(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies out there,

Anyone have any recommendation on where to go for good chinese naming calculation based on the birth date of baby? I still have no clue what name should I give for my baby gal. And if I am not wrong we will need to register their name for birth certificate within 14 days after their born right?

Starting to get worry now, anyone got good recommendation please share. And usually how much will it cost ??? Thanks in advance.

hi mummies, i went for check-up today. baby @ 30th week and weighing 1500 grams. i asked her abt my backpains and the aches i started to have at the lower part of my tummy, where it joins my legs, especially when i get up from the bed or stand up after sitting down for a while. bt she said unless i experience any contraction type of pain or bleeding, it is normal. so i feel much better now.

bt today i forgot to ask sth to my gynae. on my next appointment i will be in my 33rd week. in my 5th month, the baby went through a detailed scan. will she go through another one in the coming weeks?
Hi Mummies.. Haven been posting for quite some time cos busy with my son's first birthdayy.. Finally its over.. Tired but really happy and worth all the effort..

My maid agency is JPB.. i felt that the agents there not bad.. i also going to change my maid of 7 months.. Recently she always gt attitude problem but i think its bcos we didn't guide her well when she 1st came... Overall the rest still ok..

i think b4 bb is born maybe you can think of a few characters that you like and go calculate again.. For my boy, my hb went to a famous fortune teller and i think it cost ard $288 if i rem correctly..
hi dizzlestars

there is one shop located at IMM. The master there is the person who always appear on channel 8 during the CNY variety show talking abt the 12 chinese zodiacs and their luck in the following year. If i rem correctly, its $168 and master will suggest ard 7 names. My friend had her baby gal named there. u might wanna try. I will be going there as well.
princessdella: Thanks for your recommendation. Coincidentally, I went there yesterday to get a new maid! I went to the branch at Katong Shopping Centre. Which one do you go to? I agree the agent seemed nice and he also helped to look at the ones that I shortlisted and gave me his opinion. Very professional. I hope this maid that I chose is ok. My mom was looking through and rejected almost every file. There were alot of transfer maids or waiting for the employers kind? So I was overwhelmed when I first stepped into the office. I hope my new maid wont be corrupted by those transfer maids. After all they have to stay with each other for 1-2 days before coming home with the employers right?
How many maids have you gotten from them?

I realised something leh.. The maids are being brainwashed the min they arrive in Spore. Our govt la.. so protective to them. In the 4 hours class on the day they arrive, they were taught crappy things like .. if you unhappy or you dont like your employer, just run to your embassy. What the F? See la..my maid just ran off to the embassy. Gotta to settle her air ticket and cancel work permit etc today. So ma fan!

Sigh.. dunno got maid is a blessing or a "sh/tty" thing.
I also go to the Katong Branch.. Hehe.. What's your agent name? I think the agents there are mostly malaysians but can all speak gd english, chinese and malay.. Very professional as well.. I think not all transfer maid are bad.. I intend to get a transfer maid this time round.. cos shorter waiting time.. new one sometimes no experience.. like my current one.. I only got one maid from them before..

I agree that all maids are brainwashed by MOM.. u noe the new rule? if the maid comes and wan to go back on their own, we still need to pay for their air ticket home.. even though they are the one who break the contract..

I think having a maid is troublesome.. if the maid is really gd den will be good help to u..
oh ya mummies, after everyone has given birth, do pop by back here again on-off to catch up! I'll love to hear from everyone! Feb 09 is coming real soon!

Drizzlestars/ Olivia:
Most prob we'll be asking our teacher Master Goh from WayOnNet @ Fu Lu Shou building to calculate name. The fees payable is cheaper and we know him in person. Alternatively we'll go to Master Victor Li, which is just next door. We used to look for him whenever we wants our fortune read or for Fengshui consultations. Our hse's Fengshui is done by him too. He is very good, but very expensive.
Maybe you would like to think of some names now, then after bb's is born, calculate her name with a Master. If your chosen names can be used, then ok. If not, the Master will suggest some characters for you to think it over. Think we'll have time before the dateline registration for bb's birthcert. I'd already shortlisted names for my bb, pending her 8 characters now!

