(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Hi Saro & Nova, what a coincidence!!! Kekeke...

Hi butter, Eastin is it beside Dma hotel? If it is, cannot really walk cos we stayed at DMA before, it was a big & clean hotel with great service! But the only thing is that we can't walk to pratunam cos too far! In the end we had to take cab to & fro...

Saro and Snow its ok de! Work hard and "pu" for the next cycle! =) Butter how got good news ma?! So exciting la...

Butter, ya lor, i test with hpk coz lower abdomen pain... Scard ectopic pregnancy or some other problem from my UTI haha... =) Lower abdomen pain still on and off but not too bad hehe...
Hey ladies,
The little company I mentioned previously is offering 25% discount off all coach items that can be found on http://www.coach.com. Sales tax charged by Coach.com, shipping and handling fees are not included in the 25% off. Interested ladies do send me email me at [email protected] for specific details. Offer ends Mar 14th!

Have fun shopping! =)
storeberry - i stayed at DMA before n we walked to pratumuan market heehee.. eastin is near baiyoke sky.. i stayed there before too
kido - maybe too early for me to test la.. i just wanted to finish the babydusts HPT lor cos ytd i bought 3pcs of watson test kit.
Ladies...i am back to day 1...AF report this morning before we go to JB jln jln...sianz..but ok lah..at least this month i start to eat folic acid liao..keke..Jiayou everyone!

Bubblepearl CD1 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD4
Purin CD4 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD5 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD6 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD7 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD9
Ylang Ylang CD10
Miffy CD18 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD18
Smallgirl CD19
Blitz CD20
Elina CD23 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD25 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD24(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Butter DPO11 / CD31 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO11/12, CD32 (LCB Member)

Blur DPO18, CD33 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO18 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD26 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Mrs Choo CD27 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Justmum CD28
TeddyBear DPO29
Pinkie Pirate CD26
Novakido CD26 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Saro CD30 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD31 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD35
BettyBoob CD41

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
Bubblepearl CD1 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD4
Purin CD4 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD5 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD6 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD7 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD9
Ylang Ylang CD10
Miffy CD18 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD18
Smallgirl CD19
Blitz CD20
Elina CD23 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD25 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD24(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Butter DPO11 / CD31 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO11/12, CD32 (LCB Member)

Blur DPO18, CD33 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO18 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD26 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Mrs Choo CD27 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Justmum CD28
TeddyBear DPO29
Pinkie Pirate CD26
Novakido CD26 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Saro CD30 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD31 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD35
BettyBoob DPO11

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
hi ladies,

i have tested this morning with watson HPK, it shows a very faint test line.. dunno is positive anot...

today is CD 33...

tomm morn will test again...
hi, liv
i read that faint line is still a positive. anyway, do test again and let us know the good news. any preggie symptoms so far?
me at CD23, another few more days before AF due. hv not bot the hpk yet leh. mayb the next few days.
hi ladies, long time no come in here liao.. went to see my gynea yesterday n she prescribed me with provera to make my period come so that i can take clomid on CD2. i started provera last nite but i nv tested with HPT before doing so to see if i'm preggie. nw abit worried.
today is supposed to be CD36. i also dunno if i gt ovulated earlier on anot.
I have a bit of spotting today... Think my AF is reporting any time now... =( got a bit of cramp also... Need to work harder next cycle...

storeberry, that time I stayed Eastin and we walked to Pratunam everyday... along the way can see a lot of interesting stuff (and maybe that's why didn't notice the distance) and at night, there are massage shops just opposite the hotel.. =)
Liv, so excited for you! Hope you strike! Babydust!!!

Butter... Yeah lets all try again next cycle!!!

Aiyo Bluberi, how come your gynae never test you before you start on the Provera? Will it affect if you are indeed preggy? Maybe wanna check with your gynae again?
thanks butter....heard of eastin as a reasonable hotel as well...will look into the pros & cons of the choices avail....=D

no prob snow...njoy urself ya...mayb have one made in taiwan....kekeke

storeberry....DMA is not veri far from pratunam....it's abt 10 mins walk crossing a major road onli....the prices have since increased lots since our last stay which is abt 6 years old when it's a relatively new hotel....=)
Bubblepearl CD2 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD5
Purin CD5 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD6 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD7 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD8 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD10
Ylang Ylang CD11
Miffy CD19 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD19
Smallgirl CD20
Blitz CD21
Elina CD24 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD26 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD25(Woodlands, TTC #1) - Usual Cycle is 27 to 32days
Butter DPO12 / CD32 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO12/13, CD33 (LCB Member)
Blur DPO19, CD34 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO19 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD27 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Mrs Choo CD28 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Justmum CD29
TeddyBear DPO30
Pinkie Pirate CD27
Novakido CD27 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Saro CD31 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD32 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD36
BettyBoob DPO12

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
hi ladies...
this morning i tested again! too kan jiong liao.. haha... this time with clearblue HPK...
it shows a +, quite clearly.....

so did i really strike?!?!?

i am so excited... what should i do next... ;p
snow....hopefully ur trip coincide wif ur O day....while holidaying one feel more relax thus higher chance of striking....=)

Liv....congrats...u may wish to visit a gynae to confirm ur pregnancy while sum mummies prefer to hold till abt 8 weeks b4 visiting one....
Morning ladies!!

