(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

pseed - no worries if u cnt make it! hee. cn always meet up on the other wkends...

i'm planning my #2 soon... hope to get a princess so i can close shop ^_^

Kris sure will enjoy her big day on sun, rem to take more fotos n share w us!!!
nt sure if she wil enjoy. hope she does. quite sticky nwadays and takes time to warm up.
anyway sat goin for bb full mth and also another party in the evening... hopefully will help her to warm up for her own party... kekeke thankssss

sunshinebaby, give me 5! me too planning my #2 soon..also hope for a princess then close shop!! jia you jia you!!
hv PM u my payment details... ^_^

realli... gd gd, hope we can get preggy at the same time... kekeke
let's JIA YOU!!!
Wow, congrats !!!

Ya, Moiiesha's nanny staying just next block to Missy's. Let me know when u drop by & i will bring Moiiesha too .. i will be there every around 6pm.
anyone interested to send their tots to growing up gifted at suntec on tue and thu? I am trying to form a class of mini 4 to start. I am fine with 930am or 2pm. The environment and classroom spaces in novena branch are small. Currently, suntec does not have gifted babes weekday class.

1. Reverie Island - 930am /2pm

Yah.. i still remember swensens... u said #2 dont want to latch... then said that #3 not planned so soon.. u prefer bigger age gap.
reverie island
thanks for jioing us.. i got to give it a miss... will start tristan on a mon - fri routine from next mth onwards le. is weekend still can keke.
congrats! U will soon have" do re mi"

I lost yr number. Can SMS me ? Need to pass u some stuff

can I KIV the birthday bash? Wanted to go but not sure if I can manage to handle both my girl n my boy together taking cab.

hope u hv fun in yr upcoming Korea trip!

I recently very sian. Feel like changing job as my pay pkg had some changes since my company merge wif another n my pay pkg differs abt 30-40%. Then when I finally wanted to start my job search, I have counterparts in very señor positions been asked to go by their company. And they are quite gd wif their job role n some as long as 10 years wif the company. So I'm thinking if the mkt is really recovering as they said
haha... i tell u pinkdemoness also shd have lost ur num too.. ltr i sms u her num... pinkdemoness u don mind de la.. :x

thanks ... i hope i will enjoy the trip.. now weather still cold.. dono tris can tahan or not..
re. fruits:

mummies, r u all still steaming your fruits for the little ones? my boy refused to take fruits tat are not steamed till soft, namely pear, peaches, etc. was hoping he can tk them fresh now.

re. diaper changing:

haha yup is a terror to change him now, both for diaper and after bathe. before wipe dry, the little fellow is crawling all about and so hard to catch. if cramp him down hard, he'll cry out loud and desperate. dun know wat to do. same with some of the mummies, i prep a lot of stuff stand by to hand him. but he gets easily distracted so hv to keep changing the stuff haha.

me too..was sweating all over when changing after bath time..he likes to hold the "rui yi oil" bottle and shake. making the sounds until the ru yi oil drop out from the bottle on his face..then he will laugh..he even put de ru yi oil into his mouth when i say its " lak lak", but very funny to c his facial expression when he really taste the hot rui yi oil!

Last week just celebrated bb Jo's birthday. Was tiring and fun..feels very "gan dong" when i myself c the cake that i ordered for bb Jo" haha..funny..but the design is really nice..mummies can add me at fb [email protected] to see the picture of the cake ordered from Pine Garden.

Frankly speaking, i added some mummies in fb but i dunno who is who as we using nickname here =P
seabreeze - congrats on your #3! its so nice to see mummies being pregnant again...hehe...me also trying for #2 this year, hope can strike la...and hope its a gal too...

jo - my boi also like to shake the ru yi oil bottle! haha...my mum purposely take one empty bottle and use scotch tape to tape around the bottle cover outside so he can shake without worrying abt the empty bottle dropping out.

and my boy also, changing his diapers and clothes is equivalent to a wrestle match...so difficult!! need to entertain him at the same time if not he will flip over, crawl up and sit there...haha...then me have to put him back in a sleeping position again..

to those mummies who are celebrating their bb's first birthdays, enjoy! i'm sure it'll be such a memorable event.

cindy - are u planning to send trishelle to any of the playgroups nearby our place? now sourcing around and realise nearby childcares are really limited :S

and anyone can recommend a pediatrician located near tanjong pagar area?
pinksorbet, i cant use scotch tape to tape it cos he will bite, and eat it..any paper/plastic label on any bottles or anything, he will bite and eat it!
Congrats, Seabreeze!
WOw, so far 3 Mar mummies have strike: Srumpee, yiyi and Seabreeze. Who's next? Hehe

Those feeding cereals/oats, r u still using baby brands like Bellamy/ healthy times etc or using adult brands already?

Think Srumpee mentioned a gd pd at Tiong Bahru Plaza
jo/st - my boy likes to put his fingers into his mouth. He is not really keen into teethers/finger foods leh...those things he can bite one, he don't bite...but go and bite on those things like soft toys, bolster...

teddybb - the pd which i go to at sengkang recommended a pd at tiong bahru, wonder if its the same one...i'm hoping to search for one at tanjong pagar area where i am moving this month.

and re: cereals...i have already fed my boy rolled oats for quite a few times already...pd said its actually ok to feed adult cereals at that point of time when i asked.
pink: which pd u seeing at sengkang? mine is lillian lim. I forgot the name of the pd at tiong bahru....maybe u check with Scrumpee.