I also feel MOM is not protecting employers from irresponsible maids. Hope that the law will be changed soon! Maybe u might want to get a maid from myammar. My uncle got one for my grandma. she is very patient. But I duno which agent he employed the maid from.
Btw regarding desitin cream, thanks for offering. As I think I'll buy maybe only 1 tube (since it should last awhile), I'll get mine in NUH pharmacy. Think it is around S$13.57 if I didnt remember wrongly.

oh is there another detailed scan? My gynae din mention to me leh. He only told me that I'll be put on the belt monitoring thingy from 36 weeks onwards. Let us know!

I also need to wake up at least once at nite to go loo. Bb's really sitting on my bladder. Even 5min after peeing, sometimes I got the urge to go toilet again. And it will always be a false alarm. aiya.
Hi Mummies... hope everyone is doing well.

For those of you who are looking for satin fabric (feels silk-like) buttoned pyjamas, you may want to check out the small shops at level 3 people's park centre (same bldg as the shop Ocean, that sells plenty of toiletries, & there's a hawker ctr at the grd flr). one of the larger shops is directly facing the escalator sells satin knee-length pyjamas (dresses) with 3/4 sleeves ($9) and long & short sleeve pyjamas top & pants sets ($12 onwards). i bot 2 pyjamas dresses just now. lotsa of cotton pyjamas (with cute designs) available too but i prefer d plain ones...

how many sets of pyjamas do you gals buy for hospital wear? and confinement?
Hubby just corresponded back. I missed him so much until I nearly cried! Oh dear, must be my hormones acting up! Steady steady .... 3 more nites to go ...

Thanks for the info! Will check the shop out. I got 3 dress pyjamas now. Still not used to wearing them leh. I'm used to sleeping in t-shirt and shorts. Thinking of buying pants PJ to try soon. Maybe another 2 more sets will be enough?
Hi lonerunner,

Thanks for the welcome

My hubby is aways too for a week... & like u.. hormones acting up y'day

Just wanna share my experience w/ all Mommies here...
I have a wonderful pregnancy which nobody can believe it, not even myself
cos all my cousins & friends sure experienced the vomiting or uncomfy part.. but for me, no vomiting, no spotting, no stretch mark even till now, sugar level ok, leg cramp & backaches less than 10 times only if i dun work :p. And at 32wks, I aldy hv clear liquid or milk (according to some mommies) dripping out from my nipples. Only last fri tat my hubby noticed 1st sign of water retention on my feet. I could eat everything under the Sun & i really had moderate of everything, no cravings (which my hubby felt lucky tat he dun hv to run out in the middle of the nite to buy like some Dad-to-be). I even become slimmer. I lost 4kg when i bcome preggy cos i was in HKG & only for tat 1wk, as i hv no appetite. But when i m bk in SG, i've been eating normally... since then, i've put on 7kg which means to say i actually put on 3kg on top of my initial weight b4 pregnancy :p. BB was on the pump side during the 22wks (0.4kkg)but now medium-sided @ 33wks(1.844kg) & my Gynae was telling me tat very few girls r as lucky as me whereby everything goes to the BB. Basically, i have it easily

As I am in the F&B line (family biz), I worked 12hrs daily, 5 or 6 times a wk. I was very surprised that my energy level was superb even till now which I m 33wks. More energetic than b4 preggy. I can sleep for 4hrs & work 12hrs w/o feeling tired. Can't believe it yah?! Nobody believe that I m expecting as i can still walk & stand for hrs.. & all my staffs salute to me :p. I even quene up for 3hrs during the recent CROCS sales, just to make payment ;)

My hubby is always away for competitions or biz trips & I hv my own life to lead. Yes, I do miss him when he's away but i looked on the brighter side, when he's away, i get to drive ard, shopping, do things on my own. He felt that the pregnancy had make me a stronger & a more independent person which actually boost up my morale to be a gd mom.

I think most impt is our mindset & especially now when BB is exceptionally active, it actually keeps our mind occupied. Whenever my BB moves, i wld very eagerly wanna feel her. I believe all Mommies have the same feeling as me too yah..

Last but not least, as I mentioned earlier, due to workload.. i hv yet to do any serious shopping. Any advise on the following items? Thanks gals..

Breast pump - Brand, manual or electric?
Milk Bottles - does BPA free really impt? which brand is best?
Hi Ashleidge, Princessdella and Lonerunner,

Thanks for your recommendation, wah $288 and $168 is really expensive leh.

