(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

By the way, when u give papaya, do u give from sliced papayas? Cos when outside, not possible to buy whole papaya and cut....but I also scared the cut ones are contaminated....

Hi Mummies,
Long time never log in.... Great to see gathering.. Can i still join the gathering? Any daddy joining the gathering?

NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
BP: Clothes and accessories (bb and mummy)
Lunch Provider: NeoGarden

Amount payable: Pls transfer $15 to Snow_luplup, POSB Savings: 003-39889-7. indicate ur nickname, transaction reference.

All are welcome!

Mummy + bb (# of px for lunch catering)
01) Deedee + bb Alethea (Total 1 adult only)
02) Blueb + bb Raphael (Total 1 adult only)
03) Dbaby + BB Irisa (Total 1 adult only)
04) Lonerunner + BB Chi Mun (Total 1 adult only)
05) GraceChua + bb Han (Total 1 adult only)
06) Popkorn SY + bb Sarah (Total 1 adult only)
07) pumpkinseed (Total 1 adult only)
08) Ginn + bb Faith (Total 1 adult only)
09) webtobe06 + bb Snow (Total 1 adult only)
10) steph (Total 2 adults)
11) snowluplup + bb Josen (Total 1 adult only)
12) Catmomo + bb caleb (Total 1 adult only)
13) princessdella + bb Renee (Total 1 adult only)
14) spicegal + bb Jerilyn (Total 1 adult only)
15) mrslim + bb Noel (Total 1 adult only)
16) joannelim + bb Joel (Total 1 adult only)
17) DJ Mama + bb Merisse (Total 1 adult only)
18) Saroqueenie + bb Joel (Total 1 adult only)
19) ag_gal + bb Jovan (Total 1 adult only)
20) mudpie + bb Chloe (Total 1 adult only)
21) LemonT + bb Breana (Total 1 adult only)
22) Mrs Sim + bb Zachary (Total 1 adult only)
23) Butterkiss + bb Kayden (Total 1 adult only)
24) Happy mummy + bb Xavier (Total 1 adult only)
25) BBYANG + bb Jun Xiang (Total 1 adult only)
26) Ah_zi + bb Keitaro (Total 1 adult only)
27) sheepish (total 1 adult only)
28) Popipi + bb Aaden (total 1 adult)
29) Fiona + bb Clover (total 1 adult)
30) Iceblue + bb Nicole (no need cater lunch)
31) Olivey + bb Justin (total 1 adult)
31) Olivia + bb Xavier (total 2 adult)
Sorry been a busy week. Project in final test stage so have to support day and night. Now working from home and best, I'm supposed to be on leave!

24hr clinic:
wah so good. I think my hse here no 24hr clinic for PD leh. Have to go hospital when emergency.

personal preference lah
Not that promil gold has anything wrong
Else it wont be available for sale liao :p

let u know the answers soon

papaya shld be alrite. just that the amt of nutrients may be lost more from prolong exposure to outside temperature. The worst is watermelon. Easiest to get contaminated lah

welcome to join us! The figures appearing in the table is just for lunch catering. Not necessary to present the number of ppl going

Btw you do not accepts PM
Can PM me instead? I'll pass u the URL to the location in streetdirectory
Blueb, thanks for the clarification, please dun get it wrong, we are not implying that you or anyone had any personal gains from this event, but its good to be transparent and be clear on the accounting aspect.

Initially lonerunner only mention $15 for buffet and delivery so I wonder which menu you have chosen. If you factor in $2 for function room then its ok. However, we hope you could do away with the misc cost (may it be decorations, balloons, etc) as its only a simple gathering and we could do without all these. To echo what you say, "Since the main reason for having this bash is that our babies will have a chance to gather, play and have fun, and that mummies can chat, exchange ideas and support one another on this journey of motherhood."

