(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

wk37 still need to take steriod jab? I guess Dr Adrian is playing it safe for u & BB. All the best for your c-sec tml! U delivering at TMC? How many bedder?

Yea, I think BH tightens the whole tummy like a rock but usually painless with occasional mild cramping and I don't necessary feel anything unless I touch my tummy.
minnie - so fast u gg for C-Sec le! be brave....u mus be excited to see yr little one...all the best! remember to update us =)
Ya its the whole tummy tight tight de. but will nt be painful sometime can be uncomfortable if cannot ren than must go hospital le cos from what the clinic nurse say real labour pain nobody can ren de.So till u very pain le can go hospital
yah, mayb he thinks BB is small so to b on safe side. Yup, gg to TMC tmr will be taking single bedder. Coz Hubby can acc me.

yah pinksorbet
think i go 1st.. though we share the same EDD. thanks!
caca- then i tink long way to go for such to happen... LOL! the pain i feel is bearable for me.. its more of discomfort then pain itself... so il jus wait til monday til i see my gynae =D
thanks babe. i'll try to monitor..

misscandy, now i also hope got more obvious signs like show or waterbag leaking..
U dun say its a long way my #1 I also no pain just tong from morning till midnight I still can tong just that feel like its getting closer lor the contraction also no show no water bag brust.But I tell hubby I think might be le so we just go hospital lor when reach hospital I still walk than go toliet. Than walk to labour ward .Nurses there look at me than say I still in early labour I dun look like gg to give birth soon.Say cannot let me go in delivery suit.Than after that she say aiya I better check for u than after check she quite shock to see me already 4cm dulited than she let me admit to deliver suite lor after 3hrs I give birth le.So u reali nvr know.
Thats what I have been doing from week 1. You will be more relax like that. Pump out for night feed and day can latch on. Even not enough can use FM as alternate feed 1st. Once supply stablize you can latch whenever baby wants. Anyway you still have almost 2 weeks to rest before CL go. Now Im trying to rest as much as I can as after next sat no more CL to help will have to depend on maid for day and I look after night time.
minnie - haha ya, u go first...tink for me have to wait till mon and see wat gynae says...a part of me secretly wish that she will tell me to admit hospital after doing the CTG, the other part of me hope it will be after 38weeks...

Re: Signs of labour
I hope to get contractions/show rather than water bag burst, which is v messy... :p
pinksorbert ....

same same ... i am really hoping that its like my #1 like that lor ... thurs got abit of the brown discharge from the softening of cevics ... then sat night play MJ until 11pm ... go bath got contraction and go hopital at 2am and pop at 8am ... not messy at all
so sleepy in office now.. keep yawning
the tightening is still on and off... i guess so long not painful, i shall ignore it.
asura ...

me too feel breathless easily ... esp when i talk too much or too fast hahahaha until my colleague ask me how come i need to stop and take a deep breath when i talk these days
ya.. feeling a bit breathless also. also feel a bit of backache, dunno issit my posture problem or what.. maybe just 'xin li zhuo yong'...

the tightening seems more when i try to walk around also.
me jus ate some duck and drank apple juice... feel like vomitting -_-"

Hoon - thanks for the web! i have some symptoms of BH and some of labor itself. hahahaha! anyway will observe again the remaining of today...

baby seems to be less active today.. maybe becos last night she was actively moving inside.. so now day time sleeping... but earlier when i strapped on my bb plus ard 11.. she did move n kick.. hee..

i do however feel this push/pressure on n off towards the left side of my V... maybe becos she is more on the left ba... hmmm
seabreeze - your previous pregnancy sounds v well planned...haha...wish mine can be like yours too...

ya i feel v breathless these days, be it during sleeping or day time...i guess it happens as tum tum gets heavier....

ask u all a question, may sound silly...if i bend down to take things will i fracture the bb's bones or hurt the bb? hehe....
meebaby - ?? no... r we talkin abt the right person? glenn ong was married to kate reyes 1st leh... how can be current????
yea Missy sorrie..haha its kate reyes.. madeline is with who again?

Haha.. we can form a gossip grp liao..

misscandy, ya.. i also telling him dun come out this week. if wan, wait till next week cos sunday then week 37.

i wonder if mona will fly us kite anot
pinksorbert ...

yar ... even our MJ kaki who played with us the 'last' game replied my hubby SMS ... hur?? what time did she go and pop hahahahah cos its like he woke up aft the game then i pop liao

thats why i wish that my #2 oso like #1 like that heehee

i think wont lar cos they well protected in our stomach one

meebaby ...

hmmm i think that jamie yeo belongs to the category of gals that gals dun like ... but man loves!!
meebaby - who is madeline ? LOLOL the other couple i knw is e...... mark richmond & vernetta lopez! but mark remarried beatrice chia... now have 1 kid... hee =P

irene - ehh i keep telling her come out now.. but she dun wan leh... LOL... about Mona... i think i will get babiesbellies to do mine instead... more trustworthy le... becos ask me for deposit.. so later i wil go transfer the money...
how's the charges for babiesbellies?

just realised we are having the same edd wor... maybe we can meet each other in TMC... how many bedded you chose?
irene - i choosing Mt Alvernia leh. hee hee hee =P

babiesbellies charge 500 for 10 sessions... 5 days is 290... 7 days is 385... but they charge for transport depends where u stay - $5 to $10... then deposit $10 for the bengkung which they will refund to you ...
seabreeze - yr MJ kaki mus be shocked...haha

minnie - ya but u know i'm getting abit paranoid, scared even got fluid i will fracture him when bending cos like squashing him....hoho....u feeling excited now? wat time is yr C-sec tmr?
oh ya... also free baby massage and baby oil.. if u sign 7 days onwards package... for 7 days package have complimentary body scrub.. for 10 days body scrub and steam bath... but must go to their spa at bugis area.. -_-" i wont go for the complimentary stuff ba.. too far le.. hee
Oh.. then cannot get to meet le.
Thanks for the info on babies bellies.

Did anyone do CTG before? How much is the charges?
sinmey - we same heeeeeeee =P

the weather is super hottttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! argh... jus took my 3rd shower today and im stil sweating....
re: CTG

mine oso $40++ ler ... but maybe cos of our package price?? my packge is $650 from 25 weeks onwards

pinksorbert ...

yar all v surprised lor ... my dad says MJ will be in our blood lor ... my cousin's wife oso play MJ liao then go and pop hahahahaha even when my hubby called to inform them that i was admitted at 3am (cos we know that they playing MJ) they just continue to play and say - noted hahahahaha

misscandy ...

yar even around us there are such gals around mar ... the gal might be ok but dunno why just cant click lor but they v well received among the guys ...

maddy tan..host the underground rock/metal show in late 90s..she no longer ard..haha.. mee 38..haha see mini^mee wanna come out this sunday anot..


yah loh.. guys like this type of pattern gals.. thick makeup = wayang haha..
sinmey/missycandy - i'm not sure what is the market rate so when the nurse told me its $50 i never say anything...mayb i have to ask those who have same gynae as me de...like SG? hmm...besides dun tink i can make an appointment to do somewhere else oso...

SG - Dr Heng oso charge u $50 for CTG rite?
Thanks Mummies!

I just did all my last min stuff, like settling the scbb cord blood donation paperwork, collected all my freebies etc.

Am kinda unprepared now cause too sudden. But at least the wait will be over soon.

I will jia you & gambate!
