(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

yeah, for 1 yr bash, I, missycandy, seabreeze, alfafa etc should take a backseat. So whoever wants to volunteer better raise up your hands.

lol! i think 1yr bash we really have to limit the pax already. by then the lil ones wld be all over the place!

alfafa - yes yes its the thought that counts.. im stil waitin for my iphone... lol...
yes i think the bash i was all over the plc.. i dont knw why.. and didnt have the opportunity to intro myself as well as speak to mummies... maybe the demo limited our communication time as well... the next one has to be really jus a gathering... plus of cos the cake & song. kekeke!
for the photos, i will upload into my FB acct so that all mummies can view it bah... im in the process of getting it from my bro... he says there are 100+ photos... im hoping he managed to get everyone with their lil ones... there are some faces i do not recognise.. so if u recognise urself, do tag urself... for those i knw il tag... hee hee... will prolly upload it tmr night or thursday... =P
missycandy, good idea. Just eat and chat would be great. We may have to get a hotel function room??

Agree with alfafa, March mummies are a really pretty lot. Fatfish is def not fat.

Ivy, please let me know how much to transfer as I won't be able to do so from overseas.

Welcome to all new SAHMs. Join the club! but uh, don't join us for shopping. We are a very bad influence on the bank account.
I just splurged and bought Boon groovy, snack ball and potty bench. Lucky it was paid for with gift vouchers.
p seed,
no worry, u can tt me when u are back cos i wun noe how much the intl shipp be till goods arrive.

never, just use it when u are at the malls. rem to sign up for wireless@sg.

i got my iphone last week, love it manz! Nw can surf while pump in the office! haha...hope yours come soon!
ivy - im waitin for hb to buy for me... WAHAHAHA... the last time when iphone came out he bought.. he did ask me if i wanted but i wasnt sure becos the tapping n keypad made me rather apprenhensive (fat chubby fingers la) then when i use his i find it jus takes a bit of getting used to... then iphoneS came out.. then he asked if i wanted.. then i like ai mai ai mai... then i said okie... so til now waiting... booo... lol...
morning mummies,

I will volunteer for my condo for 1 yr bash if u all dun mind at west side. I would say it is much bigger. My ROM and baby shower i held it there with more than 100 over guests.
Do let me know ya, i dun mind hotel also lah.
I can be the next organiser . hehe Let me know and i shall arrange.
<font color="119911">reverie,
we oso removed our bed frame n change into a platform bed so dat we can slp wif our #1, nw #2 is 5mths ols liao, hb is saying we shld tailor made a super king size bed so dat all 4 can slp together. i was tellin him dat we can downgrade to a 1-room flat since all 4 of us onli need 1 room and maid can slp outside, keke.</font>
yr 2 kids sleeping w u n hb 2gether, then u n yr hb no private moment 2gether ma?

gd gd!!! can start planning for 1 yr bash manz!!!
if u need any help, let me know!!!
yes yes i m oso at the bash, but m at the games room most of the time. :p

my #1 still cosleep with us. tts why told hb, #2 must die die train to slp in the cot by himself
downgrade to 1 room flat.. haha tts a gd idea!! haha

kids slpt tight n sound liao, then got private moment lor. keke.. :p

OK for west side! (me oso stying at west side..keke)
i can oso volunteer myself, but dun knw what i can do. haha
missycandy ...

i try not to plan and think too much hahahahaha just take 1 day as it comes as i feel that somehow things will just work out =p but i am really blessed with the 2 boys and all i ask for is that they grow up to be healthy and happy ... nothing more

alfafa ...

somehow daddy and mummy are just different ... even with the same baby ... my hubby can carry SH and pat pat him but SH will still cry n cry .. but once I take over ... same pat pat style he will just snuggle against me and look v contented

even up till now ... my #1 will wake up in the middle of the night crying for mummy and not daddy when it was daddy who read him story books and zzz with him in the same room on the floor somemore hahahhaha

thats why sometimes my hubby oso v frustrated and feel 'unfair' treatment from the boys hahahahah maybe thats why he keep saying he wan a girl so that he can have a 'daddy's girl' *faint*

prosper ...