Btw, you mentioned that 10% discount is being used. If so, the amount also adds up to less then $13. The cheapest buffet (min 30 pax) from neo garden cost $10.99, so for the initial 32 adults = $10.99 x 32 = $351.68 + $40 (transport) = $391.68 x 1.07 (GST) = $419.10 less 10% = $377.19 divide by 32 pax = $11.80 each for buffet. Please let me know if there is any mistake in my calculation, maybe I did not consider other costs involved. Thanks.

i went to sg on oct 22 now came back to manila already haha..

i bought the fruits from hotel restaurants and i rinse the fruits with drinking water before feeding. they come in slice lor..hee hee..so far no contamination issues
Hi All,

<font color="ff0000">Why pay more for the Car Insurance when we can save the monies to buy pretty clothes for our kids / Lot of toys / <u>BEST</u> milk powder in town / send them to the <u>MOST</u> reputable Montessori / bring your kids for holiday / pamper yourself with branded stuffs.....and many more.</font>

Car insurance have to be renewed every year, as with most car owners, we do not have the time to approach each and every car insurer for quotations, not to mention going through the fine prints in detail and comparing plans.

Most of us end up renewing our car insurance with the existing insurer and not knowing that we might be paying $200 - $500 more...

By comparing quotations from all 10 Singapore Motor Insurers, we will do a <u>FREE</u> comparison for you with all motor insurance companies in Singapore...insurers that you heard often as well as others that you have not.

For more information, please email to me [email protected] for a <font color="0000ff">NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE.</font>
hello mammafio n peachmomo, yeh pastiser very $$$ but nice.. branded.. depends wat u want.. i also wanted to do there but think i wan remain budget $250 since the rest provide desserts n foc cake i just do a small but nice cake for show..

hello blueb just bcareful most fruits from stalls soak in sugar water before display to preserve best rinse before eating like wat sandy did..

Oh gosh....i was looking thru the webby, thinking of what items to buy then realised the BP closed liao....

But that also means good news to DJ and partner ..cos the response is fantastic!!
MaMaFio, nothing wrong with Promil ah, the one i have is a stage 2, so i bring to the bash for you. Cos im still Bfeeding my boy then my boy only tried Enfa so far.

ButterKiss, Will u still be an angel to bring for Saro... hahaha, thanks ah , i meet u first hor.

Peachmomo, tell u a bad news, i heard we miss the Dec FP sale liao, it was over few weeks ago, ...... keep fingers crossed that they gg to have another one (which there might not be one).
Regarding Birthday cake, im thinking to try the one in AMK, Pine Garden. Heard great reviews and im gg to book the venue soon ! Talk abt KS.... hahahaha

Olively, hehehe, thanks for ur support, we planning next BP.Pls support ! do u want to be on our mailing list ? hehehehehe

Pumpkinseed, im afraid we cant make it in time for the diaper cluthes on 14nov, maybe you might like to tell us which design you like, Maybe if we intend to keep stocks, we might keep the popular designs ?
Am glad that we have resolved your concerns earlier in msn.

As requested, I'll post the points that we have dicussed into the forum.

Items payable:
Contrary to what Spicegals has remarked, there isnt any indication that $15 is for buffet and delivery only.
In fact on Lonerunner's post on 03Nov 5.21pm, it is written "$15 payable for lunch (inc GST and delivery charges) and misc."
That is why blueb reclarified again.

Incorrect assumptions/figures used in Spicegal's calculation:

1. Based on NeoGarden's website, $10.99 is a weekday rate for 30px and above. Hardly applicable to a Saturday.
Weekend rate is at least $1 more at $11.99

2. Formula used by NeoGarden vs Spicegal

NeoGarden's calculation
Total Cost = (($$ per px * number of ppl) - 10% Member Discount + $40 delivery charge) + GST

Spicegal's calculation
Total Cost = ($$ per px * number of ppl) + 40 delivery charge + GST - 10% Member Discount

Spicegal has verified and agreed that the amount payable for lunch is abt $13 based on weekend rates.

3. $2 for misc.
This refers to function room charges. This is also clarified with Spicegal.

Now that this issue has been resolved, we would like to re-urge all mummies to start the payment transfer to snowluplup soon. This would allow us to clear the logistics and etc early.

