(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


I know what you mean. SAHM do get the sneer from some when we told them our "profession". i do get it from some women as well.

I told hubby, if he ever made a comment about me staying at home and not working.. i will go back tot he corporate world and leave Bree with my mum.

My hubby didn;t want me to work for the time being cos of his crazy travelling schedule. i just hinted him that i would like to consider working cos i don't know if i am cut out to be a SAHM.

Haiz.. he did told me that if i really wanna go back to work, he will have to quit his job and look for a local based job. he knows that i am a workaholic and can work long hours without food. Now that i have Bree, he is worried that i will still be the same and Bree will not have any parent to play with if he keeps his current job. if that happens, i know financially will not be a good as what we have now.

Haiz..i also wonder.. i am thinking about all these.. is it because i am physically and mentally drained caring for bree. got to grit my teeth and bear with it.. My only reward is when she flash her toothless grin and chuckes at me.

missy:: hugs hugs!! ren yi shi, feng ping lang jing! you can do it!

alfafa:: hey! haha have it in the sept hols ley.. maybe 9th sept cause me and missy meeting.. haha so we can meet at your place. making hair accessories should be quite fast.. so can bring bb la. hohoho. I can bring my stuff, u charge me for consultation. haha! i totally have not DONE anything to the stuffs we bought! and i am still buying accessories!! i am dooooomed.

irene:: KSPate, think can ask queenie? think her hubby can get for you?
sorry huh ... MIA for a while cos MIL came to visit. Was busy showing off to her about Gracie sitting and standing. Heeeeee now I am free at last
Can feel your tiredness from caring for Bree. I guess mothers are such amazing people, we get all excited and happy just by looking ar our babies smiling at us and we forget all the tiredness from caring for them. Cheer up ya, believe everything would turn out fine and bree can definitely cheer you up cos she is such a sweetie.
wah lao I was still thinking you need to charge me instead to make headband. Hehehe yah will be in September lah. No time for this whole month. Super busy.

yah yah no problem. But bear with me huh. No concrete class plan yet. Need to work out a proper itiniary, instructions and etc. Am planning to teach making fabric buttons, roses, heart and round yo yos for embellishments. Plus headband stuff.

Quite fun.

oh dear. Hope baby K is feeling better now. So heart pain for you. :-(

what happened? They are giving you the sh*Ts because you tendered? I also felt that I suddenly became a 2nd class citizen after I tendered. Aiiii hang in there babe

scrolled up just now to see your post re hubby. Wah lao I feel like kicking him in his butt for you leh. So unappreciative of your efforts. I am amazed by how you packed all in in fact and yet he is not able to show his appreciation. Kick him!

Lenny, Queenie, Pepper
tell me about it man. But then I was also guilty of that before. I myself had a hard time accepting that I am a SAHMTB back then ... like so funny when people ask me what I do and I could only go ... I am going to be a stay at home mom. :p Had my identity tied to my job, my position and "rank". I mean, tsn't that just so pathetic? I think alot of us Singaporeans are like this. I have learnt the hard way that I am much more than these shallow and shortlived pleasures and I am glad I did.

3 cheers to women, and one more to SAHMs!

about cream parlour.. i just ordered accessories from her for Bree. kekeke.

I hope they turned out really good then " I will Be Back" kakakaka
sewing i cannot .. but i'm interested in making hair acc for little Moiiesha .. makes her more look like a girl .. haha
Cream Palour is good. I saw her accessories, very very very nice. Can't say the same for her other items. There are a heck of alot of people makign their own hair accessories for sales now. I just bought two from a Feb mommy who is new at this business. The clips are so cure but I don't think they are infant size though. Bought them to support her craft business plus they are very pretty too.
missy ... think of little Kirsten & she will makes u smile & kick all Sh*t away .. Hang in & u r almost there .. cheers *o*
yah so fun hor. aiyayaya now I feel like dropping all my sewing to make embellishments liao. In fact, the stuff I am planning to teach is not just for hair accessories per se. Once you know how to make those things you can use them to decorate ANYTHING from pillow cases to bags to hair accesories to dolls to cloths to brooches ... anything you like.