Lonerunner: How much will be Master Goh service be like huh since you mentioned is cheap. Maybe I will go down to take a look when free.

How you all select the chinese name huh? did you all take the chinese dictionary out and select from there? Cos I think most of my chinese had already return to teacher so the words I had in mind is so limited. sianzzz.....want to choose a good name also tough. :p
in case u wonder where is kkf, i think she didnt update us.. do pray for her, she is currently in hospital cos of contraction.
pray that her baby will only deliver in full term.
I just open the dictionary and choose the closest Chinese character that sounds like their english name! I don't believe in 8 characters and not very traditional chinese also so I just pick what sounds good lor. Actually I didn't want to give my sons ANY chinese name but figured next time their chinese teacher will think of something so now my sons have English name, no dialect name but the chinese name in chinese characters is in the birth cert. LOL.

My husband is a half indian and his parents aren't those traditional chinese also so they left all the chinese name up to me. But i'm a banana also, chinese not very good so whatever sounds good to us i guess.
U really lucky leh! But I aslo think i m quite fortunate le lah. Those small sacrifices are all worth it for our little darlings...

Went for checkup yday, my boy is 2.1kg at 32wks! Hhaha... head down le! Yippee, so happy to know that he's all well.

I saw Medela Pump in style selling at $599 at KKH. Just FYI.
My first pregnancy is the same as you... Super smooth.. No complications, no cravings, no backaches, pain or whatsoever.. Still can always carry office laptop and walked around.. Even worked till the day i delivered.. Hehe..

Only downside is i gained too much weight.. Unlike you..

For breastpump, have to depends on your usage.. if u plan to breastfeed longer and when u return to work then can invest in a good electric dual pump.. More efficient.. Cant answer about the BPA milk bottles cos i have been using normal ones.. Perhaps other mummies can advice?
Thanks for the recommendation for master for baby name. Do you know roughly how much?

The famous fortune teller that you refer is at where?
$288 quite ex hor..

Pray, kkf & baby will be fine..
i was wondering sth abt the breast pumps - whether to buy one or not. i am not a working mother, actually i am, but i do online translations at home. do u think i will still need a pump, or are they meant for only working mothers who have to leave some milk behind for their bb to drink in their absence?
i am a sahm, but i still got a manual pump... cos there will be times i wanna leave my little gal w/ my mil while i go out, then she can help to feed her in my absence... so it's really up to u... e reason i chose a manual pump is i probably wun be expressing milk all e time, so it makes more economic sense since i dun need a high end electric pump...

thanks for keeping us in e loop abt kkf... hope she's okay now and baby is gonna continue to grow strong and healthy till full term...
thank you sheepish, now i have a more clear picture of it. in this case, i guess i will also go for a manual pump.

i didnt have the chance to get to know kkf, but i will be praying for her and the bb's health. i hope both will be fine soon.
Hi mummies, thanks for your concern. I was admitted to KKH since friday night till now. Experienced very uncomfortable tightenings that was rather frequent, and was detected as contractions. I am still having rather frequent contractions in fact, under pills to control it.

Dunno when will I be able to discharge. But hope baby will hang in there. friday will be week 30 for me, best hoping baby will hang in till week 34, else 32 weeks.

But sure wun be feb baby I think.
Just checked from website. Master Goh's charges is S$ 94.15 inc GST. URL is http://www.wayonnet.com/masters.aspx?mID=129

I also got concerns over BPA milk bottles. This is usually found in plastic bottles. Becos of this, my hubby and I are buying glass bottles instead. More info at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/386049/1/.html

Rest more and try to stay calm. I know it is hard, but bb needs mummy to stay relax and tide over this duration. Dec, Jan or Feb bb doesnt matter. Most impt is that both mummy n bb are ok. This bb has already exceeded expectations as compared to her brother. She'll be ok. Hang on ....!

U really lucky leh! Envy envy! I hope my 2nd pregnancy will be like yours too!

