(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Latest updated list

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
47. Drizzlestars

Latest updated list

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
47. Drizzlestars
48. popipi
now, finally have time to respond to e other posts...

yah, petpet is actually quite gd... juz e sticky tape is a sticky issue wif my hubby, no pun intended... haha...

i used to serve in pk1, u?

thanks for posting e reply from sebamed! i'm using 2-3 drops only, so shd be okie bah...

toking abt startled bb... there was once my gal very funny... i was looking away, then tot of playing wif her... so i suddenly turned back to face her very fast, she jumped! haha... so mean, tis mummy... laugh @ her...

3oz is very gd leh! i can only get 2oz now when i pump in e nite after my gal falls asleep... i dun usually pump, latching on most of e time... so hor, i can only have 1 letdown when i pump leh... so sad... but when she latches, i get more letdowns... so think she still having enuff bah...

bb #2/#3/#4
when my hubby & i went for pre-marital counselling before getting married, he was shocked to find out i wan min 2 max 4! haha... maybe cos i'm an only child, i wan a big family... personally, i do think being alone is not so gd for character development... no doubt parents can take care not to indulge e child, but may still become self-centred to a certain extent wan... i noe, cos i was like tat mah...

wah, i oso wanna spank ur mil leh! honey is a no-no... even though they say breastfeeding mummies can take peanut and honey, i oso dun dare lor... dun wan later my gal got allergy, then i blame myself... my favourite honey green tea wif pearl, no more!

i dunno abt huggies dry, but dry comfort is quite gd too... i dun use it for nite though... anyway, is huggies dry oso koala type fastener?

do take care of urself too leh! then u can take care of ur gal... very impt!

cannot juz let bb cry mah? i noe stressful lah, but hor, safety more impt leh! but must say not easy lah... i tried once, had to force myself to concentrate on e rd and keep myself from speeding so can reach home faster...
Hi feb mummies,
this thread is really moving very fast..cant keep up with the pace you mummies are going haha

i jus brought my bb for his 2nd 5in1 jab and 2nd dose of rotavirus. he is 2 days away from his 4mth and weighs 7.52kg. PD says he is growing well despite the fact he is drinking lesser.. told the PD i tried changing teats, feeding time frequency chgs..still, he doesn't want to finish his feed. haiz, smtimes can feed for 1hr long then finish! PD adv at this stage they are more aware of their surroundings and will get easily distracted during feed thus been cranky is normal..haha jialat, dunno how..so hv to monitor his feeding and be patient at it..bo bian

chk with PD how to clean his belly button, adv was during bath use washcloth and gently rub on it..any other advice i can try?

mummies, chk with u hv u given yr bbs the pnueumcocol jab? heard its a pretty strong jab, can result in high fever if bb's body not able to take it..so i din want to take the risk, will wait till he's abit older since he's not exposed to the community(childcare) yet. any views on it?
haha.. i start my bb on 6-in-1, rotavirus and pnueumococol liao. Every mth, he go for 2 jabs and 1 oral (for rotavirus). No doubt painful and heartache. but once and for all...
everytime i bring him for his jabs come back, my grandparents in law sure.. "ah yo,ahyo.... poor thing, why must take so many jabs?" It's rubbing salt into my wound also. I also dun want him to go thru the painful procedure also wat! anyway... it's for his own good, and they are still v young, can forget the pain easily. he yell right after the jabs, but 5 min later, he's back to normal smiling and sleeping..

depends on indiv bah. It's good in a way, the body is fighting against the virus and creating immunity to it. just have to watch out dun let it go too high.
I am giving baby Rotavirus and Pneumococal. As much as they are suffering at the jab and the few days after, it is much lesser than if they got the virus.

My girl got the 1st Rotavirus jab at the 5-in-1 and suffered only for the day. Her poop was watery for a few days but she was fine after.

I agree with Catmomo. The jabs are good and don't for once doubt that you aren't doing good by your baby.

I am a firm believer in vaccines and encourage you to do so, simply because there are too many germs going around now. Back in the old days, ppl died from something as simple as a flu or as complex as polio. Now, it can be easily treated and with illnesses/ conditions like polio, a jab is all it takes. So why not?
seems like can't contact u via msn at all.. think our msn has some prob

I'm from messiah kids! hee... love being with children.
Latest updated list

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
47. Drizzlestars
48. popipi
49. Spicegal
Sheepish - I really hope to meet u at the nursing rooms at church someday. Haha.

Yeah I'm continuing with bfeeding for as long as possible. Anyway, I am averaging 2.5oz per pump now..
It's enough for 2 feeds (total about 4-5oz each feed altho, I could really do better lah. So I will continue the fight!
hi mums, my dad got me a binder from bangkok n it worked for me so just wanted to share with all the mums n if anyone wants to order as well? he will be coming back at the end of this month with the binders.

pm me for details!

its $35 for 1 binder, only one colour - nude colour with some design on it.. very thin material.

3 hooks and sizes S, M n L.

