(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i tink her name was Doreen... same as one of the mummy in the class...
ya, agreed w u... she made an effort to rem all 12 babies name in such a short time... LOLx

u intend to sign up??

sunshine, i heard raves about this teacher, Doreen.
yup, i am planning to sign up, the pricing is reasonable.

but i like to try out Gymboree though i heard negative reviews.
wow... seldom come to the thread.... but so interesting.. March mummies got so many activities going on... So happening !! Can someone enlighten me... What is this kindemusik abt man!!

For organic fresh produce at central area, i saw them at carrefour. i think good for me to get at plaza singapura as a start cos.. its available at smaller portion.. will be trying out diff vege for Brianne and small portions will be good.. less wastage..
re: gymboree
i'm gg to the trial tis sat... will see whether bryan likes it anot... tink he's a bit young to enjoy himself coz he's the youngest in MAR baby... kakaka
in class, he seems blur blur n doesn't pay attention to wat's teacher is doing... buay ta han... LOLx

u gg to sign up 2gether w missy huh?? hv u try out gymboree?? wanna make a comparison b4 signing up??
<font color="aa00aa">
Kindermusik is an early childhood music and movement program for children between the ages of newborn to 7 years old. Its foundations are rooted in the works of early childhood development experts like Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori, amongst others.

Kindermusik's proven methodology is built on the music education philosophies of methodologists extraordinaire like Orff, Kodally, Laban and Dalcroze, whose approaches form the basis of musical development the world over

u can chk out more - http://www.kindermusik.com.sg/aboutkindermusik.htm</font>
hey that is very interesting.. Thanks sunshine baby will go check out the website...
Any website for the gymboree that I can check out too ???
TIA !!
Hi, sun96

Tks for organising the kindermusik yesterday. Looking at the group photo, I still missed out some mummies' names. Can anyone help me to recall. Hee.

From Left to right:
?, Jassy, Lenny, Sun96, ?, ?
Babystarlet, ?, Kat, Wintertime, ?,?
thanks to Sun for coordinating this! i didn't get most of the mummies' names cos my son pooed in the car and i had to rush to change him before the class :p i think the class is too advanced for him now cos he was more interested in eating his fists! but then again we think he is teething now cos he's been acting up compared to his normal angelic self..
would love to know how gymboree compares so mummies, do post your reviews here after the class

Hi ya.. finally met you yesterday.. hehe...

about the yoga.. i think i will give it a miss.. my old bones will break.. muahahaha
here u go... can rem now??? ^_^
cheekygal, Jassy, Lenny, Sun96, Lizy, reverie_island
Babystarlet, Annt, Kat, Wintertime, , moomooland, idlecat

do join more our gathering since u r SAHM... ^_^
btw, where u stay?? there's another gathering next mon - PH @ 2 areas - east &amp; north...
if u staying nearby those areas, do join us =)
i agreed w u... tat's y my boi like a bit blur blur in the class... LOLx

all gymboree slots r taken for tis sat n next sat... mayb u put yr name under KIV list in case got mummies opt out...

Gymboree 19th Sept 12pm

1. sportyger - stick to 19 sept
2. sunshinebaby - stick to 19 Sep
3. prosper - stick to 19 sep
4. minnie24 - stick to 19 sep
5. missycandy - stick to 19 sep
6. blurjen - stick to 19 sep
7. babe kazooie - stick to 19 sep
8. keron &amp; Jeris - stick to 19sep
9. pinksorbet - stick to 19sep
10. Idlecat - stick to 19 sep
11. Jtho - stick to 19 sep
12. Queenie - stick to 19sep

26 Sep 09

1. Asura
2. Jojo
3. Seabreeze
4. wintertime
5. jaszho
6. Babystarlet
7. blurgal
8. cindy
9. yiyi123
10. ST
11. mangogal
12. fatfish

1. babydreams
2. cheekygal
Yesterday Kindermusik <font color="0000ff">photo</font>, Can share with me as my mum dunno how to use camera and she only manage to take 3 but all are too small and didn't capture full view

Hi Sun,
Thanks for organising. My baby enjoyed the class, mum said she was smiling during the whole lesson.
BTW, sorry I can't arrived early as I was trying to feed my baby before coming but she refused to drink milk. And then I also missed the carppark entrance so wasted some times driving around.

Hi mummies,
Nice meeting you yesterday. Looking forward to let my Elva meet more babies...
see U this Sat!
Good Morning Mummies! Another Monday... I enjoyed my weekend and am looking forward to the coming long weekend liao. Will take leave on Friday so that I can have a super long weekend! woahhahahha!
re: kindermusik

check out this place call kid's loft ... the teacher lavina who is the boss of the place is SUPER GOOD ... in fact she is the trainer for some kindermusik teacher

i will def send SH there when he is 18mth ... cos my #1 attended and so far she is the best teacher tat i have come across
I am interested in the gymboree.. Could pls include me in... Would be good opportunity to meet u fabolous mums!!!

Gymboree KIV

1. babydreams
2. cheekygal
Hi Kat (flutedreamz),
The Hanamugari Baby carrier can only use for rear facing, right? will the carrier cause discomfort/marking on baby thigh after prolong carrying? thinking of getting 1 to use at home as BB is getting heavier and my wrist is getting painful! My current carrier and sling is too troublesome to use.
Morning ladies.

Sorry, i not able to read the archive as it is too many already.

Had been very busy looking after my elder son since thursday as he got fever, so scare that he got H1N1 as his class got 1 case. His fever went up and down for the pass few days and luckily yesterday it had goes off. I was so worried the past few days.