wow ... thanks for offering your place ... its time for us to venture WEST heehee frankly if you need help can just let me know =)
prosper:: haha i def wanna go for the 1 yr bashhhh!!
and hey maybe it's around CNY time too, then we can have all the ang ang clothes babies. hhaa. west side is fine - me west also mah ahha and if hotel, also can la. how are you and pretty kayle?
miss u both. if u need help, i can too.

sunsun, we still meeting on fri ma ha?

mummies gg to stagensuch today:: 1230 at BK okay!

Bbs are more in tune with us mommies no matter who else carries or pacify them.

same here.. Brianne will cry or when she is frustrated.. the moment i pick her up or take over.. she calms down.

a kind of reward or their way of saying the love us most for going thru so much during pregnancy and taking care of them since birth?!?
nowadays my baby want me to carry her. always put her in the playmat, when she see me walking over, she will make noise to catch my attention. if no one there, she is ok once she saw someone, she will make noise.
sportyger ....

#3 ar ... i am open to the idea but not within the next 2 years cos my preg is so so tough ... the vomiting and excessive salivation totally puts me off ... so i need to give myself some time to 'forget'

on the job side ... i am hoping that at least i can work hard for my promotion before i aim for my #3 ... cos for both my kids ... both preg during the year where its like my 'turn' for promotion type of timing hahahahaha and i feel bad lar ... cos once preg ... i am out of action for half a yr type

wan to go to see some sinseh to 'pu' after i stop BF oso ... see can 'pu' so that not so terrible pregnancy or not

my #1 always tell me that he want a mei mei and the mei mei still in my stomach ... havent grow and come out yet hahahahahah
Lenny ...

Yar man ... worse still is that SH even prefers my mum over him hahahahaha cos my mum is the main care-taker for SH =p

Prosper ...

Same same ... this morning i wanted to brush my teeth while SH was happily lying in his cot looking at his cot mobile and bullying the animals by hitting them whenever they are near him ...

Once he sees me walking pass him (I purposely dun look at him and make any noise) ... immediately he flip up ... look at me and give me the ke-lian look and make noise *faint*

But this is when all the fun begins n the bond is built =)
oh i bought my iphone in LA when singapore not launch yet. actually i bought at us$300 each for 2 sets. each person only can buy 2. shortly after i sold to 2nd hand shop at S$900 for each. haha i earn money..
lenny and seabreeze, ya man babies are very clever. Once they know we are near them, they want us to carry. very smart.
When she wakes up in YL, she usually quitely play on her own, when i went to check on her, realised she woke up then she will kick kick kick and make noise and at the same time smile at me... oh so sweet melt my heart, then i carry her...

Like what the research has shown... We humans are the smartest during the first 6 yrs of our life.. hahah..

we cannot underestimate what is going thru in their little minds! kekeke
<font color="119911">wa...6mth bash just over n u all thinking abt 1 yr bash liaoz!!</font> that's a bit far fetched
prosper ...

I rem when i had my #1 ... i was holding him in the night and talking to my sis ... i told her i never knew that i could ever ever love someone so much ... even more than myself until i hold him in my hands cos they look so small and vunlerable ...

