(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

u gt load ah? hee ok wil go see .. seldom log in

keke sama sama, half of our luggage for a night stay at bintan belongs to baby.. stil gt the stroller. so funny hor.. but its worth it!

a great experience

iceblue: upload yr bintan photos leh!
oh grace, i am so stupid. i never even saw the seams to be torn on the sides. thnx thnx!! u saved me from another messy smelly sticky pull-up change :D
woah ... it has been a touch time for u! is bb sleeping ok now?

really? no public transport?? I cant imagine it! How does school children go to school? their parents will drive them?
hahaa ... wat an adventure u had with pull-up pants!!!

my little inspector just finished emptying half the recycle bin out before she finally retires for the day at 11.45pm. she is sleeping later and later, no thx to the stage performance that is built just below our flat. the volume has been echoing each and every performance off the walls of our block until we really got no peace.
ha! I wan to see the photos!! Going there now! hehehehe ...
aiyo now ur bb stopped LS and dun poo instead. headache. but maybe becos he poo too much so no more poo now?

I going in to see photos too! heehehehe ...
i also find it so strange that they have no public transport. school children either use their school bus services, or their parents drive them to school. the rest of the people, like us, depend on cabs.. in sg, i have never felt tat we need a car. the public transport network was excellent. but here, having a car is a MUST. i must also buy one asap. if not, it will affect my bb the most..

sorry for late reply..yup i double boil the meat in the porridge together for 2 hours. no need to puree cos need to make them chew. its better not to buy those ready mince pork from the market because firstly, we dont know if they wash the meat before they mince and secondly, dont know which part of the pig they use for the mince pork..better to buy the pork fillet or tenderloin then u cut up into daily portions, defrost each portion for the day then just cut into cubes and chop chop to mince it. its easy to mince by chopping since its small portion. by the way, your chinese is cheem keke..


i used pull ups for my baby at home because she likes to remove her diaper..this morning i forgot to change her out of her pampers active, she removed one side and when we woke up, the bed is wet with her pee..to remove the diaper, simply tear the sides instead of pulling down..i guess you've figured out already hee hee...

grace...i love the pics..han is so cute in his "angry" smile haha. glad that his LS stopped

lonerunner,naomi also sleeps verrrryyy late...i have to emphasize the very haha..she sleeps at 12 or 1 am ..but she also wakes up very late at 12 noon.


i dont know if apple sauce is steamed apple (dont sound the same though) but my pd says she prescribe apple for patients with LS..but i dont know if she includes steamed apple..cos naomi doesnt have constipation when she eats steamed apple. when i was preggy, i eat apple daily but also goes toilet daily..maybe you can try with your girl and see how it goes...can also try rock melon and honey dew..i give them as finger food. by the way, its hard for me to give her full lunch because she wakes up very late. her first solid meal is usually 12 plus 1 pm. and so this leaves about 6 hours between first meal and dinner..if i give her a heavy lunch, she will eat dinner late or lesser..so i give her heavy breakfast and heavy dinner and go easy on lunch heh heh..but recently she started to reject food without texture..now i have to feed her fruits in cubes..she doesnt like puree or cereal anymore..like the other day i made her shepards pie with her potato mashed till fine but with pork as the texture, she doesnt want at all..i quickly steamed more potato in cubes and she eats them all. now i have to create new breakfast for her ..have to waste all the cereal
yep, lucky i asked this q here. if not i was going to pass all these pull-ups to sbd else :> i was just wondering whether pull-ups are not safe for long sleeps. is it the reason u prefer normal diapers at night?

mummies, how u do put ur babies to sleep? do u simply leave the bb in the cot until he/she falls asleep? i still have to sing and carry this girl in my arms until she sleeps. she refuses to sleep on my legs also.. the worst part is she is getting heavier and heavier, and making me more and more tired
any solution other than the ferberization method :D
lonerunner: aiyo, the performance stage is there for good? or just for this period?

iceblue: biow yr photos already really makes me feel like going to bintan.
is that bintan lagoon?

sandy: yap yap, he just learnt the new smiling pattern. all kinds of tricks... think he picks it up from infantcare.
and the best part is MIL was telling us that Han is enjoying his infantcare so much that he doesnt want to go home.

yah, my observation is also pull-up pants cant last long.
i bought a pack of pull-up pants to try and use it at my MIL's place cos she still not v used to putting on the normal diapers for Han.
usually at her place, she will just let Han wears pants and sort of toilet train him.
then once we forgot to change Han out of his pull-up pants while he zzz. he was soaking in a pool of urine until he was crying out loud.

