(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

You may try it out.. it really work for my baby.. once i on my hair dryer he stop crying.. really amazing. =) I am searching for free download to burn into cd.. but i can't find ler.. still searching.. if your able to find can let me know? Many thanks..

Tune your radio to any unused frequency... Thats cool.. you try before? I will try tonight.. Thanks for telling me.

All mummies..
Finally i see some light.. haha
Hey Shirlyn, the_simz, got it!!!

Olively, hee.. Kylene inherited my high cheekbone..so she looks chubby.. in fact she inherited most features from me.. haha.. even for blood group also follow me!

The BP for Bjorn carrier is really cheap ah..
hi mummies

my baby poops every other day..alternate days ...he goes so much put together !!!!!!!!!!.....

sorry mummies i have been busy a couple of days..is been tight with lot of work, taking care of baby..is been strenuous!! .....

how are u mummies coping
met up with the supposedly west side mums.. enjoyed the gathering although i pretty stress with my baby hehe. all your baby very cute especially iching's little frowning baby. after the gathering i went to the second floor nursing room to nurse him for a while and he slept for another few hours while me n hubby do shopping in ntuc. til now he still sleeping.. i hope tonight he still can sleep.

last time my first son, i also use these sound to soothe him down when he was down with colic. i used my breast pump which is pretty noisy. i found out by accident when hubby carrying him beside me while i was pumping milk and he went so quiet n slept.
Thanks! But me got no help to look after bb for the time being so I cant go out unless I bring bb along with me, which I duno how to. HAHAHAHAA .... I see what I can do abt it. Thanks for offering!

after rebonding, can perm, but the perm wont last long or curl much. But if your hair is permed and u go for rebond, it can last. My SIL rebonded then perm. The perm lasted her only 3 days. She went back to complain and reperm again. Also same result. Got perm like no perm. Somemore she went to the super ex japanese hair salon in the city area. So better dun risk it lah
Why not try straightening instead of rebond? The straightness may not be as straight but also more managable.

Forgot our bb only like few days apart hor? hahahaa ... my bb 6 weeks liao. between 70ml to 90 ml per feed every 2hr. BM in day, FM at nite. I let her drink until she rejected the milk.

I also did the same way as mrslim. also put in freezer after expressing direct, unless I am intending to use it within the same day. Fresher milk lah. Also I dun like the fishy smell of EBM from defrozen BM.
Hi lonerunner,

Thanks for the info.
I hate rebonding due to the long hours and aftermath when the new hair grow out but my hair now is in a mess.
my initial plan was to grow my hair long and go for those big curl perm to tie in with my natural curls. But now i cannot tahan liao.
How about relaxing hair?
Esp so when my hubby request that i can do something about my hair. Also he ask me to go for slimming.

i spend the whole night surfing the net and confirmed that if breastfeeding, not recommended to carry out any slimming activities otherwise will excrete lactic acid into the breast milk which is harmful for baby.

Shirlyn, Qingsiew, Iching, Joannelim, Mrslim, Wedtobe, Simz, DJmama, Saro, LemonT, it was nice meeting up with you girls. I am sure we had a nice time chatting and getting to know one another, I am looking forward to more meet-ups!

Simz, thanks for coming all the way from north east. ;p

Joannelim, you have done a good job in soothing your baby, he is not very cooperative today huh.

DK, sorry you could not make it today. Next time must try to meet up.

Mummies who brought cameras, can email those pics to me [email protected] Thanks.
Hi Ladies, like to check if any1 heard abt GSK giving free baby injections in NUH? My fren told me, GSK is trying to get the licence for baby japs in SG, they need to figures b4 they can get the licence. If our baby qualifies, the package will be completely free till our baby turns 2yrs old...
Last time i perm my hair, then after 3 weeks i went to dye it. Wa seh.. my curls became so limp and soft. And I actually spent $500 on my perm. Super heartache. I wanted to cry when the curls became soft. and rebonded hair when curl, the curls wont look as nice leh.

