(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Ty grace m lonerunner... Hehe

Oh with regards to them trying to be funi. Bryston will look at his own expression in the full length mirror n smetime play peek a boo himself. Or when he cry he walk to the mirror n c that expression.. Faint Lo....

Best nw knw hw to open door liao everywhere I nid to be private like bathing or big biz lol I lock my door. Becos I hv heater in the bathroom dun wan him to wander ard....

ya, now really need to lock door liao. There are a few times I din lock the door properly when bathing etc then suddenly out of the glass partition separating the bath from the toilet area, I saw a cheeky face looking at me! jialak. Now all privacy really gone leh!

"grandma oi"?? Han's really very cute leh! wat a term! hahahaha! Whenever my terror wants her milk, she'll say "Ne Ne!!". Then I'll reconfirm by "Ne Ne ah?" then she'll nod her head. Then the next time when she wants milk, she'll go "Ne Ne ahhhhhhhh!!!!!"

After hearing that, I really duno if I shld laugh or faintz :p
lonerunner: yap, it's really fun.

and finally i can get to communicate with han on the phone.
haha am so proud

on tues, daddy was on leave with han and called to complain that han refused to take his nap.

so passed the phone to han to talk to me.

i ask han in mandrain...
me: did u sleep?
han: no
me: now noon liao have to sleep liao, hao bu hao?
han: hao
me: close yr eyes and go sleep
han: hao

and he really went to sleep.
Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go at low price!

1) Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetables)
Expiry: May'11
Each: $4.00
Buy two at: $6

2) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)
Expiry: Jul'11
Each: $5.00
Buy two at: $8

Further offer: Buy all 4 items above at just $10!!

Interested Please email me at [email protected]


hi mummies!

Need some advise regarding brushing teeth. I have been trying to get my girl started to brush teeth since the #9 tooth came out a couple of weeks ago but to no vail. She just put the toothbrush into her mouth and it stayed there. She wont let me brush her tooth n will start screaming if I tried to take over the toothbrush. How to get her to accept brushing of teeth? Many thx in advance!
Sandy: Yes!

Lonerunner: I also faced the same challenge. My hubby and me brushed together with Han, but he just played with the toothbrush and refused to brush. So now, still using cloth to clearn.

Will also need advice on this... anyone? thanks in advance too.
Grace, kids that goes infant or childcare, tends to follow instruction. But Hans's good! He listened over the phone!

San, thanks. Now I know why Breana whines/ cry bitterly/ giggle during her sleeps!

Lonerunner, Grace...
Regarding tooth brushing, I started when she had 2 teeth, using the gum brush & the pigeon toothbrush concurrently. Now, We will brush teeth together. Initially her toothbrush stayed in the mouth too & that's bcos she still can't coordinate properly. Then i add Earth's best toddler toothpaste. Maybe she feels funny w the sweet taste plus she likes to imitate my action, slowly she started to moves her brush, though it was anyhow but it's a start. I will hold her hand & guide her simple strokes. She will allow me to use the brush on her & when she's having fun w the brush, I uses the gum brush again.. Sometimes, she takes mine & brushes my teeth :p

My method is to make teaching or creating a a good habit in a fun way w praises along the way. Now when I doing something, she knows what's next
brushing of teeth.. i start of with gumm brush.. then i think when he got all his teeth out.. i bring him go shopping.. and let him choose the toothbrush he like.. (oral B got bear bear cartoon on it on)

i let noel brush his own teeth.. every morning he will sit at the toilet bowl with me and we brush together.. at first he just bite the brush.. then i show him how mummy brush my teeth.. he just imitate.. now the motion is there.. but he only brush the front and side.. those facing inward he dunno how.. thus after his first round of brushing.. i will help him do the finish job of the interior side.. so far he quite okie with the brushing part.. hope soon he will master soon..

by the way noel is at a terror 2.. wad can i do with him.. now whenever he can't get the things he wan he will scream and cry.. headache.. i have tried distracting him.. sometime work sometime dun. some time i just leabe him there to cry (but daddy will end up go and scold or beat him, mummy heartpain)
I'll share what we did to get her to brush her teeth, see if you can adapt it for yourself:
We've been using tooth wipes since she had her first tooth. She didn't like it at first but we always kept it fun and lighthearted, never scolding her about it. Tickles work sometimes.