Han will play until he's tired... usually around 10:30pm, then we will give him his pacifier and he would slowly go to sleep...
We just accompany him when he sleeps. Only when he is not feeling well then he's cranky and we would have to carry him to z.
what is ferberization method?
morning mummies!

i'm fine and bb doing fine too except for the responsiveness...hee...yeah like you said, maybe he really understand but doesn't want to response to me at the moment...hee...

i did use the pull up pants...quite easy and better to wear... as for the removing part... i just tear it open at the side... hope this helps
how long more are you going to stay there? good life for your bb...hee... get to travel to so many places at such a young age...
I have a nite time routine - wash hands/face, change clothes, change diapers, switch off lights, then put bb to bed. no talking or minimum talking. Gives pacifier if required. I'll stay with bb until bb falls asleep.

looks like the stage is going to be here for sometime ... has been here since last week liao. performance has been on nitely. aiyoooooo!!!
hey nice photos!! Now I feel like wan to travel! hahahaha!

oh ya, wat resort is that ah? nice photos leh!

hahaha ... maybe I shld try buy the pull-up pants soon. sounds quite fun leh :p

oh ya. naomi sleeps really late! Now also like this?
think I'll go crazy if bb sleeps at 1am! hahahahaa!
yah is easy to use esp now they know how to crawl when u are changing diaper. But like what sandy and grace said, cannot use at nite cos is not for nite use...

i also keep bb company when he sleeps but then end up i sleep first...haaa

I had a tin of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold 2 selling at $10. The expire date is on 23/07/2011. Self-collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(weekdays only). Anyone interested can contact me at hp 97905232.


yaaa..she's still sleeping between 12 and 1am. she has a nocturnal body clock that developed since i resumed my classes keke..my classes start late in the evening and ends at 8.30. by the time i pick up naomi from MIL's place and come home, it will be 10 already. then she'll drink, play and bathe while i do some chores. by the time we're done its 12. another reason is she sleeps alot in my MIL's place (although shes there for 5 hours only). she sleeps 70% of the 5 hrs so ended up she cant sleep early...its a good arrangement actually cos she wakes up so late so i get to have the whole morning to myself.
wow! your gal very good... can nap for so long! my boy only nap at most an hour... i haven't even start working on my task and he will wakes up...sigh...no time to finish my tasks at all...
iceblue, i buy fake pork fillet, in mandarin it's called jia yao rou, i buy this from market. It's also pretty tender and lean and it's cheaper keke

Sandy, thanks. i've been giving steamed apples but not sure if too much of it will cause constipation. Sometimes my gal's poo will be hard and i'll have to troubleshoot and think what went wrong in her diet haiz. She doesnt like papayas, bananas, pear not so too. She dont seem to like too sweet food i think.

I'm not giving heavy lunch too since she has cereal for brunch, if not sometimes i'll give mashed potato in cubes with pork, veg and pour over some soup stock which i use for her porridge. Hard to give cereal for her first meal cos dont have time to steam apple/pear for her, so i'll just milk only.

haha Gamze, i've got a sample of pull up pants which i tried and i didnt know we're supposed to tear it too haha!
Hallo Mummies!

This is DJ reporting from Ho Chi Minh!

Arrived here with HB who is on Biz trip since Monday... hehehe....went out to the local markets from some serious shopping....hehehe.... so happy....bot 2 sets of CNy costumes for Mer.... one of which is a gorgeous gorgoues Viet costume....Uber cute!

Also went to see the fabric market here.... WAH....really huge....and the fabrics...so many.... see until eyes blur.... I bought 4 diff types of fabrics for making dresses and clutches.... hahaha...so excited....

All the while Mummy was having fun, Mer was getting into all sorts of situations.... haha... this morning my sis updated me that Mer got into another squabble with another kid... haha... There was a little girl that came to my mum's shop and wanted to eat Mer's puffs... then my mum gave her some but she also took Mer's puffs...thinking no one would notice....end up Mer shouted at her so loudly...everyone could hear her! LOL... dunno if the girl ran away anot... hahaha...

