(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

butter.. hope to hear some good news !!

wish me luck too
saro, butter, looks like the 3 of us r abt the same time for our cycles... that's why we're haivng sae symptoms?

really hope these are pregnancy symptoms n not PS leh...
mrschoo - yes.. i grabbed the promo of $38 per way heehee... air tix is only $460 for 2pax with tax. hotel is ard $360 lor...i always booked 6mths before the date

hw much is urs?
wah snow, lucky! good planning too... 6 months ahead!! except for long trips, I usually only plan a few weeks in advance... must learn from u, then can grab such deals!
Carine : Take care and be strong for your FIL . He will be fine . Don't worry you still young so once your FIL recovery then you TTC ... so can no problem .
Hi Butter

Ya, mine normally is 27D or 28D cycle..
but got a feeling it a failed attempt again this mth..

though now i only hv the pain boobs sysptom..
Anyone bought the clearblue from watson and what is the promotion now .. I want to get lah .. the stupid Eastpt branch tell me no discount for DBS card lah ... the DBS card 10% discount is upon payment or they rebate to your credit card .
Tee - heehee..ya.. usually after my long trip back i will plan another long trip 6mths in advance so that can get good deal on air tix lor..heehee.. short trip i can go anytime de... Japan no budget air
but now there's cheap airfare to japan? i just got infored by zuji.com... abt $499 before taxes... i'm also itchy to go back to tokyo!!
Carine! Hugs Hugs... Be brave for your family ok...

Justmum: I am CD25 tomorrow and am thinking of testing leh, cause DH will be going away day after... Sigh hopefully can test positive

Butter: your cramps always there or intermittent? Mine is a pulling kinda sensation like cramps.. Been there for a few days le =( I really pray its something positive wor... Only yesterday the discomfort was better but still there...

Saro saro... hopefully its positive ok!!! Babydust !!!
Snow , then got watson 20% discount for clearblue is it .. which branch have and I go there buy .. don't want to buy from this Eastpt ask tell me don't have 10% for DBS card ..
can i check how many times did you BD during most fetial days? I have been trying for six month but not actively for six month and I so demoralise now
Carine mei-mei, come storeberry jie jie hug hug you.. Don't be sad, nowadays medical is so advanced now, you FIL will be well. Does he have any shield plans? If yes then can help a little, if not for assistance can seek help for medifund?

Take care!!!

Thenun, $499 is cheap!! But Japan is expensive, that time I went to Osaka & Kyoto, didn't buy anything at all cos most of the things too es liao!

Snow: Wow, you got yourself a good deal leh! Taiwan only $800 for 2 person. My fren went last year already $800 for one person... You must shop shop shop & eat eat eat! There are so many good food there right?
yeah storeberry, that's why my fingers itchy... want to click the button to buy the air tix lor... argh! must resist!

corrine - er... during high fertilty days, best to BD everyday lor.. unless u know ur hubby's soldiers got handicap then BD alternate days!
wah than make ourself stressful hor.. me so down now sian..

actually i trying for number two... since i am able to conceive no. 1 that mean that I should not have any problem conceiving right?
hi gals...

the symtoms i have today... really like AF reporting.... sob sob.. i think by tmr i will know liao........ sigh....
Thanks! YA loh... hopefully he faster recover...

If a good manager really understand, den she wun give me so many work to do this morning when she knows my FIL condition!!

thanks dear!

storeberry Jie Jie,
Thank you jie jie.... duno lehz,from what I heard from DH , the chemo treatment can only use cash, no CPF or insurance nothing can subsidize.. haiz.. Den is like at least 10+++K loh! *shake head*
afternoon ladies,

Had a busy morning. Brought my boy to see PD as he is having flu & cough for more than 1 week, then send him back to Mum's place and rush back to work and the worst thing is, when I'l abt to reach office then realise his pillow left in daddy's car. so deliver the pillow back to Mum's place.

Aiyo, rushing here and there. exhausted.

