(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


Sheepish me also carry baby like tat lay....somemore been doing it for a long time liao....cham liao..
Both the man-made bumbo way and upright burping position.

Sheepish and DJ

Thank you thank you!!
Thanks for the organisation!
And thank you for updating the paid list.
Hi Sheepish,

I have transfered $29 to ur acct.
Transaction Ref: 2313294324 at 8.40pm.
I'll send u a PM.

Hi Mamafio, could you pls help me collect? I'll send you PM. Thanks!

when did u start giving him 150 to 180ml? how did u determine that he needs this amount of milk? u mentioned that when hes awake, he only finishes 100ml to 120ml and thats about the same amount u feed him for BM. after rejecting, does he continue fussing or appear contented and satisfied? I suspect that your boy's actual consumption is in fact around 120ml because when u say he can finish 150 -180ml it's when it's past his feeding time (i.e. he is very hungry). so if u feed him by schedule punctually, he is just hungry enough to take in what his appetite needs, hence once he is full, he will reject the remaining. if the amount he rejects remains constant across feeds, you can be quite certain that he doesnt need as much as 150 to 180ml on punctual schedule. also, i realise as they gets older, their milk consumption dip a little ..my girl also not drinking as long as she previously does..most importantly, our babies will cry when they are hungry. if he really takes reject after 120ml and is happy after that, i think you dont have to worry so much..i feel that 120ml is average amount for his age plus he is big, he has lots of stores.
hi sheepish
i have pm u and transferred $87 to your account
Transaction Reference 2313364594
ordering 3 sophies for my friends n i

thanks again

just to confirm, so i need to only help Lili to collect sophie n no one else right? if wrong, kindly update me again.
my little joel's progress.
today went to PD for his 6 in 1 jab n rotavirus tat thing.. anyway... was so nervous when the assistant taking his weight.. i was so afraid to see the number 10. phew... he is right now (4th month) 9.4kg, only gain 500g in a month... really phew.. so worried he might hit a 12 kg by 6th month. good thing he has slowed down in his weight gain. PD also adviced that i start giving him cereal n puree root vegetable. i guess i will start this sunday after making sure he doesnt have fever after the jab.
Hello mummies who are getting sophie,

Can anyone help me collect first? I am staying in Kallang area. I'm the only one taking care of my boy, can't go to raffles city to collect on a wkday. =(

Really don't wish to miss this opportunity to get sophie...
hi Shyannlong,
im interested to get sophie but unable to self-collect..can u collect on my behalf? i wil get it frm u at yew tee?pls reply asap so i can make paymt..thanks a lot!
hi joannelim,
r u staying in jurong west? do u think u can help to collect for me plz? i dx want to miz this opportunity to get sophie..do u mind?i wil come n get it frm yr pl...?
Sophie e Giraffe
Dear mummies,

Sheepish and I understand that all of you want to get Sophie quickly and with as little fuss as possible. However, please do understand that <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">this is not a BP.</font></font> We are simply collating orders to go to the distributor for a better price as a favor. Sheepish and I do not make any profits and we definitely need to spend time and effort to make this work for all of you. Also, as the order is going to be huge, and we are both bringing our babies with us, we cannot possibly meet everyone’s demands and request.

Hence, we request that this be a <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">strictly self-collect order.</font></font> For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list. Or you can approach other mummies who are collecting and staying near you to help you pick up your order.

Also, for any of you wanting to join in the order, please make payment to Sheepish and let her know and she will add your order in. <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Do not post and ask if you can join.</font></font> If you make the payment by tonight before 12am Singapore Time, we will add your order in.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">29th June 2009, Monday, 1pm, Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Cafe</font></font>

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. liting
13. Ladysol14
14. gallop
15. cailing
16. lilmoo
17. da_bin_1
18. da_bin_2
19. mgwee_1
20. seahorse
21. rei
22. happy (happy_mummy79)
23. olivey_1
24. olivey_2
25. marbride
26. sinmey
27. blueb - cancelled
28. daphne
29. BBYang (kiki__koro)
30. DK (da_mama)
31. MamaFio (mamafio)
32. mgwee_2
33. corene
34. ag_gal_1
35. ag_gal_2
36. ag_gal_3
37. joanne_1
38. joanne_2
39. joanne_3
40. ginn
41. shyann


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
Hi Joannelim,

I wish to bring him there too. But he just got discharged from KKH on Wednesday. He cries/screams in pain and only willing to drink twice on Monday (no urine too) so we brought him to KKH A&amp;E and they admitted him.