S - waist 23-28 inches
M - waist 29 - 35 inches
L - 35 inches onwards

the entire length of the binder:

S - 23 - 25 inches (from 1st hook to last hook)
M - 26 - 28 inches
L - 29 - 31 inches


hi popipi,

my girl took her rota, and pneumococcus already..no fever from both..i think what u meant by strong in the pneumococcus vaccine is that there are quite a few strains of viruses in the vaccination because pneumococcus can be caused by quite a few viruses so the vaccination includes the few potential ones.. my girl doesnt have any side effects but its up to individual baby again..another thing is the pneumo vaccine is oil base so it is more painful than the usual jabs...
My baby have her 1st 5-in-1 and Pneumococcal vaccine injections on her thighs last Sat. But 2days ago both her thighs start to have some rashes. Anybody baby the same?
Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!
hi idlecat,

2 days ago is 3 days after jab? 2 jabs at one go??? thats alot of virues. wat kind of rashes? big patchy ones? usually if the baby is allergic to the vaccine, the reactions is within 10 to 20 mins after jab. so im not sure if the rash that ur baby has is related to the vaccine. but ur situation is different cos u took 2 shots at one go.
any mummies who is collecting Sophie, lives in AMK? can help me collect? I just started work, so not advisable to take leave leh.
Or DJmama/Sheepish, can I collect at 1plus during my lunchtime?
Hi Cailing,
ok, we will add you in as the last person. Take note mummies, we will not take in anymore orders...

Latest updated list

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
47. Drizzlestars
48. popipi
49. Spicegal
50. Cailing

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!
Latest updated list

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
47. Drizzlestars
48. popipi
49. eeyore 1
50. eeyore 2
Hi Idlecat,

my boy had his 6-in-1 and pneumococcal on his thighs 2 times already but no rash....better to check with a PD if you're concern

Pls drop my order for Sophie. Went shopping in town just nw.. Happen to spot Sophie@ forum, so decide to get one right away.

Hi Sheepish,

Can I take over Corrine's order? Didn't add my name earlier cos expected bp to close on friday and wanted to see how the collection discussion go first. Sorry for any inconvenience...
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!

How much do we need to transfer to sheepish? Is it still at 29 for so many orders? The collection date has to be on weekday ah? haha, weekday have to pay ERP etc, then not worth liao leh... :p
But anyway, thanks mummies for the effort to contact Sophie, much appreciated!
hi mommies, i've been watching this thread for so long hehe... now got more time to speak up lol...

Catmomo, I've only hv 6-in-1, what are these rotavirus and pnueumococol? what are they for? need or not... my son is going 5months and going to take 2nd jab of 6-in-1
oh in any case, if u mummies are wondering, sophie.sg cannot give us any lower price... so $29 is e lowest liao...

yeah, tat's fine...
mummies who wanna join in orders, juz make payment to me and show up @ our gathering place okie? once i see e money, will add ur name into e list... so no need to see e old list liao... must remember to show up to collect hor? if not, i will have many sophies for not only my gal, but oso my #2, #3 and #4 liao...

then hor, feb mummies not getting sophies, feel free to join us for gathering too... since it's oso a gathering!
Hi Sheepish,

will transfer it to you tonight but sigh i cannot meet on the 29th June.

I will see if Joanne/ DJ can collect for me....argh how i wish could join up the gathering...

does shopie.sg deliver based on the MOQ = 24? if yes, can we split into 2 orders. 1 for those who can collect on weekday. the other 1 to one address for ppl who cant collect on wkday to self-collect from a place at a convenient time.

i m just thinking that weekday might not be worth it for working mummy to take leave to collect it.
i oso gave my gal both jabs plus e rotavirus @ once leh! left and rite thigh and oral... now looking back, can laugh it off... but hor, she had fever then...
was very worried then...
i think tat's fine... but maybe u or another mummy will like to collate tat order instead? so those mummies who cannot make it for e gathering, can juz go to tat mummy's place to collect?

i really not able to make it to collect the sophie.
Anyone stay in near sembawang area who can collect on my behalf ?

thanks for your adv, mummies..guess it's not tat bad afterall..i knw these jabs are good for our bbs but i got cold feet after my gf shared with her one of her fren's bb got brain damage aft the pneumo jab...i hv assessed my bb liao..he has no fever from the 2 6in1 jabs so he must be quite strong haha..

djmama n sheepish,
chk with you if unable to collect on 29th, any other possible dates? i'm shuttling between bukit panjang and tampines so if you ladies are staying nearby, would like to pick up frm there instead. plse let me knw. thks alot
Hi sandyapascual, oreodinary,
My PD said can take both jabs plus Rotavirus vaccine at the same time leh... The rash only appeared around the injection area 3 days after the jabs. Will monitor further. Thanks.
we will be going ahead wif our initial plan of gathering & collection... hence, if u would like to start another list of mummies who can collect from u @ ur place, juz post according... thanks!
Sophie e Giraffe

Dear mummies,

Our response for Sophie has suddenly increased by a lot. Sheepish and I would like to bring the dateline forward and close it today. So we will stop at the last order, which is Spicegal, the 49th person on the list.

As there are so many of you ordering, it will be very difficult for us to track and ensure all of you receive Sophie in good order, so we request that this be a strictly self-collect order. For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

29th June 2009, Monday
3pm at Cityhall
Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Café

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
