(2008/11) November 2008

Just wake up from nap, so nice to be on MC. heehee

wow talking about food har, I have craving for McDonald leh, talking about sundaes...I want to walk to buy liao..hee

I still drink my tea,coffee & cold drinks but max 1 cup nia.I had caving for lemon tea ley.Sweet and sour taste... make my ms better too.I even had ice cream for dessert for the past few days.Tempted when i saw my hb eating.Dun care and jus eat too!

We cant drink alcohol but can we eat tiramisu??

You are taking so many vit? I onli had folic acid ley.Bear with it... MS will soon disppear without u noticing.

You so cute! keep eating at office.
I missed my days of eating at office too.Felt so great eating non stop and no one knows i am preg.

I am a SAHM
wah now talking about food ah!!.... munching on prawn crackers now.... unhealthy i noe...

hui, doesn't ur obimin have folic acid liao? why u still take folic acid separately??...
BBhuimin, can i noe hws ur spotting look like..I on/off will hv discharge which is transparent super light brown colour, so i wonder if this is consider spotting?

envy envy... me super tired at work... but no choice...have to slog leh.... furthermore i not confirmed yet


wow! envious that u are a SAHM.... so nice hor... u takiing care of clara? do u send her to day care?

purvis street is 2 streets behind raffles hotel. u know behind raffles hotel is liang seah street...it is the street behind liang seah street. The store is at the corner of beach road side. U will see them selling chicken rice and inside they sell zhi cha.... which includes the curry fish head claypot in the menu. Just brought some Msia and HK colelagues there last week and they said super yummy! they serve the traditional sugar donut which is Yummy yummy too if u eat it there when it is just freshly baked

i crave for the beach road prawn noodles like crazy now.... but they are not opened for dinner
Aiyoh u guys talking abt food! i feel like puking now..
u guys are amazing.. :p

Lovedogs i had prawn noodles for lunch! kekeke.. tempting u. :p ya i cannot don't work. Will go crazy staying at home.. heehee... but i like to slp in the aftn.. like the whole world working but u get to laze around. heeee..

Notfated, i have the spotting the way u describe it. brown but transparent...
Talking abt prawn noodle, I used to love it. But tat day, a man sitting at the next table eating, I can't even stand the smell of it...so bad
seems like it's just the elder ppl who tell us not to drink cold water and tea.. hmm.. less guilty to sneak some cooler water into my mouth =P thinking of dinner makes me sianz now.. hubby still asking me wat to eat.. haizz..
Dun envy me! I used to envy SAHM too.But being one nw,I tink is one of the toughest & stressful job.I have NO leave,bonus,MC and off day.I hav to look after her 24/7 and stress when comes to discipline & developement.
Good thing is .. She is closer to me now,bring me more joy and witness all her 'First'
when i drink gassy or cold drinks... my mum will nag at me.... when my mum go market in the morning.... she'll still buy me a cup of kopi-c...

happy... now that u are expecting #2.... u getting any help?
amore your mum so nice : )

ya i feel is tough to be SAHM, hahaha 1 day at home with my xiao bu dian already can drive me crazy...hahaha

u intend to get yourself another dog? Yah, my gynae also suspect low placenta... but she said it's too early to tell besides, our placenta grows and can move upwards in the later stage... she ask me not to give myself too much stress and rest more... but how to rest more, my elder always wanted me to carry her.. I'm still pondering how to break the news to her...

now i place all my tablets and pills in front of me and it's very similar to what u r getting now too... duphaston, obimin, fish oil, folic acid n calcium tablets plus iron tablets too.... sob sob... so many to take?! now I'm organising into a pill container....
Hi ya ladies, so happening lately!! Wow, i cant catch up liao.

i have been having terrible MS, i had no energy for anything. I have been following your posts but too tired to post myself.

Also it affected my taste. Things i used to like, now feel like puking even just to think of it. You girls here talk about fish curry, zhi cha, prawn noodle, chips, wow, i miss but strangely, dont have appetite for them.

