(2008/11) November 2008

vincy...thanks...i think shld be ard 5-6wks...hopefully this sat can see something, very worri and scare lor...hopefully i can join this thread forever...the thread i join last time, shortly i kick myself out, super sad lor...

Bear, rest well....and rest as much as u can...

Notfated, my LMP is 21 feb.
but i have short cycles. this mth i O at CD11, and my luteal phase is abt 11-13 days.

Thanks a lot Hui!
wow, this thread is moving so quick!!

thanks for ur tip!=P sometimes i will feel nausea and cough cough but no puke. just quite uncomfortable and weird taste in mouth.

haha i think i'm like you. e feeling is normally stronger in e evening..esp after work..
This thread is really moving fast!

Your job is really challenging and tough too.You must be extra careful when u are outfield.
Try to get more rest and dun walk too much if possible.
Errr... drill holes? Can ask someone to do for u instead?

I had nausea feeling and nothing to puke out too.My mouth feels funni at times too.Now i hav craving for lemon tea.After drinking,it makes me feel better too.
Hi there Everymommy!

I am new in this thread, Currently expecting my 2nd BB. My older kid is 20 months now. Was actively reading on the July 2006 Thread until I moved to the States.
This end April am shifting office. So i go to make arrangement for movers and watch and make sure they move everything..sian..
Hui, you must be very careful when the movers are in... Pls avoid those hammering and banging mess. okie?

And appreciate for doing the updating.
vincy, hahhaa... dat is what my mum told me oso... hope it is true... it's a opposite sex when MS is diff... then both my mum n mil will be happy...
Notfated..dont worry to much k. as long u have MS, should be on safe track. I rem my last MC, my MS gone on wk 10, then wk 12 got discharge after scan then noe bb HB stop at wk 10.

Welcome red ridden : ) you back in singapore? wah july o6, I am also active there, but change my nick cause dont want to review I am preggie till more stable, dont want to break bad new in case lah...hahaha, oh my nick there is zita..hahaha, c sometime i accidently use wrong nick to post...

Happy i have craving for ice cream..hahaha, lemon tea sound good.
Haru, we have ES not MS! :p

Happy, erm... if i keep passing my job to someone else to do, then it isn't nice also.. so must balance lor..
but thanks for ur concern. i m resting now.

Welcome Red Ridden!
Hello mummies... anyone experience any brown discharge after taking hormone pills? I'm experiencing since yesterday... is it normal? Or should i see gynea right away?

Though it's my 2nd pregnancy... the symptoms are rather very different.
Now cannot share everywhere le... not even to colleagues...
bbhuimin- i do experienced it.. then my gynae gave mi the hormone pills & nw *touch wood* . Maybe u go n see ur gynae at least u feel at ease . else u will be worryin
Ladies, can we drink honey lemon or add 1 pc of those salty/sweet dry prune into our plain water? Think it helps with the MS.
Bear, better bedrest till your spotting is better. Don't move too much even when u r at home, stay in bed bah...enjoy the rest
hi Bear,
haha, i think so too. last nite i woke up at 4am to pee and my stomach was growling. hungry! had to force myself to go back to sleep till morning. i just had lunch, but rite aft lunch still feel a lil nauseous. just to the point of vomitting so its still bearable.been smelling medicated oil to help relieve a lil bit.
Haru, some said cannot apply medicated oil but not sure abt smelling it lah

I like those bb ruyi medicated oil too, the smell really vy calming for me
Yes. ps do not use medical oil especially tiger balm when pregnant cos it contain a substance called camphor which will affect pregnancy.I read it in the manufacture list enclosed.

Instead use Ruyi oil. It will be be a problem since bb can use right from birth so doesn't affect.

ur symptoms this time also not the same as last preg huh? now i know how MS feels like...really horrible although i am not vomiting.

vincy, bear,

wat is LMP?






try eating some sweets? will it help?
actuali my this #2 MS is better than #1.. #1 i vomit till very cham.. can vomit till breathless and nearly faint!..
Vincy, yah it took awhile to stop in total I had 4-5 jabs and have been on the pills since and am still taking it.

really? poor thing... when did ur MS go away during ur 1st preg? i heard some people suffer from MS all the way leh? i was very lucky in my first preg where i dun feel anything at all.. this time the taste bud is the killer....

r u on any hormone pills? me not on anything except folic acid... sometimes, wonder is the fetus actually growing or not.... abit worried
Lovedogs, don't worry too much. Mayb your gynae knows tat your bb is vy stable so he din give u any hormone pills

I also keep asking for more vit but my gynae said no need, s'porean eat too well...muhahaha
LMP = Last Menstrual Period. Gynae need it in order to estimate you expected due date as well as to gauge bb how big.
hi all,thanks for ur advice.wil try to stop sniffing it then.I do look an "addict" when I smell it,ha..

