(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY

Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
hi sandy,

thanks for yr concern. bb has his jab this morning n fever came in evening. but aft giving him the paracetamol, the fever subsides, so i will be checking on him later
Sheepish..THnaks...yar should be able to make it at 1 pm.
Just hoping to get it earlier.

ANyway i will transfer $$ tomorrow cos left my token in office.
But only can PM and notify u at night when i reach home cos office no access.

Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. liting
13. Ladysol14
14. gallop


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
hi mummies, thanks for ur pm! if u've made payment & name is not reflected on e list, then let me noe again okie? in case i miss out anybody... will not be replying to ur pm yet, as too many liao... hehe, will take my time to reply yeah? but yup, if u've paid, name shd be reflected on list... thanks!
sheepish, I'm from apr thread, can I purchase Sophie? I am ok with the 1pm timing, If you are fine, I will proceed to transfer the $$.

Hi Sheepish,

I have transferred money to your account under the nick lilmoo. Rin (4evaluv) will be collecting on my behalf. Thanks!

Amount S$29.00
Transaction Reference 2312279986
Was initially annoyed at how the the local distributor was handling the situation but you have defnitely made it up to the forum mothers here. Thumbs up for the clarification!

I worked in sales and marketing before so I know it can be tricky when dealing with customers. Glad it's working out now for everyone.

I've sent my postal address to them so let's see what comes in the mail. :p

Oh and lastly, being a little pedantic here but it's either
-Sophie the Giraffe OR
-Sophie la Girafe
different spelling...
Hi joanlim
Is it possible for me to collect it either at your place ( at your convenience time ) or r u able to do postage for us n of cos we pay for stamps n envelope?
I m a sahm with two young kids. Very challeging to bring both down to town leh.
Thanks for organizing. After seeing u doing the consolidation n stuff, not easy heh?
Hi Sheepish,

I had transfered the $58 to your account. Please check.

To Account DBS Savings Plus
029-9-056916 Sheepish
Amount S$58.00
Transaction Reference 2312329202
hi sheepish,
Thanks so much for all your effort in organizing this sophie

May I ask if I order an additional sophie? I have ordered 2 previously and would like to add in another. Thanks for confirming and I will transfer the $$ to you shortly.
If it's lunchtime, then I can also collect it.
Funds Transfer from SEAHORSE To DBS Savings Plus 029-9-056916 S$29.00

Transaction Reference 2312410829

hope to meet at 1PM but sorry, i am lost. where is the 1 pm location?
Hi Sheepish,

I have transferred to your account, Interbank from OCBC... $29
Transaction ref: 20090619070062
Please check, thanks, nick is hap_mum79 because now in this thread got another happymum, so tot better to specify that 79 behind, thanks!
If want to do quick lunch, can it be earlier? Say 12.30pm? Because I need to be back by 2... and I work in Raffles Place leh....
Otherwise, is there any mummies staying in Sengkang tat can collect on my behalf? I want the box leh, so dont want postage... keke
hi joannelim,

Do u mind collecting the sophie for me? I can go to ur hse at jurong west on wkday night / wkend to collect.
Thank you.
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. cailing
13. lilmoo
14. da_bin_1
15. da_bin_2
16. mgwee
17. seahorse


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
collection timing
yes, collection timing will be changed to 1pm... e edited post will be up later by djmama, as i dunno how to highlight...

i will not be getting any no as i cannot call every1 on e list... however, i will be pming my no to all involved so they can call me instead if anything... thanks!

all mummies who paid:
pls note tat i will email u latest on tue as i'm usually busy during weekend... oso, will be going out for a while later... hence, pls forgive if list is not updated for e next few hrs... thanks!
Sophie e Giraffe
Dear mummies,

Sheepish and I understand that all of you want to get Sophie quickly and with as little fuss as possible. However, please do understand that <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">this is not a BP.</font></font> We are simply collating orders to go to the distributor for a better price as a favor. Sheepish and I do not make any profits and we definitely need to spend time and effort to make this work for all of you. Also, as the order is going to be huge, and we are both bringing our babies with us, we cannot possibly meet everyone’s demands and request.

Hence, we request that this be a <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">strictly self-collect order.</font></font> For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list. Or you can approach other mummies who are collecting and staying near you to help you pick up your order.