Thanks for keeping us in the loop abt kkf. I was wondering where she is ... hasnt seen her postings for sometime leh
Dear kkf,

dont worry too much....continue to talk to baby..as what lonerunner says, most importantly she is of good health and weight; and your girl has already exceeded your expectation and we all pray that she will continue doing so...we will all pray for you
do keep us updated..


thank you for keeping us in the loop
Looking to sell Maxi Cosi Cabrio Infant Car Seat ( Black)
Almost new and in excellent condition. (got photos)
If interested pls sms me at 9745 6162.
Bought for $358 in April 2008. Willing to let go at half price.
Hi Mommies,
It is indeed heartwarming and encouraging to see/hear all of us spurring each other on! Let's all keep a positive mind in the final leg of our pregnancy. Was feeling so "touched" as i was reading thru today's posts - there is so many words of encouragement here!

Agree with Lonerunner that we shld all pop back to this thread to post updates and experiences even after dear babies are born. I've certainly learnt a lot from all of you here! Thanks Mommies! :D

kkf: stay postive and take care!
oh yes... need to jog some memory here...

Recall one mommy recommending a shop around OG Bugis-area to buy baby's clothings. Can't recall the place now...and would like to get the address again. So, it'd be great if someone can help ;) Tks!
that's wonderful news! good good!! else it is really uncomfortable!

Is it the wholeseller shop selling bb clothings opposite Si Ma Lu Temple in Bugis? If you are walking to the temple from MRT, you'll need to cross a small road just before reaching temple. The shop is located in the block directly opposite temple. It is on ground floor corner, just beside the road. The temple shld be on your right, and the shop is on your left. It's the one and only such shop there. Mon to Sat only till 6pm.

Thank U! I roughly know where now.... will go and take a look this week! heheeh...Bot some clothes for baby alrdy, but wanna get some bottoms/socks. Cos i bot mostly onesies.. ;)

Still not asleep at this hr?
hey kkf!!! U mus jia you ok? Most impt is stay positive n relax n talk to ur baby, tell her guai guai stay in longer...nvm abt feb baby or not, having a "little mouse" is very cute too!! Will pray for u tat baby will be able to stay til 34wks

Actually, I was also very worried last fri. Suddenly had spotting! Then today had a bit light brown sticky discharge
anyone exp this before? Also these few days sometimes stomachache n sometimes got the "after-drinkg-cold-water" menstral cramp feelg.. But since sat, hv been tellg myself tat all is well, maybe I worry too much. This sat going c gynae, will ask him.
oh... Any mummies bought nursing bras aldy? Or isit too early? Rem in antenatal class, mrs wong say don't buy so early, but was tinkg after delivery where got time to go out buy?

Lonerunner... Really understand ur feelgs of missg ur hubby. Salute all those mommies who r so independent! For me, now tat I stay at home in day time, I aldy miss havg my husband ard n hopes he comes home faster... He comg home soon rite?
hang on!
Wah! Gd to know ur BB is at such gd weight
. 1 of my staff, his wife had to be induced 2 days ago due to low amnotic fluid, gave birth to e Bb boy @ 2.5kg. She's supposed to be due on 25 Dec.

Last mth, Mums & Babes @ United Sq was having a Medela promo $416, UP $485. consist of 1 swing pump, city style breast pump bag w/ cooler bag, piccolo BB bean pillow& 4x150ml btls.

But i think i m starting to put on more now tat i m in e last tri.

Breast pump wise, i just hope its valued for money. too many choice, very confusing. Wat r u using?

i experienced tightening quite frequently too & i thought it was normal.

Will pray for u & ur BB. Both will be fine & heallthy. Stay positive & try to listen to calming music to relax.it does help
. lonerunner is right. U hv to stay relax & calm, BB can feel it.

Thank U. U'll hv a gd one too.. its all mindset
. Stay positive, calm & relax.. well, sometimes, its easier to be said than done. but we just hv to give it a try.
blueb, i just got a few maternity bra from john little yesterday... they are having 20% store wide sale.. mine only $9.9 per piece... i think can buy a few just to stand by bah..

kkf, jia you jia you... hope your little "minnie mouse" will be good gal...

Toady will be my 32 wks lor 2 more month to see the little one... i'm getting rounder with weight gain of 12 kg... hopefully can keep it below 15kg..

by the do any mtbs experienced cramps that is so bad that u can't even walk... i dunno wad is the feeling of contraction but i do haf cramps that hurt... later going to see gynae.. hopefully nothing serious... further more i got very thick yellow discharge leh... haiz.. so worry... i miss 2nd trimester where everything seem so fine.. haha...
hi mrs lim... Thx! Will ck out john little..