wahahah now I don't even feel like doing any animal dolls liao. Hahahahah terrible me. My interest is almost always so short lived!
vernice, we can see the bugs with naked eyes, unless is dustmites which are invisible. i got frens asking me if they will bite me and lay eggs under my skin.. *faintz* btw, hope you dun get to take the domestic flights in india, my colleagues was telling me they almost suffocated in the plane and there were many many mosquitoes like nobody's business..

princesskris, your friend is good, maybe becos he is the boss, that's y he really check all areas very thoroughly, he did not give me a FOC spray, but a 10% discount on the 2nd visit and a longer warranty period which i appreciate very much. i threw away some carpets which got the bugs on it but he still continue to spray a lot of insecticides on them, when i told him not to waste the sprays since i m discarding, he then told me it will be disastrous if pple picks up and bring home. this is professional ethics ba...

alfafa, i m interested in the making of hair accesories for bb gals, got some materials but dunno where to start with. remember to include me hor... btw, how's ur friend who got the same situation as me?

irene, you can make some for maybe your next one?? hahaha...

sportyger, i cant sleep well for the past 3 weeks.. esp when the itch was at its peak during 3am-4am..
Shopping on Champs Elysees!

Hi my dear shopping mummies,
due to overwhelming response from my shopaholic friends, I now have only 10 slots left for Longchamp bags and 3 slots left for big items from LV/Chanel/Hermes/Chloe/Goyard. A few slots for small items like wallets are fine too.

If you wish to reserve your slot for sure, do PM me with model number, name, colour etc. by Friday midnight. My friend will confirm prices over the weekend but it's typically 15-25% savings. Please give me your mobile number too! I may text you 24-26th Sept if your item is OOS or there any last min query but weird hours so be warned he he

I will need deposits to be made asap so I can have time to collate and see if I need to change any extra euros. Also will be quite busy before we leave so want to start early.

Will be away 7th-29th Sept.
candace, hang on there!!! it's like that when one tendered.. my company normally will request the staff to leave within 24hours if possible without any compensation to them. if the staff insists on compensation, then we will offload his/her duties and arrange him/her to do some data entry stuffs so as to pass time.

alfafa, i guess i still prefer to take some time off to make up, wear nice nice out of the house so that i dun feel so isolated from the society... cannot imagine what i will look like if i was a SAHM.
rem to come and collect your kessler. :p

actually that friend is none other than pumpkinseed. Pumpkin said they had no choice but to throw away the mattress, among other things.
you will look like us lah ... yummy mommies! heeeeeee or at least on the days when we dress up to meet with one another. On other days it is messy hair, stinky curdled milk smell, uncoordinated clothes, greasy face ... yikes ..
that MED EX anti mosquito patch is it for home use daily? cos my bb got quite few bites all over her head and legs at home. But this cant seems to be stick on all the times at home rite? any suggestion.
alfafa, speak for yourself woman. I initially couldn't be bothered to dress up etc. But I decided to make a halfway effort and at least drag out the old pre-preg bottoms to wear - woo hoo skinny jeans. Got myself a cute 2nd hand diaper bag too. Still no make up and crappy hair though.
It helped me feel a little less frumpy desperate housewife, more yummy mummy
hahaha.. i was reading up on online magazines when u posted.. keke
good good go to those high end places. think i will throw up if the smell is still strong.
oh muz ask ur hb go back to visit joel more often... they are smart babies , they moreor less should prefer those they see everyday?
cannot leave hb alone at hme with tristan too long.. ltr i engorge ? haha.. but for the past two papers he stand in for me for like 3-5hours ..but think still not enough for him to understand.coz he will never understand. ahah..

congrats! seeing gracie's another big step of milestone.. wow she is really fast .. tristan juz flipped last week and can sit unassisted a lil now.
hehe i also kenna the ticks or fleas before. yucks is also very horrifying. the creatures juz hid in the electric wiring case, everywhere...... bcoz my ah gong bring my old maltese to the grass..i was bitten by it ..wa enuff of all the creepies creatures.. Yucks!