Then last night.... duno how she managed to push the milk bottle cap into her cheeks and it got stuck... WAHAHAHA.... in the end she tried to use her hands to beat it off the face... hahaha....and eventually used a finger to poke it out...so funny... I was hooting with laughter when my sis told me....

Connection in HCMC simply sucks...so I only managed to read our forum today... so good to see Gamze and Overload and all other mummies back online! Overload...how heavy is your girl now? never update leh... I wanna kaypoh... hahaha.... my Mer is now stuck at 9.5kg.... not that I m complaining...cuz she also din seem to grow tall! Faint...

Liting, you can try steamed apple. Wun cause phlegm and also can regulate bowel movements... What I usually do is to cut up a red apple, core it... then steam in the wok for 10 min with the skin intact... when the apple is steamed, I will remove the flesh from the skin, put it thru the munchkin grinder then use the liquid that came out of the apple during the steamingg process with some warm water and mix the Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal... then I add in the apple puree from the grinder... makes one very big bowl of apple cereal for Mer...this is her all time favourite...confirm finish within minutes...maybe you can try that?

okie mummies... I m heading out now...going to try to navigate the mad traffic of HCMC in a scooter with my guide...wahahaha....hope I make it back alive!

Have a good week mummmies!

Poor u, I hope the stage is not there to stay, maybe can call police if their performance is too late? I thought there is a certain regulation that performance need to end by 10.30 or sth like that? ;)


Han is so cute with the facial expression! hee


I am trying to psycho hubby to go Bintan too but he is worried abt the ferry trip with bb, is it very bumpy? He scared bb cannot take it...


Noami and Xavier can be good friends, Xavier sleeps very late too, 12-1am but he wakes up at 8-9am


Mer so cute!!! Still know how to complain when ppl steal her things haha, enjoy yourself in HCMC!!!

Re pull up pants,

Which brand do u guys use? I tried Pampers de, quite good but very ex and very fast full liao...
Wahaha... I am still here...my guide went to take another helmet for me...wahahah....

Happy... Mer ever fight in NTUC with another bb girl too... LOL... the girl pinched Mer's fat fat layer on her hand....then Mer pushed her and scratched her back... LOL...

My mum says Mer is a terror.... HB says we dun hv to worry about her being bullied next time... I just hope she dun bully ppl lor...wahahaha

Haha that is really very funny lor.... I think she is very smart as she knows how to protect herself from young! My bb doesnt seem to throw much tantrums when ppl take his things, he just watch then switch his attention to another toy, at most he will whine a little but move on later haha
Hi mummies!

how's everyone?? Im a super MIA mummy on this forum. hahaa.. beenso busy with work after i came back from leave.

Last week i went to Bintan to celebrate my bday with Justin and hubby. It's Justin's first trip so im quite kiasu with the packing. So i overpacked on the diapers and his food. hahaha.. my hubby says i everything also MIGHT need then in the end he has to carry like mad. hahahahha

Oooh update update. Justin won the Kidstyle of the year 2009 contest. He has the highest votes (cannot kelong cos non of my friends live in the west) and the contest is in Jurong Point. So yipee!!! He got a $300 voucher from Kidstyle. So we can do more shopping now!!!

Somehow i think baby girls can talk earlier huh? or is it my Justin is just slower? He cant say mama or papa yet..

lonerunner: I still havent had time to pick up my puffs. Sigh.. sorry sorry.
Hi Mummies,
Wow,So gd, so mani of u went aboard wit bb. I wanted to go on hoildy, but hb always buzy, no time. sian.

Hi Gamze,
I would put my bb to slp on his own, as he oso dun like being tap to slp. he will wiggle in his bed until he slp.

Hi Peachmomo,
Congrate on the winning. I am not sure whether bb gals tok earlier. But My bb boi is able to call papa when he was around 8mth plus, then at 9mth to call mama. when he cal papa 1st, i was so jealous tat he nv call mama instead. haha....
hello mummies..hee sorry mia me watch korean drama again...gamze n lonerunner..

baby progress: yeh using pampers active n huggies drypants very convenient
pork: we use pork loin n 2 different vege every meal coz me lazy steam fruits for baby...
oh anyone knows when is the Gimmill sale is happening??
LemonT, you know??? Since you are also shopping queen. haha..