Also, for any of you wanting to join in the order, please make payment to Sheepish and let her know and she will add your order in. <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Do not post and ask if you can join.</font></font> If you make the payment by tonight before 12am Singapore Time, we will add your order in.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">29th June 2009, Monday, 1pm, Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Cafe</font></font>

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. cailing
13. lilmoo
14. da_bin_1
15. da_bin_2
16. mgwee
17. seahorse


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
Hi all, please understand that sheepish is only doing us a favour to coordinate this mini spree.

Please make things easier for her by not asking her to post or arrange another collection as she is not doing a BP here. This mini spree is only to get the Sophie at a cheaper price for Feb mummies.

If you are unable to self-collect on the designated date and time or ask someone to collect on your behalf, then please drop your order. No posting or other collection venues will be entertained.
Sophie e Giraffe
Dear mummies,

Sheepish and I understand that all of you want to get Sophie quickly and with as little fuss as possible. However, please do understand that <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">this is not a BP.</font></font> We are simply collating orders to go to the distributor for a better price as a favor. Sheepish and I do not make any profits and we definitely need to spend time and effort to make this work for all of you. Also, as the order is going to be huge, and we are both bringing our babies with us, we cannot possibly meet everyone’s demands and request.

Hence, we request that this be a <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">strictly self-collect order.</font></font> For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list. Or you can approach other mummies who are collecting and staying near you to help you pick up your order.

Also, for any of you wanting to join in the order, please make payment to Sheepish and let her know and she will add your order in. <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Do not post and ask if you can join.</font></font> If you make the payment by tonight before 12am Singapore Time, we will add your order in.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">29th June 2009, Monday, 1pm, Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Cafe</font></font>

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. cailing
13. lilmoo
14. da_bin_1
15. da_bin_2
16. mgwee
17. seahorse
18. rei
19. happy (happy_mummy79)


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
HI Sheepish and DJ, I have paid but y sometimes ur list indicates my name and sometimes it does not hah? SO Am I in or not? I scared cannot get Sophie leh....sorry, just want to make sure.
Hi Sheepish,
I already made payment yesterday and My nick was reflected on the "paid" list as no 14, today on the updated list my name disappeared... Can you pls check? Thanks.. my nick is "Gallop".
hi sheepish,

i have made payment and pm you the ref #.
Pls note that spicegal will help me to collect mine.

thanks for your help!
Hi Joanne,

Yesh help me collect hor...


Hey since the mummies pm you their real name then you can check ic to make sure they are the one collecting the sophie lo haha... :p

Thanks ya'll for making our mini spree possible.... waiting to take a picture of the moment little bryston biting little sophie.
Hi Mrs Lim, u refering to the bp on the online clothing website for those big-sized clothes? Someone posted the URL b4 but I cannot find them now, u have those? can post again, I thinkg of buying leh. Thanks.
Thank you for offering to collect for me ..
I'll pm u my mobile .. &amp; collect from u.
Great to know another mummy from Sembawang .. cheers

Had just transfered $29 to you.
Ref# 2312660894 (From POSB Saving, Initial: sinmey)
Item will be collected by Whitegalz on my behalf.

Thank you for arranging this.
Can't wait to see my Sophie
Hi Sheepish, DJ and Joanne, so I assume my order for Sophie has been confirmed? Yesterday I transferred already. Roxanne will be helping me to collect. Thanks so much for the coordination!
Hi Sheepish..Thanks for coordinating this!!! Hv trf $29 to you. Ref: 2312708619. However, I may not be able to reach at 1pm...so see if anyone can help me collect...

Any mummies staying in Sengkang/Punggol/Hougang who can help me collect first?
wow! Our feb thread is moving so fast be bcos of sophie. I can't catch up!! Sophie, sophie, see what u have done!!

Joanlin, sheepish n dj
Sorry. I will have my name drop out. Understand the constraints n difficulties u mums go through to get sophie for us. It will b unfair to ask u guys to do postage cos u r not earning a profit n only doing us a favour.
But thanks for letting me know that there is such a cutie giraffe exist. I will get Sil to buy for me in states. If all fails, I will go Forum n purchase. Ahhh.... To thk I go through all this just for a toy. I feel like a kiasu Mummy. Hah!
Sheepish - Have just PM you the payment details

Sengkang mummies: If you would like me to collect on your behalf, you can PM me with your nick, real name &amp; contact number. If too many, think I will ask hubby to drop by Sheepish place to collect on behalf. FYI, I stay Fernvale area.

Cheers! FRIDAY!!!!!!!