May everyone enjoy this Nov gathering!

okie .. time to zzzzz ...... *snooze*
aiyo lonerunner
i think hor u shouldnt have posted out this way... to me, it sounds like u are against spicegal leh. she is not against anyone mah, she just wanting to have clear accounting. as i say , money issue is sensitive.

btw u can simply just list down the conclusion of your discussion with her , rather than bringing up every single thing both of u discuss and keep mentioning her name. abit like lawyer "making a conclusion statement" against the criminal. so n so has confessed this n tat.. n have done this n tat..

i am not against u btw, just having issue with the way u are pinpointing my friend.

anyway, hopefully this gathering wont end up with another big fight like the previous time.
sure sure... we meet 1st... or u want come my house and see see look look? *LOL* Maybe I should open a garage sale... got a lot of toys lying around also. *LOL*
Hi all,

Its been such a long time since I posted here, hope everyone is doing fine!
Updated the below list with 2 adults instead of 1, hubby is tagging along, see ya

NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
BP: Clothes and accessories (bb and mummy)
Lunch Provider: NeoGarden

Amount payable: Pls transfer $15 to Snow_luplup, POSB Savings: 003-39889-7. indicate ur nickname, transaction reference.

All are welcome!

Mummy + bb (# of px for lunch catering)
01) Deedee + bb Alethea (Total 1 adult only)
02) Blueb + bb Raphael (Total 1 adult only)
03) Dbaby + BB Irisa (Total 1 adult only)
04) Lonerunner + BB Chi Mun (Total 1 adult only)
05) GraceChua + bb Han (Total 1 adult only)
06) Popkorn SY + bb Sarah (Total 1 adult only)
07) pumpkinseed (Total 1 adult only)
08) Ginn + bb Faith (Total 1 adult only)
09) webtobe06 + bb Snow (Total 1 adult only)
10) steph (Total 2 adults)
11) snowluplup + bb Josen (Total 1 adult only)
12) Catmomo + bb caleb (Total 1 adult only)
13) princessdella + bb Renee (Total 1 adult only)
14) spicegal + bb Jerilyn (Total 1 adult only)
15) mrslim + bb Noel (Total 1 adult only)
16) joannelim + bb Joel (Total 1 adult only)
17) DJ Mama + bb Merisse (Total 1 adult only)
18) Saroqueenie + bb Joel (Total 1 adult only)
19) ag_gal + bb Jovan (Total 1 adult only)
20) mudpie + bb Chloe (Total 1 adult only)
21) LemonT + bb Breana (Total 1 adult only)
22) Mrs Sim + bb Zachary (Total 1 adult only)
23) Butterkiss + bb Kayden (Total 1 adult only)
24) Happy mummy + Happy daddy + bb Xavier (Total 2 adults only)
25) BBYANG + bb Jun Xiang (Total 1 adult only)
26) Ah_zi + bb Keitaro (Total 1 adult only)
27) sheepish (total 1 adult only)
28) Popipi + bb Aaden (total 1 adult)
29) Fiona + bb Clover (total 1 adult)
30) Iceblue + bb Nicole (no need cater lunch)
31) Olivey + bb Justin (total 1 adult)
31) Olivia + bb Xavier (total 2 adult)
aiya isit? paisei lah. no choice. angmo no good is like that lah. duno how to write the minutes of meeting too. asked spicegal wat I shld put down liso. spicegal also tell me put down the points n formula n that adds up to $13 so I put down lor. Cant think straight at that hour liao. So tired ...

And .... guessed wat? I just woke up! Shit!

Ganna BBQ by boss' boss for taking urgent morning leave but there is no way I can make it to office until 1030am. Hasnt express milk yet and bb is still at home!!! Expressing milk now ....
noted! Welcome!
Pls transfer to snowluplup's account. Thanks!

NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
BP: Clothes and accessories (bb and mummy)
Lunch Provider: NeoGarden
Amount payable: Pls transfer $15 to Snow_luplup, POSB Savings: 003-39889-7. And indicate ur nickname, transaction reference.

All are welcome!
joanne: i tink lonerunner dun mean it tt way also, lik she say lah haha english nt gd. anyw anyth written is easily misunderstood de, jus lik wen wrkg, emails are easily misunderstood too.
guess bcos spicegal is the one who first mentioned the issue, i prsonally think its gd tt lonerunner write tt, things has been clarified wif spicegal, attaini a mutual understandg btw them. cos many of us behind the scenes wun knw wat's happening on msn etc. we jus depend on forum.

believe since spice gal alrdy communicate wif lonerunner, she wun misunderstood the post here too.

let's look forwrd to gatherin and enjoy! cheers ! : )
Gerly26, my baby has no teeth either and she's 8.5 months now. I'm ok with that though, so she can't bite me haha.
I gave pasta blended with my babycook he he
She eats fish, chicken, pork at infant care
Also, I thought she was going to be a bum shuffler but when she was sick a few weeks ago, she was so desperate to be next to me all the time that she learnt how to crawl. I was so shocked because I left her on the playmat, went to room to get something, and when I came back, she had crawled 2m!

butterkiss, any winter clothing for boys to sell??