Me went out for errand,can't help but stop by mac to grab a sundae to ease a lil of e nausea..=p sitting at mac posting now..

Oh is it ok to take prune juice now?need to ease my constipation boy.=z
sorry spell your nick wrongly.
Hormone pill's side effect = morning sickness. Dun worry if your gynae thinks that your current hormone level is high enough to sustain the pregnancy then they will not issue.

Just make sure you have faithful to your folic acid and/or other multivit that gynae gave.

Must have faith in bb and yourself

hi galz, guess our worry nv stops till e baby comes out tat day but by then we will have our new worries.. then again, let's try to be careful, rest well and be happie =) My MS off and on, not everyday but same as u all, mouth weird, bloated, puking and sometimes is white foam (wondering if it's normal) just vomited out my lunch and eating chips now to make myself feel better =P

oic LMP means that. hahaha...tell u my last menses sometime in Jan i think...horrible really coz my menses haywire since i stopped breastfeeding last Oct... so i guess my EDD was based on the scan machine during my gynae visit.


my gynae also same...say juz need folic acid for time being.. then eat as per normal. for him, even pineapple we also can eat. he told me during my 1st preg that if the pregnancy is stable, can even go bungee jump! well! off course i am not going to do that!


so nice.. me now having Yeo's jasmine white tea as I can't stand plain water
envy u... can have sundae now.... me still stuck in office...got another conf call at 4pm... hiaz...
Jenn, very good to keep up yr mood! Must learn from u. I'm just granted with 3 days MC. gynae mentioned need as much bed rest as possible...
hi lovedogs, so cute de your gynae.. anyway, we can drink tea? don't dare to touch my fav ice lemon tea since i know abt my preggy leh..hmmz... makes me wanna drink now!
my GP (whom i see since i was a baby) also said anything even half boiled eggs is ok as long as in moderation. the only no-no is alcohol. only thing is i try to make sure i get my milk and fruit each day for now.

no one in my office knows that i am preggie so am tryin to snack moderately in order not to arouse suspicion.hahah..but my colleagues and boss always know me to have quite a big appetite so they dun notice that much change. and thank God i dun go running to the washroom to puke at all. still pretty much my usual self except when i am in deep thought (actually its me feeling nausea, can't really talk).=P

have a good rest ya!

i still take teh-o and ice teh-o once in a while. just not more than a cup a day.

erm, i still drink tea leh... i also still take cold drinks. i think it depends on your situation. best i think is to check with gynae. coz my gynae says i everything also can...watermelon etc...also can. so i bo chap just eat


if u r given bedrest MC, suggest u follow ur gynae's instructions to really rea

u r so funny when u described how u behave in the office
our gynae same same...everything can eat except alcohol. But also cut down on your intake of liver as the Vit A content is too high.

i still take coffee on and off...coz really cannot function without it. i try to max take only half a mug per day.
my gynae mentioned mayb due to placenta moving or even implantation process... if spotting did not stop within 2days... I must go back to see her again...

noted w thanks! haru... lovedogs, wat breed is yr dog?

i have a bichon mixed poodle...very old liao... will be 11 years old soon
how abt u?

i have low placenta according to gynae, so he did tell me may see some spotting and asked me not to panic if i see it...
am on duphaston,obimin,fish oil,folic acid n calcium tablets! al this make me vomit! My #1 the MS goes off around 12 weeks.

Jia lat!! Lately i craving for tea, gassy drink n kway chap! I eat almost every morning! Now i craving for curry fish head!

i had curry fish head just last week! tell u hor, there is this store on purvis street! the curry fish head super good! very very lemak

wow, u on so many things ah....12 weeks.... few more weeks to endure hor.... how i wish i dun have to work.... then maybe not so bad hor...

any SAHM here?

Bbhuimin, u also got bedrest? so rem to rest.. both of us can contribute to the posts while the rest are working hard. :p are u on pills too?

Haru, ur appetite really gd.. just now hb was late in buying back lunch so i went from hungry to nauseated. couldn't finish lunch so went to zzzzz.. now really feel like puking..
i think i finally realise why i keep having diarrhea! cos i have been taking prunes everyday! dunno why got cravings for prunes. :p

Eh i continued to drink tea.. in fact i think sweet stuff calms me.

Lovedogs,ur gynae sounds like mine.. everything also can do, can eat.. sigh...

JJmom, yups def enjoying the rest but also working from home..