But tink today can't go anywhere le. Last nite fr 230-530am, cldnt sleep at all cos of cramps...
was very worried. This morn woke up eat breakfast, now the cramp like startg again. Went to read abt it, tink its the braxton hicks??? Dunno leh.... Tink later call gynae ask..

Mrs lim, the very bad cramps tat cant even walk, did u experience when walkg? Sonetimes when walkg, I do exp like baby is pressing down n lower abdomen so tight n uncomfy tat very hard to walk..but after a while ok. Isit this kind of feelg? Like u, I m also 32wks now. Since my spottg incident last fri, I hv been tellg baby tat he mus stay in longer!!!

Only slept 3hrs last nite....530-830am... Glad I dun need to work today.
hi ladies, been busy handling the maid stuff so havent had time to come in.

Kkf: Take care k! Dont worry, everything will be fine. Your bb will listen to you, afterall she has exceeded your expecation already right? And, you dont have to be a Feb mummy to be here. Afterall, our "gan qing" already nurtured here liao. haha!

princessdella: The guy attending to me is KC. He's quite nice. My sis-in-law took her maid from him so she told me to look for him. Yday i just finished the online training to hire the maid. Quite ma fan right? Go through that course.

blueb: i bot my first nursing bra at Spring. But i wear 40 and they only have 38 so i gotta use extension. Then I went to OG and they have THYME nursing bra and various sizes. So i bot more from there. I was taught by the sales lady to check if the cup is too fitting. Just ensure some allowance cos need to put the breast pad. Dont want to be squashed inside right? Heehee..

Sigh, I have been such a lousy mood recently. I yelled at everyone and then got even moodier cos i told myself that i cannot anyhow flare temper. Cos i really dont want an angry bb. I was told that mother's mood will affect the bb's mood and temper. Shucks.. after i tot of this, i started crying like crazy. My hubby doesnt know to handle me too cos i kept asking him to go away. Sigh. mad right?
Very guilty towards my hubby now.
Oh and when i was throwing tantrums, my bb inside was probably scared. Cos he didnt move for some time. Sigh.. see la.. what kind of mother am i?
blueb and mrs lim,

do you mean stomach cramps or leg cramps?? if its stomach cramps and they occur very frequently like 1 in every 10 to 15 mins, you shld alert your gynae. blueb, more so if you have spotting. my last visit to my gynae, she warned me to look out for such signs. any contractions/menstrual cramps that occur frequent and regularly, i have to call immediately. hope all is well with both of you.


nursing bras: i actually bought them during my second trimester when i outgrew my normal bras. since i needed new bras, and im intending to total breastfeed, i bought bigger size nursing bras instead of buying maternity bras which i wont be wearing post-delivery.

peachmomo, hope you are feeling better. cheer up ok and have happy thoughts. out bbies are coming!!
I had similar discharge at the start of my 2nd trimester. That was cos my placenta was sitting a bit low then. It has since move up so now everything is fine for me. I think best to take things easy and lie down as much as possible when you see this brownish discharge. If it goes on for more than 3 days then need to go see your gynae. I have already bought my nursing bras cos the other time i came across cheap ones at M&S so I just grabbed.

Hang in there ok! I'm sure baby can hang in there for another month. Just rest up and don't worry so much. Our thoughts are with you!

Don't feel pressured. What they say about baby's temperament taking after Mummy is nonsense. I'm always high strung and gets angry easily but both my boys take after their Daddy. Calmer and lazy like him. You just relax try to stay happy.

Sometimes when baby move and hits a nerve, we feel like a cramping feeling at the tummy there. This is nothing to worry about unless it starts occurring at regular intervals then you should call your gynae at once.

Leg cramps are a sign of calcium deficiency. So take more calcium and the cramps should go away. Elevating the legs when sitting down or sleeping also helps.