I think U've strike!! Congrats!!!

Gers, I think hor, we all this very active in this TTC forum de hor, all nv strike sia... those newbie come here awhile nia, all strike strike strike... Sad
Yesterday I whole day feel so sick n naeusea... there's once, I reli nearly puke out, den I control.. OMG! Haiz.. But hor, I go n test with babydust HPK, shows -ve loh... Duno is happy or sad....
morning everyone! how was everyone's weekend? had a good rest?

wah Liv, looks like we've brought u luck! Congrats!

carine - wappen? r u sick? hmm... CD32, maybe too early to tell? try testing a few days later lah
hi ladies.. thanks thanks..
haha i very kan jiong so i now looking at which gynae to go today or tomm...

my symptoms are nausea, hungry always but no appedite to eat, i dun have constipation though, i keep going toilet do big business...
i also got body aches... for ard 4 days until i go test...

babydusts to all too!!!
Bubblepearl CD2 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD5
Purin CD5 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD6 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD7 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD8 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD10
Ylang Ylang CD11
Miffy CD19 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD19
Smallgirl CD20
Blitz CD21
Elina CD24 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD26 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD25(Woodlands, TTC #1) - Usual Cycle is 27 to 32days
Butter DPO12 / CD32 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO12/13, CD33 (LCB Member)
Blur DPO19, CD34 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO19 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD27 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Mrs Choo CD28 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Justmum CD29
TeddyBear DPO30
Pinkie Pirate CD27
Novakido CD27 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Saro CD31 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD32 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD36
BettyBoob DPO12

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
novakido, she nv test leh, tink she presumed dat i nv ovulate since i was diagnosed with PCOS.. i also blur blur took the provera for 2 days den realised dat i nv test with HPT.

tink i'll call n ask if provera will affect pregnancy anot
Eh..I read from other thread, that some mommies are "Pang tang" about leaving their names here while they are still at their first trimester, so why not we just have the names of TTCing ladies instead. They want to have "soon soon" pregnancy.

On conservative side, they have valid reason to be "pang tang". They appreciated your understanding.

Baby-dust to all.
Bubblepearl CD2 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD5
Purin CD5 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD6 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD7 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD8 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD10
Ylang Ylang CD11
Miffy CD19 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD19
Smallgirl CD20
Blitz CD21
Elina CD24 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD26 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD25(Woodlands, TTC #1) - Usual Cycle is 27 to 32days
Butter DPO12 / CD32 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO12/13, CD33 (LCB Member)
Blur DPO19, CD34 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO19 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD27
Mrs Choo CD28 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Justmum CD29
TeddyBear DPO30
Pinkie Pirate CD27
Novakido CD27 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Saro CD31 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD32 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD36
BettyBoob DPO12
hi ladies...

i am CD31 already, tested yesterday got a BFN but my bloatedness suddenly disappeared... n usually my AF comes by CD30.. dunno y late... maybe due to stress ?? i hope not.....if AF doesnt report by this weekend,then i test again...
Hello, can i join you gals? I am current TWW-ing... kan cheong like hell.. first time trying some more.

SO many acronymns can somebody explain what LCB is? the rest I know.. haha...
Bear, WELCOME to our big family...

LCD=Lao Cha Bor.. Muahahaha... We gave ourselves this term as being over 28yrs of age... keke

i am also considered TWW, AF over due... but tested BFN.. so now still waiting lor...
thenun... muahahaha.. yeah hor, oops Bear gave wrong info...

LCB=Lao CHIO Bu, means over 28 but very pretty still !! kekeke...
Hellooo ladies...

today a bit quiet here ... Any good news from ladies testing with HPT ?

We've got 1 good news right ? CONGRATS Liv
Hello! Thank you for ur warm welcome!

I am currently just CD12 but gynae said i was abt to ovulate when I saw him last fri.. worked hard over the wkend. now anxiously waiting for AF NOT to come! HAHA... Shd be due on 16-18th of this mth...

This is my first time trying... but i already had bb worries for almost 2 yrs.. cos i want one but couldn't try for one.

OOh so that's wat LCB is for! HAHAHA.. so cute leh u guys.. i think i not qualified to be a LCB yet.. :p
hi bear! is ok, we also got a XMM group for all our little Xiao Mei Meis... the president of that group is our dear Carine! hee hee
those who are attending the gathering on sunday, do catch me on msn and I will give you directions and the address. Mei Lik and I have just been msn-ing on this, so she also has the address.
hi ladies thanks for the congratulation...
haha i very kan jiong one, yest test le, this morning test again

tonight i will be seeing a gynae... to double confirm.. cant wait.. ;p

good luck all ladies..!
If nothing goes wrong, Guess I'll be joining u ladies to the gathering... Den after that den go SGH.... hehe... Yeah! I just cant wait to see u ladies!

<u><font color="ff0000">So can I noe the attendance?</font></u>
<font color="aa00aa">Carine (1person)</font>