Dbaby, I sent you my order.

Joannelim, I really like some o your designs! Am still browsing your designs and will order soon. Def will get the caterpillar and the one designed by your friend Karen. Maybe you can just make them and I will get from you at gathering? Any colour is fine except blue, orange, burgundy, black.

aidanyap, 8kg at 8 months is not low weight!

lonerunner, the backpack from the BP seems very useful but not so nice to look at haha. I just splurged on a Kate Spade baby bag but regretting a bit now as it's not very comfy on the shoulders. And Kate Spade warehouse sale coming up..argh

snowlupulp, I will transfer and PM you tonight.

saro, ok I let you know later.

Falling: A fell twice, once from the bed and once while trying to stand up holding on to the coffee table. And both times, someone was less than a meter from her but not fast enough to catch her. Heart pain!!

Choc cake [email protected]
Jelly Cake from Ejelly (www.ejelly.com.sg) or email: [email protected]

I was compiling a list for myself too

Booked aimummy already because of all the good reviews and she makes nice personalised cakes that apparently taste yummy.
Patissier cakes are nice but I find them really rich! Very hard to eat after a full meal.

It's not too early to start planning for 1st year birthday. The Hort Park room I wanted to book is already reserved and paid for for end Feb 2010! So now still looking for venue...
We had FUN in the last gathering. looking forward to nex sat's &amp; meeting many o u nice mummies and cute babies.
sure we will hv a GREAT TIME!

Meanwhile, stay happy

poor u. hv to take urgent morn leave...
hello pumpkin seed great hear from u.. u workin nw..infant care very $$$??
not too early find place coz many place fully book.. i also book my party place for bb..aimummy cakes r superb!!!
Hi olively...thanks for the payment =) Will check later.

Hi gerly26/sandy...thanks! Hopefully can buy whole fruits, if not for cut fruits, will rinse with water first.

Hi iceblue...Yup, I will be bringing stroller. Taking jetstar, called them up and they say can bring stroller up plane w/o extra cost, so might as well bring la.

P.seed...Aimnummy very ex. Initially I also wanted to book, but decided not to. I enquired before, for like 2 tier for 30pax will cost at least $180 already!

Actually, I was thinking hor, at 1 yr old, I dun think our babies can appreciate the pretty cake leh...So was thinking should I get from like other cake shops where its not so ex, yummy but design not so cute.
yes my bb fell from the cot ..he was crawling so fast and he always peeps from end of the cot to see what is on the floor now i have removed my cot and we all sleep on floor with cushions all over my room !!!

how are ya ..i didnt know u came and went back too !! ........
Thanks Pumpkin! Wow that aimummy cakes really look good huh... $180 is still ok la. Im not willing to pay like $300 over la..
Ok i must faster book the cakes and the venue liao. I thought i was KS, but didnt know there are many mummies like me.. hahaha

Where are you mummies looking to book for the venue? Im intending to book my club. Ai yo. somemore my bb's bday is in Jan..
gerly, where is your venue? I need ideas! Yeah, I went through all but still like aimummy's cakes so booked he for my date already.

blueb, Well actually it's to thank our friends and family for being s supportive. We had a tough time during pregnancy but they were there for us all the way. So this party is also to thank them. $180 sounds like a lot but when I compared to other places like Patissier, it's a bargain !

I tried Cherylshuen for my baby's 1st month. The cupcakes looked really really pretty but taste wise, not fantastic. She was very nice to deal with.
P.seed.... Ya, I was thinking the cake is more for adults than baby! U tried aimummy's cake before? I was thinking of getting cakes that are tried and proven to be yummy, like secret recipe cakes...
I just emailed cherylshuen...haha...thanks for the feedback. I am very hesitant in getting cakes from these individuals who bakes them, cos not sure if they cakes will taste nice.
P.seed... Sorry...wat I meant was I just emailed her, then I saw ur post...But nevermind la, see what she says. Anyway, I dun really like the designs that she posted on her website, so just email and see hows her pricing and choices like.