Even up till now ... the though of anything bad happening to them will prob kill me lor

But but having said that ... we must oso be prep that one day they will grow up and leave us to lead their own life ... in this era ... dun expect them to take care of us liao cos if they do ...its a bonus ... thats why must treasure our better half too ... cos he will be the one that we grow old with

Aaaaahhhh what a morning ... so much emotions hahahahaha
I can understand, anyway u have 2 boys already, so very blessed liao

Oh ya babies are very smart, marissa also same, she can play at the cot by herself but once she sees me she will make noise and cry and wants me to carry her.
Nowsdays she will wake up in the middle of the nite and once I carry her and put her at my bed, she will fall back to sleep. I am so afraid she is developing this habit of sleeping with us.
haha!! seabreeze!! your #1 really made my day. i love to read about his conversations! ahaha!! but it's worth a try a meimei. my #1, loves his meimei to bitsss!! he doesn't hug and kiss us but each time he sees his meimei, he will go hug and kiss and when meimei is just lying there on the mat, he will want to carry her up! -.-""

hehe. Jia you!!

prosper:: it's like that loh now they are more aware and the attention that they are seeking is going to get M ORE and mMOOOReee!

sportyger:: bad habits form very easily! n hard to kick! my #1 also like that and therefore, until now, HE Is still sleeping with me and hubby and we havne't manged to kick him out successfully. middle of the night he will climb back or make noise or cry so we bo bian cause we all want our sleep. so for trishelle, NO WAY, no more space on the bed anyway ahha. so be careful!!
My boy also can't get coaxed by the Daddy no matter how hard he tries. He also refused to smile each time the Daddy calls him. But he will grin widely when I call him and fall asleep once I pat &amp; cuddle him every night.

Right, babies are too smart for us adults sometimes.

Actually, after CNY.. they will turn 1 year old soon. Gosh, time just seem to fly.
Aiyo then how huh, I dont want her to develop this bad habit leh. Thats y everynite I put her to sleep at her own cot and she will guai guai fall asleep. But then she will cry suddenly in the middle of the nite, also dont know why she will cry lor.
<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - i also want iphone but then i think for a while i guess it will be extremely under-utilised leh. somemore i wont subscribe to the data svcs

<font color="ff0000">missy</font> - i am waiting for the photos!!! so eager!

<font color="ff0000">p.seed</font> - i second hotel function or country club! no need to tidy up after that!

<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - all ur kids sleep with u then where got lovey dovey time?
sorry mummies
I need a space to voice out something.

My best friend whom I've known since poly time and we worked together since poly graduation and known her for 10years just told me that she in a relationship with a colleague whom I've also known quite well. The male colleague just got married last year March but is going to divorce his wife. But the reason for divorce is not my gal friend but cause he has been too accomodating &amp; the wife has taken him for granted.

I'm too shocked with the news and seem too much to take as it has never came across my mind that the two of them will be together and especially when the guy has been sooo nice with his wife.

Well, I guessed everyone has their own issues and they are all adults to think through what they did was right or wrong.

Sorry for the non-baby related posting here. I just felt bottled up.
Sportyger ...

Yes ... esp when I hear stories from a few mummies about the effort put in to have a baby as well as my colleagues who try n try but nothing happen for 8yrs ... I really treasure whatever i have now ... no complains *ok lar sometime will complain when they gets on my nerve*

On the co-sleeping ... thats is what has been happening for the past 2 nights ... SH has been waking up at like 4am to 'play' ... after he latch on .. finish milk will SMILE at me and stay awake *faint*

So the moment i put him back to him cot ... he will cry n cry so I end up putting him on my bed and just let him do his stuff while I cont to zzzz ... end up he will oso fall asleep on his own then i will put him back

Cindy ...

We managed to kick my #1 out into his own room by allowing him to choose his own bed and stuff ... but he still wants 1 of us to zzz with him in the room cos he is 'scared' of dark

So my hubby will zzz on the mattress on the floor and sneak back to our room when my #1 zzzz but every morning my #1 will scold the daddy cos daddy always not there in the morning hahahahaha
Jasmin ...