The other day, hubby bought my fav san lao hor fun, i cant even stand the smell of it. In the end, he insisted i take a little.

I also experiencing puking but nothing came out. Today is the 2nd day back to work after 3 weeks of hospitalisation leave. Find it quite challenging to deal with MS in the office. Yesterday puke 3 times and applied so much feng yu until i so embarassed. Today dare not even bring. If at home, feel nauseated can go and sleep but cant do that in office. So tough.

My clothes getting tighter le. How, no energy to go and do shopping leh.
I also have dogs. 3 in total. 1 stay with my mom and the other 2 stay with me. Currently all of them stay with my mom, as the younger two like to prance around and sometimes stepped on my stomach.
Mom is worried so take them away for the time being. I really miss them. mom will be bringing them back this weekend to keep me company as hubby
is away.
For those MTBs with spotting or experiencing cramps, please take care, rest more, dont carry heavy things and dont over-exert yourselves. If you havent consult the gynae, please do so asap. gynae will do a scan to see if baby is okay and maybe find out what is causing the problem and maybe prescribe something to stablized your pregnancy.

Like for me, i experienced bad cramping in my 5th week. although no spotting, i rush to see a gynae to see if the bb is okay. Its there i find out the blood clot that is causing me to cramp. Dr gave me injection and now its seems like the clot has cleared. the day i cramp, i had pineapples too, not sure does that contribute to the cramp too.

I also switched gynae finally. I do not like the gynae that i went too initially. She is so rough with the v-scan and doesnt answer my questions. Although i thank her for giving me injection to clear my blood clot and give me 3 weeks hosp leave, i still dont feel comfortable with her.

Now i'm see SN Lim in TMC. She is very gentle and explained in details. Most important of all, she also continue with my injections. I now feel safe with the change.
Amore, can you help to add me to your list please.
Edd: 5 Nov
Dr: SN Lim
Hosp: TMC

Today, i finally gave in and had an ice-blended bubble tea. it does make me feel better. Hopefully, i dont habitually use it as an escape for my MS. Not so good to take it everyday.

I crave for ice-cream and cold drinks now!
bear, you are a freshwater ecologist. Wow sound so scientific. based on your posts, seems like you find yourself in a very interesting job which you like. So lucky. Work is important, health too. Do try to rest more, ok.
So that means even before you know your bb's heartbeat has stopped, your pregnancy symptoms stopped? Is it sudden stop or slowly tapering off?

Initially I worry about not being able to see a embryo inside the gestational sac. Now that I see the embryo, I worry that the bb's heartbeat will stop, so always look out for signs sigh.
Dont worry too much. Im not sure about vincy
but based on my last mc, my ms also get better till i went to see the gynae at 10 w but bb heart beat already stopped at 9w. I dont think its sudden lah, gradually but within a few days bah.

Try to take your pre-natal vitamins dilligently. Look out for spotting/cramping signs and if have ask the doc to prescribe something to stabilise your pregnancy.

I also worry too (hard to shake off past experience), now i'm doing my best, eat my vits, eat more healthily, more fruits, protect my stomach from my dogs, dont carry heavy things, walk slowly, try not to walk too much, rest as much as possible, contine with my 'an tai yao' injections, doing all i can to protect my bb.
I so scare i will disappoint my hubby and parents.
but try to be positive. I also pray very hard for my bb to be in good health. have faith.
Hi everyone, I am at my 6 weeks currently. I just had a scan but didnt see the heartbeat. The gynae sd it's perfectly normal but i m still worried. Did anyone not see any heartbeat at 6 weeks? Also, did anyone feel more thirsty during their pregnancy? I kept feeling very thirsty these few days..
Hope everyone here have a smooth pregnancy! =)
i also had strong cravin for kway chap like 2 weeks ago! then aft i ate,realized actually not good coz of possible bacteria in the spare parts, hee...but i really wanted to eat it, greedy me.

is it YY Kafei Dian?? i love it there! esp their hainanese bun,yum!! used to love it with e half boiled eggs but now i just take it w/o e eggs. i just ate there on sunday.=P

i am finally not constipated! so happy coz i was soooo constipated tis morn and i was whining to hubby and rite aft dinner, my bowel movement returned to normal! maybe its e magic of mum's home cooked dinner tonite.hee...

i am also pretty active at work. my colleagues are all young pple with energy of like horses, so we tend to be very "active" at office. i try to not be too conscious, except i stopped jogging..but i would like to resume with exercise soon like walkin or swimming.
Hi Ladies!