Peachmomo....what club u join?
hello blueb n p.seed..yeh we r all so excited about our gal 1st birthday.. me after comtemplating whether do a buffet n bbq catering or go restuarant decided finally do at pariss buffet restuarant @ suntec for high tea... as my gal birthday fall during cny period dun think people want help out bbq n also catering will increase price so i book the restuarant they give free function room n buffet covers sushi,hotfood dessert drinks unlimited n only nett price $16.80 aircon n guest can go shopping after hassle free...within my budget n no need cleaning unlike my 1st mth celebration do so many then forgot take pictures!!! wan to look glam n relax this time round... we will check in hotel1night stay enjoy too...i very ks checkout manyplace before commit..so far this the best option for me..nw only thinking wat theme for the function room deco..lunch n dinner too heavy others can go CNY visiting after too
gerly26....wow! the buffet is only $16.80 per pax?? Oh ya, I just checked, its high tea. Sounds good! hehe... I was thinking of booking the function room at my parents' condo, and hold it there...more convienent if bb wants to sleep... Hmm....but having it at restaurant sounds like a good idea! Plus check in hotel one nite!
My bb first month celebration invited a lot of pple....very busy, not much chance to eat and I didnt talk to many pple. So this time round, I am only going to invite relatives and a few close frens...thinking about 30pax total.
been long since i post.. having a hard time adjusting and getting use to my new role - SAHM.. but so far very fun and whole day flies by very quickly.. and something came up at home too, so keep me rather busy too... =) been reading the forum but no time to really sit down n post..

wat offfer they haf? got FM offer? I looking for Enfa... Today went to their small outlet, dun see any offers.. if u gt see Enfa, can let me know... I wan to stock up!!

wat buffet is tt? which hotel?
u miss the offer for enfa liao.. i think 2 weeks ago, ntuc selling for 33++ i think.. did u stock up tat time? i stock up 6 can.. abit regret.. should have buy 1 dozen hehe

wow sahm liao... u adjusting to new role, i am adjusting life without the help of my hubby.he has gone oversea for 2 weeks. So everyday must put two little ones to sleep.. make their meals etc.. super tired by the time they sleep. then still need to wash dishes , bottles, clean up their mess.. sian.

nice to hear that. will make the two in advance for u =). will bring some my collection to the gathering.
NTUC got bb fair? thanks thanks! Here I come!!

hey u working now ya? How's everything now?

wat? the HortPark room has already been book? hey how abt botanical garden? Think got a function room too.
ya, the bag's design doesnt look good. :p I saw a backpack on sale at mothercare yesterday. Quite lightweight @ $80 but very big! My hb can spot the bag first before spotting me!

u lucky leh. ur bb's birthday in jan. no need to squeeze with the CNY crowd for reunion lunch/dinner!

think depends on your agenda? maybe if go shopping ok to bring stroller. but if wan to go outside of town or shopping centers, maybe abit hard to move around with stroller? I am also not sure. Am still thinking if I wan to bring along the stroller when travelling next year. hb and I planned to go melbourne either late feb or early march. See our schedule first.
lonerunner: decided to brg stroller. cos if kp carry her also tired.. aiyo nw she hor forever kp want to stand up. jus nw go visit her. she refuse sit dwn kp stand n jump. MIL carry her let her stand, i dun let her, i ask her to sit n rest but she cant stay long...*faintz*
urm I think you have got a headache this coming Feb too. 3 occasions! Wow!

does hotel has stroller to lend us or not? hehehehe ... :p
hello iceblue, yeh its high tea but plenty to eat tried food got standard, my bb 1st mth more than 120 people in chalet came damn buzi need pump milk n watch bb sleep in chalet n rain no time entertain also so scare h1n1 dun dare go out...then order buffet catering people eat most 2rounds food no more this rest bao everything n almost same price, bb big enough by then i will allow others carry ....the hotel i pay my own hee.. wan cut off milk supply after n sleep 24hrs!!!

wow joanne yr bb got 3 celebrations xtra angpoa n chocolates!!!

dbaby n lonerunner think got many stuff discount diaper, bb items - food, milk powder sorry din browse exact wat brand..will checkout if passby tmr..
NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
BP: Clothes and accessories (bb and mummy)
Lunch Provider: NeoGarden
Amount payable: <font color="0000ff">Pls transfer $15 per px to Snow_luplup, POSB Savings: 003-39889-7. indicating ur nickname, transaction reference and amount. </font> Thanks!

