(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Hi girls, sorry could not come in forum as often as before now that I am doing the job of 2 staff due to resignation of colleague and some re-shuffling of job scope. Work is really up to my neck now...very tiring and overloaded...trying to clear as much work as possible.

Also, my girl just started child care on Mon so have been on half day AM leave from Mon-Wed to be with her and get her familiarise with the new environment.

Do continue to add me for msn chats, will join in if I have time though.

Welcome all the newbies, too long never come in, lost touch on what is the latest happening already..haha..

Lastly, enjoy the 1st TTC gathering this sun, and do arrange another one real soon. Really wish to meet up with you girls at the next gathering. Have fun!!

hello spicegal, take care... hope new staff will be coming in soon to take over some of your duty... =)

Oh... how old is ur girl now??
Butterkiss, hb and I both work super long hrs.. hardly have any energy to BD! it is quite hard for him to BD every alternate day too.. but this time I BD close to O... dunno if spermies will hang in there for long! sigh.. guess i will know on the 18th...

I see a lot of u have very long cycles! so lucky.. i got super short ones.. 24-28 days cycles... and i get very bad period cramps.. those that make me faint! i was so sure that i suffer from endometriosis but the gynae did a scan and said i was perfectly fine!
hello all !

sorry i keep on MIA. lol.
any good news ?

welcome all the newbies !
my menses late for 3 days liao.
waiting to test HPK soon !!!!!!

exited !
Bear, ur cramps really sound very very bad!! Poor ger...
There is still hope for this cycle!! Jia You!!

Xpink, hope to hear ur good news soon... Keep us posted.. =)
Saro CD2 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1 31-32D cycle)
Butter CD3 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Bubblepearl CD4 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD7
Purin CD7 (LCB Member, Feb)
Pink Piglet CD7 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
A&E CD8 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD9 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD10 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD12
Ylang Ylang CD13
Miffy CD21 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD21
Smallgirl CD22
Blitz CD23
Elina CD26 (Bukit Batok)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD27(Woodlands, TTC #1) - Usual Cycle is 27 to 32days
Mei Lik CD29
Spicegal CD29 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD29
Novakido CD29 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD30 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
TeddyBear DPO32
Carine CD34 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Thenun DPO14/15, CD35 (LCB Member)
Blur DPO21, CD36 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Andreanie CD38
BettyBoob DPO13, CD44
hi ladies...

gt my blood test result yesterday.. it is confirm pregnant however still very early stage, then scan can't see anything... doc ask me go back next monday to scan again... he say maybe too small cant see yet.. but i quite worried.. dunno got problem anot... ;(

btw jus want to say be relax when BD, haha... dun think of baby when ML... maybe that's y can hit the target easier? btw my hubby loves to drink diet coke.. maybe that helps? ;p
Hey bettyboob... usually how long is your luteal phase huh? mine is usually 15 days so shd be today... but i dun want to see my AF!! i want to take leave from AF... someone tell me who to apply leave from...
Thenun, u were using the fertility monitor, right? If AF really take long leave this time, then I think I will invest in one too. Hee hee...

OOooOOoooo... if really can apply leave, I also want leh!! Hee hee....
Congrats, Liv!

nova - er, trying very hard not to be kancheong spider... if AF doesn't come I'll try to tahan to DPO18 before testing lah... i hope!!!!

My friend waited till 2 weeks after missing her AF then she tested!! I wonder how she can tahan!!!

Nova, I heard walgreen has very cheap pregnancy test kit... only $1+ per stick!!
butter... if i find out who is the approving officer for AF leave I will inform u asap!!

i quite sure my AF coming lah... can feel it lor... just trying to keep my spirits up
Hmm... I have a lot of blood clog in my AF... is this normal? My friend said heard from somewhere those with blood clog, hard to conceive..
butter - i had alot of blood clots last year and nearly fainted during one AF... went to see chinese doc n she said that it is a sign that the body is weak n too cold so clots form n cause cramps... she didnt say it affected fertility tho...
butter - my AF usually got blood clot too lei... last mth i have a very very big pc too.. if i remembered correctly my gynae told me it is no good...
Congrats, Liv!

Butter..dun think clogs means hard to conceive? Maybe that month u eat too much cold stuff??

Ok..i am seeing my AF clearing off soon..

Saro CD2 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1 31-32D cycle)
Butter CD3 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Bubblepearl CD4 (Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
TeddyBear CD7
Purin CD7 (LCB Member, Feb)
Pink Piglet CD7 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
A&E CD8 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD9 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD10 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD12
Ylang Ylang CD13
Miffy CD21 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD21
Smallgirl CD22
Blitz CD23
Elina CD26 (Bukit Batok)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD27(Woodlands, TTC #1) - Usual Cycle is 27 to 32days
Mei Lik CD29
Spicegal CD29 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD29
Novakido CD29 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD30 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
TeddyBear DPO32
Carine CD34 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Thenun DPO14/15, CD35 (LCB Member)
Blur DPO21, CD36 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Andreanie CD38
BettyBoob DPO13, CD44
Morning gals.. yest got AF cramps.. today much better.. hardly any
yippee.. looking forward for AF to finish n TTC again !
today is my Cd22, no sign of LH surge.
praying for LH surge to come before my AF.

will it be ok to bd as soon as LH surge is detected?
thenun, I never take alcohol over here, coz no kaki. Hee hee...
I think it's the cabbage soup I cooked yesterday and the ice cream I ate after dinner yesterday!!!
Thenun and Butter! I also want 9months worth of leave from AF! Haha...
Butter! So cheap?! $1 a stick ah!
Thenun! I think I will whack sashimi lor! After concieve cannot eat leh! =)
nova, i think can eat sashimi. just eat little, one or 2 slices and they must be very fresh and clean.

i can't imagine how miserable we will be if we can't eat our fav foods for 9 mths.

butter, thanks, i go read now.
Gd morning gals!

Thenun, gd luck! Fingers, toes and eyes cross for ya! any recommendation for the OPK strips? Issit really useful? Must keep testing everyday nearer O day???

Liv congrats! Take care and dun stress ya?

U guys luteal phase all so long! mine is 10-12 days.. scary leh.. sigh...

Need ur advice, gynae said my O day usually day 12, but my temp spike comes a few days later. My CM seem to correlate with what my gynae predicted but not my BBT.. anybody got the same sign as me?
butter, snow...I'm v.prone to blood clots during menses...fr day 1 onwards I'll have small clots till day 4...super big clot will appear on day 4 before the clots totally clear...mine's a 7 day cycle...thus I think clots wun affect fertility...though I think it might be due to weak body...
good morning ladies...wun be able to login for the next few mornings till night cos will be busy at work....=(

thenun...crossed our fingers & toes for u too...good luck ya...=)

small girl...which type of tablespoon are u refering to for consuming DOM? reading the chinese instruction it says 2-4 'soup spoonful' so wondering if it is the chinese procelain spoon we use to drink soup....
hi bear! u can get cheap OPKs from babydust... i think quite a no. of us get ours from her... n of cos there's the watson's inhouse brand and clearblue.


yup, depending on the average length of ur cycles, u can start testing a few days b4 O... u'll end up using laot more if ur cycles r irregular tho...

hope this helps!
hi all ladies
Need to check on usage of OPK. Must I really test 2 times per day - morning and night? So far I only test once per day and had been trying TTC for almost 1 yr but still unsuccessful. When OPK +ve, mean can BD? If next day OPK -ve, must also BD?

elch - ya... but sometimes i don hv too.. like wat Thenun mentioned... the body too cold or liang.. i like to take cold things.
