all so onz abt eating ice cream, oki la, i go n take nw :p
hello mummies,

i have been eating ice creams.. dunno abt the reports leh. guess i m those not so "guai" mummy here

i get cramps very often too and once at my groin area.. painful
hee me eating the ice cream nw, so siok:p
but gng to be lunchtime liao

Miracle2me, isit the ligament pain around groin area? I do get it at times also, but it last while, urs how long it last?
mangogal - i find my sleep is affected ever since i got pregnant...have to wake up to pee every single night, miss the times when i can sleep the whole nite thru...gone are the days

ya yesterday i saw mac selling new mcflurry flavours and was deciding btw that and 7-eleven softee, but ended up taking magnum classic instead

braxton hicks contractions seem to occur more in the 3rd trimester but i'm not sure whether they will start now oso...i tink it may not be uncommon to start now...
i think unless its 'dangerous' food like raw cockles ... everything in moderation would be good lar ... preg already so tiring liao then still got to deprive ourselves like so ke lian like that heehee

wish a boy ...

yap my boy v cute & sweet at times ... really melt my heart but when he is naughty argggggh

that day my hubby and boy wanted to go for a swim and i was v reluctant to join cos felt so fat after wearing my swim suit and he can still tell me ... mummy not fat, v nice. come swimming with us pls.

and my hubby said that he could sense that my boy was happier than normal cos i could join them. guess thats the joy of having kids heehee

miracle2me ...

yap v sharp pain some more ... had to control myself not to scream out loud
morning mummies..

sun, i dun wake up to pee in the middle of the night...only unless i cant slp then will hv the urge to pee...but if sleep le then it will be all the way till i wake up then pee agn...

re: tummy hardening - i get this quite often leh...worried but nt regular intervals la...like when i finish taking dinner esp n when i wana pee or lie flat on my back...are these contractions harmless?

re: ice-cream : i have been taking ben's n jerry after 1st trimester cos got craving for it...so usually buy 1 pint n share with hb...this pregnancy made me crave for sweet stuffs esp ice creams n durians...but i do control la...scared put on too much weight...since last chk up put on abt 5kg le...

i rubbish chute la. anything i oso eat, no specific brand. just dun eat too much can liao. my last ice cream was Swensen Sticky Chewy choc.... yummy
