(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

anyway mummies, evening is coming... & i'll be spending time wif my family! hence, if u post & pm me, but i never update e list, pls be patient okie? will do so by tomolo when my gal naps... thanks for ur patience!

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Hi mummies,

I'll be having my BP next week for some BPA free items - including <font color="ff0000">Sophie The Giraffe</font>, Natursutten teethers and pacifier, Foogo Sippy Cup, Adiri and Baby Cubes</font>

Price would be $28.50 for Sophie... so if you can't order now.. feel free to join. I'll update you again with the link next week</font>
Hi BB power,

Shop name :Little Colette@ B1

Price : 39.9 expensive! feel the pinch but my gal put everything she could grab into her mouth so i don wan wait liao since saw it, might as well get it la..

If u don mind waiting, tink 29 is a MUCH MUch better deal..
erm BP is $28.50? sure bo?
maybe some of us want to complain to the distributor liao hahah, cos someone is spoiling our thread BP. why can give others such low price n cant give it to us since they claim to be the only distributor?
u sure we are having gathering on 29th? totally not aware of. anyway,the distributor cant deliver on a weekend? and 3pm seems abit tough for most pple. working pple sure cant make it.
YES! The shop is called Little Colette.
I saw Sophie the Giraffe there. It's a pretty shop right? But super expensive baby things.

I remember Sophie was like... $30+? So it's $39! Anyway, agree with you, sometimes babies just cannot afford to wait!

Must say, the rest of the shop has stuff that is worth looking at tho. It's pretty unique and quite unusual, some of the items.
Hi joannelim,
Yes, Sophie.sg is the only distributor in Singapore. I'm just selling this price for promotional basis and only for this BP.

hmmm maybe i should just sell it @ $29 then. So, no issue here
aiyoh..fever liao 37.7deg..stressed
jus gave him paracetamol 0.5ml with feed
hv to monitor his condition 2nite liao..

strange, how did doolbydoo know we are getting sophie? smmore cheaper by 50cents? haa..

has it been 72 hrs after the jab that your baby developed fever? my PD says if its related to the vaccination, it should develop within 72 hours. If not its something else. rashes can also be associated with viral infection. if its outside 72 hours, i think its better if you bring your baby to a PD since theres fever and rashes.
Hi popipi,

i'm a mommy from march 09 thread.
I thought, since the BP closed liao, then i inform my BP. Who knows got other mommy that missed the BP.

Sorry, if i offended some of you... Will change to $29
so is doolbydoo the distributor of sophie? and if she is not, and she is getting the same items from sophie.com.sg, how come she can get lower price n not us?

and doolbydoo, in case u didnt read the rules of this forum, u are not allowed to advertise in threads like this loh.. not meant to offence u, but u indeed have broken the rules n also have interrupted our BP here. since u quoted 28.50, and current deal is not close, dont u think tat pple will switch? and if our MQ drop below 24 we have to redo the whole thing again?

didnt mean to be harsh, but very piss off.
Hi joannelim,

I think that's because I'm a retailer and buy in bulk.

Yes, i know about the rules, cannot advertise...I didn't mean to advertise my shop, just to inform a BP that will be starting next week.

i really thought the BP has closed because Shippish mentioned that no more taking order. Otherwise, i will not disturb the BP. Really sorry about that.

In this case, i will delay selling Sophie in my BP... that's my apology for all of you
Hi sheepish,

you think you wanna change the date to wkend?? cos i think wkdays especially at 3pm is quite hard for alot of working mums to meet up wor...
Dear Joannelim and other mothers,

Sophie.sg is the official distributor for Sophie the Giraffe and other Vulli Toys products in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. doolbydoo is currently NOT our retailer. We are in negotiations with her webstore.

We hope she has not affected your self-organised BP. The S$29 is a very attractive price, and we will not offer it again anytime soon. BPs on the Singapore Motherhood BP thread will be selling Sophies at S$35.

Thank you for your continued interest in Sophie the Giraffe, your babies will love her as they begin teething. Special thanks goes to DJ Mama, joannelim and sheepish for handling the BP so far.

See some videos of babies enjoying Sophie the Giraffe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsfAD2wZZ28

For more information about Sophie the Giraffe, you can follow us on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sophie-the-Giraffe/376478025000?ref=ts or http://www.twitter.com/SophieGiraffeSG
Hi DJ or Sheepish, can I add 1 more order for my gf? She is Daphne Looi who came for the gathering at Changing Appetites. If really can't, then too bad la, I just try try for her.
By the way, confirm only weekday collection ah?
Hi anyone stays near Woodlands or Sembawang? I starting work on 29th June, 1st day of school, dun think I can make it to collect, can anyone help? I will go to ur home to collect. Thanks in advance.
thanks sophie LA giraffe for clearing up.. at least i am not so piss now.

sheepish, DJmama can we discuss over MSN? we always can consolidate who can make it to the gathering first, and who can help to distribute at their own area(north south east west)
in another case, can send to my house, but i will be charging handling fees(postage n envelopes n such) if need to post out. we discuss over msn ok.. i am going to feed baby now.. will be available after 10.30 - 11pm
Dear all mummies who were so concerned over my MIL's mothering methods and my boy's health, really want to thank you all, especially Joanne, Olively, Isabella's mum, Curiousgal, Roxanne, Sheepish, anyone I missed out, so sorry, the thread suddenly moved so quickly that I yesterday n today out, so hard to catch up le!