i think no matter what dil and mil do. they cant hardly 100% agree on each other. ya lor.. my oni pals are u all in march forum liao.
ever since after giving birth , im like chatting more to mommies here than my BFFs.. haha
if one day i got a new job before tristan turn 1 yo, will have to ask for the priviledge of pumping @ wrk..

the bedbugs: i donne is dettol helps or not. im juz tryin to do wadever i can.. coz i didnt research on that part..

haha i no need to study for exams, in the night can chat liao ..
is good that u are looking at bfing up till 1yo.. u muz massage ur boobs more often before latching / pumping? will help to prevent blk ducts?

congrats...! hows ur grandma? go tampines 1 la..kekeke

vivian tan
i haven start potty training.. is it too soon? they can only control their muscles ard 2yo?

use dr lily aloe vera gel..
email the seller - cadbury, her bp ends already , her email is [email protected]
if u wan to order from KS webbie, u might wan to check with seabreeze or jojo..

coronation plaza is it near adam?


hehe thank u so much.. really R & R now.. next module learning statistics. juz flipped thru the textbook .. wan to faint.. haha

ya i know wad u mean.. my hb friend's wife always seems to be attacking me.. but forget it.. she will know what im going thru when is her turn to be a mommy.. hehe
haha u better don be a workaholic if one day u ever goes back to the workforce. we will not see u in forum liao!

cant post ani more .. mr tristan us clingly on me.. brb
alfafa, hahahaa... my mondays to fridays very nice looking and smells good too. saturdays and sundays sucks!!! greasy face and messy hair all over, also got remains of the smell of the milk though i tried to wipe after each pumping session.. hahaa.. my maid must be tinking this mdm cannot make it la...
keron&jeris, i closed factory le.. don't want to have #4. kekekeke

Queenie, she replied le.. got stock... can't wait to get it and apply for Zac...
hello mummies,
which brand of sunblock would you guys recommend to use when bringing our babies swimming?

thanks in advance
Missycandy - yeah, I was on the grey top at the pic of the lunch yesterday

Ann - I'm going to Korea for a week from 1st of Sep. I will miss the lunch
unless lunch can be organised a bit earlier ^^

Vernice - ohhhhh I miss those korean drinks ... with BFs, not sure when we can drink...

RE: NAP at high chair
my helper told me that baby Violette has slept for 2 hours yesterday for her afternoon nap at high chair, which is very rare, usually only 30 min or 45 min. this morning, she slept again for 1 hour !!! I guess high chair has soft cushion, also it's slanted like bouncy chair... so, maybe baby was more comfortable than the cot bed.... BUT THEN, I was a bit worried coz maybe she can fall down, maybe she will not like her cot later if she like this.... I'm happy that baby get naps better but then not happy that it's on the high chair.... tada tada any advice ?

RE: Cold feet
I'm using Sleeping bag with long sleeve bodysuit (but no leg & foot cover) coz 0.5 tog at 26 temp, airconditioned. but then ever y morning, when I take baby out from Sleeping bag, she has a cold feet. Should I put her on socks ???
managed to bathed tristan n made him slp after that. in 45 mins. haha

haha thanks for kicking his butt for me ! sometimes, juz feel so bu fu qi when he pass such comments.
but forget it la.. aniway i wont be a sahm forever. hahahaha wait till i go back to work. prob hit the club after work. leave him alone with tristan. hahahahahaha
no matter we are SAHMs or FTWMs, we know we are giving the best we can to our lil wonders.

*lets do the Kallang wave* ~ ~ ~ ~

hehehehhe nice nice.. think her stuffs is good.. my budddy was telling me how much effort her sil put in. too bad tristan is a boy. haha
i already resorted to beanies , pirates cap for him..

heheh 3am - 4am is the creepies wake up time.. FAINT

will pm u shortly..

u are most welcome! the aloe vera gel is really handy. good for everyone at home. i bought 1 during pregnancy and 1 for my bro..
mine is finishing soon, but will use calendula cream for meanwhile coz haven really utilize it. hehe

i was thinking abt u ytd.. hows work n ur colics there?

i juz got one bottle of California baby sunblock spf 18 for tristan..but haven use yet..

for outdoor activities, i was advised to get spf 30..

if u need any enquires can contact the bp seller - Ima [email protected]
she may have some excess stocks from her bp..