Ya i also no appetite.. wanna puke also cannot.. kinda envy u gals that can puke! i can't! i think its a psychological thing cos i always hate puking.

Dreamyjo, do take care of urself... ya i love my job but it is kinda tough trying to carry a bb while doing this!

Haru, gd to hear that ur bowel movements are back to norm... don't over exert urself.. may be can do some walking but dun be like me.. walk until so much probs.. heehee..

Karen, i know how u feel.. at first when i couldn't see the sac i worry ectopic preg.. then when i saw the sac but no embryo, i worry it didn't develop properly and has no heart beat.. now i saw the heart beat liao i worry it will stop... sigh.. it shdn't be called motherhood! it shd be called WORRYhood! :p

Hello Wendy! Welcome! I think our EDDs are very near each other. I saw my heartbeat at 5 wks 6 days but i had a very early ovulation date at CD11. so may be that's why i could have seen it.. u might have ovulated later hence bb is still developing.. I think Vincy also saw the heart beat near the 7th wk. so don't worry ya? hang in there!

Bbhuimin, just guai guai pop them all in! heehee..

Lovedogs, u want another dog???!
Your job sound demanding. Do take great care of yourself!

I'm craving for fish head curry too. Going to have it this sat!!

How come you are give so many pills to take? I'm still on folic only. Am i the only one?
Wah seems like getting back to work is tough. I have been on leave for 6 weeks now and the thought of going back to work is scaring me. Plus its a new job that I am taking so dont know how to cope with it.

You have 3 dogs. me too.. but they all stay with my parents cos she can look after them. Currently I am staying with my parents so am seeing them everyday.

Yes I agree with you bear. everything also worry men. I am into my 11 week now I also worry cos the next doc appt like so long away dont know how the little one is doing inside etc.

Is it true that once MS stop it is no good. From reading the tread its making me worried....

I am also taking lots of pills. Duphaston, iron, calcium, Fish oil & folic.... now my taste buds like so weird. dont feel like eating anything and feel bitter all the time. So tempted to drink cold drinks but dare not.
gd mrning ladies

wow... some mummies gt craving liao huh ? Hui - u crave for curry fish head ? hehe..

any ladies here oredi showing ur little tummy huh ?
BBhuimin is your spotting alot, throughout the day har?

Babyzel ,I am only taking duphaston & folic. Norm is folic only for 1st trimester, 2nd T then fish oil, calcium & multi vit stop folic. some gynae might prescripe earlier blah

Hello Wendy : ) I saw BB HB at week 7. Gynae say normally is after wk6.

Karen, Ya like what dreamyjo mentioned. It will gradually stop cause our body stop producing hormone & the level reduce. That y u dont feel MS anymore.

Me too keep worrying especially everytime go toilet still see the brown discharge, how I wish there is a scan machine at home, looking forward to pass the 12weeks mark.

Val, u are at wk11, should be into honeymoon period. Is norm for MS to get better mah.

Aiyo hope I am not making your more worried k. I thinking I better stop posting all the negative stuff.
Thanks! Oh well, since I also had a previous MC, I also afraid already. I'm being very careful this time round already. An tai medicine stopped some two weeks ago. Gynae didn't give me anymore. Only taking iron, calcium & fish oil. But yah, been walking slowly, and trying not to do a lot. Even the housework is taken over by the kind husband.

Yah, worryhood sounds right!

Aiyah, don't be influenced by our worries. Think how most babies eventually get to see the world. If you're in your 11 weeks, then your MS will eventually taper off (which is good, right? Because MS sucks! heeee).
good morning...

just a qns, my gynea only gives me folic acid. i m now at wk10. i am taking salmon oil myself.

what else do you think we need to take?