There are gathering going on next mon? Do you know the location and time? Maybe i can join but need to see how first.
Hi tuskywoollie,
Sat brought my BB to see PD already. Initially, PD inserted a "bullet" medicine into BB anus to soften her stool and asked us to wait for her to poo poo. But she cried and cried until slept. So, waited until she woke up. Still don't want to poo! Then, PD checked and found "bullet" dropped out! So, insert and wait again. Still didn't poo! So, no choice PD insert her finger to dig out the stool. While digging, blood also came out. So heartpain...

So, now BB has to take some medicine to soften stool. PD suspect BB not taking enough water. What to do? she doesn't like to drink H2O...
Kome, oh dear... ya nowadays H1N1 is pretty scary.. So your #1 feeling better now? You too have to take good care of yourself, even if it's not H1N1. Rest whenever you can, don't overwork yourself coz when you're tired your immused system will become weaker. So take care ya!
Idlecat, try to let your girlgirl drink water from a e.g. cup? My girl also had this poopoo issue but now her condition improved. I let her drink water from the training cup and she loves drinking water from it. I think she finds it fun to drink from it.
no worries... hv emailed u...
glad elva enjoyed herself... hope she'll enjoy gymboree class too!!!
see u on sat!!! u'll be coming w yr mum or hb for tis sat class??
BTW Idlecat, we also give her fruit in one of her meals everyday. Now that she started solid already, including fiber in her meal is a must to us. Coz like what you said, seeing blood in her poopoo or having to use other means to stimulate her bowel movement is jus so heartpain for us, parents....
My son also don't like to drink water, but normally we try to feed him water every after his milk at least he thought is milk and will suckle some water in. Another is to use those type of ject which normally use for children to take medicine one. Use it to ject in the water slowly into bb's mouth.

Thanks. Really feel tired now and don't feel like working lor. So busy.....and rush for deadline some more. After today, wanted to take leave to rest, go for movie and shopping but no one company me.
BTW Idlecat, we also give her fruit in one of her meals everyday. Now that she started solid already, including fiber in her meal is a must to us. Coz like what you said, seeing blood in her poopoo or having to use other means to stimulate her bowel movement is jus so heartpain for us, parents....
Good morning! Remember I mention abt my boy not drinking well and moody for few days after jab...finally brought him to see PD on sat morning as nurse told me over phone jab won't cause loss of appetite esp since he got no fever. Turned out he was likely to be having sore throat as I myself was down with sore throat &amp; flu a few days b4 his jab. PD said his throat abit red, but its at tail end of it liao. Gosh, my poor boy, sick can't say and we also can't tell. PD also said another reason could be he is ready for some semi solid liao. So started feeding him with Bellamy white rice cereals these 2 days and he is loving it!

Btw, after feeding cereals, do u all let BB drink some water?

Other than my MIM sling (which I still have prob using it on my own now), I sometimes use the HANAMUGARI BABY CARRIER, but i don use it for long and if use long better to wear long pants cos will get red marks on the thighs. Can use front &amp; back facing.
l love BB Vera's hair... kakaka
shiok hor... rest fr fri to mon...
yup, i uploaded in FB...

i'm oso tot of getting one... tat's y ask kat for the bp link she got it fr...
sometimes more convenience w the sling rather then pram...

*sayang elva* u try to feed her water when nearer her milk time?? no choice since she dun like H2O, at least hope she will drink some when she's hungry...

oic... no scare, he's ok now...
there's a mini gathering @ asura's place in AMK... as for east side, they're hving a bbq session @ victoria's condo in tamp...
if u keen, i'll sms u to update u the time...
still waiting for sportyger to revert lei...
hold on first k??


hope yr boi recovers soon... *sayang*
Re: Gymboree

Mummies who have signed up for gymboree, you have to pay for the class on the day itself. So if you can, come 10-15 minutes eariler before the class to do registration and make payment. So there are a total of 24 mummies for both 19th and 26th sept.

Please ensure that you put on a pair of socks for the class and only 1 parent is allowed to accompany the baby.

There are still a couple of mummies who have not pm me your details. Kindly do so ASAP as I need to email gymboree the list. Thanks.

Re: Music class
As the membership entitles us for 2 free trial classes, I am arranging for the music class as we need to utilise the trial class within a month.

Activity: Music class
Date: Sat, 3rd Oct
Time: 10am

1. Sportyger

Date: 4th Oct
Time: 10am


Date: 3rd Oct
Time: 11.15am

sun, prosper,
thks. He shld be ok now, back to his happy self, though milk intake still not as gd as b4.

sun, do u feed your boy water after he eats cereal?
not sure is tis consider toilet trained...
my boi poo once in a wk so my mum noe when he start to poo (he'll gek until face red red)...
she'll ask him to wait n undress him n put him on the small red potty then he'll poo... my mum said cleaner tis way...
Kome, ya super sian rightz! I hate rushing for deadline too. Stress sia.... :p Oh yes, you should take leave to rest. I don't mind going shopping with you but this week can't take leave except Friday and Friday HB booked me liao. hee... But hor.. but hor.. I can go lunch with you if you would like (*whisper: and have a longer lunch time....*). hehe.. If I remembered correctly, your workplace near Harbourfront area right? ts...ts... well jus a suggestion.

teddybaby, yesyes. I do feed my bb some water after feeding her rice cereal. I feed her water with the spoon to sort of clear the remaining cereal in her mouth.
sun, prosper,
thks. He shld be ok now, back to his happy self, though milk intake still not as gd as b4.

sun, do u feed your boy water after he eats cereal?
sun, prosper,
thks. He shld be ok now, back to his happy self, though milk intake still not as gd as b4.

sun, do u feed your boy water after he eats cereal?
Can someone recommend me a baby carrier for a small build mummy?

I am petite. My 6 months old BB weighs 8Kg. I almost have no energy to carry him already.

Thank you
