(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome & Sashamama: Thanks!
I feel really relieved!

welcome and congrats ! We have the same LMP.
I am kind of anxious to see my gynae on this Friday but kind of worried cannot see much yet so still deciding to see him only on 29 Jul.

I am so hoping for a boy this time. I love my gal to bits too but hoping a boy this time so can please my in-laws.

I told my parents and cousin already. Cannot resist - too excited after TTC for so long. Will tell my in-laws when confirmed everything is fine after gynae visit.
Office colleagues will probably be last few to inform... my boss sure jump as he has to put me off projects next year if I go for 3 mths maternity leave.
Me on off also got yellowish discharge like 1 or 2 days don't have than came again. I had forgot to asked my gynae. Can you help to check with your gynae if it is alright to have yellowish discharge for me?
I just join my company only in Jan this yr. Think my boss will jump also, so fast has a BB already.
Yellowish discharge is okay if it does not itch/smell. Otherwise if u r still worry, best to call yr gynae's clinic, the nurse will advise based on yr record history (if any). This is your #2 right? The cause for alarm is when the discharge turn red (like having menses) rather than brownish or having severe cramp, must c gynae asap. During yr 1st visit, did gynae gave u any an tai pills or Utrogestan ?
Looks like quite a few moms have bb #2 after less than 1 year from bb#1 - the moms here are amazing !!!
Last time, I breastfeed my bb#1 for 1 year, plus office work (often work late and have to attend late conf calls), plus housework and fetch my gal to and fro from my MIL place everyday - aiyo, cannot tahan to have bb #2 so soon. Plus, my gal get sick sometimes esp. after 1year plus old.

When I came back from my maternity leave for 3 mths after my gal was born.... I had to keep asking my boss for projects as my responsibilities have all been handled down to my colleagues when I went on maternity leave... told my hubby I scared they find me redundant in my dept. All these factors made me and my hubby hesitant to have a 2nd bb too soon until end of last year than decide to have bb#2.
Me too.. last week probably I think I walk too much. Had slight brownish spotting and slight cramps for 1 - 2 days too. Called my gynae and the nurse told me it is fine as long as it is not a constant flow of blood like menses.

I rested more during last weekend - slept more and today feel ok - no more spotting and cramps.
kome, and sasha: i bought mine at jurong east MRT interchange. Where do u all stay? if u all want, i can go help u all buy tmr then we meet over wkend in town or something.... Cause when i went there, only have like 4 paired boxes left and i took one, so left 3~ hehe! May get more to stock up... this kind of thing don't have expiry date one eh? hehe!!

arsenal:: i think no choice la haha cause i had bad experience before.. wheni was preggie for the first time, i was soooo excited i announced to everyone. in the end, it was a failed pregnancy, failed to detect heartbeat. Couldn't imagine how i got over it but ever since then, when i wen tgynae, he told me to be pantang a bit and don't tell anyone else except parents. So this time, I told you girls plus my best friend, hopefully can detect heartbeat! when i passed by the clinic, so tempted to walk in! hhahah!!
Hi Elita,
Sorry to hear about ur first. You are a very strong mummy, keep us updated after ur gynae visit ya?

I stay punggol le! Very far. Never mind, my dh always on the go, i ask him to help me find. hehe..

Must rest well ya? I'm a teacher and it's very strenuous and straining. I got a 2 day mc for today and tmr to rest, these 2 days are my heavy days in school. Am doing all i can to protect this bb!!! Been ttc-ing for 6 mths and i have previous history of endometriosis, went for op twice to remove blood clots, am worried abt this pregnancy...

Talking abt bb boy or girl, dh and myself prefer boy cos 1st one and dh is eldest son and his dad is eldest son (with an elder sis). Anyway, most impt is bb healthy, so i tell myself, ger or boi also ok, healthy most impt!!!

In 1-2 months' time, we will add one more column for the list --- gender of bb!!! So exciting!!!
Hi ladies, just came back home.

so excited abt bb gender. Yes, you are right bb's health is more impt tha anything. But in my heart still gt this preference, of course i will dote on my son too.

Thanks for your help. I am living quite far also, will try to look for it at vivo.

Don't worry everything will be fine.
Actually i also pantang but too happy and cannot keep a secret leh.