Last year it was in mid Dec leh..
peachmomo, justin is so cute. he can even make funny faces. his photo wiht glasses is so adorable. he deserves to win. is this taken by studio or u guys took it for him?

speaking of which, anyone got recommendations for studio photo take? I wanna go for one on my boy's first bday.
Btw mummies using Britax car seats...

Does your baby head tend to topple when the car is moving and baby happened to be asleep? I removed the padding on top as the car seat is getting a little squeezy for him, end up sometimes daddy negotiate a bend, though not at fast speed, his head will topple out of the seat, so dangerous...

I bought the kiddopotamus head support, but doesnt seem to help much leh, as the space left after putting the head support seems much lesser, and end up his head gotta rest on the head support rather than in between... any suggestions pls?
Thanks Snow and AG! haha.. cute huh?? with the specs make him look so intellectual like that.
Anyway, its a studio pic. I took at Studio loft. I'm also looking for another studio for his 1st bday pics.

HappY: Im using Britax, and justin sleeps well in it. I bot another car seat that is by safety 1st. That is then topple head.
Hallo Mummies....

I am bk from my crazy day out on the bike with my guide in HCMC! hahaha....super super scary, fun and exciting at the same time... I told my guide we will use the bike again tml.... hahaha....

Yo Peach, congrats on Justin winning the contest... haha...

happy, I m also using royale.... head wun topple out leh but maybe sometimes will be abit lopsided but still remain inside the car seat wor...and ya, i removed the padding since Mer was abt 3 months old...cuz it was too squeezy for her already by then...she got big head and fat cheeks... LOL...
wahhh so happy, now got so many posts... many MIA mommies r back :D

WAhhh ur BM so sayang lo... I am giving my bm away for my friend's baby too. When d baby was a newborn, mine was oredi 6mth+, i was a bit concerned so we double check with their pd. His respond was "Of course you can feed your friend's BM, it's GREAT!!" But ho... many PD have diff school of thoughts so I think depends on individuals... as long as baby's mom dun mind sure ok.

May b the hospital is not Pro-BM. I personally SUPER PRO-BM :D heheh so I do not think it's unhygienic, my cousin also used to drink my (other) aunt's milk, last time they din even expressed out, just latch... wahlao if like that i have to think twice cos i think would b funny when the baby has grown up... but ho my fren also teach her bb call me "nai-ma" hahaha....

My baby is d opposite of yours. Hb n I always say bb is fruitarian haha cos she doesn't like porridge. I slowly intro her more meat now...

Awww Cas is super duper cute, i can imagine her short-short in d shopping mall... hahaha ya, u know how long we have waited for her teeth to cut thru?? I keep on singing "all i want for xmas is bb's front teeth" hahahahah cos we all can see white stuff since she was 6mth old... Can u see white stuff on Cas' lower gum??

Oh ya, Cas is really fast in mobility, I dunno how true but my fren's pd said some kids who r faster in mobility might have teeth later... hers has 6teeth but cant cruise yet :D that's why she asked her pd...

Re Pull-ups pants:... HAHAHA *high five* me too me too, when i tried pull ups for d first time also had a big mess taking off then discovered u can tear at its side.... baby is now too fast to faster diaper right???

Sandy: TWO THUMBS UP for ur instructions on pork!!! It's like me writing minus being so articulate... haha that's how i do it too but my baby still doesn't like very textured food cos i am lazy and still use hand blender. Just a suggestion for cereal, cant u just mix it into some textured food?? so sayang to throw le...
Re: Sleep/Nap
Do u guys know how glad i am to read that ur babies sleep late too?? I tot it's only my dear daughter HAHAHA... I was so obsessed in putting baby to sleep that my hubby said it's my daily goal... sleep n eat... n prob poop too :D

my baby sleeps at 10+ now. I am so concerned. I still stick to her bedtime routine but it doesn't seem to work. she can even cry very loudly when she refused to sleep, at times I wondered whether she was hurt in some way. No tears tho. She only cry with tears when it's serious.

She wakes up around 8:00 and nap only 2.5hrs daily. I think it's really too little right??? only total to 12-13hrs sleep... me not very happy...

Hehehe yeah it was v convenient when she used to do her business every morning on d toilet seat. Now, I have to stand her stinky diapers in d bin again...
seems like i have to re-train her... sigh...