Sorry but i think your fren is the reason for the divorce n not the wife taking the man for granted =p

If your fren did not come into the picture ... i dun think the man will divorce cos there is no comparison to being with ... and to say that the wife take him for granted when he is barely married for 1 yr is nonsense

Ok ... i might come across as too strong but i do have frens who marriages didnt work out but that reason of wife taking him for granted is def not a valid one

Wait till they have kids then they know the meaning of 'taken for granted'

Actually, I have the same thought cause I seriously think that there is no mutual friendship between a guy &amp; girl. My friend obviously gave the man another option when his marriage failed. But I'm no one to judge how their r/s would go in the future, I just give them my blessings.
jasmin: same thoughts with seabreeze, think your friend sort of 'aided' the divorce process. I don't know why people these days seem to think divorce as an option. like very easy, anything anyhow also can say divorce. sighs.

seabreeze:: haha!! good for you!! i hope to be able to kick him out when we move, by then he'll be 2plus so hope he can sleep on his own, else in the same room can but not on our bed! now he practically don't ALLOW his dad to sleep on the bed ley. poor thing..

sportyger:: u can just bear with it and rennnn. some of my friends did that and no problem thereafter. haha!!
cindy: Ya, these days divorce just became the quick solution. Another of my guy friend divorced leaving a 3yr old girl and 1yr old boy with the wife and got together with another divorcee with a 9yr old girl. My heart just sank when I knew that. The kids are always the most vulnerable.
Baby's smile never failed to melt mummy's heart.
Especially the first smile when she wakes up in the morning. Every morning, I will try to wake up before Baby V watching her and waiting for her to wake up. When she wakes up, she'll look at me, blink blink her eyes a few times then give me this sweet and warm sunshine smile... ah.... it's like, what a great day to start with. hehehe...

And I have a pic to show, a very precious one coz it's not easy to capture...


It was taken when she was abt 2 mth old when I was still having maternity leave. hehehe...
prosper - if u need help lemme knw.. since i already have most of the mummies info le... hehehehehe... and i dont mind the west side too..
oh oh speaking of hubby-wife relationships...

this lady X gonna divorce her hubby, coz she gonna go after the CEO of the company. Everybody was so stunned in the office. So poor thing the little son...(ok lah about 12 years old already)...but still....she can do that for the sake of ...what...love the CEO?...or after the money?....

anyways, thanks Prosper for offering ur place, so nice to be thinking of parties
agreed w u... my boi' smile oso melt my heart...
every morning when i call him at his bb cot, he'll smile at me... so sweet!!!

yr ger smile so sweet!!!
hubby still dont buy the idea of moving to the floor to zzz. my advice is dont get a super king or change a king size bed. cos bb will only bump in with us for short period of time. when they get older, they wont want us anymore.. haha..
with bb ard it is difficult to have private time.. haha..
I think all babies are the same now that they start to recognise people. When Eames wakes up in the morning, he will play by himself at the cot and giggles. I dare not go near him but just peep from the side and HAVE to make sure he doesn't see me if not he will start to cry for attention. I usually leave him alone and usually, 30 mins later, he will fall back to sleep and I can continue with my sleep again..

I also bought the Boon Snack Ball, find it really useful and cute. Baby can treat it as a toy too and best is they can roll it. Can't wait to use it.

I don't mind the West too for 1 year bash too.
ah... now i knw who.... lizy were u wearing striped shirt at the fair? nt sure if its ur bb.. whaha.. anyway, am goin to post half of the photos in FB 1st... the other half my bro stil editing.. boo..

Cindy &amp; Jasmin ...

I think its something to do with our value system and by the fact that its getting more common ... it is no longer a taboo to do so.

For me if really the marriage dun work out after trying and both are miserable then divorce is the best way out.

If 1 party is violent ... then no 2nd thought about it ...

As long as kids are not involved then it is more straight forward.

But just that the excuse of being taken for granted is LAME ... unless you say that the wife is really terrible and she herself is flirting outside etc then I can understand.

Jasmin ...

Think you are seeing your best friend in a different light now ... frankly if this happens to my fren ... I will be caught between giving my blessing or telling her off