Looking forward to my gynae visit in the afternoon...am still having brownish discharge and still unable to sleep. Very very tired.

Spin, regarding the tummy i do have quite a big one, looking like 3-4 mths preggie instead of just 8 weeks!
Pkum, i think you can start on calcium if your calcium intake is low. You can also consider multi-vitamins like Obimin.
Hi Ladies,

I'm from the Feb 08 MTBs thread... I have the following for sale...

1) PIS Advanced

I bought my PIS Advanced on 20th Feb 2008, only use for a month plus. It's as good as new. Never use the backpack before, zips are still wrapped. The set also comes with an equipment that can convert it to manual pump, it is not used at all.

I'll be throwing in the following items if you get from me.

- 1 box of Medela disposable bra pads (30pcs)
- 1 box of Medela breastmilk bags (20pcs)
- 1 Nuk latex vented teat (0-6months)
- 1 tube of Medela PureLan 100 (ony used 2-3 times, as good as brand new)
- 1 $10 voucher valid till 20 May 2008 (min purchase of $50)

2) Pigeon Manual Breastpump (brand new)

3) 2 boxes of Pigeon Disposable Breastpad (36+6pcs)

4) Pigeon Silicone Nipple Shield (brand new)

5) Pigeon Nipple Puller (brand new)

6) Pigeon Breast Care Gel (brand new)

7) Pigeon Body and Stretch Mark Cream (brand new)

8) New Mama Bottom Spray (brand new)

9) Klorane powder shampoo (brand new)

Email me at [email protected] if anyone is interested. Thanks.
hunnypoo - so u re wearing mat. wear liao huh ? actually mine like showing too. but trying veri hard to camouflage cos still in the 1st tri mah

ladies , seem like a few have been start taking fish oil supplement & others. Nw im taking the folic acid. will start on fish oil & calcium supplement once i reach 2nd tri.

yes i know its tough to be SAHM. but as u said, u get to see your gal's every "firsts"... so i guess that is worth it. For me, i am just sick of working
but i don't think i can be SAHM for more than 1 year if i can have the opportunity. and will need help from my mum to offload for some "off days".


no lah... wont get another dog. my mum not willing. actually my dog is my family's dog which my brother brought home 10 over years ago. so eevryone in the family loves him very much. when i got married and moved out, i bring him to my house to sleep over for some days so he actually has 2 houses.

as for low placenta, u can actually tell leh. i was only reaching week7 when i visited my gynae, he showed me in the scan machine where my placenta was located. it was low. I had low lying placenta in my last pregnancy too...moved up when i hit 6 mths...


i dunno the name of that shop leh...hehee...but shd be that one


how r u feeling today?


i am also only on folic acid. once u hit wk 12 or is it wk 16 (i can't remember)...u will be given multivit.

val, dreamyo,

cool! u ladies got 3 dogs! thats amazing! i find it is tough to spent enuff time with doggie once baby arrived... so its good to have a big family who loves dogs to spend time with them too...
gd morning ladies.
Having giddy spell & headaches recently... seen chinese seh sin for my lost appetite & gastric.. doc said it'll get worst if i'm history for bad gastric when i'm pregnant. -_- feeling so miserable... eat oso cannot , dont eat oso cannot. Been eating bits by bits ev meals - usually less than half portion..

tummy not yet showing... HB been asking where is mickey mouse.. how come tummy still so flat -_-

Based on online calculator i'm only 6weeks + EDD 21 Nov (LMP 8 Feb , cycle est 35days) chinese seh sin said usually MS get worst on the 8th to 12th weeks.. OMG~

yes leh... i have history of gastric. during last pregnancy was very bad... can last for 1 week. i was on nexium 40mg for almost the entire pregnancy. last nite i got my first attack of gastric too...can't sleep at all... took nexium now feel slightly better... u have to take care... try to ask for nexium, it will really help to control the acid in our stomach.
nexium? ok for pregnancy? my doc gave me Dimenate for nausea, vomit & giddness... i dare not take it cos will slp whole day... & i gotta work
Morning Ladies..

