(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i still put on sunblock coz scare of freckles... hopefully the pdt i'm using is safe during pregnancy ba =)

thks for the link... great info!!!

hi all..
im in 1985.. im delivered by dr venga at alexandra hospital..
haha.. some of u are same age as my hb born in 79'

kome.. will keep u in prayers..
hi ladies
sorry , it has been a while that i didnt reply to this thread. Still feeling nausea everyday with bloatedness after every meal

going to have my second appointment today to confirm my EDD. should be 8th week now. cant wait to see my baby again but actually cant wait to know the gender soon. I have a very strong feeling i am having a girl ... lets see how accurate is my instinct. hehe

wow u ladies adding year of birth, seems like i am currently the oldest one. I am 1974, anyone older than me ?

wow mummybear has the same gynae as me.
I used to have another forum account when i was with my first kid. Tat time one of the friends i made here was in the same delivery ward as me and we gave birth on the same day.
hihi jo
i'm oso eager to know the gender but too soon liao coz mine only 4 wks+...
based on my instinct, i'll hv a ger but hb said will be a boi... but based on my O, veri likely is a ger, hope my prediction is correct =)
hi sun
actually both my hubby n i think this round will be a girl. He told me he ever dreamt of a daughter.
i predicted to be a girl also partly due to i am not having much vomitting as compared to the first kid which is a son. They say if girl, hormone wont crash so much hahaha..
Hi Queenie, thanks for praying for me appreciate that. Maybe i was just too worry.

I do not have any MS for my son but now i have mild MS. I do hope that mine will be a girl too, *Pray hard hard* but of course bb health is important too
tat's makes sense coz i dun hv much symptoms eg MS or vomit etc lei... so mayb my prediction is correct too... hahaha
O = ovulation
coz on my O day i onli BD the day b4... norm y sperm (boi) can stay abt a day in our womb but x sperm (ger) can stay 3-5 days in our womb... so if based on my O, x sperm will survive by then
hope my prediction is correct lor... hahaha
aww... nvm la *finger crossed* hahaha

i read from a magazine before male sperm scare of hot water. so if u want daughter, have your hubby take hot bath before having sex. hahaha , their testimonial is from this DONG ZHI CHENG who always fail to get a boy until he stopped taking hot bath.
Just curious, do you ladies still wear high heels or do you start wearing flats now? I feel more comfortable wearing one inch heels or less now. Previously i always go for 2inch or higher.
no leh. when i have my gal, my MS very bad. so not true for mw that gal hormone dun crash with mummy leh..

me still wearing heels.. just that now i get tired easily if walk too much.
hi all,

i'm still using my pimple cream. in fact, i saw the packaging to my gynae and she gave me the green light cos the ingredients are mild. perhaps some of u can do the same.

i have started to wear flats everyday after knowing i'm pregnant. due to the nature of my job, it's safer and more comfy to be in flats than heels now..
don wear too high..
i been wearing my birkies everywhere i go..
before i realised im preg.. 1 oe 2 wks b4, i even fall from staircase. phew.. heng man.. i believe tt time i alrdy preg liao..
don walk too fast oso..
hi all
i'm wearing flats coz hb dun let me wear heels... =( but i tink is for 1/2 - 1 inch ba...
I just brought 2 pairs of platform shoes before i know that i was pregnant and now i cannot wear it.
Thanks for your advise. My Europe trip will be a backpacking one and probably with lotsa of walking. But now that I could be pregnant, we will take it easy and don't cover too many sights. I also don't intend to tell our parents about the pregnancy until we return from Europe or else they won't let us go. I wil be there for about 3 weeks to 3 cities.
all of you so obedient... I am the only black sheep..

anyway i cant be too obvious yet. havent tell my boss and colleagues. My boss the super sensitive and workaholic type... she sure to sense the difference and will get upset, esp during this peak period
Hi all,

i started wearing flats today..last two days wore 2 inch heels and end up becoming more tired and hard to walk. tonight going to get black flats to wear for work.
By the way, what are the occupations for the MTBs here? Im a freelance makeup artist. But i've a full time office job.
is it true tat our feet will grow bigger during preggy?
hb juz got me a pair of crocs last sat... wondering it still fit in few mths time anot...
mi oso full time office job...
tink u better get back to flats at least u wouldn't feel fatigue... =)
Me also full time office job