He is screaming and not feeding well now. I already not forcing him the bottle. Now offering him his favourite breast also no use. He'll just arch backwards and cry.

So I think it's not a gd idea to bring him out alone....
happymum78 &amp; lolaz:
okie, i shd be able to collect for u... but possibly w/o box if they cannot be collapsed okie? cos i bringing my gal, so will be difficult to handle so many things @ 1 time... oso, u'll have to collect from my place near tanah merah mrt... i will not be able to meet u @ e mrt, have to be @ my place... if okie, do proceed wif payment... thanks!
i agree wif sandy leh... i feel babies have their in-built mechanism of knowing how much they need... they will drink when hungry &amp; stop when full... imagine trying to force-feed them till they lose their sense of fullness? when he grows up, he may eat a lot too cos he doesn't noe when is full anymore...
is there a 029? e 1st 3 no of my a/c shd be e branch no...

oso, i hope everything is okie wif ur boy... wat happened to him? did u share or did i miss e post?
Sophie e Giraffe
Dear mummies,

Sheepish and I understand that all of you want to get Sophie quickly and with as little fuss as possible. However, please do understand that <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">this is not a BP.</font></font> We are simply collating orders to go to the distributor for a better price as a favor. Sheepish and I do not make any profits and we definitely need to spend time and effort to make this work for all of you. Also, as the order is going to be huge, and we are both bringing our babies with us, we cannot possibly meet everyone’s demands and request.

Hence, we request that this be a <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">strictly self-collect order.</font></font> For those mummies who are unable or do not want to self-collect, please drop your name from the list. Or you can approach other mummies who are collecting and staying near you to help you pick up your order.

Also, for any of you wanting to join in the order, please make payment to Sheepish and let her know and she will add your order in. <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Do not post and ask if you can join.</font></font> If you make the payment by tonight before 12am Singapore Time, we will add your order in.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">29th June 2009, Monday, 1pm, Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Cafe</font></font>

Please kindly make payment for Sophie to Sheepish’s account 029-9-056916, dbs savings plus by this coming Friday night before 12am Singapore Time. Kindly indicate your nickname to Sheepish via iBanking, so she knows who has transferred and if the amount is correct.

We will drop the order for mummies who did not make payment by the time stated above.

Thanks much and Sophie, here we come!


Updated List of Mummies who Paid:
1. Samantha (mama2209)
2. popipi (popipi)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. liting
13. Ladysol14
14. gallop
15. cailing
16. lilmoo
17. da_bin_1
18. da_bin_2
19. mgwee_1
20. seahorse
21. rei
22. happy (happy_mummy79)
23. olivey_1
24. olivey_2
25. marbride
26. sinmey
27. blueb - cancelled
28. daphne
29. BBYang (kiki__koro)
30. DK (da_mama)
31. MamaFio (mamafio)
32. mgwee_2
33. corene
34. ag_gal_1
35. ag_gal_2
36. ag_gal_3
37. joanne_1
38. joanne_2
39. joanne_3
40. ginn
41. shyann
42. babyox
43. happymum78


Kindly PM me after you've made payment so I can update e list. Remember to include ur nick, thanks!
I had already trf the amount to you. Kindly check.. and thanks a million to you!!! Really appreciate for having cheaper sophie possible for all mummies!
Hi Sheepish,

I've done the transfer from OCBC.
Ref: 20090619175170

Thanks alot! I'll try to see if I can go down that day and try not to trouble you.

My son... I also dunno what happened. Just stopped feeding. The doctors guess it's reflux but he's not throwing up alot. I'm reading online... it seems that there's something call "nursing strike" around 4th mth.
Sandy and Sheepish, I say he normally drink 150 - 180ml coz he can finish 180ml or sometimes even 190ml of formula without having to "force" him to drink aS in sometimes, he will just gulp everything down. But at times he can only drink 120 or 130ml but reject the rest.