In the last few months, we put her next to us when brushing teeth and make funny faces. Did it regularly until she reached for our toothbrushes. Bought her a mini one and encouraged her to use it even if it's incorrect handling. Put the teeniest blob of Tom of Maine's toothpaste on it - strawberry flavour!
Took her many tries but she can finally brush the front teeth on her own and spit some water out. I still have to help her with the molars.

Takes a lot of patience but it's worth it!
looks like most mummies let ur child brush teeth by their own.me so far jus help her brush, while she hold on to daddy's toothbrush.fearing she may anyhow brush by her own till bleed, so i dint let her brush by her own.mayb i shld try soon b4 she goes childcare in feb!
Many thanks to all mummies for ur suggestions! Will try them all out! I am very worried that might get tooth decay if brushing isnt done properly!

long time din come into SMH liao .. just realised that there is a happy bb BP again and prices are quite competitve. it's shopping time again! wheee!!!

I am looking for:


Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo & Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.

I am looking for:


Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo & Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.
Hi Mummies,

Any good photo shot studio to recommand? intend to bring Keitaro for photoshot for his 2nd yr birthday.

If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

Expiry date 2012 & 2013

Thank you!
Dear Mummies, I just realised my boy could be lactose intolerant after almost 1 year of watery stools. Scary right, my colleagues asked me why I did not suspect the milk earlier, well, his stools came and go and doctor did not suspect that either.

We bought many tins, thinking of selling them away. I have the following to sell:

1) 3 tins of 1.6kg Mamil Gold 3, expiry Mar and
June 2012.
Willing to let go at $5 - $8 below selling
price in NTUC.

2) 1 tin of 400g Mamil Gold 2 expiry Feb 2012 -

3) 2 tins of 400 g Gain IQ 3 - expiry Nov 2011
and June 2012 respectively. -$8 each.

4) 2 tins of 400g Similac 2 - expiry June 2011
and Mar 2012 - $9 each.

5) 1 tin of 700g Similac Mum - expiry Sept 2012 - $19

Anyone interested in any of the above, pls pm me. Self-collection in Woodlands or other MRT stations, but need to discuss the time and date. Thank you very much.
Hi Mummies

Im letting go 1 tin of BN 1.8kg Gain iq stage 3 as my boy dont like it and am sticking on to Wakodo till he is 3yr olds.

Kindly PM me if you are keen. Goin at $58. Cheers!
SY, me too ...i love sylvanian families..very tempted to get their dollhouse but they are all animals..hb says for a start, its better to play with "human dolls"...but they are so pretty and cute so i always look at them when i go to toy stores :p
I have 2 x 900g Karrihome goat milk 3-7 yrs old.
Letting go at $35 each, own collection or meet at Somerset.
Expiry 2012 Oct.
Interested PM me
Hey mummies,

Is it alright to buy a dollhouse or kitchen set for boy? I thought zac will love it but e hub refused to let me buy it.

actually toys like dollhouse, kitchen set etc allows them to imitate and develop their imagination, allowing them to do what they want but cant with adult size obbjects. if ur hb is concern with gender stereotype toys like dollhouses and kitchen set are for girls, and so on, then maybe u can get those that geared towards unisex, and not pink dollhouses. http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/syltguides/fullview/U1BHRH29MJ5S

actually i feel that kitchen set should not be gender specific too...the boys in JG also plays with kitchen set and little tikes have some..u can also buy separately, fake fruits and veges and food to let him cook in his kitchen set.