Yup, agree with sy. Its not true lor, my 1st pregnancy my feet still same. Not all pregnancy feet will grow bigger. Maybe due to putting on weight which make our feet a big bigger ba....
Hi Ho
Ladies sorry for not replying as too lazy to post .Got quite strong ms no doubt I din vomit but very uncomfortable lor. Every morning I wake up once i am awake the feeling is there.So sick now I seldom drink water due to the taste lastt time I will drink lots of water de.So sad.Even durring lunch also I very scare cos offen hungry but whenevr I think of food I feel like puke .When ever I eat I will feel like puke also.Anyone so bad feeling . So sick lor haiz.Dunno when Izzit gg to end hate this feeling.When I have my gal I dun have this feeling.I ask my hubby dunno izzit I found out too early and keep thinking.Now I am very senstive to smell also.Cant smell those strong smell ppl smoke also I hate. Eatting sour plum and crackers dun reali seem to work for me should I see gynae and ask for pills prevent nausea. Sorry for such long post
I still put on makeup but have stopped putting cream on my face. I just went for a facial last week but told my beautician that I am pregnant.
Caca your MS sounds very bad. Maybe you should ask for anti-nausea pills from your gynae. I took anti-nausea pills from my gynae.
Sportyger - 02/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC -
Jo - 02/03/2009 - Jurong West -#2 - DR WH Kee - TMC(Jurong Point Clinic) - 1974
Longan - 02/03/2009 - Bukit Batok - #2 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Wintertime - 02/03/2009 - AMK - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Pikabini - 03/03/2009 - Kovan - #1 - Dr WK Tan - TMC -
Shannie - 03/03/2009 - Hougang - #2 - Dr Douglas Ong -
Kazooie - 03/03/2009 - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC - 1976
Annt - 07/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr Beh - TMC -
Lemontree - 07/03/2009 - Marine Parade - #2 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC -
Promeganate - 09/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr KT Tan - TPS -
Moomooland -09/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Adrian Woodworth - TMC -
Elita - 10/03/2009 - Jurong West - #2 - Dr John Lim - Own clinic (Delivery at Mt A.) - 1981
Mummy Bear - 11/03/2009 - Bukit Panjang - #1 - Dr Kee - W H Kee's Clinic @ TMC -
Happyjean - 11/03/2009 - Queenstown - #2 - Dr. Lim Teck Chye - TMC -
Queenie - 12/03/2009 - Woodlands - #1 - Dr Lawrence Ang - TMC @ Sun Plaza - 1985
Mooniiie - 13/03/2009 - Yishun - #1 - Dr Fong - Gleneagles -
Angelmummy - 14/3/2009 - Eunos - #1 - Dr Esther Ng - East Coast Clinic & Surgery for Women - ESH -
Corene - 15/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Kome - 17/03/2009 - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Jen - Women's Clinic of Singapore @ AMK - 1979
Strawberrys79 - 21/03/2009 - Tampines - #1 - Dr Loke - Spore's woman clinic - 1979
Sashamama - - Punggol - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - ACJ Clinic @ TMC - 1979
Caca - - Bukit Panjang - #2 Dr Douglas Ong -
Sy - - Bishan - #2 - Dr Henry Cheng Mt A - 1976
Padi - - Bishan - #1- TBC -
Northvirgo - - Farrer Park - #1 - Dr Marianne Hendricks @ KKH -
Den2 - - Bishan - #2 - Dr Vincent Lee - Bishan 8 clinic (Delivery @ TMC ) -
Maddy - - Toa Payoh - #2 - Dr Roy Ng - Gynae Consultants Clinic & Surgery (Mt. A) -
Sun96 - - AMK - #1 - Dr Foong LC - Gleneagles - 1977
ddtan - Sengkang - #2 - Dr KC Yeo - TMC -
Sassybaby - - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Loh Foo Hoe - Mt E -
Steph77 - JW - #2 - Dr Fong Yang - Fong's Clinic Tiong Bahru (Del @ TMC) -