What the diff bet rolled oats and norm oats? U just add milk to it or need to cook?
Can try Dr Wong Chin Khoon from Paediatric Centre (Tiong Bahru plaza). Tel: 62765700
I find him very detailed, patient and gentle towards babies
teddybb - i'm currently seeing dr vanessa tan from kidslink

rolled oats have to be cooked...u can cook it with milk, apple juice or water...

scrumpee - thanks for the recommendation...do u have any idea how much this PD charge for pneumoccocal jabs?
Congratulations on your no.3.

I just went for my detailed scan for No.2, confirm 100% girl, so now thinking of girls name starting with letter E cos my boy also starts with E.

And as the pregnancy progresses, I feel more guilty towards my boy, he still so young and has to share attention with a mei mei so soon.
Srumpee, wow... you have a Princess this time. Congrats!! You now have a boy and a girl to form a '好'. How great it is!
Dear all,

Thanks for the well wishes but suffering like mad now ... vomiting non stop and nothing seem to stay in my stomach for long ...

Cant look at the PC for long too cos feel giddy ... somemore me now doing BP cos I wan to clear all those ready stock in my room. Ok gotta run ... wan to zzz to forget everything
Hi Pink, my boi just had pneumoccocals jabs from Dr Wong last month. If my memory still there should be S$170. He is very nice & detailed.
pinksorbet:: i really don't know ley, what about you? Maybe we can discuss more and send them to the same one haha easier also, if u not free, i help u, if i not free, u help me and they can become childhood gf, bf. HAHAHAHA!!!
Haha cindy - yes it'll be nice to send them to the same playgroup. Anyway our area is pretty limited, there's del-care, LSH and Cherie Hearts.

I will most probably choose Del-Care or LSH, but still not yet decided.

Intend to send him to only the am session, my mil will fetch him to and from childcare since both my hb and me are at work...

we plan to send him in when he turns 18mths...

hope to meet up with u soon =) so our kids can play together, they are all around the same age...lol
Feeding babies during holiday trip:
Mummies, may I know what do you feed your baby on a trip? Do you bring your own slow cooker to cook or use jarred food? My boy reject jar food at first try. So now thinking what I should do for his meals..

Appreciate your input..
Hi Prosper, paid today by POSB ATM, Ref : 6183 (S$15).

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm
The clubhouse is confirmed. We are going to order cake and buffet lunch. Each pax $15 ok? Those who agreed and confirm in the list, kindly make payment to POSB SAV 205-03736-5 and PM me details ok

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin (pay on sunday)
3. starflower, hb & keenan (pay on sunday)
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten (pay on sunday)
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle (paid $30 via UOB)
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston (pay on sunday)
9. lizy, hb & vera (paid $30 POSB)
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker (paid POSB S$ 15, hb kiv)
16. P.seed & baby A (pay on sunday)
17. alfafa and baby Grace (paid DBS $15)
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan
20. fatfish & bb Cadence (paid $15 POSB)
21. jacqueline, hb and bb Jovan
22. Kris & Kerryn
23. p3pp3r & Ziv
24. babydreams & bb Dylan (pay on sunday)
25. sinmey & Moiiesha (pay on Sunday)

1. Queenie n Tristan
2. Serene & hb & bb Charlene
3. Pigpig & hb + BB Shermaine

Wow ! Congrats !!! Take Care, dun stress too much on you BP :p

Btw, I still owe you the Teeth Tablets & some books. I will be on leave next Thurs & Frid (hee... clearing my balance of maternity leave as i been called back to work when 3.5mths) Let me know how much & how can I collect from you.
i'm oso plan to order fr Pine Garden...
i've added u in FB!!!

ya lor... so far 3 MAR mummies preggy, tink all due tis yr right?

i'm still giving my boi cereal fr EB...
need to chg?

ya lor... agreed w lizy... mayb yr boi even happier coz he got a mei mei soon to play w him!!!
u still hv bal maternity leave to clear huh... mine already used up all last yr lor... hope government will consider to give us more maternity leave... since like not enough... lolx

Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette ----------------> replied your message
(3) lizy + hb + bb Vera (paid 20)
(4) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline --------------------> haven't received any IBG from UOB leh. Think you might want to check.
(5) Sharlin + hb + bb (paid 20)
(6) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (paid 20)
(7) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (paid 20)
(8) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree (paid 20)
(9) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (paid via ATM $20)(10) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(11) teddybaby + hubby + BB (paid 20)
(12) idlecat + hubby + BB (paid 20)
(13) Strawberrys79 + BB -----------------------> pls note
(14) wintertime + hb + BB -----------------------> pls note
(15) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (paid $20)
(16) P.seed + bb Alaia (paid $12)
(17) meebaby + bb + hubby (paid $20 via ATM)
(18) Meerkat + bb (paid 20)
(19) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin (paid)
(20) Jtho + small oli + big oli (paid)
(21) fatfish + bb (paid 20)
(22) Sportyger + bb M (paid 20)
(23) babydreams + bb Dylan (paid 20)