u know the market @ Owen rd? They call it Pek Kio market.. got one prawn mee i super like that :D

i have cold or gassy drink everyday coz my body very warm..when preg my cheek super rosy wan no nd blusher :D

will update ur's

i eat kway chap every morning but today nvr open

no nd see.. read n hear the name of tablets i wan vomit liao :x

nvr had my curry fish head ysterday nite coz went to market see satay and my craving change target..haha!!

ya lor.. craving for some particular food :D
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> No. of weeks</TD><TD> Birth #</TD><TD> Gynea </TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Older kids </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pkum</TD><TD> 28-10-08</TD><TD> 10w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr AL Lim</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Val </TD><TD>25-10-08 </TD><TD>11w</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Lee Keen Whye</TD><TD> GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amore</TD><TD> 03-11-08</TD><TD> 9w</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Brenda Low</TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Carys 15mths 23-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hui</TD><TD> 04-11-08 </TD><TD> 9w</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Christopher Chong </TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Jovial 10 months 17-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> 9w</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maggie</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> 8w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Adrian W</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamyjo</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> 8w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr SN Lim</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy </TD><TD>06-11-08</TD><TD> 9w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Leow </TD><TD>Pantai Hospital (M'sia) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spin</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD> 9w</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Jayda Aw 10 months 05-06-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD> 10-11-08</TD><TD> 8w</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Yu Fei 15 months 28-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD> 10-11-08</TD><TD> 8w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Su Mei </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD>8w</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jjmom </TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD> 8w </TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD> KKH-TPS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haru </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD>8w</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr KH Chan</TD><TD> GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovedogs</TD><TD> 13-11-08 </TD><TD>8w</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr KH Chan </TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Tessa 10months 13-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>PJ</TD><TD> 13-11-08</TD><TD> 8w</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lim TC</TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vincy </TD><TD>16-11-08 </TD><TD>7w</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr KT Tan</TD><TD> KKH </TD><TD>Venice 23 months 29-06-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbhuimin</TD><TD> 19-11-08</TD><TD> 7w</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liv </TD><TD>18-11-08 </TD><TD>7w </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr Adrian </TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happy </TD><TD>19-11-08 </TD><TD>7w</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD>Clara 25mths 22-02-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD> 27-11-08 </TD><TD> 5w </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr Tan YG </TD><TD> Raffles </TD><TD> Anthea 12mths 12-03-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bear</TD><TD> 28-11-08</TD><TD> 6w</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD> TBC</td></tr></table>
hi ladies,
morning! i had fishball kway teow mee w chilli and ketchup tis morning.heheh...but feeling quite thirsty aft that.=P my nausea is not so bad today, only had a lil when i woke up. last nite the side of my pelvis felt a lil painful. like a knot inside.finally fell asleep and forgot about the discomfort..

i am so lookin forward to my 1st appt with gynae in about 2 weeks to find out what is happening inside my tummy!
Gd morning all MTBs!

vincy, very surprisingly my spotting only occurs during the day... night time- nothing?!

bear.. I'll b guai guai lor...

hui, hahaha.. hope our pills days will be gone soon... *fingers crossed*

I was feeling better today and the spotting was nearly gone.... it lifted up my mood as well as my spirit too! Now hungry and craving for some seafood...

Welcome! Wendy... congratulations!!!
Morning ladies!

Finally is Thurday.Another 2 more days,i am able to see my baby again.Hopefully everything is fine.

Still talking abt food... I had craving for chicken rice today.

Welcome Wendy!
Dun worry.I oso din see bb heartbeat at wk6.

I dun hav any help till mayb when i am back to sin.Taking care of my gal all alone everyday till my hb is back from work.

Yes.Is really v happy when we can get to see their 'firsts'.Think the most happiest moment is when she first called me Mama

we onli need folic acid at 1st trimister.Then from wk 13 onwards, drop folic acid and take calcium and muti vit.