Sun, I still went for facial but told beautician I am pregnant. They will not do anything with machine for me then.
sob sob i guess my hormone theory didnt work.
Just got another information is that my MS might not be at the peak yet. Peak of MS is 8-10th week. No wonder this two days i puke abit more than usual.

although i had a kid already... frankly, i totally forgotten the experience of pregnancy since it was like 4-5 yrs ago hehehe.

for my first kid, my feet did grow bigger, by 1 inch or so.

u very adventurous. i initially wanted to go for a tour as well... but with this nausea thing, no way for now. Anyway u be careful k ? backpacking is pretty tiring and actually first trimester u should rest more.
Hi Queenie,
You're the youngest here, 1985!!!

Hi Scrumpee,
Maybe your dh can carry TWO BACKPACKS!!! Hehe... Like you said, walk less and walk slow
Enjoy your trip!!!

Hi Strawberrys79,
I'm a sec sch teacher. Super tiring and strenuous job. Lotsa talking and walking and carrying and loooong hours. Am refraining as much as I can! Like my dh says, other people's children not as impt as our own child

Dear caca,
Take good care k? Visited your gynae for your EDD yet? Maybe can ask for anti-nausea pills? Having symptoms means safely preggie. My nausea very slight, makes me worried, but I'm only starting 6th week tmr :p

Hi gals,
As for swelling of feet, i did hear it's pretty common. Is it water retention or something?

BTW, I bought the Galenic Elancyl Stretch Mark Preventive and Reducing Cream at the 2 for 1 offer. Now 2 for $47.30, very worth it!!! Bought at Sengkang Compass Point Watson's. Yesterday when i visited Guardian, the promo ended!
My feet also did not grow in my first pregnancy.
Sometimes, the feet grow esp. closer to delivery when some women have water retention on their feet. My gynae checked for that when I was at my 9th mth. My sister in law's feet grew bigger as she stand a lot in her job and got water retention.

Lately, I have been feeling hungry esp. towards meals time...like now..... come closer to dinner time and feel really really hungry until feel nauseous. Anyone has that ?

Also, like to check can we highlight our hair during pregnancy ? I know my mom told me not to in my first pregnancy and being first bb, I very obedient - did nothing to my hair for whole 9-10months (no rebonding, no highlight).
Hi ddtan,
I feel especially hungry coming to meal times too, but will be full quite fast and cannot overeat or will be very uncomfy.

Think better not highlight your hair, the chemicals quite strong! Some ladies here are considering or are going without moisturiser, make up or facial foam even to reduce chemical contact with our skin!!! Check with your gynae, maybe?
hi sashamama,

Same like you ! I feel full quite fast too. The nauseous feeling is quite bad esp. when I feel hungry.

Yeah, think I better to be obedient and not highlight. For skincare, I think as long as the products used don't contain a lot of AHA, retino etc. - should be fine. I cannot go to work without makeup (look like auntie). But the products I used are organic so think should be fine.
Hi ddtan,
Luckily i'm a teacher. most teachers do not make up. I dunno how to and i'm too lazy to do it. I buy lotsa stuff though, but i guess all expired!!! I dun even make up once a year, at most if there's dinner, just lipstick and a bit of eye colour and blusher.