My mum was saying bcoz he is big-sized, so he needs more than normal sized babies, but pd says no. But I do find that when he drinks less of 120ml or so, he does not sleep as soundly as when he drinks more, so suspect he did not have enough.
liting, u giv him so much? hw many hrs interval?

my gal is born heavy too. she tdy 4 mth, weight is 7.1kg, n abt 67cm tall. brg her for jab tdy.doc suggest i can slowly giv her 130-150. nw i only giv 120ml 3-3.5hr interval
Hi Sheepish,

Ive already transferred $29 to yr ac..my nick is cheerios transaction ref:2313492156 kindly check.thanks a zillion!
hi sheepish,

u saw my PM? u stay near tanah merah mrt? in that case, can i collect from yr place cos i be going bk to tampines next week..let me knw plse..thks

my bb boy also behaving like this..infact, coming to 1mth liao. we try not to distract him when feeding by keeping quiet n minimise movement..haha i even hv to avoid eye contact during feed. PD says his weight gain is normal so ask me not to overstretch his feeding time n give more milk..so he's drinking 120ml every 3-3.5hr

our bbs got same birthday! 19feb09 rite..so nice to knw he got same birthday to share with..hee

ic..my pd also says bigger babies have more reserves so it is fine that they dont drink constantly the same amount of milk. u dont think and worry too much...take it easy..120ml of milk is really not too little...just give what he can take ..if he didnt finish but is contented, let him be..if hungry, feed again
sorry ah, im more pro-by demand feed...i always believes they will call for milk when hungry, wont make themselves starve...unless they are sick and has no appetite
my baby can flip, but i guess he is just a bit lazy. until now he has flipped twice when we are not around to watch... heheh he likes to do things in secret haha. sometimes i also suspect he is too big size to flip... but its ok la... i let him take his time. no hurry.

as for your milk feed for him hor.. u say if he is sleeping then he drinks 150-180ml... but if awake is 120ml. i suspect hor.. when he is sleeping, he just continue drinking eventhough he is full already. just like bf babies, they will continue to nurse on the breast despite they are full. sometimes my boy will still suckle on empty breast. so yours might be the same case. if they are alert, they wont do it loh.. they knowingly knew they are full, so why continue? when u overfed them, of course they sleep soundly... so full mah... but at risk of being too fat.
when u say he doesnt sleep as soundly, care to mention in wat way? didnt sleep more than 6 hours?
Sophie e Giraffe
Dear mummies,

Finally, the order is <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">closed!</font></font> Please check that your order is captured in the list below and let me know <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">ASAP</font></font> if it is not.

Meet-up details for collection is as below:

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">29th June 2009, Monday, 1pm, Raffles City Basement 1, Gloria Jeans Cafe</font></font>

Kindly remember your number on the list as DJmama will be helping me with the distribution. Also behind the nicks of those mummies who are unable to collect, the nicks of mummies collecting on their behalf are indicated in (brackets). I am assuming all other mummies will be turning up to collect on their own. If there is any discrepancy, please notify me again.

Finally, mummies who haven't PMed me their names, please do so soon! You will need to show proof of identity for collection. I will also reply soon with my contact no, thanks! However, if I know you personally from past gatherings, there is no need to.

Thanks again and Sophie, here we come!


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Confirmed</font></font> List of Mummies who Paid:
1. mama2209
2. popipi (sheepish)
3. eeyore_1
4. eeyore_2
5. lili (joanne)
6. grace_chua_1
7. grace_chua_2
8. breezie
9. whitegalz
10. rin
11. SY
12. liting (whitegalz)
13. ladysol14
14. gallop
15. cailing
16. lilmoo (rin)
17. da_bin_1
18. da_bin_2
19. mgwee_1
20. seahorse
21. rei
22. happy_mummy79
23. olivey_1
24. olivey_2
25. marbride (spicegal)
26. sinmey (whitegalz)
27. sheepish
28. daphne
29. BBYang
30. DK
31. MamaFio
32. mgwee_2
33. corene (ladysol14)
34. ag_gal_1
35. ag_gal_2
36. ag_gal_3
37. joanne_1
38. joanne_2
39. joanne_3
40. ginn (mamafio)
41. shyann
42. babyox (shyann)
43. happymum78 (sheepish)
44. mousypig
45. cheerios (shyann)
46. princessdella
47. the_simz (sheepish)
48. lolaz (sheepish)
49. mrslim
as u can see, i have 5 sophies to collect including mine... hence, i may not keep e boxes if they are not easily collapsible... oso, u will have to meet me @ my place near tanah merah mrt... but no mrt meet-ups as it's a long distance to walk &amp; not easy to do so wif my gal in tow... pls let me noe if it's not fine wif u &amp; hence, arrange for someone else to collect on ur behalf...