You told alot of pple?
kome and sasha, haha sure lahs! let me know if u need help can le! and yes really excited. whether it's girl or boy surely definitely close shop already. cannot afford man. and too tiring. haha. I would really hope it's a girl so i can dress her up!

and arsenal:: hahaha don't worry lah! aiyo! it happen to me but might not happen to you okay! don't worry for nothing! So i was told by the doc that 1 in 5 pregnancies will fail - either spontaneous or accident miscarriage. So sigh, well, it happened to me, so when i got preggie next round, I told NO ONE else except my hubby and parents inlaw. and all was fine... haha! now, this time round, i'm keeping it the same way except i'm here!!


btw, u girls watched the darkknight yet? SOOO many good reviews! my friends allll recommend it! It has been so difficult to go shopping and movies ever since #1. haha i wonder if i'll become a tortoise when #2's out. HAHA!
I want to watch darkknight but need to find a suitable time and ask my mum to help look after number 1. Heeheee....no choice cannot bring him along

Actually this is a good new, of course we will feel like letting everyone know.
i oso wanna watch darknight but hb dun wan to bring me go watch... he said cinema sound sys too loud not gd for bb... =(
Hi mummies...

Gong xi gong xi to all mummies here...

Dun admire my courage lah... miss fired one... sigh... My HB wanted but not me...

Cindy u from november thread right?
Dear ladies

Thanks for your wishes.

Just wondering for those of you who are in 5 or 6th week, what symptoms do you have? I have nothing. Not even hunger.

And for those who are having 2nd one, did you travel during your 1st trimester when u had your 1st child? I am going ahead with my Europe trip next month. I guess angmohs can do it, so can asians. Just be careful. But I think my gynae will advise otherwise, she is the more careful type while I heard from a friend whose gynae said no problem to travel.
hi, all mtbs
any1 experienced implantation bleeding prior to testing +ve? hv read abt it and wonder how common issit and how is it like? brownish staining only?
Dear Moomooland,
Update us after ur visit ya? Everything will be fine!!!

Dear Scrumpee,
I'm starting my 6th week. A bit nauseous, very hot (from within), frequent urination (almost once every 2 hours), slight tugging cramps. Dun feel much in my breasts. Not everyone has symptoms lo, no worries!!!

Wow! You very brave to go travelling. I guess it's not abt angmohs and asians, it's abt every MTBs' individual health and lifestyle i guess! Is it a strenuous trip, backpacking type or with lotsa walking? Not recommended lo! Travelling shouldn't be too bad, just what activities u engage in and whether you'd suffer from MS (touchwood) and spoil your trip! Whatever the case, do what u're happy with. Happy Mummy = Happy Baby!!!

Hi Elina,
I didn't have any implantation bleeding. Heard that it's spotting only, a little, when the embryo is attaching itself to the uterus. Hope the rest can advise!!!

Sportyger - 02/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC
Jo - 02/03/2009 - Jurong West -#2 - DR WH Kee - TMC(Jurong Point Clinic)
Longan - 02/03/2009 - Bukit Batok - #2 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC
Wintertime - 02/03/2009 - AMK - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC
Pikabini - 03/03/2009 - Kovan - #1 - Dr WK Tan - TMC
Shannie - 03/03/2009 - Hougang - #2 - Dr Douglas Ong
Kazooie - 03/03/2009 - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC
Annt - 07/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr Beh - TMC
Lemontree - 07/03/2009 - Marine Parade - #2 - Dr Yvonne Chan - TMC
Promeganate - 09/03/2009 - Redhill - #1 - Dr KT Tan - TPS
Moomooland -09/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Adrian Woodworth - TMC
Elita - 10/03/2009 - Jurong West - #2 - Dr John Lim - Own clinic (Delivery at Mt A.)
Mummy Bear - 11/03/2009 - Bukit Panjang - #1 - Dr Kee - W H Kee's Clinic @ TMC
Happyjean - 11/03/2009 - Queenstown - #2 - Dr. Lim Teck Chye - TMC
Queenie - 12/03/2009 - Woodlands - #1 - Dr Lawrence Ang - TMC @ Sun Plaza
Mooniiie - 13/03/2009 - Yishun - #1 - Dr Fong - Gleneagles
Angelmummy - 14/3/2009 - Eunos - #1 - Dr Esther Ng - East Coast Clinic & Surgery for Women - ESH
Corene - 15/03/2009 - Sengkang - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - TMC
Kome - 17/03/2009 - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Jen - Women's Clinic of Singapore @ AMK
Strawberrys79 - 21/03/2009 - Tampines - #1 - Dr Loke - Spore's woman clinic
Sashamama - - Punggol - #1 - Dr Joycelyn Wong - ACJ Clinic @ TMC
Caca - - Bukit Panjang - #2 Dr Douglas Ong -
Sy - - Bishan - #2 - TBC
Padi - - Bishan - #1- TBC
Northvirgo - - Farrer Park - #1 - Dr Marianne Hendricks @ KKH
Den2 - - Bishan - #2 - Dr Vincent Lee - Bishan 8 clinic (Delivery @ TMC )
Maddy - - Toa Payoh - #2 - Dr Roy Ng - Gynae Consultants Clinic & Surgery (Mt. A)
Sun96 - - AMK - #1 - Dr Foong LC - Gleneagles
ddtan - Sengkang - #2 - Dr KC Yeo - TMC
Sassybaby - - Serangoon - #2 - Dr Loh Foo Hoe - Mt E
Steph77 - JW - #2 - Dr Fong Yang - Fong's Clinic Tiong Bahru (Del @ TMC)
sassybaby:: haha yes! I from nov mummies thread.. U in dec? have yiu thought of how to celebrate your dd's 1st year? I wanted chalet initially but now hubby say difficult cause i'm preggie again. hmm so now no idea man!!