I will take extra care in the care of my boy from now on, I guess coz he is big-sized, we sometimes forget that he is only 4mth plus, I also very impatient coz kept saying boy ah, when u can walk hah, run and jump hah? Funny hor, maybe coz I try to minimise carrying him to prevent backache, so hoping he can walk earlier, so can play with him.
Btw, just want to inform that my hb's colleagues told him to give my boy water when he wakes up at nite, after a new nites, he will be tired of drinking water and will sleep. I am afraid to try, coz after reading abt oral water intoxification, dun want to cause him harm. Hope I can tahan when I start work again from 29th June. THey tried the method and their children did not wake up anymore in the nite, at least can last 6hrs.
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
i'll not be online later leh... in any case, it's fine by me if u wanna take over e collation of orders... i'll juz transfer e money from those who paid oreidi to u, provided they are fine wif collecting @ ur place...

e reason tat djmama &amp; i came to e conclusion of a weekday is cos it's less crowded &amp; hence easier to manage... i oso understand abt e work constraints, tat's why initially i offered my mum's place &amp; my place for collection too... nevertheless, if e mummies think weekend is better, do come up wif a specific date so i can check wif those who paid if they are ok... if not, i'll have to transfer e money back to them liao...
mummies who still wanna order sophie and can meet on e specified date, pls make payment as detailed above... will juz include ur order when payment is made, thanks!

The collection timing cannot make it lay...how?

ALso, can we get sophies earlier than 29 June. 29 seems like a LONG......long....wait.

how how how.....
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua
7. breezie


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
sheepish, can we collect earlier?
i agree with olively to change the time to 1pm so that we can go during lunch. at least it is easier for u to manage than weekends
hey sheepish,

i suddenly tot of something that might happen if someone were to play dirty.

I can just pose as one of the mummies who paid and pick up the sophie from u since u listed the names of those who paid.

just my tot.
i think their consideration is bcos of the lunch hour crowd...

my suggestion is , if i take over, i will need to ask u all whether u want the box or not. if u dont want the box, i will just take out all the sophie n meet u all at 2 collection pt . one is boon lay mrt , one is town area.. if dont want box is easier n lighter. then postage also easier.
i oso can't wait to get hold of sophie, tat's why i wanted to push for tis sun even... but, we din get e supplier's reply earlier yet we need to bring abt a closure for tis... if not, e orders will juz continue to increase wif no real possibility of actually closing e purchase... tat's why after discussing, djmama &amp; i came up wif a time frame whereby we can collect money &amp; yet give some lead time for e supplier to fulfill e orders... if we are to change e date, i'll have to find out if those who oreidi paid can make it... if not, i'll have to refund them e money... hence, pls suggest a specific date if u wan it changed too... thanks!
Oh sheepish...so supplier still no reply u huh....

Say if they replied and can get earlier...can go to ur place to collect? if can, where u stay huh? if cannot then it's ok lor.
btw, u SAHM or haven start work?
i'm ok wif 1pm... e initial plan to make it 3pm was so tat mummies who need to take leave only take half day... but i oso understand it doesn't make sense to take half a day's leave to save $10... so yeah, 1pm is gd...

but now e qn is, are those mummies who paid gd wif 1pm?

i agree wif ur concern tat there is a risk of ppl turning up in someone else's position &amp; collect sophie... hence all mummies who paid, pls pm me ur real name as well so i can tick off e person collecting... thanks!
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua
7. breezie
8. whitegalz
9. rin


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
Thanks so much, Roxanne!

Sheepish, may I suggest u all collect the money on that day to prevent play-out? But there is also risk-what if the person who ordered did not come, then u all really have to save Sophie for #2, 3, 4 or even 5 liao. I think transfer money 1st still safer.
So sheepish, just to confirm, my friend who came that day at Changing Appetites, Daphne, cannot place order for Sophie anymore?

I trfing $29 to u now...

e supplier oreidi replied... but when we (djmama &amp; i) were deciding e when &amp; where to meet, he/she hasn't...

i stay near tanah merah mrt, can collect from me if wan... but if change timing to 1pm, u can make it rite?