All are welcome!

Names of Mummy and bb for NameTag
01) Deedee + bb Alethea
02) Blueb + bb Raphael
03) Dbaby + BB Irisa
04) Lonerunner + BB Chi Mun
05) GraceChua + bb Han
06) Popkorn SY + bb Sarah
07) pumpkinseed
08) Ginn + bb Faith
09) webtobe06 + bb Snow
10) steph (Paid. $30)
11) snowluplup + bb Josen
12) Catmomo + bb caleb
13) princessdella + bb Renee
14) spicegal + bb Jerilyn
15) mrslim + bb Noel
16) joannelim + bb Joel
17) DJ Mama + bb Merisse
18) Saroqueenie + bb Joel
19) ag_gal + bb Jovan
20) mudpie + bb Chloe
21) LemonT + bb Breana
22) Mrs Sim + bb Zachary
23) Butterkiss + bb Kayden
24) Happy mummy + Happy daddy + bb Xavier
25) BBYANG + bb Jun Xiang
26) Ah_zi + bb Keitaro
27) sheepish
28) Popipi + bb Aaden
29) Fiona + bb Clover
30) Iceblue + bb Nicole (No need to cater lunch)
31) Olivey + bb Justin (Paid. $15)
32) Olivia + bb Xavier

Games for BB and mummies:
Details coming your way ... stay posted!

Carpool/ TaxiPool
*Pls arrange among yourselves for pickup schedule!
1) CCK MRT [by car - Snowluplup] - snowluplup, webtobe06 (Slot's full)
2) BoonLay/West [By Taxi] - joannelim. Any others?
3) Sembawang [by car - Butter] - Any takers??

1) Playmats for bb to lie on
- Dbaby will bring 1 playmat (TBC)
- BBYang will bring 1 playmat

2) Plastic sheet for bags and mummy to sit
- Saro

Look forward to seeing everyone on Nov 14, 2009!
u go melbourne? a good place to visit and u wont regret! i missed the place so much! we'r planning to re-visit melbourne in feb too in celebrating my gal's 1st yr. bring her to see friends and relatives, and places HB &amp; I stayed last time. but still thinking whether to go in feb coz is extremly warm during summer time and it can go up like 42C!!! I stayed there for many years for studies and works. let me know if u need any info abt melbourne...hehe!
gerly, p.seed, peachmomo
all started planning for 1st birthdays already?? my bb is on feb 20 and mostly i will visit India for a grand function there i guess !
...... May be i have to come back and then plan the get together for my friends here la !!

lonerunner .
how are you and how is your bb now ...all wounds and bruises settled ???

SAHM already !! ?? i did not know ...well yes i also find that my weekends when am at home is more busy than weekdays when i work !
heheheheh ... its just that we tend to a lot of things thinking we are only at home right .s.o we can do and this amounts to quite a lot !
Had transferred $15 to your bank account via ATM this morning abt 9.30am. Pls check. Thanks

yeah all bruises ok now! Thx for ur concern!
strollers for holi
yup, i will be bringing too..convenient also la..just tat taxi uncle cant close the boot with the other big cargo luggage bag haha must tie up with string lor
ya, must make use of airline benefit, u only leave yr stroller before you board the aircraft ok..there's a tag for your receipt too

will trf you shortly

bb 1st year
wah..see you all looking forward to the super big bash dunno shld stress or not haha..i probably have a close family dinner at restaurant. will celebrate his big 2 when he realised whats going on haha..just attended my hubby colleague bb 1yr old bash..poor fella frightened by all the ballons bursting and magician performance keke
hey thanks for offering!!
ei u were studying in melbourne previously ah? What a coincidence! Which part u were in? I was staying in Frankston previously. The town was an hour away from City, on the East part of melbourne. Was there for 1 year and a half for my studies. Met my hb there too.

Was planning to visit Victoria Market and Great Ocean Road where we used to go. Now bring bb to see for a trip down memory lane
. Then see if we can go strawberries plucking! hmmm .. hope that the weather wont be too hot in the day towards end Feb/Mar.

If cash and annual leaves allow, we might hop over to Tasmania as well