and scrumpee:: yes i went JAPAN when i was in my first trimester with my #1. All ok. but you better seek clearance with gynae too! ehhe different ppl different.
somemore yours is europe soo far away ley!
i dun experience tat... but heard tat during implantation, some ladies might hv spotting...
i'm currently in 4th wks + n same as u not much symptoms n hv regular meals.... didn't crave or eat much... except hv gas in stomach n burp quite often... i'm oso wondering tis is norm... but some MTBs advise tat symptoms varies individually so mayb our is oso consider norm ba =)
u gg europe!!!
for how long? F&E?
and scrumpee:: i am in my 7th week and also not much symptoms. same like my first. so not to worry if u don't have any. every pregnancy is different for each lady!

ladies, can i ask what's your occupation? HAHAH!!
Morning everyone.

I envy. You can go Europe. Try not to walk too much if possible and enjoy your trip. Some gynae might not allow to go oversea but mostly will not have any problem. Most imptly Must take care of yourself.

I had 2 tiny pink spots when I wiped around 6 days past ovulation. So I presumed that was implantation bleeding. Then 3 occasions of brown staining between 5 & 6 weeks. I'm on progesterone pills as prescribed by my gynae and so far, no more spotting. It is common to spot but it's not normal so do consult your gynae to do a check.
no symptoms is blessing le. You would not want to experience morning sickness (like motion sickness/sea-sick). I felt nauseous & wanna vomit in the morning & evening. Low appetite too
When i was expecting no.1, i suffered same symptoms throughout my 1st trimester! Lost abt 2kg. Hopefully this time round, my baby don't tekan me so long la.
Hey, enjoy ur Europe trip if gynae give green light ya!
Halo all mommy to be...

Am new here. Am a 1st time MTB...and into my 6wks now. last nite went for 1st scan and saw the BB heart beat... at least feel at ease now...

the problem now facing is got to wake up in the middle of the nite and wee wee... then cant sleep after that... so now sleepy... yawn!!!
strawberrys:: haha symptoms, let me recall, i think not much except had some brown spotting here and there, but cramps wise not much so i would say it's the spotting then failed to detect heartbeat.

WH:: welcome! me too have to get up to peeee! but it's okay for my cause my little boy also gets up - still not sleeping through yet! i really wonder when...

and i'm going to see gynae later! hopefully can detect heartbeat!
Congrats WH. Wow, you so fast can hear heartbeat liao. Me same as you into my 6 weeks, going for 2nd appt on 07 Aug. I did not get up to wee in the middle of the night but most nights i cannot get to sleep also. Haiz.....so tired.

i was worried b'coz hving bad diarrhea and spotting problem.... not sure was it b'coz i eat too much junk food
as i didnt know i was preggy then... :p
My mother taking care of my son.

Ladies, I just went to ladies when i wipe there are some blood. Is it ok?
thanks cindy. im asking cos i dun plan to go for the 2nd visit to my gynae so soon as im not so comfortable abt the ultrascan. im only planning to go for my 2nd gynae's visit at wk 12 which will be on 03 Sept. hahaha
Hi WH! Congratz and take lots of rest!

Kome: Oh dear. How much is the blood? Is it perpetual or just droplets?

congraulation!!! i'm still waiting for my next appt to see my bb's heartbeat, hopefully by then i can see it =)