I went to dye my hair last night. So happy that the grey hair are covered. now i look erm.. abit younger now? haha..

I just ordered a balboa sling. I would reckon that it is thick, so I intend to use only when we go shopping malls with aircon. I still went ahead to buy the small wish sling since its not so thick. The MIM sling really killing me. I agree that the neck support doesnt seem to be there so i think MIM sling sucks.. for me la..
olively, peachmomo.. go to this salon called PAPILIO.. it is at veerasamy road. I went there since sec school for rebonding, until now price is still $120 for long hair, $100 for short hair.. same for their ceramic and digital perm i think.. Highly recommended.. they will have 2 ppl who do ur hair then cut short the time.. fast, good and reliable..

if rebond hair, next time perm must digital or ceramin perm then the curls will remain.. cannot use normal perm.. but hair will be super dry..

today my uncle come touch up on my new carpentry, no time to go do rebond.. haiz.. wonder tomorrow how to start work with bad hair..
spice, i want to make use of this week to get used to worklife.. cos friday holiday, that means i need to work 2 days only.. if next week i work straight 5 days, maybe i will collapse by the 5th day..
hmmm ... maybe u can opt for a haircut instead to smooth out the mess. you could ask the hairstylist to recommand a cut with the option to grow hair long for a perm in mind. I used to do that too. if u really want, maybe opt for a straightening. less straight than rebonding but still can do the job. ;)
Btw heard that in our 4th mth after bb's birth, our hair will drop due to horomes changes. I'm not too sure if this theory is correct or not. If it is, you might wan to postpone growing of hair until after that

On weight loss, You might wan to head for the gym to lose fats. I'm thinking of the same thing too. tummy fats really protruding, esp when I din do malay massage due to my c-section wound.

wah, so fast go back to work? jiayou!
have so much fun meeting up the mummies @ the west.. all the bb is sooo cute.. especially all the bb gal.. so sweet in their pink dress...
for those who that photo can send me too... and also can upload to multiply of feb 09... so the other mummies can see..
Hi mummies...

I have the following to sell:

1) 2 jumbo Packets of 126 pieces each of PIGEON disposable breast pads for $20 each. Bought from Japan. Same as in Singapore.

2) 1 unopened box of Avent washable breast pads for $10

Please PM me if keen. Self-collection.
hi mummies

i am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.... my bb is 8 weeks old today... He was colicky from 3 weeks... and last week suddenly the colic seemed to disappear... my pd said it will miraculously disappear and it did!!! He slept thru the night and seldom cries now.. just when diaper soiled and want to be fed...

for us malays.. we have the hair cutting ceremony.. quite a big event... had to hire this group of usually about 20 people who would say prayers using mic.. and then 3 of them would cut the hair.. my boy slept thru it... i am so happy..

for those mummies who have colicky babies.. don't fret... be patient...

oh ya.. and the Infacol helps a lot.. it is a colic/wind drops... better than gripe water... orange flavor... singapore used to carry it but no more.. got my supply from london... my pd very suprised i actually have it.. hehehe

Maybe your son was a little overstimulated? My baby gets overstimulated easily and would cry and cry sometimes. Today was quite an exception that he slept thru our lunch!
I'Ching, your bb is so cute.. i see him so comfy in the carrier.. i think i'm going to buy one too.. hee....

all the bb is quite well behave today.. i was so surprise.. hee.. except my boy who wan to walk walk.. haha.. me looking forward to our 1st may outing.. 20 babies.. will be very fun.. hee.. i love looking at bb... all is so unique and cute.. lolzz.. last time i feel even crying bb.. and i love to hear them cry.. haha.. but now.. my boy cry and cry.. me so scare..
Mrs Lim:


If you get the carrier, try to get one that's not so thick coz can get pretty warm for baby if you're not in an a/c place.
DJmama, i blur blur... after I'Ching mention airy carrier then i remember that i ask u bring the baby bjorn carrier for me to try hor.. haha.. lolz.. think today i abit blur.. in my mind i thought u saying balboa sling this afternoon.. haha.. sorry.. think i dunno how to pronoun this brand so when u say i didn't linked with the carrier..