<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - i not frequent flyer to india. my assignment is there for 3 weeks. so i get to come back on weekends lor or i can stay there straight for 3 weeks which is lagi worse

<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - u finally stopped? but still got lots of storage right?? i will officially stop next week heehee

<font color="ff0000">missy</font> - what happen?? coolz it..look at the brighter side

<font color="ff0000">irene</font> - too bad our bb are boys heehee if not can do a lot of things right?

<font color="ff0000">sportyger</font> - no lah..haven touch indian food yet but i am looking forward to tandoori chicken

<font color="ff0000">keron</font> - ehh...i will be taking domestic flight the next round...but will be taking the better airlines lah...hmm..so far haven seen any n hopefully will not see any

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - wa...already 2am+ and u still reading online m agazine? Don't need to sleep one ah? power sia! hmm...engorge then pump outside? heehee

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - haha u came here before? Hmm..the hotel i staying still ok cos under starwood brand and not local hotel. But office do get blackout.

<font color="ff0000">inya</font> - which part of korea u from? heehee ya lor those drinks...last tm i go always drink some back to enjoy but this yr no chance to go.

if bb V sleeps in aircon, more advisable to put on socks. I put mine on socks only when he sleeps. Sleeping bag still got room for air circulation.

If u are getting california baby, there is a BP for it..

I just got the calendula cream from watson's and trying Bree out.. so i didn;t participate in the BP.. see if they have next round then
vernice, ya always go to all parts of india countries in my ex co. hate to go india and middle east country, i dun like their food there.

queenie, wa, think of me ya. thanks goodness u still think of me. so touched. haha i am very happy in my new company. boss treat me very well. like a secretary to him.haha
Vernice &amp; Prosper

i can't deal with india too.. not keen on going there.. my only pull factor is the Taj Mahal..

i got sensitive stomach so can't take their food.. too much spices.. i always end up having diahorrea after eating any indian food.

as for vegetarian,.. er.. i am more of a carnivore. can't deal with it too.. attended a wedding dinner serving 10 course of vegetarian food.. after the 3rd course.. i excused myself to the washroom and puke. Vegetarian beehoon still ok.
Alfalfa and mummies who are into handmade crafts,

good to see u gals having fun.. i don't have nimble fingers and not very good with handicrafts. the only thing i know how to do is Cross stitch.. keke
<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - food eat western n chinese food lor..should be ok

so now at new co still quite free?

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - Actually hor Taj nothing one leh..sorry ah..maybe i donno how to appreciate. Last time when i go, then still got indians ask u take photo together one!

haha i also donno like their vegetarian lor...too much carb leh...

*hi-fived* i also only know cross stitch! heehee
R&amp;R lor, surfing net , reading on babies topics..checkec out bps oso but nth to buy..lol

thank u for ur support.. haha is my caption very lame/childish? couldnt think of anything but that.. lol
if u wan get calendula have to preorder , will be cheaper in that case.. another seller i think is dooibydoo.. have readystocks. i got mine from gmkt from dooibydoo oso..
that time have promotion got it at $14..

haha ya i tink of u .. good that u are happy in ur new co...

indian food: i tried the song of india at scotts not bad leh.. maybe in singapore is diff from at india..

ya me too oni knew cross stitch..

u are welcome!
ya cos boss go overseas for these 3 days. so now very free but got to learn a lot of technical terms here. everything i throw back to school liao.
Haiz sad news, I have to work on the sat of the bash, can only be at the bash in the morning and have to leave by 1pm. So bored have to work on sat.
anyone has experience with one of those home-based jobs before? is it some kinda of simple data entry and emailing? how much are the rates like?
<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - wa...so good! i am looking forward to go home this fri!

<font color="ff0000">sportyger</font> - how come u need to work on sat? got event?
yalor got event, super sian lor and happens to coincide with the bash. oh so u will be coming home ths fri, can countdown liao hehe.