Hi carine, your FIL will be alright. Dun worry too much. Think u need to relax and can have a little celebration with hubby for 21st birthday la. Keep in small lor.

Hi snow, looks like u looking forward for your trip. But you can endure waiting for 6 mths before flying, really "pei fu". If me, wouldn't be able to concentrate on work liao. Will be thinking abt flying and travelling liao.
A&E - maybe u try TM... heard from Pirate Clearblue got 20% off and additional 10% for DBS card...

storeberry - yalor... so cheap sia!!! the money saved can use for shopping lol
thanks for ur concern! But i dun wan small celebration ! I cannot tahan to "wei qu" myself de.... Frankly, I abit "princess" kind girl...

haha... what a "good and understanding" Manager I've got right??
Hi Novakido

ehhee.. think i will test again tomolo or sun( the due date) me too hope for a +ve but think no much chance..

Hi Carrine

me too trying for #2, initially i also tot it will be easy to conceive loh, cos i got no problem with #1, but not so leh.. cos last mth i try at the most fertile day CD14, but also didnt strike, so now is my 2nd try, but me abit worried loh..
I dare not think that it will be easy liao...
How old are u ? me 30 going to 31 this yr..
hi gals.. im back, been busy lately! so busy till no chance to skive into here!

anyway seems like my menses are late again this month.. but i confident think im not preggy!

and on another note, just found out from my bestpal who is pregnant with twins that another friend of ours is 8 weeks and pregnant with Twins too!!

How envious of me.. when will our turn come??
Aiyoo. carine, why your manager like that one.. If your FIL have shield plans,(medishield, incomeshield, healthshield) which is a hospital & surgical insurance, he should be able to claim outpatient on chemo but have limit lah which means not 100% claimable.

Table A: MediShield Benefits


Stereotactic Radiotherapy Treatment for cancer $1,000 per treatment
Radiotherapy for cancer:
- External or Superficial
- Brachytherapy with or without external

$80 per treatment day
$160 per treatment day

Chemotherapy for cancer/ Certain benign neoplasms $150 per 7-day treatment cycle
$700 per 21- or 28-day treatment cycle

Renal Dialysis $1,000 per month
Erythropoietin drug for chronic renal failure $200 per month
Immunosuppressant drugs for organ transplant $200 per month

Wow, 21st birthday to me was like long long ago laio.... Happy birthday to you first cos don;t know which date. Care to share? :p
hi ladies...

newbie here... ;p
married for 9 mths... just start TTC last month and dunno abt O period until i came to this forum.. haha just BD for abt twice a week... ;p

spent 1 whole day to read the archive and still in process... haha..

have been monitoring my cycle 4 mths ago.. it is ard 30 - 35 days since Oct 07... today is my CD 32 and i have some symptoms like burping, mild cramp, mild nausea for ard 2 days.. dunno is gd news anot.. ;p
reli ar? Den I print out and let the doctor see!

Hehe... On 15th June.... 1 month average 30days half is 15th, 1 year 12 months half is June.. So I'm a very equal and half person! (15th June) haha... That's what my auntie told mi that I told her that when I was a little ger ! which i also forget liao.. haha, but can tell I'm such a bringht ger since young!, wahahaha.. Just Kidding!
hi Liv

Welcome to our big family... Wish u good luck !
I am at CD28 and having PMS symtoms,keeping finers crossed to ! BABYDUSTS TO ALL !!
hi all.. thanks for welcoming.. ;p

my cycle since young is nt regular one.. so i also dunno did i ovulating normally anot..

this sunday i have a marathon to go to also.. still thinking when can i test... i scare if i really pregie then sunday i still go run how...

Carine, be brave & strong for your FIL. My FIL also had his cancer operation last yr so I can understand how u feel

But we try to put up a +ve front b4 him so tat he is not too worried & scare himself.

My FIL is ok now so will yours be
Take care of yourself too so tat u can take care of him mah