if ur hb is really insistent, then get things like tool box set, etc. however i think we shouldnt apply gender stereotypes to limit their imaginative play. dollhouses can simulate their sense of family and what family members do in a house; kitchen set simulates their imagination of food preparation since by now they knows that food needs preparation.
haha.. sandy, ya.. when kylene is cooking, she will do the "zzzzzz" sound, as if the pan is sizzling.. it can keep her still for a few minutes..
Hi Sorry to disturb your thread.
Would like to check if there are any mummies staying at Tampines st 44 or nearby? I'm a march 2009 sahm mummy and I'm looking for playdates for my boy. Pls email me at [email protected]

Dear all, I finally put my boy into cc on Monday, today 2nd day, hope everything turns out fine. My boy vomitted twice today, once in cc, once at home. Dun noe why but he has all the 16 teeth out already but not biting and chewing well, so far we can only feed him porridge at home which he will swallow, so he still not used to cc food. Any advice on how to make him chew food of different textures? He is also not eating soft or mashy things like papaya, banana, but also hard things like apple, so far he has not been eating fruits.
Thanks sandy!!! As always, u are so informative!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Hey mummies, wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a happy new year!!! Can't wait for 2011 to come! I wanna go home!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all mummies~ Super duper long nv come in to post... haha... looks like most of our girl mummies got dollhouses and playsets for the girls hor... wonder wad did the boys get this year? Updates updates please!

Simz, did you eventually convince hubby to let you get a playset for Z? So you are coming bk home soon ah... for CNY? Hehehe...

Liting, maybe you can make different textured foods fun for your boy... make them come in different colors and shapes... you can buy shape cutters from Daiso... and have a blast. I did that with the sandwiches, fruits n veggies but more for my own entertainment tho... hahaha...and if your boy loves cold stuff like my Mer... then u can chill the fruits ad see if he wud try. make them small at first but not too small that he will simply swallow. Then eat along with him, exxagerate the chewing action and show him how you do it. Make it into a game and give praise... normally they will start to find it amusing and do it all the time.

You can also camouflage food that needs a little chewing n biting into his usual porridge. Soon he wil start to chew le. The thing with chewing is, the longer you put off letting them try, the harder it will be for their muscles in the jaws and cheeks to warm up and do their job.

As for making him take fruits, make it a family thing. Everyone sit together after a meal to have fruits together. Kids their age find such communal activities enjoyable and they also want to mimic the adults. when all the adults at home are eating cut fruits, they will want to try too. Cuz they also want to be a little adult!

Hope this helps!
Hi mummies

How are u all celebrating your lil one's 2nd birthday? Wanna have a small scale celebration with family but hv no good idea for the location. Me cant cook so cant have it at home and catering shld not be feasible due to too little pple. aiyo
Happy 2011!!!!!

Wishes all of us, Pink of Health, especially our little darlings & stay happy always!!!

Breana will be turning 2 next week! Times really flies... She has grown from an angel baby to a terror toddler!! haha
I hv 3 tins of 900g Pediasure for sale as my boy change brand.

Letting go at $32 per tin but if u take all 3 tins then can sell at $30 per tin. Collection at buangkok mrt.

Vanilla favor expire Jan 2012 x2
Strawberry favor expire Sep 2011 x1

Serious buyer and no neg pls!!

Contact me via pm.. Thanks
hehe... all our darlings turning 2 soon.
wishing all little ones happy birthday!!!

haha, i still havent decided how to celebrate yet.

im just gonna have a nice meal with immediate families of about 20 pax. blow candles and cut cake at home since thats her favorite. for her school, i will distribute party favors and bring some food for the kids.
Brushing: I missed out on this but I just wanna share that we have 2 toothbrush, 1 for baby and 1 for me. Both also used to brush his teeth at the same time. That way, we dont need to use "his" toothbrush to brush his teeth and he can continue to use it to "touch" his teeth and gums. Hope it helps, Overload.
Hi Sandy

sound good...cant give them big party all the time. keke. I tot of having a pinic at botancial garden with family too. Sarah can run around with the dog. keke.