I'ching, where u get your carrier from.. is it gd?
hi mommies, haven came online for 1 week because my girl contracted UTI and i had to be admitted together with her for 7 days..it has been a long and stressful week for me and hb but glad that its over

its so nice to see a group photo of the gathering..cant wait for the gathering on May 1..looking forward to it
hallo mrs lim, no worries...if i m able to bring my girl for 1 May outing, will bring the carrier again...u can try it on then...

spice, I went home and tried the burping method u were showing us today and it really works! A very big THANK YOU to you my dear.... cuz my girl is also abit difficult to burp, likes to keep her back and neck stiff stiff when we want to burp her... so happy to have learnt something new and awesome!

To all mummies, it was a great lunch I had today... seeing all your cute bbs!
haha talking about the burping method, i told my hubby about how u shake your baby... guess what? he really went n shake my baby very fast.. and it works too. hahah

i am guessing he was hungry n sleepy at the same time. Moreover he doesnt like bottle feed.
olively - doesnt work for my lil monster leh.. she has colic/reflux problem.. im giving her friso comfort olredi.. but very hard to burp her.. then sometimes she will merlion... =\

Yar, i noted that u did not come online for a long time but tot u were in town, so busy catching up with friends and relatives.

How did you find out that ur baby has UTI. as in what are the symptons etc? and how did baby contract UTI?
u are welcome! but anyway, a little pus is normal...

ur shopping has been extended to home huh? bought balboa and oso e pouch...
glad that your baby girl has recovered. Thank God. Cant wait to see her soon.

the burping method we are talking about is literally putting your child sit on your lap and shake him/her back and forth n side way. Its like forcing the air out of the baby. apart from this, normally i practise sitting the baby n pat the back with your hand "cupped" or put him on the shoulder n pat. another method is to lie him down on his front on your lap n pat.
spice: have to show us again during 1 may gathering for the burping method! every feed, i phobia that bb doesnt burp / merlion.

sandy: can understand what you are going thru, it must be tough, but like you say, it is over!
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">thanks to all the mommies &amp; babies, i had a great lunch@ JP! let's do it again!</font></font>

i must say spicegal's burping method was indeed very effective! Just a few movements, my baby burped even though i had no prob with the conventional methods.
hee, i believe qingsiew has a video of the master in action.
Hi mummies,
For the first time :p I had a hard night last night, with Gabriel waking up every hour or so. Dunno what got into him. Didn't know what to do with him, so I nursed him each time. Burped him, checked diaper etc etc. Maybe it's because I've been putting him to sleep in the day on his tummy. Perhaps he likes it that way and wants to sleep at night on his tummy too. But I'm not confident at night cos I can't go and check on him every now and then. Too dangerous, so I just swaddle him as usual. Any mummies with other ideas?

Got your FB request
. Oh no. I hope your bb is better. How did she get the UTI?
Sandy, glad to know tat baby is back at home and on her way to recovery. Take care.

Ramy, you can always join us for our next west gathering.

DJmama, Joannelim &amp; Shirlyn, happy tat you all find the method useful...actually i am not any master, learnt the method from a TMC nurse when I delivered my eldest girl.

hi westie mommies, great meeting all the mommies, sorry i was very late.. couldnt really interact with all mommies... hope to see u mommies again on 1st May.

Me n LemonT yakked until 7pm at nite... haha...

Anyone free can jio for lunch etc again, Vivo or JP also can, town area also can... keke as long as got nursing rooms and not so crowded can liao.. (in case bb gets cranky n disturb other patrons... hehe)

For 1st May gathering at Fatjo place, i will be helping whitezgal co-ordinate as she will be gg back to work next week.

Pls msn me or email me if there are any changes to the attendance, i will be making tags for mommies and babies too..

As for the food catering, we have yet to decide.