HIIIIIIIIIIII hahahahha OH my daughter might still b a champion then hahahah... she is 10.2kgs d last time we went to PD. Did not increase a lot anymore cos she is more mobile... and PD seems to b happy with her progress too. I saw her video when she was 5mths old, while inside d jumperoo... OH MY she was really ROUND then, din realise before.. now she doesn't look like that anymore. Altho when I brought her out I still get surprised mommies around....

ok gtg again, now cross fingers she'll sleep
Sandy: Wow your girl really sleeps well and she really knows how to fit into your schedule.

Overload: My girl also sleeps only total 12-13hours.After the recent UTI episode, she always wake up 30-45mins after nap. I have to carry her and pat her to sleep again but sometimes it does not work.Wow, your girl is good size. My girl's gain weight is quite slow.

I saw a lot of the babies here have many teeth already. Mine still no sign of any whiteish thingy. Any baby here still toothless?

DJ mama: you are adventurous! cool! Enjoy your holiday.
hahahaa ... yesterday I fed bb with smashed vegetables. today her pooed out smashed vegetables. it's really "you poo what you eat" :p

my bb's nap is usually 30min only. Sometimes it goes into a hour or even 3! She wakes up at abt 7am in the morning so I also dun have time to do much tasks in the day.

oh my mum also buy jia yao rou. Supposedly tastier. :p

WAHHHHHH!!! U sound like really having lots of fun over there!!! ENVYYYYYY!!!!
Mer's really cute n smart! She knows she must voice up when her stuff are stolen!

got. the stage performance ended 10.30pm or so. But becos bb's recent sleeping time is around 9.30pm or 10pm, so she got very very cranky and kept fussing. the music was so loud until it was basically bouncing off walls! nvm if all windows were closed or not. tonite the stage performance was on again. luckily it's chinese opera tonite instead of those Karaoke performances. haizzzzz .... I'm going to be driven up the wall liao!!

hey sometimes after I posted, I wont be able to view my post in the thread. So wat I did is to refresh the browser (not reposting), then I will see my post. is this happening to you as well?

hey u are home too! congrats to justin!!! oooohhhh ... can see the photos on the facebook! SOOO CUTEEE!!
dun worry abt the puffs! it's ready for your collection anytime u are free to collect!!
It dun expire so soon lah .. hahahahaha!

really ah? ur friend's PD also said the same thing as my other friends. think really is diff school of tots liao. nvm lah. this is a lesson learnt for me - never forget to double check that the receiver's bb's PD is ok with other mummies' BM!
hhaa ... actually my hb also say that my daily goal seemed to be feed bb and put her to bed! I was quite obsessed and very particular abt setting down to a routine! hehehehee ... :p my bb's total nap time is abt the same as ur bb!

my bb still toothless leh. only whitish stuff on her gums and can feel the very very tip of 3 teeths only - 2 at the top and 1 at bottom. duno when the teeth will come out. But I think is ok. they can take their time to come out. Then i no need to brush her teeth liao! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! maybe wat overload said is correct .. bb whom are more mobile tend to have their teeth much later.
sandy(Knowledg mummy!keke): thks so much for the info!
hee no lah my chines normal only

grace/lonerunner: its bintan lagoon resort. acording to their website, they jus finish their reno for the rooms. this was definitely much bet than the nirwana resort(think ntuc de, nt i book so nt sure) i wen 2years back
thks ginn!

happy: tel ur hubby dun wry. our babies think play also no time , dun say be bothered abt the journey? keke
anyw its not bumpy, only once in awhile waves were quite strong, but still ok. my baby was busy playing with the ppl on board otherw would be sleepin.

but i agree with one mummy forgot who.. if its me now i wun go to batam/bintan, mayb wait aft the monsoon season, can go next yr
lonerunner: my baby vry mobile also but her 2 tooth below cm out liao. i think depends ba.. who knws ur baby 3 teeth would emerged at the same time to surprise u! : )

whao mummies! ur babies can sleep so long ah?
mine cant 10+ she sleep, then nwadys 5+(at my place) she wake up cos no place for her to turn etc she woke herslf up... mil place ok cos she sleep mattress so she was lik evrywh, but jus nw mil say she tdy sudly 4am wake up n dun wan sleep until 6am! faintz

then mummies, jus nw smthg happen i was so DOWN!!!..drop inside well, mil jus finish feed baby, carry her out, i stretch out my hand to carry her she DUN WANT! she cling on to mil! jus 2 days no see her only.. sun she was stil clingin to me!