My update...
I'm still coughing but seems to be slowly getting better. Any of you mummies have any natural remedies to reduce coughing and pheglm? My cough has been here for a month! I'm so annoyed by it. Always wake up to cough at night so can't get much sleep either

is your cough worst at night or day?? cough due to itchy throat?? according to my mom, if its not due to itchy throat and its at night, its "han" or "liang" cough. you can try making ginger with black sugar, boil them together until the ginger "essence" is out in the water then drink it like a drink, whilst hot.
I was also having leg cramps no matter how much calcium i take. Everyday i eat cheese, yoghurt, and drink milk, etc.. but my cramps were so persistent that i had to start taking some calcium tablets which is Caltrate 600 with blue label. now, most of the time i dont have leg cramps. u can also try for magnesium. it depends on what ur body lacks.

but of course the best way to overcome any discomfort (be it cramps, flu, etc.) is to prefer the natural methods and try to supply the need of ur body through a good diet. in my first trimester, i was having a repetitive UTI problem and my problem was eliminated just by drinking 2 glasses of cranberry juice per day. if any of you are having a similar urinary problem, i would strongly recommend u to drink cranberry juice.

mummyo, recently i was also coughing a lot, especially at nights. It is really annoying that not only u bt also ur husband can not sleep. Try to drink hot/warm water instead of cold. it wld reduce ur pain. i dont know any other natural remedies but my gynae prescribed me Chlorpheniramine-PO and Promethazine/Codeine-PO for my coughs and flu symptoms, advising that i should not start to use them unless really necessary. hope u recover soon.
hi catmomo, is kkh still selling medela PIS at 599? the cheapest i saw outside was 690...which store?
Hi Peachmomo.....Ya, i also bigger size now, like 40 type, so very hard to find bras that fit me
Wanted to buy like tube bras cos more comfy, but all very small. Will go check out the departmental stores on the nursing bras when I am better.
Dont worry about ur mood swings. I also have them sometimes. Realised that I tend to talk back more at my hubby, there was once when I felt he was nagging at me, I jus say I dont want to talk to u.
Also felt very bad after that. Tell ur baby that mummy naughty, dont follow...haha..

Hi Sandy and Mummyo...Thanks for ur concern and advice!
Had been having stomachache/cramps (sometimes cant tell the diff) more often since my spotting last Fri. But last nite was especially significant cos it occurs like at very close intervals. Didnt time the length and frequency cos hubby sleeping and I was also hoping it will go away and I can sleep. Had been lying down the whole morning... Just called up my gynae clinic, the nurse told me to go in this afternoon to see doc. Hope that its nothing serious, and hope its just the braxton hicks thingy!

Mummyo... Did u tell Dr Paul about ur cough? Did he give u any medicine? Well, as for natural remedies, I not sure of any natural remedies. My hubby used to take really looong to recover from cough last time and he will see chinese doc. Then my mum will tell me to eat pi pa gao. But with the baby, I dont think any of the above is advisable. Is ur cough due to sensitivity? U sleep in aircon room? Oh ya, u must avoid cold drinks and all citrius fruits (like oranges, grapefruit, lemon).
Rest well and dun think too much.. Most importantly is tt bb is fine..

I hope my last trimester wun put on much weight as well..
I'm using Ameda, the most valued for money for electric dual pump..
Might be buying a manual pump as well..

$9.90 per pc is cheap.. Mayb i should go JL and have a look as well.. hehe..

So qiao our agent is the same guy.. Haha.. He's really quite nice hor..
My Hb did the online training for me so for me not ma fan.. hehe..
I will be going back to look for him again to change my maid..
Sandy & Gamze
Thanks for your recommendations. Will try them out. I've been taking warm water with honey. Helps to relieve it for a while. I don't sleep with the Air-con on either. It's more like itchy throat when I sleep cos not drinking water constantly like in the day time. Could be also the dust cos they are building lifts at my place now so in the day it's impossible to get any rest either. So noisy!

He gave me some cough syrup at my last visit but even after finishing the whole bottle, didn't help at all. On Monday I got some antibiotics from the GP and now is a bit better.

hi mummies, thanks for the encouragement. Ha I just feel as if the whole world offended me. haha! So silly right?
mummyo: really ah? wont take after my temper? I super hot temper one. Sigh really hope BB wont be like me.

princessdella: Ya KC is nice. My sis in law also said he's nice and professional. Ai yo.. good thing your hubby did for you. I was so silly. I took the quiz and then i forgot where to print the cert, so i went to take it again! Silly right? How come you need to change your maid? Her contract up? They have a lot of transfer maids leh. cannot take it.