if i dun hear from u, i will assume tat it's okie w/o boxes &amp; u'll be collecting from me @ my place... thanks!
i see... but e "hunger strike" is not normal rite? cos u mentioned no urine, tat's not gd... think a dip in feeding amt is normal though?

actually, i think my gal oso feeds different amts thruout e day... although i'm latching her on totally, i noe her 1st &amp; last feeds are more... cos i got more milk in e morn &amp; i top up her last feed wif 50ml of ebm... from e length of time she feeds &amp; swallows, i noe she drinks lesser e rest of e day... so it's okie not to be drinking e same amt all e time... if he din have enuff tis feed, he'll either ask again later or feed more during e next feed... no issue... except when bb is sick, as sandy mentioned... then u need to force-feed cos he/she may then have no appetite... however, i feel it's impt e rest of e time, not to confuse his in-built mechanism lor... it's not gd for e bb as he may not noe wat is fullness next time, always going by his mind on e amt he shd eat... may result in obesity too... juz my tots...
Hiyo, morning, so most mummies be gg for the gathering? Such ironic for BF mothers .. we meeting at Gloria Jeans but cannot take coffee .. so tong ku .. haha .. So excited abt this Sophie thingy .. initially tot it looks weird, but see the post till I decide to buy .. hope my girl will like it ^^
halo mummies,
seem like most mummies in singapore will have the giraffe!!!

update on my gal
luckily she no need to admit hospital... she can finish her usual milk intake now... although she still fuss abit at the beginning of the feed... but she still suckle and finish the whole bottle...
but her mummy is not gd... gotten the virus from her... so got the same symptoms as her oso... fever, lao sai, cannot eat much oso... now i noe why she cannot drink much n will vomit when trying to feed her the milk... me oso eat very little... when try to finish will puke out the food...
haiz... maybe my gal wan her mummy to noe wat she is going thru....
check wif u all... will my gal kana the virus from me again? my hubby said should be won't leh... cos she oredi got the antibodies...
hi Yaer,

thank God Hayden is improving and drinking again. Hayden already had the virus so you wont pass it back to her but instead, your hb must be careful. whoever who has diarrhea at home, have to wash hand with soap for 20seconds and then sanitize. so if hayden has diarrhea, after changing her diaper, u also have to wash hands for 20 seconds and then sanitize. Usually if i have diarrhea, i wont even cook or prepare food cos scared will pass around the virus. Yaer, so far did ur hb change diaper for Hayden? hope he didnt fall sick.
thanks for the advice and concern... nope... so far onli me take care of the needs for hayden... but scare he gotten from me wor... so far so gd for him...

Being a working mummy is really not easy, no personal time. eeeks. So not posting much on forum liao but still try to read the postings. keke.

Sleeping pattern
Can mummies share whether your bb is behaving the same as mine? She will cry out loud every few minutes when trying to sleep. Her eyes are already closed and seems very loud. Haiz, I have not been putting her to sleep for 5 days as she has been staying over at MIL place and her pattern changed. See her cry until so poor thingy so feel quite lost.

Sophie Giraffe
I will meet and collect the giraffe at gloria jean. keke. Cant wait!

Check out Robinson's sales yesterday.... Every 50nett spent entitle u to $5 voucher... Jumperoo selling for 259.90 and still got 5% rebate plus $25 worth of vouchers... My boy tried it out and was smiling so happily and jumping violently, so much so that I finally decided to buy it for him... hiaz so ex lor!!!! Then when we reached home, daddy fixed it up for him to play, he play a while dont want liao.... Looks like its a waste of money? Plus will Jumperoo cause reflux huh? He seem to regurgitate a lot of milk after playing lor... only put him inside after he finished his milk for one hour.... hiaz...
just to check, is jumperoo second hand value good? Thinking if he really dont want to play might have to sell if off liao lor.... gek sim ah!

Hey all working mummies at Raffles Place,
Maybe we can all meet up at Raffles Place MRT and head down together to collect Sophie, plus have lunch together??