I look like an auntie, really, even my mum says so. Luckily dh dun like make up too. hehe...
Hi Sashamama, So you are a sec sch teacher. I used to teach in a pri sch but have just resigned. The job is really tiring and stressful, do take care.
Hi sportyger,

I'm considering to resign if my dh's business can pick up within the coming year. I can help him with his biz and give tuition too to make ends meet. So you're now a SAHM?
Sashamama, I resigned in june with the intention to take a break but surprisingly found myself pregnant.
I will most likely find some tutition after 1st trimester. So now I am a SAHMTB hehe.
Hi Sportyger,
How many years have u been teaching? I've been teaching for 4 years. It really is tiring
Why didn't you take no pay leave? You don't intend to return? Your bb comes as a pleasant surprise
Hi mummies,

Re: feet size
My feet did grow abot 1/2 size during my 1st pregnancy. But probably it has something to do with my weight gain. I gained 22 kg that time. Damaged 3 pairs of shoes :p

Re: heels
For heels, I wore heels throughout my pregnancy, only the last trimester I reduced to 1-inch coz my tummy was so heavy..But if u r comfortable with flats, go ahead...I think I will trip if I wear flat, never really wear one before to go out..

Same as you, I had no MS at all when I conceived my son. This time I have slight MS. No puking or anything, but feel very uncomfortable like about to vomit kinda feeling..

Sportyger - 02/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC -
Jo - 02/03/2009 - Jurong West -#2 - DR WH Kee - TMC(Jurong Point Clinic) - 1974
Longan - 02/03/2009 - Bukit Batok - #2 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Wintertime - 02/03/2009 - AMK - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Pikabini - 03/03/2009 - Kovan - #1 - Dr WK Tan - TMC -
Shannie - 03/03/2009 - Hougang - #2 - Dr Douglas Ong -
Kazooie - 03/03/2009 - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC - 1976
Annt - 07/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr Beh - TMC -
Lemontree - 07/03/2009 - Marine Parade - #2 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC -
Promeganate - 09/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr KT Tan - TPS -
Moomooland -09/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Adrian Woodworth - TMC -
Elita - 10/03/2009 - Jurong West - #2 - Dr John Lim - Own clinic (Delivery at Mt A.) - 1981
Mummy Bear - 11/03/2009 - Bukit Panjang - #1 - Dr Kee - W H Kee's Clinic @ TMC -
Happyjean - 11/03/2009 - Queenstown - #2 - Dr. Lim Teck Chye - TMC - 1980
Queenie - 12/03/2009 - Woodlands - #1 - Dr Lawrence Ang - TMC @ Sun Plaza - 1985
Mooniiie - 13/03/2009 - Yishun - #1 - Dr Fong - Gleneagles -
Angelmummy - 14/3/2009 - Eunos - #1 - Dr Esther Ng - East Coast Clinic & Surgery for Women - ESH -
Corene - 15/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC -
Kome - 17/03/2009 - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Jen - Women's Clinic of Singapore @ AMK - 1979
Strawberrys79 - 21/03/2009 - Tampines - #1 - Dr Loke - Spore's woman clinic - 1979
Sashamama - - Punggol - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - ACJ Clinic @ TMC - 1979
Caca - - Bukit Panjang - #2 Dr Douglas Ong -
Sy - - Bishan - #2 - Dr Henry Cheng Mt A - 1976
Padi - - Bishan - #1- TBC -
Northvirgo - - Farrer Park - #1 - Dr Marianne Hendricks @ KKH -
Den2 - - Bishan - #2 - Dr Vincent Lee - Bishan 8 clinic (Delivery @ TMC ) -
Maddy - - Toa Payoh - #2 - Dr Roy Ng - Gynae Consultants Clinic & Surgery (Mt. A) -
Sun96 - - AMK - #1 - Dr Foong LC - Gleneagles - 1977
ddtan - Sengkang - #2 - Dr KC Yeo - TMC -
Sassybaby - - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Loh Foo Hoe - Mt E -
Steph77 - JW - #2 - Dr Fong Yang - Fong's Clinic Tiong Bahru (Del @ TMC) -

is kome back yet? any updates kome? what about moomooland?

I just back from the gynae! and yes! i saw the flickering heartbeat. was really a LOAD A HUGE HUGE load off my mind..

sasha and sporty :: I'm a teacher too! took 3 months NPL after #1 cause he was out the beginning of nov hols! what a waste of my ML! hahah But i don't intend to quit le.. in fact, i do LOVe interacting with the kids. hehee!! but thinking of asking for a transfer but a bit unfair to the new school hor! hahhaa. Hmmm!
